Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2928 Yu Chan arrives

More than ten days later, Su Wan came back, and Yu Chan and Zhi Xia also followed. Lang Xing can get rid of Xiaoyao Xianjun, but Su Wan can't get rid of Yu Chan and Zhi Xia.

Fu'er was sleeping soundly on the bed. The three fairy concubines stood in the room looking at the child with different expressions. Langxing stood at the door with an embarrassed look on his face.

There should be no village that has had so many fairy concubines, and no ordinary child has been paid attention to by so many powerful people. Indeed, Fu'er is too ordinary and does not even have the qualifications to barely enter the cultivation path.

"You guys are living a decent life." Yu Chan glanced sideways at Lang Xing and then flew into the sky. Her cultivation level was too high and she couldn't stand the filthy atmosphere here.

Zhixia followed her and flew into the sky. She couldn't stand the filthy atmosphere here. Su Wan got used to it after slowly adapting.

In the sky tens of thousands of feet high, Yu Chan said to Langxing in a charming manner, "It's causing trouble again. This kind of trouble comes to bother me. I'm a monk from Puyunzhou. Can I take care of your Nanjingzhou affairs?" ? Even if something like this happens in Puyunzhou, I won't care."

Langxing didn't dare to betray Su Wan and said with a smile, "What's Nanjingzhou? This is my business. It was caused by Xiang'er and Lu Gang. I don't care if they want to invade Nanjingzhou. Anyway, they messed with me." Not on the head." At this point, he said with a silly smile, "Hehe, it's just that the opponent this time is a bit too strong. I don't know if I don't invite you to take charge."

In fact, Yu Chan had already asked what was going on. She said this just to sell her favor. She knew that it must be Su Wan's idea to invite her over. With Lang Xing's personality, she would rather take some risks herself. Disturbing her.

"Okay! You are an untouchable young master, and I, the King of Heaven, cannot offend you!" Yu Chan glanced at Lang Xing charmingly, and then said leisurely, "Since the trouble has come to this point, let's think about how to deal with it. Let’s deal with this matter. In my opinion, you shouldn’t be too pushy, that’s not a good thing.”

Zhixia echoed, "Yes, you'd better not show off your talents too much, otherwise trouble will follow. It would be best if you don't play."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I have been targeted by them. The hunter's bow has been exposed. I will definitely not be able to hide if I want to. The rest is

There is only one way to go, and that is to scare them to death so that they will retreat and not dare to take the initiative. "

"Okay, we said it in vain, they are going to do exactly the opposite." Yu Chan said to Zhi Xia angrily.

Zhixia didn't dare to offend Yu Chan, but also wanted to protect Lang Xing, so she had no choice but to smile helplessly.

Lang Xing smiled and said to Yu Chan, "It's not necessarily necessary to show off your sharpness to scare them to death. It's more scary to be unpredictable and unpredictable. For example, in a solo fight, you can easily defeat the opponent with a wave of your hand, leaving them helpless." If there are traces but no clues, that will scare them.”

"Then, it's the biggest mountain, dew, water!" Yu Chan was so angry that she poked his forehead with her jade finger, one word at a time, making Lang Xing step back.

Zhixia and Su Wan both couldn't bear to laugh and didn't dare to say anything.

In front of Su Wan, Langxing had to fight back. He held his neck and asked with a smile in his eyes, "Then what do you think I should do? I am so capable now, can I hide it?"

"I asked you to talk back to me!" Yu Chan laughed angrily and continued to poke him in the head.

Lang Xing used his body skills to escape and continued to talk back, "Look at how nervous you are, how big of a deal this is. I've already been targeted by Protector of Heaven, am I still afraid of being targeted by others? As wise as the Silent Lingjun, It’s inevitable that I’ll show off my brilliance, I’ve been patient enough, but now they’re forcing me to show off my edge.”

"I'm driving you crazy! How dare you bite a young man in front of me!" Yu Chan chased after him and beat him.

Because it was above the village, he couldn't make too much noise, and Lang Xing didn't want to resist Yu Chan's playfulness, so he was poked in the head several times.

