Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2906 I don’t know how to live anymore

Yang Gong's funeral was carried out simply and solemnly according to local customs. There was an additional tomb three miles west of the village, and the village lost an upright and kind-hearted elder.

A close person who they met every day suddenly disappeared. Both Lang Xing and Su Wan felt that their lives were empty. They could no longer see that wrinkled and loving face, and could no longer hear the sincere words. There was a slight nagging sound again.

For their mortal lives, Mr. Yang is a big tree that protects them from the wind and rain, blocking them from the suspicion and gossip of the villagers. Although they can cope with this on their own, Mr. Yang's protection can still make them feel Relaxing and warm.

The person most affected by Yang Gong's departure was not the two of them, but Yang Po.

Since Yang Gong was buried, Po Yang's whole person has changed. Although this ordinary old farm woman usually has no sense of existence, now she is so silent that people are scared. People nowadays spend most of their time sitting in a daze. .??.

Su Wan worriedly advised, "Mom, when you have free time, go and chat with Aunt Lu and the others. It's not good to just sit by yourself like this."

Po Yang sighed, patted Su Wan's hand and said, "Don't worry about me. Mom is fine. It's just that once this old man left, I don't know how to live anymore. It's like I have lost my soul. I feel so tired."

Su Wan said sadly, "Mom, you have to cheer up. Dad is gone, and we are still here. We still need you to take care of us. Fu'er is naughty when he is naughty. If you don't help take care of us, we will be too busy."

Po Yang showed her first smile since her wife left. She shook her head and said, "Don't try to coax me with this. You three of you are a family that makes people worry. Although Fu'er is only six years old, he has been You have trained him so well that he is still naughty, but he doesn’t need me to take care of him at all. He knows it well and comes to stay with me every day, but I don’t have the time to talk to the child. It’s too difficult for the child. "

At this point, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry about me anymore. I think it's time for me to go. I've spent my whole life with this old man. I really don't know how to live without him. Eat No matter how delicious the food is, it doesn't taste good anymore. I'm always worried that he can't take care of himself there. He can't do it without me. "

"Mom, don't think like that..." Su Wan choked with sobs. She didn't know how to persuade her, so she hurriedly used her spiritual mind to summon Lang Xing to come over.

Langxing was more persuasive and said with a smile, "Mom, you are just worrying so much. When dad gets there, he will worry about no one to take care of him. His parents, relatives and friends are all over there, so there is no need for you to worry about him." , just live peacefully and peacefully.”

Po Yang frowned slightly and muttered, "I don't know what it's like over there. Is he suffering now?"

Lang Xing blinked and said, "What is it like over there? There are too many different theories and we can't say for sure, but dad will definitely not suffer when he goes there. Although there are many strange theories about the underworld, one thing is the same. Then good people will be rewarded with good things, and evil people will be punished with bad things. Only those who do evil will suffer. My father has been faithful to his duties all his life, and he has never failed to do anything. Although the legend of the underworld is gloomy and terrifying, it is the most fair and just place. Yes, as long as you don’t do anything wrong, you don’t need to be afraid. Compared to our place, things are much worse. There are many things like bending the law for personal gain and wronging good people. You don’t have to worry about my father. "

Po Yang sighed and said in a low voice, "You don't know that he did something bad when he was young. I can't tell you about it, lest you dislike him."

Su Wan didn't believe it, "With my father's temperament, how could he do anything untoward? It would be an unintentional mistake at most. Don't scare yourself. The world will tell you what the heart is. As long as you don't have evil intentions, even if

It doesn't matter if you did something wrong. "

Mrs. Yang said no more and pushed them both, "Go and do your work quickly. I don't need you to accompany me. Just stay by yourself. Don't delay your work. This is the busiest time of the year."

Su Wan and Lang Xing had no choice but to go.

Next, although the two tried their best to persuade her and invited Aunt Zhang, Aunt Lu and others to come over and chat with the old lady to relieve her boredom, the old lady was still absent-minded and lifeless.

Su Wan worriedly asked Lang Xing to find a solution.

Langxing was silent for a while, then looked at her and said, "If one day you leave before me, I think I will be like my mother. Any explanation is useless. What my mother said is very accurate. I don't know how to live." Well, this is more accurate than living without knowing why. If you don’t know why, you can still live in a haze. If you don’t know how to live, you can’t live.”

Lang Xing's true confession made Su Wan panic. She pretended to be angry and said, "You don't have a father and a mother, so you hope that I don't have a father and a mother, right? Dad, if you don't let me save you, my mother won't be saved either?" "

Langxing said calmly, "Dad's illness can still be cured, but mother's illness is in her heart. She can't save it. She can only rely on herself. If she can let go of her concern for her father, she will be fine. But if she can't let go, I have searched all over the world but there is no cure.”

