Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2907 Only a ghost can believe that you only used one point of mana.

"Maybe I'm too tired from talking, maybe..., I didn't expect this." Lang Xing said apologetically to Su Wan who rushed in.

Su Wan looked at the smile frozen on her godmother's face, her straight eyes gradually softened, and she said to Lang Xing, "You don't have to blame yourself. It's not your fault. You tried your best. At least she left with a smile." of."

Langxing sighed softly and wanted to say something, but after looking at Su Wan, he chose silence and walked out of the room quietly.

Su Wan didn't cry loudly this time. She stayed by her godmother's side and silently shed a few tears before regaining her composure.

When making arrangements for the funeral, the villagers all lamented that it was because the old couple had such a good relationship. It was not uncommon for one to take the lead and the other to follow. You can see the signs, and the old lady will definitely follow.

Su Wan fainted again when everyone came to help, but this time she pretended to be fainted. She had already fulfilled her filial duty, and there was no need to endure the filthy atmosphere here. On the basis of grief, she I meditated at home alone for a few days, and it was not until the burial that I came out to bury my godmother with everyone.

The small courtyard of her godfather and stepmother became empty all of a sudden. In order to prevent Su Wan from falling in love with the scene, Langxing wanted to demolish the small courtyard, but Su Wan insisted on keeping this small courtyard that carries both warmth and sorrow. She also You need to savor this earthly love.

In the eyes of the villagers, this quiet and gentle little daughter-in-law, who occasionally showed a bit of naughty and unruly attitude to Lang Xing, has become much calmer. Everyone can understand that the pain of bereavement is the best way for people to grow. From now on, this young couple will I have to support my own family and start a business.

After a while, the work in the fields was almost busy. The two of them took Fu'er away for a while on the pretext of visiting Su Wan's family.

Langxing was thinking about Bai Xiang. He had planned to let Su Wan go to Daiyuan Mountain before, but after the disaster, he was not sure about letting Su Wan go alone, so he decided to go back together to take a look.

They first found Fu'er's biological mother. The woman had already remarried. She never expected to see her son again in this life. The moment she saw Fu'er, she burst into tears because Fu'er was white, fat and fat. She was blessed, so as a mother, she felt less self-blame and the joy in her heart at this moment

More joy than sadness.

His husband was an honest and honest man. When he married this woman, he knew that she had a son, so he was quite friendly to Fu'er.

Lang Xing and Su Wan only said that they were sending Fu'er to reunite with her mother for a few days. They did not want to hide this matter from Fu'er, and they had already told Fu'er the cause and effect before they were on the road.

For Fu'er, this biological mother has been so vague that he can hardly remember it. After all, he was only two or three years old when she was taken away. Now that he sees it, it seems to have brought back some memories, but this is not enough for him to recognize this biological mother. The mother immediately got close to him, and his evasive attitude made the woman shed more tears.

After settling down with Fu'er, the two went straight to Daiyuan Mountain.

Flying freely in the sky and returning to the cultivation world, both of them felt as if they were in another world. Although they only stayed in the mortal world for three or four years, it felt like hundreds of years had passed.

"I'm not used to it." Su Wan looked at a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk in the distance who bowed his hands to greet them, and said to Lang Xing with a smile in his eyes.

Lang Xing laughed and said, "It's only been three or four years. If it really takes decades, we might be useless."

Su Wan nodded and said, "Yes, that should also be a kind of magic power of heaven, a relatively low-level magic power restraint. We monks have broken through that kind of magic power. By comparison, you can feel how refreshing it is now."

Lang Xing blinked, looked at the dark clouds gradually appearing above his head, and praised sincerely, "I really didn't expect this. When you said it, it seems to make sense, but I can't describe the kind of thing that envelopes the mortal world." What exactly is it, can you tell me?"

Su Wan shook her head and said, "It's like many dirty things mixed together, like turbid sewage. If you stay there for a long time, it will stick to you and make you dirty. They are pervasive and make you dirty." I can’t be alone, I can only describe it as a mess.”

"Now it's finally your turn to be struck by lightning." Lang

Xing stopped and looked at the dark clouds in the sky with gloating.

