Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2917 Different legends

Langxing smiled. He thought Su Wan was very funny. Although Bingxue was smart, she turned into a silly girl once her emotions aroused. Of course she won the second game, and she would definitely win the third game, otherwise the next step would be It was a protracted war against the invasion. It developed into such a big war and it is impossible not to be passed down. Since no one knows about such a thing now, it is natural that the battle of the three formations was won. Dongmenzhou The people had to withdraw in despair. In order to take care of Amelia Su's face, he just smiled and did not say anything.

After all, Su Wan was smart. Seeing Lang Xing's smile, she immediately turned around and asked Hu Tian in embarrassment, "How did you win?" After asking, she blushed and gave Lang Xing a look, warning him not to do anything. No more talk.

Hu Tian took care of Su Wan's face, and said in a calm tone, "This is an accident. Even Taiping Immortal Lord did not dare to expect to win the second game. A joint fight is not a group fight. In fact, the fight is Three people in the East Nightmare Continent team have learned a very powerful ancient combined attack spell. There is no one in the Nanjingzhou camp who can defeat them, so the East Nightmare Continent arrogantly proposed that Nanjingzhou’s team should come on. As long as the number of people doesn’t exceed ten.”

Su Wan and Lang Xing looked at each other, naturally thinking of Zhenyuan Lu. If Xiyang and the others were present, they would definitely be able to slap these arrogant Dongmenzhou people in the face, but there was still no time. The battle should be winnable.

"What kind of accident happened?" Langxing asked with interest.

Hu Tian said, "On the night before the second competition, several young people from Nanjingzhou came to the camp of the Dongmengzhou team. The leader was a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and the rest were only in the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivation. They They are a group of very good friends, and they are also a group of carefree leisurely clouds and wild cranes. Therefore, there is a commotion outside, but they have just received the news, so a few people rushed over day and night. They did not go to the camp of Taiping Immortal Lord, but went directly to The people from Dongyangzhou went to challenge."

Su Wan and Lang Xing's eyes began to shine again, and the story became more and more exciting.

There was a rare look of yearning on Hu Tian's calm face. He paused for a moment before continuing, "These young talents don't like to show off. I think you two should be able to understand this."

Lang Xing grinned and said, "My secrets are incomparable to those of someone who has been a fairy concubine for more than two thousand years. Only this little fairy concubine has the qualification to be unassuming."

Su Wan glared at Lang Xing angrily, but she felt somewhat proud in her heart.

Hutian continued, "Because they didn't want to publicize it, there is more than one version of how that battle was fought. Some said that a young couple among them went on the field and defeated the other three. Some people said that he killed three people easily with his powerful combined attack spell, and some said that he subdued three people. In short, he won the second game. "

Su Wan and Lang Xing both frowned and gritted their teeth, feeling itchy and regretful that they could not hear about this wonderful battle.

Hu Tian smiled slightly and said, "When I heard other people tell this, I felt the same as you. Fortunately, this story did not spread, otherwise it would have been made up beyond recognition by good people. Although they can make up this story, It's all fancy, but with their talents and knowledge, no matter how they make it up, it will definitely not be as exciting as the real scene. Although we don't know exactly how that battle was fought, we think it must be brilliant. The higher your cultivation and knowledge, the more you can imagine. The more exciting the scene is, so the real

The battle situation has not been handed down, but it has left us with endless interest. Every time I come into contact with a combined attack spell, I will think of that battle and make some guesses. "

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, "We must have planted the root of this disease."

Su Wan was completely attracted by this story and asked with concern, "What about the third formation? Nothing has been passed down."

"There are two theories," Hutian said. The first is that they asked for another one-on-one fight. One of these people was called Xiaotian Lingjun, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He defeated the opponent who won the first battle. He beat the shit out of him, and humiliated the opponent in a cat-and-mouse manner for a while, and easily won this game. This was a win-win-win-out-of-three-game series, and the Dongmenzhou gang had lost. , I had no choice but to withdraw from Nanjingzhou according to what I said."

Su Wan smiled and shook her head and said, "Although this statement is very relieving, and I really hope so, but I still feel that it is fabricated. I have already lost the first game. These young people are all geniuses, and I feel that it is impossible to propose a new fight." If you really make this request, you will definitely fight them for a third time after winning, in order to teach them a lesson, but they don't like to show off. So it’s not reliable to ask for a replay of the first game.”

