Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2916: Solo fight, joint fight, Tao fight

Hu Tian continued to preach, "Taiping Immortal Lord's bloody battle post has been responded to by many Nanjingzhou monks. Because the enemy is strong and we are weak, they all joined the team formed by Taiping Immortal Lord with the intention of dying. For a time, Nan Jingzhou Jingzhou Xiujie was united by the tragic feelings of fighting against the same enemy. Even the young disciples in the Qi gathering stage packed their bags and rushed to the battlefield. Some of them could not even fly with swords and could only go on foot. "

Su Wan bit her lips, imagining the scene of countless monks dying generously, and couldn't help but feel excited, wishing that she could help them.

"We should take this responsibility. The monks in Nanjingzhou are still bloody!" Langxing praised. Although he has reached a transcendental state and believes that "when there is trouble in the pond, a dragon rushes to the sea", but if he puts himself in his shoes, what if he was in that situation? Under such circumstances, they will definitely fight against the group of Dongnanzhou people who want to snatch this land.

Hu Tian was still as calm as before, without any emotional fluctuations, and continued, "The group of people in East Nightmare Continent couldn't help but have a headache when they saw that the bones of Nanjing Continent's cultivators were so hard. They thought it was an easy invasion of wolves among sheep, but unexpectedly But they have to face an endless hard battle. In order to shake the opponent's fighting spirit, they issued a challenge to Nanjingzhou, proposing to have three competitions: individual fighting, joint fighting, and Tao fighting. The winner will be determined by the three formations. If they lose, they will immediately withdraw from Nanjingzhou and never set foot on this land again. If Nanjingzhou loses, they can just admit defeat and the battle can continue. "

Lang Xing nodded and said, "It's arrogant, but this is a very clever move. What they want is to dampen the fighting spirit of the Nanjingzhou monks. They are sure to win these three formations. If Nanjingzhou does not dare to accept the challenge, Their goal has also been achieved, so Nan Jingzhou has to accept this challenge no matter what."

Su Wan disagreed and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't accept it. Losing would have a greater impact on morale."

Langxing smiled and shook his head and said, "You don't understand these fighting skills. I learned a lot in Puyunzhou. You have to fight even though you know you are losing. This is called losing the battle without losing the momentum. Otherwise, you will be defeated by others so easily." If you suppress your momentum, you won't be able to fight the next battle. You can lose the battle between the three formations, but you must try to lose miserably and unyieldingly. To put it bluntly, you will die miserably on the stage. The more miserably you die, the more miserable you will be. The braver you are, you must not retreat in defeat, let alone kneel down and beg for mercy. This will only arouse everyone's fighting spirit to die, so we have to send death soldiers. "

Su Wan frowned and said, "You didn't learn anything good in Puyunzhou. It's too cruel to let people die like this."

Lang Xing nodded in agreement and said, "It's very cruel. I don't support this approach, but it is a more effective method when facing such an unfavorable situation. There are many fools in Pu Yunzhou who are willing to die for Qianzonghui. It would have been Nan Jing." It’s more difficult to deal with it here in mainland China. Even if someone is willing to die, everyone will feel uncomfortable.”

Su Wan narrowed her eyes and said, "Then if we want to prevent this disaster for Nanjingzhou, we can't make it known to everyone. We can only go to these three formation appointments quietly."

Langxing smiled hoarsely and said, "What are you thinking? Are you confused by getting caught up in the story? At that time, the enemy was strong and we were weak. Now it's hard to say who is strong and who is weak. Nanjingzhou is no longer what it used to be, especially With the formation of the Tianlu Alliance, I think Nanjingzhou's cohesion is almost unparalleled in the world. It will definitely be difficult and not easy to use troops externally.

, but when it comes to resisting invasion, even if forces like Puyunzhou, Shuiqingzhou, Beihai, and Nanhai attack together, the Nanjingzhou monks will fight bloody battles that will scare them, because everyone knows that once they are invaded, Talking about what kind of days we are facing, the good days in Nanjingzhou today are the reason why everyone is willing to fight to the end, and it is also the source of courage and fighting spirit.

The people in Dongmengzhou are so stupid that they are still dreaming of invading Nanjingzhou. No matter how powerful the team they formed is, they can never make the monks of Nanjingzhou surrender unless they can do better than the Heavenly Law Alliance. , let everyone live a better life than now. If that is the case, not only will I not resist, but I will also welcome them to rule Nanjingzhou. "

Having said this, he smiled and asked Su Wan, "Can you come up with a better strategy than the current governance measures of the Tianlu Alliance?" After asking, he glanced at Hutian, who once again returned the look he cast. Ignore attitude.

