Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2918 Lang Xing’s four guesses

Hu Tian's expression became vivid again, he looked at Su Wan with a smile and said, "But he really didn't say a word in this debate."

Su Wan and Lang Xing both looked surprised. How could they argue without saying a word? Wouldn't that be equivalent to just being beaten without fighting back? In that case, there would be no victory but defeat.

"This is really interesting." Su Wan couldn't help but look forward to it, not only hoping to see that weird debate, but also hoping to meet those magical young people.

Langxing frowned slightly, his eyes full of thinking, wondering why Lord Wuyu Ling won the debate.

Hu Tian wanted to test him and asked, "Can you guess how he won?"

Lang Xing pondered, "I came up with four possibilities."

This answer made Su Wan look sideways. She could only think of one possibility, but Lang Xing actually thought of four, which was quite irritating.

Hu Tian smiled and showed interest.

Langxing said slowly, "The first one is that the content of the debate between the two is related to spiritual thoughts. Lord Wuyu Ling has been answering with spiritual thoughts. As long as he is not forced to speak by the other party, he will win."

Su Wan showed a look of disgust and curled her lips and said, "Any words can be expressed with spiritual thoughts. Can you think of something that can only be expressed in words but not with spiritual thoughts? Your guess is so unreasonable."

Lang Xing said seriously, "We can't use our own knowledge to speculate on their arguments. We should think that they are smarter than us. We feel that there is nothing that cannot be expressed with spiritual thoughts. That is just our cognition." , maybe it really cannot be expressed with spiritual thoughts. Since Lord Wuyu Ling has not spoken from the beginning to the end, we have to consider this possibility. "

Su Wan snorted lightly and stopped entangled.

Hu Tian nodded and said, "I have also thought of this possibility, but as she said, I haven't thought of anything that cannot be expressed with spiritual thoughts. But you are right, don't draw conclusions easily based on your own knowledge. Always leave a bit of suspicion to the unknown, this is the attitude a wise person should have. "

Lang Xing versus Su

Wan showed a vindictive and proud look, then narrowed her eyes and continued, "The second possibility is something that only people like me can think of. Lord Buyu Ling has telepathy or similar talents, and he uses a unique message This kind of magical power is beyond ordinary people's cognition. Once it is shown, it is enough to open the eyes of the other party. At the same time, what you previously believed in will collapse, and the debate will be won naturally. "

Hu Tian smiled and shook his head and said, "Although few people can think of your guess, it is definitely wrong to put it here, because the debate lasted for three days and three nights."

Lang Xing smiled, pointed at Hu Tian and said, "You're kidding me." If he had told him earlier that the debate had lasted so long, he would certainly not have made such a guess.

Hu Tian smiled brightly and said, "I just want to see how many possibilities you can come up with."

Langxing rolled up his sleeves and suppressed a smile and said, "Okay! The third type is that the two of them are debating whether a person can achieve the state of having no desires or pursuits, or something similar. The other party said many things that monks dream of. Things, such as shocking Taoism, infinitely powerful magic, extremely special secret realms, extremely cherished elixirs, etc., etc., and even promised that as long as Wuyu Lingjun opens his mouth, he will give him corresponding benefits. But Mr. Buyu Ling remained unmoved and showed a state of having no desires and demands. The other party was convinced and gave up. "

Su Wan nodded slightly, this was the possibility she thought of.

"This possibility exists," Hutian said. "What about the fourth one?"

Lang Xing pursed his lips, rolled his eyes, and then smiled evilly and said, "This is a bit bad. Lord Wuyu Ling always refutes the Taoism taught by the other party. As long as he shows his sincere disdain, With a helpless attitude, the other party could talk for three days and three nights before breaking down, which can be regarded as a character. "

Su Wan wanted to laugh when she heard that.

But he saw Hu Tian showing surprise and looking straight at Lang Xing.

"Did he guess it right?" Su Wan asked softly.

Hu Tian nodded slowly, "According to legend, Lord Wuyu Ling couldn't help but smile. The words 'disdain' and 'helpless' he used were too accurate. Refute it. It's really not worth wasting your time." , but I can’t leave, I can only helplessly listen to the other party’s nonsense.”

"Okay! It really takes a bad person to guess what the bad guy does." Su Wan squinted at Lang Xing, but she had to be convinced in her heart.

Lang Xing was also a little surprised. He smiled and said to Hu Tian, ​​"Am I really wrong? Haha, then this Silent Lord is bad enough, didn't he make the other party vomit blood?"

Hu Tian Zhengse said, "The person he is facing off with is named 'Holy Lord Tianhui'. He is a famous wise man in the East Nightmare Continent. He actually won the title of 'Holy Lord' due to his late Nascent Soul cultivation. This shows how extraordinary he is." , such a powerful person, Wuyu Lingjun defeated him without saying a word. You guessed it right again, he not only vomited blood, but also had a heart attack. After sitting there for a while, he Died by suicide."

Lang Xing grinned slightly and said nothing. For a person whose Taoist heart has collapsed, committing suicide is normal, especially for a "Holy Lord" who is famous for his wisdom.

Su Wan shook her head and said, "Suicide shows that his wisdom is not high enough. He is burdened by his pride and false reputation and cannot bear such a big blow. In fact, he knows that there is a heaven outside the world. It is right for a truly wise person to rejoice." ? ?

Hu Tian nodded slightly at her approvingly, and praised sincerely, "This insight you have is really rare. There are not many in the world. This is the true state of enlightenment. If Lord Wuyu Ling meets you, , I’m afraid it won’t be that easy.”

Su Wan was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm just not famous, so I don't need to care so much."

Hu Tian sighed with emotion, "You have become a feather at the age of more than 2,000 years. You are stronger than I was back then. It's not like you don't have it."

With your fame, people who know you have become a feather have already regarded you as a god in their hearts. In the future, your fame will..."

Lang Xing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Stop talking, stop talking, just let her go on like this stupidly. Your evaluation is worth more than the praise of monks all over the world. This will not do her any good."

Su Wan couldn't hide her pride and glared at Lang Xing, and spat, "I'm not that stupid! Do I need you to coax me?!"

Lang Xing laughed and continued to wave to Hu Tian, ​​strongly urging him to stop boasting.

In fact, Hu Tian didn't take Su Wan too seriously, not because she was not qualified, but because Lang Xing was obviously better than Su Wan. He looked at Lang Xing with a playful look and said, "Only with the Buyu Lingjun." Only people of the same kind can imagine his incredible way of fighting. This shows that not only is your wisdom not weaker than his, but it also shows that you must have unique insights into the way of heaven. Only in this way can you understand other people's ways. He was disdainful from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't deceive people like Tianhui Shengzun by just showing off. He really felt the disdain of Lord Wuyu Ling, so he collapsed. "

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "You can compliment me as you like. I'm not afraid of complimenting you. Yes, I do have my own opinions on the way of heaven. If you want to hear it, I can tell you everything." After saying that, he showed a joking expression and protected the sky. The only thing he fears is being sent to the Immortal Sect, which is his weakness.

Hu Tian showed a happy smile and disappeared the next moment.

Lang Xing anxiously shouted to the distance, "Don't leave yet! Tell us the story of those people again!"

Hu Tian sent back a spiritual thought, and then left.

"After that battle, they went to work as idle clouds and wild cranes again. No one knew where they lived. Although there were some rumors about their heroic deeds afterwards, these people eventually disappeared. It is difficult to tell whether the rumors are true or false. , there are different opinions on their final outcome, but everyone thinks they should have become immortals and passed away.”

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