Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2929 Beast Brothers

Yu Chan and Zhi Xia both came with plans and calculations in mind. They had made many considerations for Lang Xing and this war.

But in the face of Lang Xing's firm attitude, their plans and calculations were of no use. Lang Xing had grown up and no longer needed their help in making decisions. In the end, they could only obey Lang Xing's arrangements.

Yu Chan said angrily, "Forget it, if that's the case, then I won't bother to care about you. I'll just wait and see how you commit suicide." After saying that, she looked at Zhixia and said, "Don't disturb the two of them in their small life. Now, I want to go to the Wuji Wonderland to experience it again, will you go?"

Without waiting for Zhixia's answer, Langxing nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, please take my second senior sister to have a look. That secret realm is worth understanding." ??

Zhixia glanced at Langxing worriedly, sighed softly, and said to Yuchan, "Okay, thank you, Uncle Master. If possible, I would like to call Xinxie along the way."

Yu Chan smiled slightly and immediately guessed Zhi Xia's intention. Leading Xinxie to understand Wuji Wonderland was the second most important thing. Calling Xinxie to help Langxing was the most important thing. A little devil is enough to be an ordinary person. Brother Yu, the appearance of such a ferocious spirit on the battlefield can have a great deterrent effect.

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Don't let Sixth Senior Brother handle the matter in Nanjingzhou." Sixth Senior Brother was not something he could restrain. If Sixth Senior Brother suddenly got angry, the situation would be difficult to control.

Zhixia glared and said, "You are from Puyunzhou in Nanjingzhou, you are our junior brother!"

"Then...hehe, okay." Lang Xing, who had been reprimanded, didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and complied with a dry smile.

"You ungrateful thing!" Yu Chan took the opportunity to poke Lang Xing's forehead again.

"You!" Lang Xing pretended to point his finger at Yu Chan as a warning. He had to save face in front of Su Wan and Second Senior Sister.

"You're still not convinced!" Yu Chan raised her eyebrows provocatively.

"I don't know the same as you."

Lang Xing found steps for himself to get down.

Yu Chan smiled proudly, glanced at the small village below, and asked, "You two are quite good at playing. Don't tell me this is just for fun."

Su Wan blushed in embarrassment, and Lang Xing also said in embarrassment, "Of course it's not for fun, you don't understand even if I tell you, don't ask around, be careful of your Taoist conscience!"

Yu Chan looked at them both with disdain and meaningful eyes, and then left with Zhixia.

Lang Xing complained to Su Wan, "Why did you bring them here? You won't let them wait far away."

Su Wan had no place to vent her embarrassment, so she glared and said, "What do you want me to tell them?! Which of them is the most economical person?! You are so close to them, do I have the ability to send them away?! I just talked to them I thought you were happy when she was flirting, but now you’re blaming me?”

Seeing that she was angry, Lang Xing calmed down and said, "Forget it, let them find out when they find out. If they ask questions later, I will just deal with it."

Su Wan turned her head to the side angrily, but she didn't want to get angry anymore. After all, she was in the wrong in this matter, and Lang Xing didn't want to find Yu Chan at all.

Langxing continued to coax with a smiling face, "Fu'er talks about you every day and hopes you will come back soon."

Speaking of Fu'er, Su Wan walked down the stairs. She looked at the sleeping Fu'er with a look of love in her eyes and said, "Do you think you should bring the two little frogs with you?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "No need. Besides, those two little frogs are too powerful. I'm afraid I won't be able to handle them well. As you know, Tuntian is not a thing. His wife is not much better than him."

Su Wan couldn't help laughing and said, "You keep saying

You say it's your brother, how could you say that about your brother behind your back? "

Lang Xing also laughed and said, "I regard him as a brother, but he is a beast brother. They are originally cold-blooded, so how can we expect too much? And that heartless little monkey left as soon as he said he would." "Thinking of the little monkey, he couldn't help but feel worried again. He didn't know how the little monkey was doing now.

Seeing that Su Wan aroused his feeling of sadness, she quickly considered changing the topic and called out "Langxing" softly.

"Huh?" Seeing her hesitant expression, Lang Xing couldn't help laughing and said, "What unnecessary ideas are you holding back? Speak out."

Su Wan was a little short of breath. She was holding it back so much that it was really a superfluous idea, but she still said hesitantly, "I think... I want to go to Sijia to borrow the spirit camera temporarily. It's not a bad thing to be well prepared."

Lang Xing couldn't help but grinned with a look of embarrassment. If he went to borrow the spiritual soul, Sijia would definitely ask for the reason. Once he knew the inside story, Sijia would most likely come in person. Su Wan must also know this, in order to ensure his own safety. , Su Wan was willing to give her love rival a chance, so how could he violate her sincerity?

"I don't think it's necessary. I have a hunting bow, and I'm too busy with two immortal treasures." He could only pretend to be confused.

Su Wan turned her head to the side again. Such pretending to be confused did not make her angry.

Lang Xing said with a bitter face, "Stop running away. It's too hard. This makes me very unbearable. Besides, such a big thing as the war between two continents will definitely cause a fuss. Sijia will get the news sooner or later. Come on." If she doesn't come, it's up to her. Maybe she happened to be in seclusion right now, and I disturbed her unnecessarily. It's not that I feel sorry for her, but I don't want you to run around anymore. It's okay. I think I am sure of winning. , at least you can save your life, if not, you can still hide in the Qiankun Bag, don’t make this trip."

This time

Su Wan couldn't be angry anymore with her soft words of begging, so she said calmly, "You are really good at talking, but only you know whether you feel sorry for her or don't want me to run around."

Lang Xing opened his mouth and laughed silently, then said with a playful smile, "Madam, let's go home."

"Go! Who is your wife!" Su Wan was disgusted and angry, but her heart felt sweet.

"Let's go, let's go! We have children, but you still don't admit that she is my wife. The whole village can testify." Lang Xing went up to pull her.

Su Wan threw his hand away and spat, "You're not my child, get away!"

Lang Xing smiled evilly and said, "If you say that again, I will show your face to Fu'er."

Su Wan sighed worriedly and thought about it, "I really can't go back and live in peace. Only a heartless person like you can live in peace. I'd better not go back yet and stay in the cultivation world to inquire." Please give me some news.”

Langxing frowned dissatisfied and said, "Don't be so nervous, okay? Fu'er is looking forward to your return every day. Don't let the child always wait so eagerly. It's not a big deal, but you have so little confidence in me?"

Su Wan's eyes were full of sincerity and she said, "It's not that I can't hold my breath. What you are going to face this time is the top person selected from a continent. There is no guarantee that he will not be more amazing than you. This kind of competition is either life or death. If you want to hide in the Qiankun Bag, you may not be able to do so."

Lang Xing laughed, his eyes narrowed and he said, "My wife is so worried, I will die without regrets."

"Get out!" Su Wan spat and disappeared in a flash.

Langxing looked at the direction she left and exhaled, his heart full of sweetness. Since she couldn't calm down and go back to the village to live her life, then let her do whatever she wanted and live in another place. If it was Su Wan who was about to go into battle, he would definitely He would be so nervous, and to have Su Wan cherished so much, he would really die with no regrets.

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