Su Wan felt quite enlightened after hearing this, and said with a smile, "Hearing what you said really opened my heart. Honestly speaking, I think what Tianlu League has done is really good. I want to do better than what it has done." It’s not easy, at least I can’t think of it. So, are you planning to inform the Sky Law Alliance about this?”

Langxing thought, "I haven't decided yet. It depends on whether we can win the three formations." He turned to Hutian and asked, "What are the differences between solo fighting, joint fighting, and Taoist fighting?"

Hu Tian replied, "There is no need to pay too much attention to it. Fighting alone means fighting alone. The participants only need to have cultivation levels below the Huayu level. Logically speaking, it should be a battle between monks in the late Nascent Soul. But the last fight alone, In order to better suppress the fighting spirit of the monks in Nanjingzhou, the group of people in Dongmengzhou sent a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. On the Nanjingzhou side was Taiping Xianzun’s eldest disciple. He sent Taiping Xianzun’s eldest disciple The disciple was unable to fight back at all, and he beat him for half an hour. In fact, he could kill the opponent as soon as he got started, but in order to make the opponent surrender, he kept beating him. The eldest disciple of Taiping Immortal Lord is a man. , did not embarrass his master, not only did he not surrender, he also did not commit suicide, he always gritted his teeth and fought until he vomited the last drop of blood before falling. "

Su Wan gritted her teeth and cursed, "These people are really devils!"

Lang Xing sighed and said, "Since people dare to propose three formations to determine victory or defeat, they are naturally strong. If you are not as skilled as others, you can only rely on your will to support yourself and make your death worthwhile. This is the principle of the strategy of fighting I just mentioned." , Although Taiping Immortal Lord may not strictly order his disciples to do this, the person who comes on stage has no other choice. Without firm belief to support him, he cannot persist in that step. "

Su Wan said sadly in her heart, "I just said that I shouldn't accept the challenge. Everyone understands the disparity in strength. Even if you don't accept the challenge, everyone will understand."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "Not everyone is as determined as you. Many people still have to rely on their momentum, otherwise they won't be able to muster up such courage."

Su Wan couldn't bear to hear the next two battles anymore, but the more she couldn't bear it, the more she couldn't help but want to understand, so she asked, "Did you lose the second battle too?"

Hu Tian said calmly, "I won the second game."

"Won?!" This was beyond Su Wan's expectation. She thought that Nan Jingzhou had lost in this challenge, and later drove the opponent away through a tenacious fight to the death. Hu Tian continued to preach, "Taiping Immortal Lord's bloody battle post has been responded to by many Nanjingzhou monks. Because the enemy is strong and we are weak, they all joined the team formed by Taiping Immortal Lord with the intention of dying. For a time, Nan Jingzhou Jingzhou Xiujie was united by the tragic feelings of fighting against the same enemy. Even the young disciples in the Qi gathering period packed their bags and rushed to the battlefield. Some of them could not even fly with swords and could only go on foot. "

Su Wan bit her lips, imagining the scene of countless monks dying generously, and couldn't help but feel excited, wishing that she could help them.

"We should take this responsibility. The monks in Nanjingzhou are still bloody!" Langxing praised. Although he has reached a transcendental state and believes that "when there is trouble in the pond, a dragon rushes to the sea", but if he puts himself in his shoes, what if he was in that situation? Under such circumstances, they will definitely fight against the group of Dongnanzhou people who want to seize this land.

Hu Tian was still as calm as before, without any emotional fluctuations, and continued, "The group of people in East Nightmare Continent couldn't help but have a headache when they saw that the bones of Nanjing Continent's cultivators were so hard. They thought it was an easy invasion of wolves among sheep, but unexpectedly But they have to face an endless hard battle. In order to shake the opponent's fighting spirit, they issued a challenge to Nanjingzhou, proposing to have three competitions: individual fighting, joint fighting, and Tao fighting. The winner will be determined by the three formations. If they lose, they will immediately withdraw from Nanjingzhou and never set foot on this land again. If Nanjingzhou loses, they can just admit defeat and the battle can continue. "

Lang Xing nodded and said, "It's arrogant, but this is a very clever move. What they want is to dampen the fighting spirit of the Nanjingzhou monks. They are sure to win these three formations. If Nanjingzhou does not dare to accept the challenge, Their goal has also been achieved, so Nan Jingzhou has to accept this challenge no matter what."

Su Wan disagreed and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't accept it. Losing would have a greater impact on morale."

