Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2880: Making an Alliance with the Moon

Langxing snorted, took out five jade altars of different shapes from the Qiankun bag, and said scornfully, "Don't think I can't bring out drinkable wine? Is there anything in the entire cultivation world that I can't get? These five altars are all It's the best wine in the cultivation world, and it's something from Ji Xianzun's treasure house in Yin Yang Palace. I'm going to save it for drinking when I feel bad. If you want to drink it, come on."

When Su Wan saw that he had hidden so much wine, she was amused and worried at the same time and asked, "Don't you find it burdensome to carry so much wine all day long?"

Lang Xing disapproved and said, "I don't learn any skills. Carrying spiritual herbs, strange stones and the like is a burden."

Su Wan glared, changed her interrogation posture and said, "Tell me! Why are you hiding so much wine?" .??.

Langxing looked at the jars of wine, smiled faintly and said, "Although I don't need it to cheer me up, it is also useful for relieving my worries. Things are unpredictable, so how can we always go smoothly? Prepare some in advance to avoid unforeseen circumstances." Look everywhere.”

Su Wan's eyes flashed with sarcasm, and she teased, "Such a deep worry, what are you worried about that makes you make such preparations?"

Lang Xing half-truthfully said, "It's just because I'm worried about you. I'm so stupid that I might be deceived again one day, and I'll have to risk my life to save you."

Su Wan smiled disdainfully and said, "I'm afraid I'm not worthy of your attention, am I? Don't think that I don't know what you are doing when you run out every two days."

Lang Xing gave her a cold look. He didn't bother to explain this matter. He opened a jar of wine, took two Xiujie wine cups and poured one for himself, and then asked, "Do you want to try it?" ?”

"Okay, I'll have a drink with you." Su Wan pretended to be very interested. She knew that what she just said hurt Lang Xing, and she could also guess that Lang Xing prepared these drinks because he was worried that one day she would become a fairy and pass away.

The color of the wine is clear and yellow, and when held in a white jade cup, it is like a pool of pure gold water. The fragrance is so fragrant that even the birds and beasts in the mountains are intoxicated.

Langxing picked up the wine cup, squinted his eyes intoxicated by the aroma of the wine, and said to Su Wan, "Come on, have a taste of Shangji's wine."

Collection, the only thing better than this is the nectar from heaven. "

Su Wan curled her mouth slightly and looked at the bright moon with the wine cup in hand, looking like she was not in a hurry to taste it.

Langxing understood it immediately as if he had a tacit understanding. He put on a joyful expression and said, "Come, madam, as the bright moon is my witness, I hope we will be together forever in our lives until the end of the world."

Although the meaning was right, it was too disgusting, and Su Wan showed a look of disgust.

Langxing was just teasing her. After laughing, he changed to a sincere expression and said, "I want to respect God for this one. Regardless of whether it is to torment me in the end, I am grateful to it for sending you to me. Just for this One thing, no matter how it ends, I will not resent it. With this moment today, no matter what kind of suffering I will suffer in the future, this life will be worth it." After that, he poured the wine in the air.

"He started drinking like crazy before he even drank." Su Wan blushed and glared at him, then hid in the house.

Lang Xing had expected this. Wine was not a good thing for monks, so he didn't really want Su Wan to drink it.

Having said what was in his heart, he felt at ease and ignored Su Wan at all. He poured himself another glass of wine, took a sip, and then looked at the bright moon leisurely with a peaceful look on his face.

Time passed quietly as the bright moon rose slowly. The birds and animals around were all drunk. The mountains and fields were quiet, not even the sound of the wind could be heard.

Langxing would occasionally pick up the wine cup and take a sip. The wine was really good and the feeling of drinking was good. Fortunately, because he had to get drunk today. Only in this way could he avoid the embarrassment when facing Su Wan later. .

When the moon is at its zenith, a cup of wine is about to be exhausted, and the bright star has just

Picking up the wine jar and wanting to pour another glass, Su Wan walked out of the room angrily.

"You brat! You were reluctant to give me a drink, so you deliberately pushed me away, right?"

Lang Xing laughed loudly, "It's rare! You can actually understand. I thought I could save this wine. To tell you the truth, after tasting it, I became even more reluctant to give it to you. This wine is really good." "

"Pour the wine!" Su Wan walked over and poured her own wine into the air with her spiritual power. It seemed like she was being violent, but in fact she was completing the sacrifice to heaven with Lang Xing.

Langxing pretended to be pity and poured her another cup. .??.

"Pour it again!" Su Wan poured the wine on the ground again to cover up the one she had sacrificed to heaven.

"This is the best wine that you can't buy with any amount of spirit stones." Lang Xing knew it, but he pretended to be in pain and poured another cup with great reluctance.

"I asked you to play tricks on me." Su Wan poured another drink.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm smart but I'm mistaken. Let me take a sip first. It's hard to get this kind of wine again. It's a pity to waste it like this." Lang Xing felt a little distressed and begged softly. .

Su Wan then sat down with a hum, picked up the refilled wine glass and took a sip, then said with a vindictive expression, "Well, it's not bad. The few glasses I poured just now are a bit of a pity."

Lang Xing shook his head helplessly and said, "There's nothing to say about marrying a prodigal woman. At least thousands of Nascent Soul Stones were thrown away just like that."

Su Wan said arrogantly, "Believe it or not, I smashed all these jars for you."

"Believe! Believe! Believe!" Lang Xing immediately smiled and hurriedly put away the jars of wine.

"Take them out and smash them all yourself." Su Wan refused, as if she wanted to show off her unruly behavior to the end.


Hmm...just leave a jar. "Lang Xing was a little reluctant. He knew that Su Wan was not joking. She destroyed the wine to prevent him from drinking it again.

Su Wan said expressionlessly, "If you feel you need to stay, just stay."

"If you don't want me to stay, then I won't stay." Lang Xing threw several wine jars into the air and smashed them all with a wave of spiritual power. His movements were clean and neat, without any regret.

Su Wan showed a proud expression, asking Lang Xing to destroy these jars of wine represented her promise to never be separated. Lang Xing obviously understood her thoughts.

"Good wine! What a good wine! Who is this fellow Taoist looking for a place to get drunk? I really can't help but ask for a drink of such good wine." A spiritual thought full of excitement came from afar, and his cultivation level had reached the late stage of Nascent Soul. , as soon as he heard this, he became an alcoholic.

Before Lang Xing could speak, Su Wan created a ball of holy light in the air, and sent back her spiritual message: "Having a drink with friends, it is not convenient to entertain guests. This is not a drunken place. Please find another place, friend."

The great monk was startled when he saw the brilliance of the transformed feather. He hurriedly stopped his body, bowed and hurried away. Although he didn't drink the wine that made him salivate, he was very happy. Since the transformed feather All monks drink alcohol, so it seems that my greed for drinks may not necessarily hinder my practice. Today I have a sufficient reason to continue drinking.

"Hahaha..." Lang Xing looked at Su Wan and smiled heartily. Considering the harmonious atmosphere in Nanjingzhou, if someone comes to ask for a drink, he should treat him to a few drinks. Sending him away was enough to show that she didn't want to be disturbed more than he did.

Su Wan also laughed, raised the wine cup and said, "This is for the family to enjoy the moonlight and have a drink. Besides, you only have half a jar of wine left."

Langxing also raised the wine cup and corrected, "It's a couple enjoying the moon and having a drink. I will drink this cup with my wife."

Su Wan curled her lips disdainfully, but still drank with him.

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