Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2902 This is our family’s melon

After fighting for a while, the panic in Su Wan's heart dissipated, and she stopped her hand. Her bright eyes flashed with a slight smile.

"Get down!" She yelled at Lang Xing.

"Huh?" Lang Xing looked at her confused, not understanding what this meant.

Su Wan frowned slightly in embarrassment, pursed her lips, pointed her finger at Langxing and shouted again, "Get down!"

Lang Xing's face suddenly changed, his body shook, and he looked at Su Wan with horrified eyes, because this shout had the same power as the one they used to kill the man before.

"Hahaha..." Su Wan burst into a rare hearty laugh and turned around triumphantly.

After Langxing regained consciousness, he immediately figured it out. Su Wan had understood that kind of magic. He had to admit that this little lady was really smart. He chased after him angrily and said, "You deserve to be punished by God. You will be clean from now on." Just wait to be struck by lightning.”

"Shut up!" Su Wan just got rid of the fear, and when she heard Lang Xing mentioned the punishment of heaven again, she was flustered and angry.

Lang Xing was dumbfounded by the scolding again, with a look of panic on his face.

Su Wan was happy now and returned to Lang Xing with a smile. As soon as Lang Xing recovered, she immediately yelled again, "Shut up!"

Langxing had no ability to resist this kind of discontinuous drink that contained the power of God, and fell into panic like a little wretch.

Su Wan covered her mouth and smiled as brightly as a spring flower.

"You're cruel..." Lang Xing's tone was soft. A good man doesn't want to suffer any more, and he doesn't want to suffer any more.

Su Wan was also afraid that it would cause harm to him, so she did not use any more magic power, and said proudly, "You know how powerful it is!"

Lang Xing nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, I know, I can't tell at all that this is the fairy concubine who was so frightened just now that she stabbed me hard in my arms. It's amazing that she returned to normal so quickly."

"You just deserve to be beaten!" Su Wan slapped him down with shame and anger, then walked back home.

When Lang Xing returned, Su Wan was already meditating and recuperating.

He first transmitted spiritual thoughts to You Fang in the Qiankun Bag to reassure him, and then nursed back to health himself. Drinking the Sky Thunder was still very expensive, but fortunately, the loss of the power of thoughts only made people feel weak, so he could rest for a while. It will recover on its own in time.

In the words of God's power, Su Wan gave a name to the spell she realized. It is not appropriate to call it a spell. It is more accurate to say it is a magical power, because it can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and it is used with thoughts. In fact, she couldn't even use it with her will. She still couldn't explain how to exert this magic power, but she knew how to use it, so this method was more like an unexplainable magical power.

She only realized this magical power inadvertently. Su Wan originally thought of it as a magic spell, but she didn't have any clue. In the thought that led to the catastrophe, she mainly thought about God. Regarding the purpose of setting up reincarnation, her thoughts seemed to have wandered to things related to this magical power, but she could not recall it. What is certain is that this magical power did not take a lot of effort to comprehend. When the opportunity comes, it can be realized at the touch of a button. meaning.

She didn't dare to touch those thoughts that led to the catastrophe at the moment, so she savored the new magical power, tried to figure it out clearly, and then passed it on to Lang Xing, but she couldn't think of it after pondering it for a long time. Come up with a reason.

The next day, the two people who had consumed too much power of thought looked listless. They could only lie that the storm and rain came suddenly last night and they caught the cold. This lie was very timely and no one would doubt it.


"Dad, I want a bow." Fu'er finally asked for something other than food, and he took the initiative to ask for it from Lang Xing without waiting for him to ask. This child already regarded Lang Xing and Su Wan as his biological fathers. He is his mother, and he doesn’t remember his real parents at all.

"Okay, I'll do it for you." Lang Xing responded as always.

Early the next morning, Fu'er had a small bow and five small wooden arrows. He happily took the quiver on his back and ran away.

Su Wanyang warned in a loud voice, "Don't gesture at people, it will be serious if you shoot it in the eyes."

Fu'er agreed repeatedly and ran to find Ting'er without looking back.

Lang Xing smiled and glanced at Su Wan, saying, "If he doesn't even understand this, I've taught him all these years in vain."

"But he is still young after all." Su Wan said disapprovingly.

Langxing said confidently, "There are some truths that you should keep in mind when you first become sensible. Do you think he has hurt Ting'er once after playing with Ting'er for all these years?"

Su Wan snorted and said, "Okay, I know your education is good, so go to work quickly!"

