Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2874 Negligence

After randomly throwing the collected weed seeds into the field, Langxing happily sat on the bluestone at the edge of the field.

It feels so good to be able to go back to see my beloved wife after just a little while.

In the past, I always had to find some reasons or excuses to see Amelia Su, but now she will wait at home honestly all day long. Getting married is quite amazing when you think about it. It immediately brings the man and woman together. The two of them already had this feeling when they were just pretending to be a couple. What would happen if they really became a couple.

Bathed in the venomous sunshine, Langxing was too lazy to think about anything for a while, such as the way of heaven, the Wanfu Xiuyu, Sijia, Yuchan, Shen Qing, Wuxia... He didn't even want to think about saving Shu Yan. , as if he really felt like a farmer living in the wilderness. After all, he had to live a "lifetime". If he didn't meditate or retreat, this "lifetime" would be very long. It was so long that he could easily leave the world cultivation matters behind. aside.

After spending a very pleasant morning doing nothing, he returned home humming a little tune.

Seeing that Su Wan was still busy cleaning the house, he blinked and asked, "You didn't make lunch?"

"Lunch?" Su Wan was stunned, then she covered her mouth and laughed, "I didn't think about this at all, okay, okay, I'll do it right away."

Langxing said angrily, "I've been tired all morning, and you didn't even think of cooking for me. Is there a mother-in-law like you?"

Su Wan, who had just picked up a small basket to pick wild vegetables, immediately opened her eyes after hearing this, pointed at him and said, "Look at the way you stub your nose and face! I don't need to look to know that you have done all this morning What, I’ve been tired all morning, let’s go dig some vegetables!” She threw the basket over.

"I planted both pieces of land." Langxing said harshly as he hurriedly walked out with the basket. He didn't dare to let Su Wan take this matter seriously.

After "lunch", Langxing wanted to take a rest. He finally made full use of the few mortal ways of enjoyment he knew, and lay down on the couch with peace of mind.

Watching Su Wan going in and out of business.

Su Wan was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to decorate the house with great interest. The main reason was that her golden body was not tired at all. Lang Xing, who was lying on the couch, would find something wrong with her from time to time. This was not the fault. The location was wrong, that is, it was placed in the wrong place. Su Wan was quite happy because she was not familiar with these homes in the mortal world.

In the afternoon, Langxing went to farm again with a hoe. Before he left the hospital, Su Wan called him.

Su Wan narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Although I don't know how to farm, I have planted a lot of spiritual grass. You said that you planted two pieces of land in the morning, but I didn't see you holding a bucket. Now you are leaving with a hoe. Are you farming?" Don’t you water it?”

"Uh... That's right, I was negligent." Lang Xing went to carry the bucket.

Su Wan kicked him on the butt, laughed and scolded him, "You can ignore this, you are a half-hearted jealous, you really have the nerve to put on a bad face and pretend to be a big tailed wolf with me all day long!"

"Hahaha... I know more than you anyway. You don't even know how to make lunch. Don't forget about dinner!" Lang Xing smiled happily and went out.

Su Wan had almost decorated her home early in the afternoon. Looking at this decent farmhouse, she was so happy. When she went to pick wild vegetables, she also dug some beautiful flowers and plants, planted them in the flower pond, and made After dinner, the red sun had set, but Lang Xing still hadn't come back. She quietly slipped down the mountain, trying to catch Lang Xing being lazy.

I tiptoed to the edge of the field and saw that Langxing was really lazy, looking at the red clouds in the sky with a look of obsession.

"Hey!" She shouted suddenly, but Lang Xing seemed to be unaware of it, still looking at the sky obsessively.

"Are you OK?

"She couldn't help but turned to Lang Xing in a panic, fearing that this boy would suffer another disaster.

"Huh?" Lang Xing frowned dissatisfied at first, then smiled as if he had just recovered and said, "It's you."

Su Wan stared at him with wide eyes, as if she had discovered something strange.

Lang Xing wiped his face with his hands and asked, "What's wrong?"

Amelia Su blinked twice and said, "Your smile just now... was a bit strange. I don't know what to say. You have never smiled like this before."

Lang Xing asked curiously, "Why is it weird? If you show it to me, it doesn't count as breaking the rules."

Su Wan hesitantly used her spiritual power to condense what Lang Xing looked like just now, then shook her head and said, "I can't show it."

Langxing rolled his eyes and said, "Are you kidding me? You, a fairy concubine with a sharp eye, actually told me that you can't show what you see?"

Su Wan said seriously, "Really, I don't know how to describe what I saw. What were you thinking just now?"

Langxing looked at her and saw that she didn't seem to be joking, so he pointed at the dimming afterglow and said, "I didn't think about anything, I was just looking at the clouds. I often did this when I was a kid. I was fascinated by it."

"Didn't you hear the scream I just made to scare you?"

"No, the bad thing didn't work out. Are you very depressed?" Lang Xing said with contempt on his face.

Su Wan kicked him dissatisfied, and then used her spiritual thoughts seriously to say, "Do you think this will be a method of catastrophe?"

Lang Xing couldn't help but frown, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "How did what you saw just now make you feel, good or bad?"

"Yes... ok!" Su Wan thought about it again worriedly, and then said the word "ok", but she said it with great certainty, and then added, "Very sure."

Peaceful. "

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Then it's definitely not the Heavenly Tribulation. Don't think about the Heavenly Tribulation. I haven't looked at Yunxia like this for a long time. It's an extremely relaxing and comfortable feeling, but it can only be done after you have calmed down." You can feel it, and the only feeling when you look at it is that you feel like you are blending in with them.”

"I'll watch it with you tomorrow, okay?" Su Wan couldn't wait to see the morning glow.

Langxing shook his head and said, "I rarely look at the morning glow. Children get up late, and everyone is busy in the morning, which is very messy."

"Then let's watch the sunset." Su Wan bit her lip and looked at him, seeming a little undecided.

Lang Xing understood that she was worried about the kind of intoxication that would occur as long as two people stayed together quietly, so he smiled and said, "If we sit farther away, we should be fine."

Su Wan nodded and muttered, "It's becoming more and more clear that you are a disaster star. Anyone who is close to you will be unlucky."

"I think you are the disaster star. My name as the lucky star is recognized by everyone."

"We are each other's disaster." As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Su Wan felt a little scared and hurriedly said, "Let's go back to eat. I'll prepare dinner for you."

Langxing seemed to feel the same and immediately joked, "She looks more and more like a virtuous and loving wife. Madam, Wan'er, have you prepared some wine for your husband?"

Hearing that he even called Wan'er out, Su Wan's ears started to feel feverish, and the hairy feeling in her heart suddenly disappeared. "You're such a sneaky person, and you still want to drink!" She said as she glanced at the piece. The field was even more energetic now. The water that had been poured on it had dried up long ago. It could be seen that the entire field was watered with just one bucket of water.

"I'll beat you to death, you lazy guy!"

One running and the other chasing, the two look like a sweet newlywed couple.

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