Su Wan showed a flattering look and begged softly, "You are eloquent and the best at reasoning. Go and talk to her. Her body is still strong. Let her live for a few more years. I can't just send dad away." It would be too uncomfortable to send my mother away again.”

Langxing sighed softly and said, "After my father died, my mother immediately followed him. For these old people who have been together all their lives, as long as their relationship is better, each other will become a habit of each other and merge. We were together and suddenly lost half of it, and the remaining one can't stand. I'll try my best to persuade you. I hope my mother can be more flexible and survive this most difficult period."

Watching Lang Xing walking towards the small courtyard where her mother lived, Su Wan thought to herself, what would happen to herself if Lang Xing died?

Before Langxing walked into the small courtyard, she sent a spiritual message, "Enough is enough. If you think Mom is too noisy, don't try to persuade her. I think what she likes most now is purity."

Langxing didn't look back, but put her hands behind her back and raised her thumb to show her praise. Su Wan could give this instruction, which showed that she understood her mother's mood.

After Langxing entered the house, Su Wan sent her spiritual consciousness and listened secretly.

Langxing did not persuade her to say anything, but asked the old lady with interest about her youth, since she was a little girl, and patiently listened to the old lady telling her about the past that was so far away that it had become blurred into pieces. Then came the acquaintance, marriage, and childbirth with Mr. Yang...

The old lady's eyes, which had been dull for many days, finally regained their vitality. She tirelessly finished talking one after another, with a smile on her face most of the time.

Su Wan secretly raised her finger, Lang Xing's intelligence and extraordinary patience were perfect for doing this kind of thing.

To be honest, she really couldn't listen to these trivial matters for long. But Langxing could not only listen, but also asked questions from time to time, which made the old lady talk more and more enthusiastically. In the end, she was even gesticulating. .

Amelia Su went to prepare the meal with peace of mind. The old lady would definitely have a big meal today.

When she prepared the meal and was about to take it over, she used her spiritual consciousness to see that the old lady had collapsed on the bed and expired!

The food box in her hand fell to the ground with a clang, and Su Wan froze there as if she had been sealed. Yang Gong's funeral was carried out simply and solemnly according to local customs. There was an additional tomb three miles west of the village, and the village lost an upright and kind-hearted elder.

A close person who they met every day suddenly disappeared. Both Lang Xing and Su Wan felt that their lives were empty. They could no longer see that wrinkled and loving face, and could no longer hear the sincere words. There was a slight nagging sound again.

For their mortal lives, Mr. Yang is a big tree that protects them from the wind and rain, blocking them from the suspicion and gossip of the villagers. Although they can cope with this on their own, Mr. Yang's protection can still make them feel Relaxing and warm.

The person who was most affected by Yang Gong's departure was not the two of them, but Yang Po.

Since Yang Gong was buried, Po Yang's whole person has changed. Although this ordinary old farm woman usually has no sense of existence, now she is so silent that people are scared. People nowadays spend most of their time sitting in a daze.

Su Wan worriedly advised, "Mom, when you have free time, go and chat with Aunt Lu and the others. It's not good to just sit by yourself like this."

Po Yang sighed, patted Su Wan's hand and said, "Don't worry about me. Mom is fine. It's just that once this old man left, I don't know how to live anymore. It's like I have lost my soul. I feel so tired."

Su Wan said sadly, "Mom, you have to cheer up. Dad is gone, and we are still here. We still need you to take care of us. Fu'er is naughty when he is naughty. If you don't help take care of us, we will be too busy."

Po Yang showed her first smile since her wife left. She shook her head and said, "Don't try to coax me with this. You three of you are a family that makes people worry. Although Fu'er is only six years old, he has been You have trained him so well that he is still naughty, but he doesn’t need me to take care of him at all. He knows it well and comes to stay with me every day, but I don’t have the time to talk to the child. It’s too difficult for the child. "

At this point, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry about me anymore. I think it's time for me to go. I've spent my whole life with this old man. I really don't know how to live without him. Eat No matter how delicious the food is, it doesn't taste good anymore. I'm always worried that he can't take care of himself there. He can't do it without me. "

"Mom, don't think like that..." Su Wan choked with sobs. She didn't know how to persuade her at the moment, so she hurriedly used her spiritual mind to summon Lang Xing to come over.

