Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2931 Fuer forgot that there was a third truth that he didn’t explain.

"No! I don't want that half!" Fu'er said anxiously.

"Hmm... But there's no way to raise the half chicken. I'm sure it won't survive." Lang Xing teased him pretending to be stupid.

"No! Dad, don't kill it..." Fu'er cried.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "A chicken is nothing. We can afford it. Just buy it from Grandpa Zhang. But are you willing to take care of it for the rest of your life? This is so troublesome."

"No trouble! No trouble! It can find food by itself now. Even if I forget to feed it once or twice, it doesn't matter. I won't forget!" Seeing that his father was willing to agree, Fu'er grabbed his arm and assured him repeatedly. ??

Lang Xing nodded, looked at him and said, "Although you are willing to take care of it, does it feel uncomfortable after becoming lame?"

Fuer lowered his head guiltily.

Lang Xing continued, "You ruined it for the rest of its life just because you were having fun, right?"

"Yeah." Fu'er admitted sincerely.

Langxing stroked his head and said, "But you know your mistake and are willing to take it. Only it knows whether this is good or bad for it, because chickens will be killed to eat meat. If you raise it, Until it dies of old age, it will definitely live for a few more years.”

Fu'er raised his head, his eyes filled with regret, and asked guiltily, "Is this good or bad for it?"

Langxing shook his head and said, "I said, only it knows this, but you can think about it, if your legs are broken and you live a few more years, would you be willing?"

Fu'er frowned and fell into thinking. He was still far from death. He didn't feel much about "living a few more years". Of course, he thought more about the inconvenience of being lame, so in his opinion, lameness Not good, but this conclusion was too unfavorable to him, so he didn't want to answer his father's question.

Langxing patted his head and said, "If Grandpa Zhang had wanted to kill this chicken before to celebrate the New Year, then it should be good for it to live a few more years because of you, right?"

Fu'er nodded vigorously, "Yes! Has Grandpa Zhang long ago planned to kill it to celebrate the New Year?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I don't know. I haven't asked Grandpa Zhang. I say this because I want to tell you three truths. Can you guess which three truths they are?"

Fu'er blinked and shook his head. He was just an ordinary child, neither intelligent nor good at thinking.

Lang Xing said patiently, "First, if a person wants to make excuses for himself or deceive himself, he can always find a reason."

Fu'er said with a grimace, "I didn't make excuses for myself..."

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, "I don't want to blame you, but I want to reason with you. You are still young and you can't make excuses for yourself. When you get older, you will inevitably do such a thing. What I want to tell you now is that doing so is stupid, and it will make you more and more stupid, and you may even become a bad person in the end.”

"Oh..." Fu'er looked at his father half-understanding.

Lang Xing pointed to the chicken and explained, "You can ask Grandpa Zhang about this chicken, and then you will know whether he has planned to kill the chicken for a long time. But there are some things that you cannot ask, such as Grandpa Zhang’s family has moved away, to a place far away, so you can’t ask, you can only guess, right?”

"Yeah." Fu'er nodded and started thinking.

"This kind of feeling

Under the circumstances, you can guess on the side that is beneficial to you. As I just said, Grandpa Zhang originally planned to kill this chicken. Although you lame it, it can live for a few more years. If you think so, then Just to find comfort and excuses for myself. "

"Yeah." Fuer nodded, he could understand, but it was a bit difficult.

"If you guess the worst, it is that this chicken is very good at laying eggs. Grandpa Zhang likes this chicken very much, but after you beat it lame, it stopped laying eggs. Grandpa Zhang could only kill it and eat its meat. Not only did you let it The chicken suffered, and it even cost it its life.”

Fu'er looked sad again.

Langxing touched his head and said, "If you think like this, you will feel sad. You will not make such a mistake next time. If you cripple its leg, it is wrong in itself. Do you want to kill it and eat it with Grandpa Zhang?" Meat is two different things. Even if you did something wrong and helped the chicken, you should be punished, right?"

"Oh..." Fu'er almost fainted. After thinking about it for a while, he roughly understood.