One of them is busy at home and the other is busy in the fields, but they both pay attention to the situation over there.

I have to admit that Langxing taught Fu'er very well. Ting'er played with the little bow most of the time. Fu'er happily ran around picking up the small arrows for Ting'er to shoot. The two children Have a great time.

"Stop shooting at the tree trunk. The arrows are all broken. Shoot at the flowers." After a small arrow was damaged, Fu'er said to Ting'er distressedly.

"Okay." Ting'er obediently aimed at a small flower and shot an arrow.

Su Wan couldn't help but use her spiritual thoughts to joke to Lang Xing in the field, "He doesn't have the heart to cherish flowers like you do."

Langxing stopped the hoe with a smile, picked up a wild flower in the field, put it to his nose and smelled it, then threw it into the weeds aside, and sent back his spiritual thoughts: "Ting'er is the flower that needs his care and compassion. , It’s great to be able to give in to Ting’er like this at only five years old.”

"Don't let me train him into a pervert who can't move when he sees a woman." Su Wanbie warned pointedly.

Langxing rolled his eyes in the direction of the small courtyard and continued hoeing without saying a word.

After a while, Su Wan heard another spiritual message, "Look at your son!"

Langxing had already noticed that Fu'er and Ting'er were going to shoot the small melons on the melon stand that had just grown to the size of a fist. Those small melons were indeed good targets.

"Leave him alone and let him pay later." Lang Xing said calmly.

"Silly Ting'er, this is their family's melon." Su Wan said amusedly.

Langxing also smiled. Although Ting'er was only five years old, farm children knew how to cherish crops. This little girl was loved to death by Xiao Zheng and his wife.

Su Wan and Lang Xing were relieved to see that the two children only picked one little melon to shoot and did not harm other little melons.

At this time, Aunt Lu came out of the house and saw the two children spoiling Xiaogua. She immediately went up and scolded her.

Ting'er was having a good time, but she thought Aunt Lu was nosy and retorted, "This is our family's melon, you don't need to worry about it."

This sentence made Lang Xing amused. He stopped the hoe again and secretly looked at the scene over there with his spiritual consciousness. Su Wan, who was cooking, also had a smile on his lips and also looked over with his spiritual consciousness.

"You still know that this is your family's melon, you prodigal little girl!" Aunt Lu scolded in an angry and funny tone. After fighting for a while, the panic in Su Wan's heart dissipated, and she stopped her hand. Her bright eyes flashed with a smile.

"Get down!" She yelled at Lang Xing.

"Huh?" Lang Xing looked at her confused, not understanding what this meant.

Su Wan frowned slightly in embarrassment, pursed her lips, pointed her finger at Langxing and shouted again, "Get down!"

Lang Xing's face suddenly changed, his body shook, and he looked at Su Wan with horrified eyes, because this shout had the same power as the one they used to kill the man before.

"Hahaha..." Su Wan burst into a rare hearty laugh and turned away triumphantly.

After Langxing regained consciousness, he immediately figured it out. Su Wan had understood that kind of magic. He had to admit that this little lady was really smart. He chased after him angrily and said, "You deserve to be punished by God. You will be clean from now on." Just wait to be struck by lightning.”

"Shut up!" Su Wan just got rid of the fear. When Lang Xing mentioned the punishment from heaven again, she was flustered and angry.

Lang Xing was dumbfounded by the scolding again, with a look of panic on his face.

Su Wan was happy now and returned to Lang Xing with a smile. As soon as Lang Xing recovered, she immediately yelled again, "Shut up!"

Langxing had no ability to resist this kind of discontinuous drink that contained the power of God, and fell into panic like a little wretch.

Su Wan covered her mouth and smiled as brightly as a spring flower.

"You're cruel..." Lang Xing's tone was soft. A good man doesn't want to suffer any more, and he doesn't want to suffer any more.

Su Wan was also afraid that it would cause harm to him, so she did not use any more magic power, and said proudly, "You know how powerful it is!"

Lang Xing nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, I know, I can't tell at all that this is the fairy concubine who was so frightened just now that she stabbed me hard in my arms. It's amazing that she returned to normal so quickly."

"You just deserve to be beaten!" Su Wan slapped him down with shame and anger, then walked back home.

When Lang Xing returned, Su Wan was already meditating and recuperating.

He first transmitted spiritual thoughts to You Fang in the Qiankun Bag to reassure him, and then nursed back to health himself. Drinking the Sky Thunder was still very expensive, but fortunately, the loss of the power of thoughts only made people feel weak, so he could rest for a while. It will recover on its own in time.

