Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2930 That chicken doesn’t know how to use a crutch

Langxing stood in the air for a long time before going back, because he felt that there seemed to be a different kind of feeling in his heart, but after tasting it for a long time, he could not figure out what it was.

That feeling comes from the depths of the soul, and perhaps it also contains Xun Yi's gratifying gaze.

Even a seven or eight year old dog doesn’t like it. It is said that children at this age are beginning to have their own ideas and are no longer so obedient.

Fu'er has reached an age where dogs are disgusted. Although Langxing has taught Fu'er a lot about how to behave, the child is still too young, so he can only teach him some simple principles such as respecting others and not causing trouble to others. It is impossible to prevent children from making mistakes by relying on teaching. No matter how you teach, children will never make fewer mistakes. The only difference lies in whether they are serious or serious. They must be wary and will feel guilty when they make mistakes. Be cautious, this is the whole function of teaching. Don't expect too much, otherwise you will only make yourself more angry.

Lang Xing had no intention of controlling the child too much from the beginning. All he wanted to do was to do his best to satisfy Fu'er, but it was not an unprincipled pampering. Now that the child fell into their hands, at least he would We can't let him go astray since he was a child.

Learning well is always more difficult than learning bad, because learning well means restraining one's desires, while learning bad means following desires.

Fu'er's current desire is to play. He is still young and can't play any tricks. Goudan, who is already in his early twenties, can play tricks, so Fuer becomes Goudan with full eyes all day long. Little tail, he also has his own little tail, which is his puppy.

Goudan, this child, should have started a family a long time ago, but Lu Bo was very ambitious and always wanted his child to build a successful career first, and then marry a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, but Goudan could not read Chinese characters. A few of them had no choice but to go to the battlefield and risk their lives if they wanted to get ahead. But ever since Su Wan sent away those warlike monarchs and ministers, Lu Bo had been waiting eagerly for all these years for news of the war.

Goudan was quite angry with his father. After being scared by a tiger last time,

His desire to go into battle and kill the enemy was completely frightened away, but his father kept trying to encourage him. The two men, who were originally like-minded, parted ways. At such an old age, they have not yet started a family, and they have nowhere to put their energy, so they will only cause trouble. When he has free time, he takes Fu'er to play for a while. All he can teach Fu'er is to chase chickens and ducks, and tease cats and dogs. The two of them often make the small village go crazy.

Liu Wuniang's Xiaolong is fourteen years old. Because Liu Wuniang has a tight control, he rarely messes around with Goudan and Fu'er.

Langxing told Fu'er twice that because they didn't cause too much harm, he didn't strictly control them. The main reason was that he was worried about the affairs of Xiujie and wasn't in much mood to spend time with Fu'er.

Finally, Goudan and Fuer caused trouble. They made one of Aunt Zhang's chickens lame, causing Aunt Zhang to point her nose at Goudan and scold Goudan. In such a small village, everyone heard such a scolding. Fuer was so frightened that he ran home quickly. When he saw Langxing, he grinned timidly and said, "Don't blame me, Brother Goudan asked me to do it..."

Langxing nodded and said calmly, "It doesn't matter. You are still young and it is understandable that you don't know the severity. But you have to experience the feeling of breaking a leg, so that you won't be so harsh in the future."

Fu'er opened his eyes in horror and said, "Dad..., you're not going to break my legs, are you? I don't dare to do it anymore..."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "How can I break your legs? I just want you to experience it, come on." He waved to Fu'er and called him to the woodpile.

In Fu'er's frightened eyes, Langxing bent his legs and tied them to a wooden stick so that he could not straighten them. Then he said, "Just tie them like this for three days. You are not allowed to untie them while sleeping. Let's experience it." What kind of life is this chicken going to have in the future? Then think about being tied to this stick for the rest of your life.

What does it feel like. "

"Oh." Fu'er felt relieved. He had never been in such a big trouble. It was perfectly acceptable to be tied up with a wooden stick for three days. The main thing was that his father was not angry. This was what he cared about most.

He jumped two steps and fell down with a cry of "yeah".

Lang Xing walked over calmly, gave him a sympathetic look and sauntered away.

It took a lot of effort for Fu'er to stand up, but he jumped twice and fell down again. This was not possible at all. He climbed to the firewood pile, chose a stick of suitable length for himself, climbed up and stood on the firewood pile. After I got up, I started to walk on crutches. This time I was able to do it.

Lang Xing held back his laughter and walked out of the room with a calm face and said, "That chicken doesn't know how to walk on a crutch."

Fu'er stood there with a grimace, wondering if his father meant that he was not allowed to use crutches. .??.

"Just hold on, let's go play with Goudan."

"I... won't go now." Fu'er felt it was a bit embarrassing to go out like this.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "You don't plan to go out in the next three days?"

"Yeah." Fu'er entered the room dejectedly.

If Langxing wants to be bad, he can be very bad. He won't take advantage of Fu'er so much, so he went for a walk in the village. Xiaolong, Ting'er, and Goudan all came to play with Fu'er one after another. When they saw When Fu'er was like this, everyone burst into laughter.

Fu'er knew that his father was deliberately causing trouble, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Next, several children pulled Fu'er out to show everyone, making the whole village laugh.

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang repeatedly praised Langxing for his good parenting skills and begged Fu'er for mercy. They also asked Xiao Zheng and Langxing to tie up Goudanzhao like this.

Of course Goudan ran away immediately. When Fuer saw everyone laughing at Goudan, he had no intention of doing so.

He laughed heartlessly.

After such a fuss, Fu'er has nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone has seen it anyway, so he hobbles out to play with a wooden stick every day. Although he can play this way, the inconveniences are not I feel it deeply. Lang Xing just wants him to experience it more. If he sits at home all day long, he will experience it much less.

On the third day, Langxing untied the wooden stick for him and asked, "How do you feel?"

Fu'er grinned and said, "Dad, I know I was wrong. Ask Grandpa Zhang to help me bring that chicken over. I'll feed it, otherwise it won't be able to grab other chickens when it eats."

Langxing nodded happily and said, "Okay, it's good to be responsible for doing something wrong, but I have to remind you that taking care of it is not an easy task. You have to remember to feed it every day, otherwise it will starve."

"Yeah." Fu'er realized how troublesome this was, but that was all he could do. He couldn't ignore the chicken.

After talking to Uncle Zhang, Langxing took the chicken back, built a simple chicken coop for it, and told Fu'er that he could let it out when it was cooked.

From then on, Fu'er fed the chickens on time in the morning and evening. One time, he got dizzy while playing and forgot about it. He suddenly remembered it in the middle of the night. He didn't even bother to put on his shoes, so he ran out in a hurry to get the missing meal. Made up for it.

It didn't take long for the chicken to be cooked. Fu'er released it from the chicken coop and played with it for a while. The chicken limped and he also limped with his legs bent. He walked lamely, with a look of self-blame and sadness on his little face.

On this day, when he was limping along with the chicken again, Lang Xing's faint voice came from behind, "Feed it for another two months and it will be almost done. Grandpa Zhang said, kill it for meat during the Chinese New Year and divide it into pieces." Half for you."

"Ah?!" Fu'er's eyes widened in astonishment. He was dumbfounded. He didn't expect this. He thought he would take care of her for the rest of his life.

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