Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2881 Mixed into the mortal world

Ten days later, the two moved to the small village chosen by Su Wan.

Originally, the two wanted to spend more of this good life, but it was because they lived too well that they had to end it early, because if they stayed any longer, it would probably become real.

These ten days were the happiest time for the two so far, which fully confirmed the truth that Lang Xing had said before. If a person who can become an immortal only wants to live an ordinary life, he will definitely live a relaxed and happy life. Similarly, if a couple in the cultivation world only want to live the life of a mortal couple, they will definitely live a relaxed and happy life.

Unfortunately, Lang Xing can give up becoming an immortal, but the two of them cannot live a life that only envy the mandarin ducks but not the immortals, because Shu Yan is still waiting for them to save her, and many friends and disciples still need their care.

The small village is in a secluded place far away from the town, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with only five families, and the five families live along the river. The river is not big, only about three feet wide. Four families live on the left bank, and an old couple live on the right bank. There is a small wooden bridge on the river, and the environment is very good.

The two lied that they had offended the local tyrants and had to flee, but the perfunctory smiles on the faces of the villagers showed that they were more willing to believe that this was a pair of young lovers who eloped, because they looked too much alike, and most of them were servants and young ladies who eloped, Langxing was too honest, and Suwan was too delicate.

Fortunately, the two looked good, so the villagers were quite willing to help them, and the old couple took the initiative to let them stay at their home first.

That day, Langxing chose a place more than a hundred feet away from the old couple's home to start building a house. The villagers not only lent them tools, but also helped them together. Seeing Langxing working, everyone liked this young man even more. He was really a good young man who was willing to work hard. He was so tired that he sweated and didn't stop. Suwan was also very good. Although she looked delicate and weak, she was busy carrying pots and delivering water, and cooking on the stove. Of course, the dishes she made looked good, but they were either salty or bland, which made everyone believe that this was a rich lady who had never cooked.

Seeing everyone swallowing the food with difficulty, Su Wan was quite depressed. There was nothing she could do about it. The two of them had never tasted the food before, so they naturally couldn't judge the saltiness.

A simple wooden house was built that day. Although nothing was prepared, the two insisted on moving in. Those with a pure heart thought that the two were sensible and didn't want to cause trouble for the old couple, while those with a less pure heart thought that the two were just dry firewood and couldn't stand it for a day.

The next day, the two went to the town dozens of miles away. In the evening, they actually drove a donkey cart back and bought a whole cart of items. In addition to their own use, they also bought some for the villagers as a reward.

This generosity made everyone like them more, and they worked harder. After more than ten days of hard work, a very decent small courtyard was built, and the two officially became the fifth household in the small village.

After Langxing built the house, he started to level the land. There was plenty of wasteland, but it was too late to plant anything at this time. The villagers sent vegetables one after another, and Langxing went fishing and hunting, repaying them with fish and game.

Su Wan sent a portion of the dishes to the old couple every day after cooking, which made the old couple feel very sorry, and the villagers praised them.

The young couple was kind and righteous, but they didn't know that the two people didn't eat worldly fireworks at all. If they didn't send them out, they would have to throw them away.

The father-in-law's surname was Yang, and everyone called the old couple Yang Gong and Yang Po. Not long after, the old couple recognized Su Wan as their goddaughter. Su Wan served the two elders more diligently and often went to chat with them.

Thanks to the fact that their courtyard was far away from everyone, they saved a lot of trouble. This was planned by the two early in the morning.

On the surface, the young couple seemed to be in high spirits all day long, but in fact, Su Wan sighed a lot behind her back. After truly coming into contact with the lives of ordinary people, she realized the hardships involved. These people worked hard just to have enough food and clothing, to support the elderly, and to raise children. There was definitely some fun, but it was too little compared to the hard work. Their place was not remote enough to avoid taxes, and from time to time there would be officials coming to collect money, which was the root cause of their poverty.