Langxing waited for a while before continuing, "The second point I want to make is whether a chicken is willing to live with a lame leg for a few more years, or is unwilling to suffer and simply be killed. There is no way to know, only it knows, so letting it live a few more years may not be a good thing for it. "

"It..." Fu'er looked at the chicken and said with great conviction, "It definitely wants to live, how could it possibly want to die?"

Lang Xing looked at him seriously and said, "Leave this question for you to think about later. I have to tell you that even your mother and I can't answer this question, so just remember this question. It's enough for you to think about for a lifetime." "

"Oh..." Fuer was a little confused. What was there to think about such a simple question? Why couldn't his parents answer it?

"Let's go play." Lang Xing waved to him cheerfully.

"Yeah." Fu'er frowned and walked away slowly.

Langxing looked at his little figure and smiled without saying a word. Although he ignored that he only said two of the three truths he said he wanted to say, at least the child was thinking. It was okay for ordinary children to reach this point. If it were a child with Xiang'er or Xiao Hefeng's qualifications, he would definitely not be so confused.

If Fu'er could think of something that his father had not said later, it wouldn't be too late even if he could think of it a few days or months later, but he never thought of it again. For such a qualification, Lang There was no need for Xingya to explain the third truth to him, and even if he did, he wouldn't understand.

In the afternoon, Fu'er happily ran to the field to find Langxing, gesticulated and said, "I asked Grandpa Zhang, and Grandpa Zhang said he wanted to kill it for meat during the Chinese New Year!"

Langxing looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Grandpa Zhang said this after you told Grandpa Zhang what I told you."

Fu'er fiddled with the small bow in his hand guiltily, and muttered, "I just told him a little bit, and Grandma Zhang also said that she had already planned to kill it for the New Year this year."

Langxing smiled and said, "You are just trying to make excuses for yourself. If this is the case, then your attitude towards that chicken should change. From feeling sorry for others, you suddenly become their benefactor. You are guilty of this." The mistake will not be taken seriously.”

"I won't change." Fuer tried his best to promise, fearing that Langxing wouldn't believe it, he curled up one leg and said, "I know how awkward this is, I'm going to catch bugs for it." After saying that, Langxing didn't wait for anything else. , and he ran away. "No! I don't want that half!" Fu'er said anxiously.

"Hmm..., but there's no way to raise it if there's only half of it left. Half a chicken will definitely not survive." Lang Xing teased him pretending to be stupid.

"No! Dad, don't kill it..." Fu'er cried.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "A chicken is nothing. We can afford it. Just buy it from Grandpa Zhang. But are you willing to take care of it for the rest of your life? How troublesome it is."

"No trouble! No trouble! It can find food on its own now. It doesn't matter if I forget to feed it once or twice, I won't forget!" Seeing that his father was willing to agree, Fu'er grabbed his arm and assured him repeatedly.

Lang Xing nodded, looked at him and said, "Although you are willing to take care of it, does it feel uncomfortable after becoming lame?"

Fuer lowered his head guiltily.

Lang Xing continued, "You ruined it for the rest of its life just because you were having fun, right?"

"Yeah." Fu'er admitted sincerely.

Langxing stroked his head and said, "But you know your mistake and are willing to take it. Only it knows whether this is good or bad for it, because chickens will be killed to eat meat. If you raise it, Until it dies of old age, it will definitely live for a few more years.”

Fu'er raised his head, his eyes filled with regret, and asked guiltily, "Is this good or bad for it?"

Langxing shook his head and said, "I said, only it knows this, but you can think about it, if your legs are broken and you live a few more years, would you be willing?"

Fu'er frowned and thought deeply. He was still far from death. He didn't feel much about "living a few more years". Of course, he thought more about the inconvenience of being lame, so in his opinion, lameness Not good, but this conclusion was too unfavorable to him, so he didn't want to answer his father's question.

Langxing patted his head and said, "If Grandpa Zhang had wanted to kill this chicken before to celebrate the New Year, then it should be good for it to live a few more years because of you, right?"

Fu'er nodded vigorously, "Yes! Has Grandpa Zhang long ago planned to kill it to celebrate the New Year?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I don't know. I haven't asked Grandpa Zhang. I say this because I want to tell you three truths. Can you guess which three truths they are?"