Langxing smiled and shook his head and said, "You don't understand these fighting skills. I learned a lot in Puyunzhou. You have to fight even though you know you are losing. This is called losing the battle without losing the momentum. Otherwise, you will be defeated by others so easily." If you suppress your momentum, you won't be able to fight the next battle. You can lose the battle between the three formations, but you must try to lose miserably and unyieldingly. To put it bluntly, you will die miserably on the stage. The more miserably you die, the more miserable you will be. The braver you are, you must not retreat in defeat, let alone kneel down and beg for mercy. This will only arouse everyone's fighting spirit to die, so we have to send dead soldiers. "

Su Wan frowned and said, "You didn't learn anything good in Puyunzhou. It's too cruel for people to die like this."

Lang Xing nodded in agreement and said, "It's very cruel. I don't support this approach, but it is a more effective method when facing such an unfavorable situation. There are many idiots in Pu Yunzhou who are willing to die for Qianzonghui. It would be Nan Jing who It’s more difficult to deal with it here in mainland China. Even if someone is willing to die, everyone will feel uncomfortable.”

Su Wan narrowed her eyes and said, "Then if we want to prevent this disaster for Nanjingzhou, we can't make it known to everyone. We can only go to these three formation appointments quietly."

Langxing smiled hoarsely and said, "What are you thinking? Are you confused by getting caught up in the story? At that time, the enemy was strong and we were weak. Now it's hard to say who is strong and who is weak. Nanjingzhou is no longer what it used to be, especially With the formation of the Tianlu Alliance, I think Nanjingzhou's cohesion is almost unparalleled in the world. It is definitely not easy to use troops externally.

, but in terms of resisting invasion, even if the forces of Puyunzhou, Shuiqingzhou, Beihai, and Nanhai attack together, the Nanjingzhou monks will fight bloody battles that will scare them, because everyone knows that once they are invaded, Talking about what kind of days we are facing, the good days in Nanjingzhou today are the reason why everyone is willing to fight to the end, and it is also the source of courage and fighting spirit.

The people in Dongmengzhou are so stupid that they are still dreaming of invading Nanjingzhou. No matter how powerful the team they formed is, they can never make the monks of Nanjingzhou surrender unless they can do better than the Heavenly Law Alliance. , let everyone live a better life than now. If that is the case, not only will I not resist, but I will also welcome them to rule Nanjingzhou. "

Having said this, he smiled and asked Su Wan, "Can you come up with a better strategy than the current governance measures of the Tianlu Alliance?" After asking, he glanced at Hutian, who looked at him again. Ignore attitude.

Su Wan felt quite enlightened after hearing this, and said with a smile, "Hearing what you said really opened my heart. Honestly speaking, I think what Tianlu League has done is really good. I want to do better than what it has done." It’s not easy, at least I can’t think of it. So, are you planning to inform the Sky Law Alliance about this?”

Langxing thought, "I haven't decided yet. It depends on whether we can win the three formations." He turned to Hutian and asked, "What are the differences between solo fighting, joint fighting, and Taoist fighting?"

Hutian replied, "There is no need to pay too much attention. A solo fight is a solo fight. The participants only need to have cultivation levels below the Huayu level. Logically speaking, it should be a battle between monks in the late Nascent Soul. But the last solo fight, In order to better suppress the fighting spirit of the monks in Nanjingzhou, the group of people in Dongmengzhou sent a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. On the Nanjingzhou side was Taiping Xianzun’s eldest disciple. He sent Taiping Xianzun’s eldest disciple The disciple was unable to fight back at all, and he beat him for half an hour. In fact, he could kill the opponent as soon as he got started, but in order to make the opponent surrender, he kept beating him. The eldest disciple of Taiping Immortal Lord is a man. , did not embarrass his master, not only did he not surrender, he also did not commit suicide, he always gritted his teeth and fought until he vomited the last drop of blood before falling. "

Su Wan gritted her teeth and cursed, "These people are really devils!"

Lang Xing sighed and said, "Since people dare to propose three formations to determine victory or defeat, they are naturally strong. If you are not as skilled as others, you can only rely on your will to support yourself and make your death worthwhile. This is the principle of the strategy of fighting I just mentioned." , Although Taiping Immortal Lord may not strictly order his disciples to do this, the person who comes on stage has no other choice. Without firm belief to support him, he cannot persist in that step. "

Su Wan said sadly in her heart, "I just said that I shouldn't accept the challenge. Everyone understands the disparity in strength. Even if you don't accept the challenge, everyone can understand."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "Not everyone is as determined as you. Many people still have to rely on their momentum, otherwise they won't be able to muster up such courage."

Su Wan couldn't bear to hear the next two battles anymore, but the more she couldn't bear it, the more she couldn't help but want to understand, so she asked, "Did you lose the second battle too?"

Hu Tian said calmly, "I won the second game."

"Won?!" This was beyond Su Wan's expectation. She thought that Nan Jingzhou had lost in this challenge, and later drove the opponent away through a tenacious fight to the death.

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