Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2895 This is a shocking secret

Su Wan uneasily took hold of Lang Xing's arm and secretly said, "Isn't it because you are angry? You are so bold, you dare to joke with him like this."

Langxing looked at the direction where Hu Tian was leaving and said nonchalantly, "Just allow him to talk about me, but not me to talk back? It's okay, he won't even have such a small amount of courage, he just choked me and had nothing to say." , so I left.”

Su Wan waited for a while, and when there was no movement, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said with joy on her eyebrows, "So this matter is settled? It's much easier than originally thought. You can rest assured in Xiaocun Lived."

Lang Xing glanced at her sideways and said, "I almost fell into their hands. If Shu Yan hadn't asked Hu Tian to come over in time, and if I had unlocked the restraint a little slower, I don't know what would have happened today. What did you say?" It’s easy, it’s not that easy.”

Su Wan smiled and curled her lips and said, "Okay, okay! No need to express your merits anymore. Everyone knows that you are great, so there is no need to emphasize it any more."

Lang Xing couldn't suppress his inner pride, and said with joy, "It's good that you know, this time is really dangerous, let's forget about the others. It's not easy to save Fu'er's life."

"This is your greatest achievement." Su Wan happily took Fu'er, held her in her arms and patted her gently. Even though the child was still sealed, if Fu'er died, she would definitely be better than Lang Xing. Guilty.

"You, Qianxu Palace, don't know that there is such an organization?" She stared at Langxing and asked. Qianxu Palace has a long history, and it has never been passed down. It is also full of geniuses. There are few Qianxu Palaces in the world that don't know its secrets.

Lang Xing shook his head, "Several uncles and uncles have never mentioned to me that when Lu Gang was punished, my master happened to catch up, but my master didn't say anything. Listening to Hu Tian's wishes, this organization is not only There must be some in Nanjingzhou and Puyunzhou, and Zixiao Palace doesn’t know anything about them, otherwise my second senior sister would definitely tell me.”

Su Wan nodded. Lang Xing was right. Even if the gang in Qianxu Palace would hide something from Lang The existence of the organization, then this organization can be called the top secret of the cultivation world.

Thinking of this, Su Wan felt even more happy. She winked at Lang Xing and said, "We have finally discovered a big secret in the cultivation world. I guess even Senior Xiaoyao doesn't know about it."

Lang Xing poked her forehead with an itchy finger, pretending to be disdainful and said, "Look at how useless you are, you are as happy as a little girl who has never seen the world."

"Fuck you! This is a shocking secret." Su Wan glared at him.

Lang Xing agreed, "This is indeed a shocking secret. If it is revealed, the world will be in chaos. The monks will no longer have as much awe as before, and the order of the two worlds will no longer be so easy to maintain, so this We can’t tell anyone the secret.”

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Just keep your mouth shut. Why don't you say anything to Second Senior Sister?"

Lang Xing smacked his teeth and said, "It's okay to hide this from Second Senior Sister. What makes me hesitate is whether I should tell Shen Qing."

Su Wan pouted and said, "No matter what you tell her, it won't change her determination to explore the way of heaven. The more you tell her, the more energetic she will be."

Langxing sighed, rolled his eyes, and said to Su Wan with a message from his heart: "Give me the child, and then you pretend

Pretend to be doing something big, leave sneakily, pretend to be as careful as possible, go around in circles a few more times, and then go to where You Fang is hiding to find me. I'm quite worried about You Fang now, although I'm with you He lied and arranged for him to be placed five or sixty thousand miles away, but the cultivation level of these people is too high. I am still worried that You Fang will be discovered by them, especially Hu Tian. "

Su Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, then handed Fuer to Langxing calmly, and disappeared in a flash.

"Be careful." Lang Xing conveyed his spiritual thoughts, and then frowned and slowly lowered his head. Although Hu Tian and the others were extraordinary beings, and it was logical that they would not peep in secret, he still wanted to add more. careful.

He sat on a piece of bluestone, frowning and pretending to be uneasy as he looked at Fu'er in his arms. After a while, he felt that it was almost done, and hurried to Yu Fang's hiding place.

He used his mind and supernatural powers to detect that You Fang was safe and sound, and then he took a deep breath. He went down and put You Fang directly into the Qiankun bag. It was safe to put it in the bag. Even if Hutian followed behind, it would be useless. He would never do it. Hand over Yu Fang again.

