Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2903 I... make no sense...

During lunch.

Langxing asked Fu'er calmly, "I heard from Grandma Lu that you and Ting'er used bows and arrows to shoot the melons in Ting'er's family to pieces. Is this true?"

"Just... such a small melon." Fu'er gestured with her little hand, looking guilty.

Langxing looked at him with a half-smile but said, "You are also very young, so can we just beat you to death casually? The little melon can grow up, and you can grow up too. Because the melon is still small, Just harm it?"

Fu'er leaned on Su Wan, shook his head in fear and said, "You can't beat me to death. I won't harm Xiaogua anymore."

"But Xiaogua is dead." Lang Xing put away his smile and said expressionlessly.

"Mom..., you can't beat me to death. I will never shoot Xiaogua again." Fu'er asked Su Wan for help aggrievedly.

Su Wan stroked his head and said, "Of course I won't beat you to death. Your father is just giving you a metaphor. If you do something wrong, you have done something wrong. You can't make excuses for yourself. You shouldn't tell us about Gua Xiao." , that’s not a reason, it’s just because you made such an excuse that you got yourself involved, and small things become big things, don’t you think?”

"I won't talk about Xiaogua anymore." Fu'er understood what was wrong.

Su Wan pinched his cheek sympathetically and said, "Very good. If you make a mistake, admit it honestly. That's the smartest thing. Otherwise, it will cause more trouble." ??

"Dad..., I won't talk about Xiaogua anymore..." Fuer looked at Langxing with pleading eyes and said.

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Then we can't just beat you to death just because you are young, but you have harmed someone else's melon, and you need to pay for it. Do you have any melons to compensate for?"

"Mother..." Fu'er asked Su Wan for help again.

Su Wan asked, "Why don't you plant a melon and pay it to others later."

"I can't..." Fu'er was so anxious that there were tears in his eyes.

Su Wan couldn't bear to hold him in her arms and said, "Okay, okay, let's make some compensation. What do you have?"

"I...I just have..." Fu'er choked and put the small bow on the ground on the table, and then took out a small clay whistle and a small wooden doll from his arms.

Lang Xing said, "Then give the best to others. Which one do you think is best?"

Fuer wiped his tears and pushed the wooden man forward with a guilty conscience.

Langxing glanced at Su Wan, and Su Wan glared at him angrily, but this play had to be performed, so he pretended to be humane and said, "A melon is not worth anything, so there is no need to pay for the best, I will just take it as it comes." Give this little whistle to someone else.”

Fu'er burst out crying. He was a little tired of playing with the little wooden man, but he liked this little whistle very much.

"What's wrong?" Su Wan asked knowingly, secretly cursing Lang Xing for being so bad.

"I...I don't..." Fu'er cried out of breath, tears of grievance flowing down her face.

"Don't cry." Lang Xing's tone was not high, but it was majestic.

Fu'er's crying stopped immediately, leaving only the uncontrollable sobbing.

Lang Xing remained silent. After he calmed down a bit, he said in a reasonable and calm tone, "Compared to being beaten to death, is it a big deal to compensate someone with something?"

Fu'er looked at his father with teary eyes and timidly shook his head.

"Mom, go feed the chickens. You should listen to daddy's teachings." Su Wan knew it was time to leave. She considered herself inferior to Lang Xing in terms of educating her children. The main reason was that Lang Xing's patience was not comparable to that of ordinary people. The boy often interacts with the weapon spirit, and Fu'er is much smarter than the weapon spirit.

"Mother..." Fu'er grabbed Su Wan's clothes in fear.

"It's okay, come here." Langxing pulled Fu'er to his side with a gentle face, "We only talk about the truth, and whoever is right will listen to whoever is right. Just tell your truth."

"I... It doesn't make sense..." Fu'er was anxious and aggrieved at the same time. He was such a young child, how could he make any sense?

As Su Wan walked out, she couldn't help but want to laugh. When it comes to reasoning, there are few people in the whole world of cultivation who can speak better than Lang Xing, not even the old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, let alone the five-year-old Fu. Son, this is too bullying.

"Then you listened to what I said, right? What did your mother just teach you?"

"You can't say Xiaogua..."

"You can't make excuses."


"That means you have to be honest and can't lie, right?"


"Then did you lie again just now? Is the little wooden man your favorite?"

"No...wuwuwu..." Fu'er couldn't help crying again. He didn't want to lose the little whistle.

"Okay, I'll pay them the little wooden figure, but you can't cry anymore and listen to my reasoning, okay?"