Su Wan rolled her eyes secretly. It was impossible not to be jealous at all. After all, Yu Chan was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Knowing the summer is dark

She sighed to herself. Over the past few days, she had been holding back to persuade Lang Xing, telling him not to play. But judging from Yu Chan's intentions, it was obvious that she had nothing to do with Lang Xing, and she wanted to let it go, so she couldn't do it either. Thank you for your advice. Su Wan, Yu Chan, and Lang Xing are all smarter than me. I have no reason to change what they decided, and I can't change it even if I want to. If Nanjingzhou is in trouble, Lang Xing will definitely not He would stand by and watch. In his previous life, he was willing to serve the Tianlu Alliance, and in the end he died for Nanjingzhou as a Yiling Guard.

After the laughter, Yu Chan made a calculation and said, "We know too little about East Nightmare Continent, and the little information from the Sky Law Alliance is not enough to make proper arrangements. How about this, I will go to East Nightmare Continent and find out for you. Find out what powerful people there are and who they will send to play in those three battles, so that you can have an idea.”

Zhixia, who is also good at calculations, immediately nodded in agreement. For people like them, they must not fight an uncertain battle.

Lang Xing frowned and objected resolutely, "No, you can't go. It's too dangerous there. People who go there always never come back. Although you are the Great Immortal Concubine, I can't let you take the risk." This risk, no matter how powerful they are, is difficult to destroy Nan Jingzhou. It doesn't matter if the battle is fierce, as long as nothing happens to you."

Seeing that he cared so much about her own safety, Yu Chan smiled sweetly and said, "Who told you to go into battle? We don't care about Nan Jingzhou's life and death, but we can't let you make mistakes. If you don't inquire about it, what if you die at someone else's hands?" What to do here."

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "With your way of doing things, it won't be as simple as just asking around. You'll probably kill all the most powerful ones."

Yu Chan rolled her eyes and did not deny it.

Langxing stopped smiling and changed his serious expression and said, "Don't think about this idea. Su Wan didn't tell you, right? According to Hu Tian, ​​there is a person of the same level as him over there, so Dongmenzhou This is not a place where you can run wild. If you are trapped there because of inquiring about information, then there will be no room for maneuver. This battle must be fought. I don’t want both sides to fight again.

We haven't met yet, so we'll be lost for a while here. "

Zhixia couldn't help but look serious after hearing this, and said, "If this is the case, you really shouldn't show off your edge."

Lang Xing smiled nonchalantly and said, "Don't be afraid, there is a guardian. He will pass by then."

Yu Chan scolded, "You are stupid! Hu Tian can still guard you every day. If someone is watching you, he can take you away at any time!"

Lang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "He dares!"

Yu Chan said, "Why doesn't he dare? Even if he kills you, do you think Hu Tian will take action against him because of this? If people of their level take action, it is really possible to destroy this world. Do you think Hu Tian will do this?" Such a thing?"

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said, "First of all, people of their level have to respect their status and will not attack juniors easily. Secondly, Hu Tian may not attack him, but if he dares to touch me, Hu Tian can go." Hurt the people close to him, otherwise Hu Tian would be too shameless. With Hu Tian's wisdom, he naturally understands that he cannot let the other party take advantage of him. If he doesn't make any sign, then the other party will definitely press forward step by step. Similarly, the other party will also They understand this, so they won’t do anything excessive.”

Zhixia said worriedly, "Of course what you said makes sense, but if the other person wants to become an immortal, then your temptation to him will be too great. Maybe he will take the risk of offending the Heaven Protector and kidnap you." ”

Langxing waved his hands and said, "You are thinking too much. Only people below Huayu can participate in the battle of the Three Formations. I am just sending out a few Nascent Soul stage opponents. I don't need to reveal too many secrets. It may not cause any trouble." people’s attention.”

Yu Chan said cautiously, "Then you have to be careful. You should upgrade your cultivation to the late Nascent Soul stage. It will be better this way."

Lang Xing smiled angrily and said, "You think I can improve if I want to? I'm not that good yet, and this improvement in cultivation is dangerous for me. I have to be well prepared. Some I haven’t thought about things yet. If I upgrade in a hurry, something might happen.”

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