Lang Xing said, "That's not necessarily the case. Young people are arrogant and it is inevitable to act willfully. There is a last resort for not being public, but in this case, I think it is okay to take the opportunity to be arrogant." possible."

Su Wan looked at him with disdainful eyes and said, "You think it's possible because you are this kind of person. Whenever you encounter an opportunity to be arrogant, you will never let it go. You are shallow!" After scolding Lang Xing, she said to him in a happy mood. God Protector asked, "What's another way of saying it?"

Hu Tian continued calmly, "Another way of saying it is that after winning the second game, there was a third game immediately. A Tao fight. This is a literary fight. Each other criticizes each other's Tao methods. The one who can make the opponent's Tao heart collapse is win."

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Although it is a literary fight, it is the most cruel of the three formations. For a monk, having his Taoist heart collapse is more uncomfortable than dying. It is better to die in battle."

Su Wan was convinced and asked worriedly, "Has their debate been handed down?"

Hu Tian shook his head and said, "This kind of competition is about wisdom. The people sent by both sides must be the most intelligent people. It is inevitable that all kinds of tricks and sophistry will be used in the argument. Others will easily make mistakes after hearing this. Therefore, both sides set up an isolation circle in the venue to ensure that the voices of the debate would not be heard, and also to prevent people outside the venue from using spiritual messages to secretly help. Therefore, everyone could only see the appearance of the two of them, but could not hear them. What they said."

"It should be so." Lang Xing nodded slightly, thinking about who should be beaten this time.

Su Wan urged, "What's the status of this debate?"

Hu Tian said with a little regret, "The young man is the leader, Lord Wuyu Ling..."

"Buyu Lingjun? This... sounds like this name..." Su Wan couldn't help but interrupt, but she didn't know what to say. It sounded too weird to let a person named "Buyu" debate with others. .

Hu Tian smiled slightly and said, "His Taoist nickname was given by his friends. It is a kind of expectation of several people. Because he talks too much, everyone hopes that he will remain silent."

"That's it!" Su Wan smiled and felt relieved at the same time. Langxing smiled. He thought Su Wan was very funny. Although Bingxue was smart, she turned into a silly girl once her emotions aroused. Of course she won the second game, and she would definitely win the third game, otherwise the next step would be It was a protracted war against the invasion. It developed into such a big war and it is impossible not to be passed down. Since no one knows about such a thing now, it is natural that the battle of the three formations was won. Dongmenzhou The people had to withdraw in despair. In order to take care of Amelia Su's face, he just smiled and did not say anything.

After all, Su Wan was smart. Seeing Lang Xing's smile, she immediately turned around and asked Hu Tian in embarrassment, "How did you win?" After asking, she blushed and gave Lang Xing a look, warning him not to do anything. No more talk.

Hu Tian took care of Su Wan's face, and said in a calm tone, "This is an accident. Even Taiping Immortal Lord did not dare to expect to win the second game. A joint fight is not a group fight. In fact, the fight is Three people in the East Nightmare Continent team have learned a very powerful ancient combined attack spell. There is no one in the Nanjingzhou camp who can defeat them, so the East Nightmare Continent arrogantly proposed that Nanjingzhou’s team should come on. As long as the number of people doesn’t exceed ten.”

Su Wan and Lang Xing looked at each other, naturally thinking of Zhenyuan Lu. If Xiyang and the others were present, they would definitely be able to slap these arrogant Dongmenzhou people in the face, but there was still no time. The battle should be winnable.

"What kind of accident happened?" Lang Xing asked with interest.

Hu Tian said, "On the night before the second competition, several young people from Nanjingzhou came to the camp of the Dongmengzhou team. The leader was a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and the rest were only in the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivation. They They are a group of very good friends, and they are also a group of carefree leisurely clouds and wild cranes. Therefore, there is a commotion outside, but they have just received the news, so a few people rushed over day and night. They did not go to the camp of Taiping Immortal Lord, but went directly to The people from East Nightmare Continent went to challenge."

Su Wan and Lang Xing's eyes began to shine again, and the story became more and more exciting.

There was a rare look of yearning on Hu Tian's calm face. He paused for a while before continuing, "These young talents don't like to show off. I think you two should be able to understand this."