"Yeah!" Fu'er nodded vigorously.

want to

To make your child listen carefully to your reasoning, you must first put some pressure on him, and then give him some sweetness, so that he will want to listen to you from the bottom of his heart. Lang Xing is very familiar with this skill.

"Your mother loves you so much that she doesn't want you to give away her favorite thing, right? But you lied and it made things worse, right?"

"Well..." Fu'er nodded with tears in his eyes, his mouth flattened with grievance and self-blame.

"If you tell the truth, it won't be like this, right?"

"But...but...I'm afraid you will ask me to pay them the little whistle..." Under Lang Xing's sincere eyes, Fu'er told the truth.

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Yes, because I asked you to give the best to others, so you have to lie, right?"

"Well..." Fu'er felt that it was too difficult and wronged, so she started to cry again.

Langxing stroked his head and said with a smile, "We have already agreed to compensate the little wooden man, so I won't cry, but you have to listen carefully to what I have to say, okay?"

"Yes." Fu'er quickly stopped his tears, widened his eyes and looked like he was listening attentively.

Langxing stuffed the little whistle back into his arms, and handed the little bow into his hand, making him feel completely at ease, and then he said kindly, "There is a saying that people are not as good as God. You have to remember it. Say it again and listen. ”

"Man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation." Fu'er immediately repeated it to show that he was listening carefully.

Lang Xing nodded with satisfaction, "The meaning of this sentence is that even if you have been calculating for a long time, you can't calculate it, just like you just lied to your mother, but you harmed yourself, right? You have to honestly say that you like it the most If it’s a little whistle, then your mother will ask you to give the wooden man to someone else, right?”

Fu'er nodded, now he completely understood the reason.

Lang Xing held him on his lap and said more gently, "To be honest, sometimes it seems that I will suffer a loss. Even if I really lose the little whistle to others this time, it doesn't matter. God is." Fair enough, I’ll definitely give you something better.”

"Then... what good thing is it?" Fu'er asked eagerly.

Lang Xing shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't know, because you lied and didn't give the best thing to others, so you won't get such better things."

"What on earth is that? A puppy?" Fu'er recently wanted a puppy.

Lang Xing pretended to think, "Maybe, maybe it's better than a puppy."

Fu'er quickly took out the small whistle from his arms, handed it to Lang Xing and said, "Then give them the small whistle."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "You gave away the whistle just to get something better. This is a calculation. You are calculating with God. Will God still like you? So it's useless. That thing The good things have been lost and will not be given to you again.”

Fu'er looked at the little whistle in his hand depressedly, regretting it very much.

Langxing whispered in his ear, "It's okay. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. God has many good things. As long as you don't play tricks on God, it won't treat you badly. You did something wrong this time. It’s good to be punished. You can’t be greedy again, right?”

"Well, then...should I give them the whistle or the wooden figure?" Fu'er asked undecided.

Langxing showed a gloating smile and said, "Whether you give the little wooden man or the little whistle to others, your Uncle Zheng and Aunt Zheng are of no use. In the end, they have to be given to Ting'er, but Ting'er made a mistake with you, how can you What’s the reason for being rewarded? I don’t think you have to pay anything, and take Ting’er to help Aunt Zheng clean up the yard, even the chicken coop.”

"Chicken shit stinks." Fu'er frowned with reluctance on his face.

Lang Xing laughed and lifted him up, saying, "If you do something wrong, you will be punished. Otherwise, we will beat you to death and pay for Xiaogua's life. Do you think that's okay?"

"No!" Fu'er saw his father joking with him and replied with a smile.

Lang Xing put him on the ground, looked at him with sincere eyes and said, "If you do something wrong, you must be punished. Only in this way can you remember it and not do it again next time. Only then can God forgive you and do what I asked you just now." Say that sentence again.”

"Man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation."

"Okay, remember this sentence for the rest of your life, and don't play tricks on God. In the afternoon, I will take Ting'er to clean the yard. After cleaning, I will bring her to drink honey water."

"Yes." Fu'er agreed obediently.

Langxing pouted outside and said, "Go to grandma and learn how to clean the chicken coop. Once you learn how to clean the chicken coop, teach Ting'er a good afternoon."

"Okay!" Fu'er ran towards grandma's house happily.

"This silly boy." Su Wan walked into the room and said to Fu'er's back with both distress and amusement.

Lang Xing opened his mouth and laughed silently.

"Just be bad!" Su Wan pointed at Lang Xing's nose and said, I have to say, this little home is so cozy, this kind of pyrotechnic warmth can only be found in the mortal world.

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