Su Wan looked at the sky calmly. For such a gentle and delicate woman, she showed such a calm and domineering posture, which made her look very charming.

Lang Xing's eyes gradually became colder. Their attitude towards the disaster was more bored than fearful.

"Maybe it doesn't want to hit me anymore." Su Wan said, looking at the dark clouds that had not continued to thicken. Although she could feel a faint panic in her heart, it was far less intense than before.

"That's because what you comprehended is not quite correct and poses no threat to the way of heaven." Lang Xing gloated again.

Su Wan snorted and saw that the clouds began to disperse, and she flew forward with some shame.

Lang Xing laughed, it was really funny. Others were talking about the catastrophe and their expressions changed, but this little fairy felt ashamed because she failed to cause the catastrophe.

Su Wan's eyes flashed with confidence, and she said to Lang Xing, "If there is no heavenly disaster, it may not mean that my understanding is wrong, but you said that what I have learned does not pose a big threat to the way of heaven. This may be right, because this This kind of magic power is too low-level, you can feel it just by comparing it, but it is precisely because monks can't stand the filthy atmosphere of the mortal world. No one stays in the mortal world for as long as we do, so we can't get as deep a feeling as we do. Well, based on this alone, the trip to the mortal world can be said to be very fruitful. You are right, the mortal world does contain many clues to the way of heaven."

Lang Xing couldn't help but admire and said, "That's right, little fairy concubine. It seems that you have been thinking about it a lot in the past few years. I feel a little regretful for pointing out this clear path to you."

Su Wan smiled proudly and said, "The days of regret for you are yet to come. I may soon be able to break through the heavens and step into the immortal gate. By then, you will be like an ant in my eyes."

Langxing curled his lips and said, "You have already stepped into the immortal gate, and you are still called Immortal Concubine. Should you be called a True Immortal? How should you call a Jurchen Immortal? You can't just call her a Jurchen Immortal, right? That's too tacky. Where should you be?" You didn’t even know what to call him, so you just ran in stupidly? If true immortals are that stupid, I wouldn’t even care.

Go to this place where idiots gather. "

Su Wan made a vindictive expression and said, "Yes, I don't know what kind of title I should get now, but when I understand it thoroughly, I will naturally know everything when I step into the immortal gate. It's a pity that I may not have the chance by then." I’ve told you what I understand, so you can only continue to act so self-righteously and be stupid.”

Lang Xing laughed loudly and said, "If you can go into the water and go ashore, you can have two kinds of fun in the water and on land. If you step into the fairy gate and you can't come back, then you will definitely not go to the fairy world, but to hell. Only hell can There is no return, use your brain, it is not difficult to understand such a simple truth. "

Su Wan said contemptuously, "Hey! Just comfort yourself. Summer insects cannot speak of ice, and well frogs cannot speak of sea. With your little knowledge, you cannot imagine the fairy world."

Lang Xing looked at her with an even more contemptuous expression and said, "You seem to praise me for my wisdom from time to time, and you are even further behind me in terms of knowledge. You were just an unknown girl from the Xuan Fang Sect. Xiu, I am a dignified Immortal Lord from two major sects, Qianxu Palace and Zixiao Palace, and I deal with a bunch of great supernatural powers every day..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Wan interrupted rudely and said, "Go away! What are you showing off for? Now that I am a fairy concubine, your family fortune is worth nothing in my eyes."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Your status as an immortal concubine is worthless in my eyes. Don't be complacent. I can't even count how many immortal concubines and immortal lords I have sent into the 'Immortal Sect'."

Su Wan's eyes flashed coldly and she said, "Don't be crazy about me, I can easily knock you down now, get down!" At the last "get down" she used the power of Tianwei, which made Lang Xing tremble, and her two His eyes stayed there.

Seeing Lang Xing's miserable state, she flew forward with a proud smile and said, "I'll save you some face. I only used one point of mana, otherwise you would have fallen down."

After Lang Xing calmed down, he said angrily, "You're lying to a ghost. Only a ghost will believe that you only used one point of mana." Although it can be concluded that Su Wan definitely did not use only one point of mana, this can't save any face. , now Amelia Su is so powerful that he cannot easily deal with it.

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