Lang Xing grinned and said, "My secrets are incomparable to those of someone who has been a fairy concubine for more than two thousand years. Only this little fairy concubine has the qualification to be unassuming."

Su Wan glared at Lang Xing angrily, but she felt somewhat proud in her heart.

Hutian continued, "Because they didn't want to publicize it, there is more than one version of how that battle was fought. Some said that a young couple among them went on the field and defeated the other three. Some people said that he killed three people easily with his powerful combined attack spell, and some said that he subdued three people. In short, he won the second game. "

Su Wan and Lang Xing both frowned and gritted their teeth, feeling itchy and regretful that they could not hear about this wonderful battle.

Hu Tian smiled slightly and said, "When I heard other people tell this, I felt the same as you. Fortunately, this story did not spread, otherwise it would have been made up beyond recognition by good people. Although they can make up this story, It's all fancy, but with their talents and knowledge, no matter how they make it up, it will definitely not be as exciting as the real scene. Although we don't know exactly how that battle was fought, we think it must be brilliant. The higher your cultivation and knowledge, the more you can imagine. The more exciting the scene is, so the real

The battle situation has not been handed down, but it has left us with endless interest. Every time I come into contact with a combined attack spell, I will think of that battle and make some guesses. "

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, "We must have planted the root of this disease."

Su Wan was completely attracted by this story and asked with concern, "What about the third formation? Nothing has been passed down."

"There are two theories," Hutian said. The first is that they asked for another one-on-one fight. One of these people was called Xiaotian Lingjun, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He defeated the opponent who won the first battle. He beat the shit out of him, and humiliated the opponent in a cat-and-mouse manner for a while, and easily won this game. This was a win-win-win-out-of-three-game series, and the Dongmenzhou gang had lost. , I had no choice but to withdraw from Nanjingzhou according to what I said."

Su Wan smiled and shook her head and said, "Although this statement is very relieving, and I really hope so, but I still feel that it is fabricated. I have already lost the first game. These young people are all geniuses, and I feel that it is impossible to propose a new fight." If you really make this request, you will definitely fight them for a third time after winning, in order to teach them a lesson, but they don't like to show off. So it’s not reliable to ask for a replay of the first game.”

Lang Xing said, "That's not necessarily the case. Young people are arrogant and it is inevitable to act willfully. There is a last resort for not being public, but in this case, I think it is okay to take the opportunity to be arrogant." possible."

Su Wan looked at him with disdainful eyes and said, "You think it's possible because you are this kind of person. Whenever you encounter an opportunity to be arrogant, you will never let it go. You are shallow!" After scolding Lang Xing, she said to him in a happy mood. God Protector asked, "What's another way of saying it?"

Hu Tian continued calmly, "Another way of saying it is that after winning the second game, there was a third game immediately. A Tao fight. This is a literary fight. Each other criticizes each other's Tao methods. The one who can make the opponent's Tao heart collapse is win."

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Although it is a literary fight, it is the most cruel of the three formations. For a monk, having his Taoist heart collapse is more uncomfortable than dying. It is better to die in battle."

Su Wan was convinced and asked worriedly, "Has their debate been handed down?"

Hu Tian shook his head and said, "This kind of competition is about wisdom. The people sent by both sides must be the most intelligent people. It is inevitable that all kinds of strategies and sophistry will be used in the argument. Others will easily make mistakes after hearing this. Therefore, both sides set up an isolation circle in the venue to ensure that the voices of the debate would not be heard, and also to prevent people outside the venue from using spiritual messages to secretly help. Therefore, everyone could only see the appearance of the two of them, but could not hear them. What they said."

"It should be so." Lang Xing nodded slightly, thinking about who should be beaten this time.

Su Wan urged, "What's the status of this debate?"

Hu Tian said with a hint of regret, "The one on the young man's side is the leader, Mr. Wuyu Ling..."

"Buyu Lingjun? This... sounds like this name..." Su Wan couldn't help but interrupt, but she didn't know what to say. It sounded too weird to let a person named "Buyu" debate with others. .

Hu Tian smiled slightly and said, "His Taoist nickname was given by his friends. It is a kind of expectation of several people. Because he talks too much, everyone hopes that he will remain silent."

"That's it!" Su Wan smiled and felt relieved at the same time.

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