In the words of God's power, Su Wan gave a name to the spell she realized. It is not appropriate to call it a spell. It is more accurate to say it is a magical power, because it can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and it is used with thoughts. In fact, she couldn't even use it with her will. She still couldn't explain how to exert this magic power, but she knew how to use it, so this method was more like an unexplainable magical power.

She only realized this magical power inadvertently. Su Wan originally thought of it as a magic spell, but she didn't have any clue. In the thought that led to the catastrophe, she mainly thought about God. Regarding the purpose of setting up reincarnation, her thoughts seemed to have wandered to things related to this magical power, but she could not recall it. What is certain is that this magical power did not take a lot of effort to comprehend. When the opportunity comes, it can be realized at the touch of a button. meaning.

She didn't dare to touch those thoughts that led to the catastrophe at the moment, so she savored the new magical power, tried to figure it out clearly, and then passed it on to Lang Xing, but she couldn't think of it after pondering it for a long time. Come up with a reason.

The next day, the two people who had consumed too much power of thought looked listless. They could only lie that the storm and rain came suddenly last night and they caught the cold. This lie was very timely and no one would doubt it.


"Dad, I want a bow." Fu'er finally asked for something other than food, and he took the initiative to ask for it from Lang Xing without waiting for him to ask. This child already regarded Lang Xing and Su Wan as his biological fathers. He is his mother, and he doesn’t remember his real parents at all.

"Okay, I'll do it for you." Lang Xing responded as always.

Early the next morning, Fu'er had a small bow and five small wooden arrows. He happily took the quiver on his back and ran away.

Su Wanyang warned in a loud voice, "Don't gesture at people, it will be serious if you shoot it in the eyes."

Fu'er agreed repeatedly and ran to find Ting'er without looking back.

Lang Xing smiled and glanced at Su Wan, saying, "If he doesn't even understand this, I've taught him all these years in vain."

"But he is still young after all." Su Wan said disapprovingly.

Langxing said confidently, "There are some truths that you should keep in mind when you first become sensible. Do you think he has hurt Ting'er once after playing with Ting'er for all these years?"

Su Wan snorted and said, "Okay, I know your education is good, so go to work quickly!"

One of them is busy at home and the other is busy in the fields, but they both pay attention to the situation over there.

I have to admit that Langxing taught Fu'er very well. Ting'er played with the little bow most of the time. Fu'er happily ran around picking up the arrows for Ting'er to shoot. The two children Have a great time.

"Stop shooting at the tree trunk. The arrows are all broken. Shoot at the flowers." After a small arrow was damaged, Fu'er said to Ting'er distressedly.

"Okay." Ting'er obediently aimed at a small flower and shot an arrow.

Su Wan couldn't help but use her spiritual thoughts to joke to Lang Xing in the field, "He doesn't have the heart to cherish flowers like you do."

Langxing smiled and stopped the hoe, picked up a wild flower in the field, put it to his nose and smelled it, then threw it into the weeds aside, and sent back his spiritual thoughts: "Ting'er is the flower that needs his care and compassion. , It’s great to be able to give in to Ting’er like this at only five years old.”

"Don't let me train him into a pervert who can't move when he sees a woman." Su Wanbie warned pointedly.

Langxing rolled his eyes in the direction of the small courtyard and continued hoeing without saying a word.

After a while, Su Wan heard another spiritual message, "Look at your son!"

Langxing had already noticed that Fu'er and Ting'er were going to shoot the small melons on the melon stand that had just grown to the size of a fist. Those small melons were indeed good targets.

"Leave him alone and let him pay later." Lang Xing said calmly.

"Silly Ting'er, this is their family's melon." Su Wan said amusedly.

Langxing also smiled. Although Ting'er was only five years old, farm children knew how to cherish crops. This little girl was loved to death by Xiao Zheng and his wife.

Su Wan and Lang Xing were relieved to see that the two children only picked one little melon to shoot and did not harm other little melons.

At this time, Aunt Lu came out of the house and saw the two children spoiling Xiaogua. She immediately went up and scolded her.

Ting'er was having a good time, but she thought Aunt Lu was nosy and retorted, "This is our family's melon, you don't need to worry about it."

This sentence made Lang Xing amused. He stopped the hoe again and secretly looked at the scene over there with his spiritual consciousness. Su Wan, who was cooking, also had a smile on his lips and looked over with his spiritual consciousness.

"You still know that this is your family's melon, you prodigal little girl!" Aunt Lu scolded in an angry and funny tone.

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