You Fangke was frightened and thought he had lured the enemy over. It wasn't until Lang Xing explained his worries with his spiritual thoughts that he let go. Lang Xing also felt quite lucky. Fortunately, in order to ensure You Fang's safety placed him in such a far place, otherwise he would have to be discovered by Hu Tian. This is also a good intention that pays off.

After a while, Su Wan came over. The two of them bought a donkey cart in a nearby town, and bought some gifts for the villagers. After driving the donkey cart to a secluded place, they took the cart and the donkey into the air together. Then he left and landed dozens of miles away from the small village.

Langxing unsealed Fu'er and handed him over to Su Wan, while he drove the donkey cart to the small village.

After Fu'er woke up and couldn't see her mother, she immediately started crying.

Fortunately, he had met Lang Xing, and he remembered that his mother had repeatedly told him to listen to Lang Xing. With the coaxing of the two of them, he gradually stopped crying. What can a two or three-year-old child understand? , under the temptation of delicious food and various toys, he started to call them daddy and mother sweetly under the coaxing of the two of them before they had walked ten miles. Perhaps it was because of the lack of father's love that he was attracted to Lang Xing who suddenly appeared. The father who came out was very close to me.

When we arrived at the small village, it was already dark. Their return immediately made the small village excited. The joyful smiles on everyone's faces represented their love for the young couple.

Based on the note left earlier, Su Wan made up a lie that her father's condition had improved. As for Fu'er, she said that he was the child of a poor relative and was temporarily left to their care because he was unable to raise him.

Everyone had already suspected that Su Wan was not very lively, and they naturally understood now. In order to avoid Su Wan being embarrassed, they did not talk too much about Fu'er.

After a period of excitement, the two brought Fu'er to their home.

With a child running around inside and outside, this family is more like this. Looking at Fu'er who is looking around the house with a happy face, Su Wan's happy smile shows that it is not difficult to guess the excitement of this child. Seeing how bad the home was before he left, she secretly promised in her heart that she would let the child live a happy life.

It's a pity that the child's qualifications are too low, and it is not suitable to lead him into cultivation. On this point, he and Lang Xing have a consensus, and they decided to let the child be a mortal. Su Wan uneasily pulled Lang Xing's arm and said secretly, "Isn't it because I'm angry with you? You are so brave, you dare to joke with him like this."

Langxing looked at the direction where Hu Tian was leaving and said nonchalantly, "Just allow him to talk about me, but not me to talk back? It's okay, he won't even have such a small amount of courage, he just choked me and had nothing to say." , so I left.”

Su Wan waited for a while, and when there was no movement, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said with joy on her eyebrows, "So this matter is settled? It's much easier than originally thought. You can rest assured in Xiaocun Lived.”

Lang Xing glanced at her sideways and said, "I almost fell into their hands. If Shu Yan hadn't asked Hu Tian to come over in time, and if I had unlocked the restraint a little slower, I don't know what would have happened today. What did you say?" It’s easy, it’s not that easy.”

Su Wan suppressed a smile and curled her lips and said, "Okay, okay! No need to express your merits anymore. Everyone knows that you are great, so there is no need to emphasize it any more."

Lang Xing couldn't suppress his inner pride, and said with joy, "It's good that you know, this time it's really dangerous, let's forget about the others. It's not easy to save Fu'er's life."

"This is your greatest achievement." Su Wan happily took Fu'er, held her in her arms and patted her gently. Even though the child was still sealed, if Fu'er died, she would definitely be better than Lang Xing. Guilty.

"You, Qianxu Palace, don't know that there is such an organization?" She stared at Langxing and asked. Qianxu Palace has a long history, and it has never been passed down. It is also full of geniuses. There are few Qianxu Palaces in the world that don't know its secrets. .??.

Lang Xing shook his head, "Several uncles and uncles have never mentioned to me that when Lu Gang was punished, my master happened to catch up, but my master didn't say anything. Listening to Hu Tian's wishes, this organization is not only There must be some in Nanjingzhou and Puyunzhou, and Zixiao Palace doesn’t know anything about them, otherwise my second senior sister would definitely tell me.”

Su Wan nodded. Lang Xing was right. Even if the gang in Qianxu Palace would hide something from Lang The existence of the organization, then this organization can be called the top secret of the cultivation world.