The officials came to collect money again today. After they left, Su Wan cursed, "These people are such bastards. Without them to collect money, everyone can live well. Why don't everyone move to a more remote place to avoid these bastards?" Lang Xing sneered, "Do you think everyone can fly? Living here, it's far enough to go to town. If you live in a more remote place, you can only be a savage. How can you buy things? There are such people, but it's okay to live alone. If more people gather, the government will go to make trouble. They will definitely not let them live comfortably in a corner. In the eyes of the officials, they are all cash cows that can make money." "Is this the way of people?" Su Wan asked with disgust.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's hard for me to make a conclusion. In the world of cultivation, I know that Nanjingzhou is definitely better than Puyunzhou, and it will definitely be able to defeat Puyunzhou in the future. But the world of cultivation is an anomaly in the world after all. Mortals can't compare to us at all." Comparatively, a mountain range or a big river can separate them into pieces. Lies and rumors cannot be distinguished by soul searching like we can. There are many, many more, so the way of human beings is better than cultivating the world. The way is much more complicated. Puyunzhou will definitely become Nanjingzhou, but I dare not say whether the mortal world can become such a paradise. What the monks seek is to become an immortal, not that material, and they gradually give up. However, mortals have no higher goals to pursue, and their lifespan is up to a hundred years, so all they can pursue is enjoyment, and if they want to enjoy, they cannot avoid oppressing others, unless they can restrain their desires and be willing to only enjoy what they should enjoy. One serving.”

Su Wan nodded and said, "The monks can still rely on their practice to become powerful enough to fight one against a hundred, or even sweep through thousands of armies. But no matter how hard a mortal trains, it is amazing to be able to fight against ten people. If they want to stand alone and be unique, It’s harder for us to walk alone.”

"Yes, they have too many things that cannot be compared with us, so we cannot look at the way of human beings based on the way of cultivating the world. The difficult situation they are in is what the way of heaven wants to give to human beings. Only from this can we understand What exactly is the Way of Heaven?”

Su Wan shook her head and said, "I don't understand, and I can't figure it out. Why is God playing this trick?"

Lang Xing said with an indifferent expression, "Maybe it has a purpose that we can't understand, maybe it's boring, just like when we use sticks to tease ants. Anyway, no matter what it wants to do, I'll just pretend to be dead and lie aside, and let it take it." I don’t know what to do, so I don’t want to bother with it.”

Amelia Su snorted lightly, but didn't say anything. Ten days later, the two moved to the small village Su Wan had chosen.

Originally, both of them wanted to live a good life like this for a while longer, but it was precisely because they were living so well that they had to end it early, because if they continued to live there, they would probably have to live a fake life. .

These ten days have been the happiest time for the two of them so far, which fully confirms what Lang Xing said before. If a person who can become an immortal only wants to live an ordinary life, he will definitely live a relaxed and happy life. , similarly, if a cultivating couple only wants the life of a mortal couple, they will definitely be able to live a relaxed and happy life.

It's a pity that Lang Xing can give up on becoming an immortal, but they can't live a life where they only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals, because Shu Yan is still waiting for them to save, and many friends and disciples still need their care. ??

The small village is in a secluded place far away from the town. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. There are only five families living along the river. The river is not big, only about three feet wide. Four families live on the left bank and an old couple lives on the right bank. There is a small wooden bridge on the upper shelf and the environment is very nice.

The two lied that they had offended local powerful people and had no choice but to flee, but the perfunctory smiles on the faces of the villagers showed that they were more willing to believe that they were a young couple who had eloped, because they looked too much alike, and most likely It was a domestic servant who eloped with a young lady. Lang Xing was too honest and honest, while Su Wan was too tender-skinned and tender.

Fortunately, these two people looked like good people, so the villagers were quite willing to help them. The old couple offered to let them stay at home temporarily.

That day Langxing chose a place more than a hundred feet away from the old couple's home and started building a house. The villagers not only lent them tools, but also helped out. Seeing Langxing working, everyone liked this young man even more. , he is really a good young student who is willing to work hard, he is so tired that he is sweating and can’t stop. Su Wan is also very good. Although she looks delicate and frail, she is also busy carrying pots and water, and cooking on the stove. , of course, although the few dishes she prepared looked good, they were either salty or bland, which made everyone believe that this was a rich lady who had never cooked before.

Seeing everyone struggling to swallow the food, Su Wan was quite depressed. There was nothing that could be done about it. The two of them had never tasted the food they cooked before, so naturally they couldn't control the saltiness.

