Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2894 “I learned the lesson” and “I was offended”

The restriction imposed on Lang Xing was quietly lifted, and more than ten rays of light suddenly surrounded the two mysterious people. They pulled Lang Xing to their side. At this distance, Lang Xing suddenly attacked, and they had no chance at all. Avoiding, and following the more than a dozen spirit treasures, there were two extremely clever restraints. Surrounded by more than a dozen spirit treasures, the two of them did not dare to forcefully break the restraints, for fear of provoking attacks from those powerful spirit treasures.

Lang Xing quickly backed away and shouted, "Don't move! Otherwise I will kill you!"

Before he could finish his drink, he suddenly swayed and fell down on his back. But he stabilized his figure the next moment, staring at the light ball formed by Lingbao with a fierce light in his eyes and saying, "I'm warning you for the last time! I don't want to die." Just don’t move!”

The two mysterious figures were now honest. The one with higher cultivation just launched a mental attack on Lang Xing. He felt that as long as he subdued Lang Unexpectedly, Lang Xing easily resisted his mental attack, and even when he was attacked, these spiritual treasures were not affected at all and still locked them with powerful magic power.

"Isn't this a real fucking immortal?!"

The mysterious man who was suspected by Lang Xing and Su Wan to be a real immortal now thinks that Lang Xing is a real immortal.

"Don't kill them!" Hu Tian hurriedly stood between Lang Xing and the light group.

"Unless we make them swear an oath, they will never bother us." A shadow hundreds of feet high rose up behind Lang Xing. In order to show his determination, he mobilized the Qiancheng Mansion and surrounded the opponent with more than a dozen spiritual treasures. , there is really no need for Qiancheng Mansion at this moment.

Hu Tian slowly stepped aside and said to the two mysterious people, "You two can make up your own minds. As far as I know, this little Taoist friend's methods are more than that. In my opinion, your hatred is just because of a incident." Unexpectedly, the law enforcers did not give the young fellow Taoist a chance to explain. The young fellow Taoist can only fight back with all his strength in order to protect himself. There is really no need for the two of you to kill each other because of this. "

Use these words to

After getting past the two people, he said to Lang Xing, "Anyway, you are the one who killed them. It is reasonable for them to come to seek justice. As the saying goes, he who does not know is not guilty. They don't know that you are so special, so They are not to blame for what they did before. If they are willing to let it go, then I hope you will be more generous and just let them make a promise. It is not appropriate to force them to make an oath like this. If you are worried, I can make them a promise. guarantee."

Lang Xing immediately agreed, "Since you are willing to guarantee, then I can naturally trust you."

Protector nodded and looked at the bright light group.

A steady voice sounded in the light group, "Since fellow Taoist said so, let this matter be over. We have also seen how extraordinary this little fellow Taoist is. As fellow Taoist said, we really cannot restrain him with ordinary rules. As long as he doesn’t go too far, we will not interfere with what he does in the future.”

Hu Tian smiled slightly and said, "You can rest assured about this. I only associate with this little fellow Taoist because of his kind heart. If he goes astray, I will personally eradicate him without you taking action, but I don't think that's going to happen." After that, he turned to Long Xing.

Langxing put away the spiritual treasures without saying a word, and at the same time released the restrictions on the two of them. This courage and magnanimity can be said to be at the level of an overlord, and won the secret nods of the three worldly experts. .

"I understand. I hope we will be friends rather than enemies when we meet again in the future." After the mysterious figure with high cultivation level said to Lang Xing, he and his companions suddenly left.

"I'm offended!" Lang Xing shouted in the direction they were leaving, finally settling the grudge.

After exhaling, Lang Xing gratefully said to Hu Tian, ​​"Thank you, you won't be the one who happened to be on the road."

Have you passed here? "

Hu Tian glanced at Su Wan's hiding place and said calmly, "Shu Yan begged me to come over and take a look. She saw you hiding underground and thought you must be in danger."

"She can see us hiding so deep? It's really hard for her." Langxing's heart surged with heat, and he really wanted to beg Hutian to put Shuyan back, but he could only suppress this thought, Hutian This kind of person cannot be moved by pleading.

At this time, Su Wan appeared. It was obvious that her invisibility spell had been seen through, and there was no point in hiding it anymore. She came to Langxing's side and bowed to Protect the Sky.

Hu Tian smiled slightly and said to Lang Xing, "It seems that my trip was not in vain. If we fight, it will be a lose-lose situation."

Lang Xingbao said with a confident smile, "It's really hard to tell if we fight, who are they?" Now there is no need to doubt whether they are immortals. Since Hu Tian knows them, he can be sure that they are just highly cultivated people. The monk.

Hu Tian muttered, "They are a mysterious organization that only absorbs members with Huayu cultivation level and above. They specialize in maintaining the order of the two worlds. Their heritage is extremely long and can be traced back to ancient times. I don't know much about them. I can't understand them." That’s all you said.”

Langxing nodded and suddenly said, "No wonder the rule of not disturbing the mortal world has become an iron law that no one dares to touch. It turns out that they are pretending to be immortals to enforce the law. So, the person who died under our hands was a bit It's a pity, but there was nothing we could do at the time. His spell was so special that we couldn't figure out his details, so we could only fight back with all our strength."

Hu Tian said, "You don't need to tell us to figure it out, otherwise they won't forgive you so easily. Just kill him. This is his fate."

Lang Xing sighed, then asked with a grimace, "Is Shu Yan okay?"

Hu Tian frowned slightly and looked at

He said, "It annoys me every time you ask."

Lang Xing quickly smiled and said, "I know, I know, but I really miss her so much..."

Hu Tian waved his hand before he finished speaking, looked at Su Wan, then at Fu'er, and asked, "Do you want to live in the mortal world?"

Su Wan blushed in embarrassment, and Lang Xing also waved his hand at Hu Tian and said, "I advise you not to ask. Asking is related to the way of heaven. If you don't want to be pushed into the immortal gate, don't ask about us."

Hu Tian laughed, pointed at Lang Xing and said, "You think you know how to send me away, okay, then I won't ask, but we have agreed, don't do anything too much, because the monk wants to When secrets are leaked in the mortal world, it often happens that entire villages, entire cities, and even entire countries are silenced. It is not just this mysterious organization that maintains the order of the two worlds. There are many people who take the initiative to take on this responsibility. I think in your hearts There are a lot of them.”

Lang Xing nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, we have been very careful."

Su Wan explained in a low voice, "It was because he was forcibly conscripted into the army, so I killed several of the culprits who started the war. I just wanted to exempt him from military service. I did not intend to interfere in mortal affairs."

Hu Tian shook his head in amusement and said, "Because all the generals were killed because they forced one person to join the army, they are really a disaster star."

Lang Xing said with a bitter face, "You can't blame her. If she hadn't taken action, I might have killed a few more. She was so soft-hearted, so she took advantage of those people."

Hu Tian said indifferently, "You don't have to protect her anymore. If someone else does this kind of thing, I might take care of it. Since it was you who did it, then that's it. Just live your little life and don't forget you." Just the original intention.”

Lang Xing frowned and said, "It annoys me every time you bring this up."

Guardian suddenly disappeared.

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