Thinking of this, Su Wan felt even more happy. She winked at Lang Xing and said, "We have finally discovered a big secret in the cultivation world. I guess even Senior Xiaoyao doesn't know about it."

Lang Xing poked her forehead with an itchy finger, pretending to be disdainful and said, "Look at how useless you are, you are as happy as a little girl who has never seen the world."

"Fuck you! This is a shocking secret." Su Wan glared at him.

Lang Xing agreed, "This is indeed a shocking secret. If it is revealed, the world will be in chaos. The monks will no longer have as much awe as before, and the order of the two worlds will no longer be so easy to maintain, so this We can’t tell anyone the secret.”

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Just keep your mouth shut, and you won't say anything to Second Senior Sister either?"

Lang Xing smacked his teeth and said, "It's okay to hide this from Second Senior Sister. What makes me hesitate is whether I should tell Shen Qing."

Su Wan pouted and said, "No matter what you tell her, it won't change her determination to explore the way of heaven. The more you tell her, the more energetic she will be."

Langxing sighed, rolled his eyes, and said to Su Wan with a message from his heart: "Give me the child, and then you pretend

Pretend to be doing something big, leave sneakily, pretend to be as careful as possible, go around in circles a few more times, and then go to where You Fang is hiding to find me. I'm quite worried about You Fang now, although I'm with He lied and arranged for him to be placed five or sixty thousand miles away, but the cultivation level of these people is too high. I am still worried that You Fang will be discovered by them, especially Hu Tian. "

Su Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, then handed Fuer to Langxing calmly, and disappeared in a flash.

"Be careful." Lang Xing conveyed his spiritual thoughts, and then frowned and slowly lowered his head. Although Hu Tian and the others were extraordinary beings, and it was logical that they would not peep in secret, he still wanted to add more. careful.

He sat on a piece of bluestone, frowning and pretending to be uneasy as he looked at Fu'er in his arms. After a while, he felt that it was almost done, and hurried to Yu Fang's hiding place.

He used his mind and supernatural powers to detect that You Fang was safe and sound, and then he took a deep breath. He went down and put You Fang directly into the Qiankun bag. It was safe to put it in the bag. Even if Hutian followed behind, it would be useless. He would never do it. Hand over Yu Fang again.

You Fangke was frightened and thought he had lured the enemy over. It wasn't until Lang Xing explained his worries with his spiritual thoughts that he let go. Lang Xing also felt quite lucky. Fortunately, in order to ensure You Fang's safety placed him in such a far place, otherwise he would have to be discovered by Hu Tian. This is also a good intention that pays off.

After a while, Su Wan came over. The two of them bought a donkey cart in a nearby town, and bought some gifts for the villagers. After driving the donkey cart to a secluded place, they took the cart and the donkey into the air together. Then he left and landed dozens of miles away from the small village.

Langxing unsealed Fu'er and handed him over to Su Wan, while he drove the donkey cart to the small village.

After Fu'er woke up and couldn't see her mother, she immediately started crying.

Fortunately, he had met Lang Xing, and he remembered that his mother had repeatedly told him to listen to Lang Xing. With the coaxing of the two of them, he gradually stopped crying. What can a two or three-year-old child understand? , under the temptation of delicious food and various toys, he started to call them daddy and mother sweetly under the coaxing of the two of them before they had walked ten miles. Perhaps it was because of the lack of father's love that he was attracted to Lang Xing who suddenly appeared. The father who came out was very close to me.

When we arrived at the small village, it was already dark. Their return immediately made the small village excited. The joyful smiles on everyone's faces represented their love for the young couple.

Based on the note left earlier, Su Wan made up a lie that her father's condition had improved. As for Fu'er, she said that he was the child of a poor relative and was temporarily left to their care because he was unable to raise him.

Everyone had already suspected that Su Wan was not very lively, and they naturally understood now. In order to avoid Su Wan being embarrassed, they did not talk too much about Fu'er.

After a period of excitement, the two brought Fu'er to their home.

With a child running around inside and outside, this family is more like this. Looking at Fu'er who is looking around the house with a happy face, Su Wan's happy smile shows that it is not difficult to guess the excitement of this child. Seeing how bad the home was before he left, she secretly promised in her heart that she would let the child live a happy life.

It's a pity that the child's qualifications are too low, and it is not suitable to lead him into cultivation. On this point, he and Lang Xing have a consensus, and they decided to let the child be a mortal.

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