A simple log cabin was built on the same day. Although nothing was prepared, the two insisted on moving there. They felt clean in their hearts that these two people were sensible and did not want to cause trouble to the old couple. Their hearts were not clean. Others think that these two people are like a raging fire, and they can't stand it for a day.

The next day, the two of them went to a town dozens of miles away. In the evening, they drove a donkey cart back and bought a whole cart full of items. In addition to their own household items, they also bought some for the villagers. As a gift of reward.

This generosity made everyone like them even more, and they worked harder. After more than ten days of work, a very decent small yard was built, and the two officially became the fifth household in the small village.

After Langxing built the house, he started to open up wasteland. There was plenty of wasteland, but it was too late to plant anything at this time. The villagers sent vegetables and vegetables, while Langxing fished and hunted, and repaid others with fish and game.

After Su Wan cooked the food every day, she would give it to the old couple, which made the old couple feel very sorry and was praised by the people in the village.

This young couple is kind and kind, but they don't know that they don't want to live in the world at all. If they don't send it out, they will have to throw it away.

The father-in-law's surname was Yang, and everyone called the old couple Yang Gong and Yang Po. It didn't take long for the old couple to recognize Su Wan as their goddaughter. Su Wan became even more attentive to the two elders and often went over to chat with them.

Thanks to the fact that their small courtyard is far away from everyone, a lot of trouble is saved. This is what the two planned early on.

On the surface, the young couple seemed to be beaming all day long, but in fact, Su Wan was sighing a lot behind her back. After being really exposed to the lives of ordinary people, she realized the hardships involved. These people worked hard just to have enough food and clothing. , in order to support the elderly and raise children, there must be fun, but it is too little compared with the hard work. Their place is not remote enough to avoid taxes, and from time to time, officials will come to collect money. This is their The roots of poverty.

That day, the official came to collect money again. After they left, Su Wan cursed, "These people are too bastards. Without them to collect money, everyone can live well. Why don't everyone move to a more remote place?" Avoid these bastards?"

Langxing sneered and said, "You think everyone can fly. Living here is far enough to go to the town. If you live in a more remote place, you can only be a savage. How can you buy things? There are such people. , but it’s okay to live alone. If too many people gather, the government will make trouble, and they will definitely not be allowed to live comfortably in a corner. In the eyes of the officials, they are all cash cows that can make money. "

"Is this the way of a human being?" Su Wan asked with disgust.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's hard for me to make a conclusion. In the world of cultivation, I know that Nanjingzhou is definitely better than Puyunzhou, and it will definitely be able to defeat Puyunzhou in the future. But the world of cultivation is an anomaly in the world after all. Mortals can't compare to us at all." Comparatively, a mountain range or a big river can separate them into pieces. Lies and rumors cannot be distinguished by soul searching like we can. There are many, many more, so the way of human beings is better than cultivating the world. The way is much more complicated. Puyunzhou will definitely become Nanjingzhou, but I dare not say whether the mortal world can become such a paradise. What the monks seek is to become an immortal, not that material, and they gradually give up. However, mortals have no higher goals to pursue, and their lifespan is up to a hundred years, so all they can pursue is enjoyment, and if they want to enjoy, they cannot avoid oppressing others, unless they can restrain their desires and be willing to only enjoy what they should enjoy. One serving.”

Su Wan nodded and said, "The monks can still rely on their practice to become powerful enough to fight one against a hundred, or even sweep through thousands of armies. But no matter how hard a mortal trains, it is amazing to be able to fight against ten people. If they want to stand alone and be unique, It’s harder for us to walk alone.”

"Yes, they have too many things that cannot be compared with us, so we cannot look at the way of human beings based on the way of cultivating the world. The difficult situation they are in is what the way of heaven wants to give to human beings. Only from this can we understand What exactly is the Way of Heaven?”

Su Wan shook her head and said, "I don't understand, and I can't figure it out. Why is God playing this trick?"

Lang Xing said with an indifferent expression, "Maybe it has a purpose that we can't understand, maybe it's boring, just like when we use sticks to tease ants. Anyway, no matter what it wants to do, I'll just pretend to be dead and lie aside, and let it take it." I don’t know what to do, so I don’t want to mess with you.”

Amelia Su snorted lightly but said nothing.

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