Langxing was more persuasive and said with a smile, "Mom, you are just worrying so much. When dad gets there, he will worry about no one to take care of him. His parents, relatives and friends are all over there, so there is no need for you to worry about him." , just live peacefully and peacefully.”

Po Yang frowned slightly and muttered, "I don't know what it's like over there. Is he suffering now?"

Langxing blinked and said, "What is it like over there? There are too many different theories and we can't say for sure, but dad will definitely not suffer when he goes there. Although there are many strange theories about the underworld, one thing is the same. Then good people will be rewarded with good things, and evil people will be punished with bad things. Only those who do evil will suffer. My father has been faithful to his duties all his life, and he has never failed to do anything. Although the legend of the underworld is gloomy and terrifying, it is the most fair and just place. Yes, as long as you don’t do anything wrong, you don’t need to be afraid. Compared to our place, things are much worse. There are many things like bending the law for personal gain and wronging good people. You don’t have to worry about my father. "

Po Yang sighed and said in a low voice, "You don't know that he did something bad when he was young. I can't tell you about it, lest you dislike him."

Su Wan didn't believe it, "With my father's temperament, how could he do anything untoward? It would be an unintentional mistake at most. Don't scare yourself. The world will tell you what the heart is. As long as you don't have evil intentions, even if

It doesn't matter if you did something wrong. "

Mrs. Yang said no more and pushed them both, "Go and do your work quickly. I don't need you to accompany me. Just stay by yourself. Don't delay your work. This is the busiest time of the year."

Su Wan and Lang Xing had no choice but to go.

Next, although the two tried their best to persuade her and invited Aunt Zhang, Aunt Lu and others to come over and chat with the old lady to relieve her boredom, the old lady was still absent-minded and lifeless.

Su Wan worriedly asked Lang Xing to find a solution.

Langxing was silent for a while, then looked at her and said, "If one day you leave before me, I think I will be like my mother. Any explanation is useless. What my mother said is very accurate. I don't know how to live." Well, this is more accurate than living without knowing why. If you don’t know why, you can still live in a haze. If you don’t know how to live, you can’t live.”

Lang Xing's true confession made Su Wan panic. She pretended to be angry and said, "You don't have a father and a mother, so you hope that I don't have a father and a mother, right? Dad, if you don't let me save you, my mother won't be saved either?" "

Langxing said calmly, "Dad's illness can still be cured, but mother's illness is in her heart. She can't save it. She can only rely on herself. If she can let go of her concern for her father, she will be fine. But if she can't let go, I have searched all over the world but there is no cure.”

Su Wan showed a flattering look and begged softly, "You are eloquent and the best at reasoning. Go and talk to her. Her body is still strong. Let her live for a few more years. I can't just send dad away." It would be too uncomfortable to send my mother away again.”

Langxing sighed softly and said, "After my father died, my mother immediately followed him. For these old people who have been together all their lives, as long as their relationship is better, each other will become a habit of each other and merge. We were together and suddenly lost half of it, and the remaining one can't stand. I'll try my best to persuade you. I hope my mother can be more flexible and survive this most difficult period."

Watching Lang Xing walking towards the small courtyard where her mother lived, Su Wan thought to herself, what would happen to herself if Lang Xing died?

Before Langxing walked into the small courtyard, she sent a spiritual message, "Enough is enough. If you think Mom is too noisy, don't persuade me. I think what she likes most now is purity."

Langxing didn't look back, but put her hands behind her back and raised her thumb to show her praise. Su Wan could give this instruction, which showed that she understood her mother's mood.

After Langxing entered the house, Su Wan sent her spiritual consciousness and listened secretly.

Langxing did not persuade her to say anything, but asked the old lady with interest about her youth, since she was a little girl, and patiently listened to the old lady telling her about the past that was so far away that it had become blurred into pieces. Then came the acquaintance, marriage, and childbirth with Mr. Yang...

The old lady's eyes, which had been dull for many days, finally regained their vitality. She tirelessly finished talking one after another, with a smile on her face most of the time.

Su Wan secretly raised her finger, Lang Xing's intelligence and extraordinary patience were perfect for doing this kind of thing.

To be honest, she really couldn't listen to these trivial matters for long. But Langxing could not only listen, but also asked questions from time to time, which made the old lady talk more and more enthusiastically. In the end, she was even gesticulating. .

Amelia Su went to prepare the meal with peace of mind. The old lady would definitely have a big meal today.

When she prepared the meal and was about to take it over, she used her spiritual consciousness to see that the old lady had collapsed on the bed and expired!

The food box in her hand fell to the ground with a clang, and Su Wan froze there as if she had been sealed.

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