Fu'er blinked and shook his head. He was just an ordinary child, neither intelligent nor good at thinking.

Lang Xing said patiently, "First, if a person wants to make excuses for himself or deceive himself, he can always find a reason."

Fu'er said with a grimace, "I didn't make excuses for myself..."

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, "I don't want to blame you, but I want to reason with you. You are still young and you can't make excuses for yourself. When you get older, you will inevitably do such a thing. What I want to tell you now is that doing so is stupid, and it will make you more and more stupid, and you may even become a bad person in the end.”

"Oh..." Fu'er looked at his father half-understanding.

Lang Xing pointed to the chicken and explained, "You can ask Grandpa Zhang about this chicken, and then you will know whether he has planned to kill the chicken for a long time. But there are some things that you cannot ask, such as Grandpa Zhang’s family has moved away, to a place far away, so you can’t ask, you can only guess, right?”

"Yeah." Fu'er nodded and started thinking.

"This kind of feeling

Under the circumstances, you can guess on the side that is beneficial to you. As I just said, Grandpa Zhang originally planned to kill this chicken. Although you lame it, it can live for a few more years. If you think so, then Just to find comfort and excuses for myself. "

"Yeah." Fuer nodded, he could understand, but it was a bit difficult.

"If you guess the worst, it is that this chicken is very good at laying eggs. Grandpa Zhang likes this chicken very much, but after you beat it lame, it stopped laying eggs. Grandpa Zhang could only kill it and eat its meat. Not only did you let it The chicken suffered, and it even cost it its life.”

Fu'er looked sad again.

Langxing touched his head and said, "If you think like this, you will feel sad. You will not make such a mistake next time. If you cripple its leg, it is wrong in itself. Do you want to kill it and eat it with Grandpa Zhang?" Meat is two different things. Even if you did something wrong and helped the chicken, you should be punished, right? "

"Oh..." Fu'er almost fainted. After thinking about it for a while, he roughly understood.

Langxing waited for a while before continuing, "The second point I want to make is whether a chicken is willing to live with a lame leg for a few more years, or is unwilling to suffer and simply be killed. There is no way to know, only it knows, so letting it live a few more years may not be a good thing for it. "

"It..." Fu'er looked at the chicken and said with great conviction, "It definitely wants to live, how could it possibly want to die?"

Lang Xing looked at him seriously and said, "Leave this question for you to think about later. I have to tell you that even your mother and I can't answer this question, so just remember this question. It's enough for you to think about for a lifetime." "

"Oh..." Fuer was a little confused. What was there to think about such a simple question? Why couldn't his parents answer it?

"Let's go play." Lang Xing waved to him cheerfully.

"Yeah." Fu'er frowned and walked away slowly.

Langxing looked at his little figure and smiled without saying a word. Although he ignored that he only said two of the three truths he said he wanted to say, at least the child was thinking. It was okay for ordinary children to reach this point. If it were a child with Xiang'er or Xiao Hefeng's qualifications, he would definitely not be so confused.

If Fu'er could think of something that his father had not said later, it wouldn't be too late even if he could think of it a few days or months later, but he never thought of it again. For such a qualification, Lang There was no need for Xingya to explain the third truth to him, and even if he did, he wouldn't understand.

In the afternoon, Fu'er happily ran to the field to find Langxing, gesticulated and said, "I asked Grandpa Zhang, and Grandpa Zhang said he wanted to kill it for meat during the Chinese New Year!"

Langxing looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Grandpa Zhang said this after you told Grandpa Zhang what I told you."

Fu'er fiddled with the small bow in his hand guiltily, and muttered, "I just told him a little bit, and Grandma Zhang also said that she had already planned to kill it for the New Year this year."

Langxing smiled and said, "You are just trying to make excuses for yourself. If this is the case, then your attitude towards that chicken should change. From feeling sorry for others, you suddenly become their benefactor. You are guilty of this." The mistake will not be taken seriously.”

"I won't change." Fuer tried his best to promise, fearing that Langxing wouldn't believe it, he curled up one leg and said, "I know how awkward this is, I'm going to catch bugs for it." After saying that, Langxing didn't wait for anything else. , and he ran away.

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