Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2936 The rogue Gongsun Chong

Yu Chan elegantly stretched out her white jade-like index finger, and a small funnel-shaped whirlpool appeared on the tip of her finger, which was Chen Feng.

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes, "Did you cause them to lose?" He knew that several kinds of essence in Zhenyuan Lu could influence each other. If Yu Chan used Chenfeng essence to secretly cause trouble, it would not be surprising that Jiangxiao and the others were defeated.

"Bah!" Yu Chan spat with her beautiful eyes widened, that look was very touching.

Lang Xing knew that he had wronged her, but it seemed that was not the case, so he complained, "Then why did you bring Chen Feng out? Do you blame me for guessing like this?"

Yu Chan took Fengxuan away and said leisurely, "I don't know how they were defeated. The three of them were so angry when they came down. I'm too lazy to ask them. You can ask them yourself."

Lang Xing understood that Yu Chan must know the reason for their defeat. Bringing out Chen Feng was to show that she sensed the problem through Chen Feng's true energy.

"Okay, I'll go see them right now."

This time Langxing couldn't sit still, so he packed his bags with Su Wan and pretended to follow Su Wan's natal brother to do business. He entrusted Fu'er to Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, and entrusted the affairs in the fields to little Zheng He. Goudan, Goudan was very impressed by Langxing, patting his chest and promising that he would take care of the field servant, since he had plenty of strength anyway.

After leaving the small village, the two flew into the air, met Yu Chan who was waiting there, and hurried to Tianlu Mountain. ??

The sky is filled with rainbow light around Tianlu Mountain, and thousands of monks are still reveling. Although the conference is coming to an end and there is no one competing in the arena, the final competition is about to begin, and everyone is waiting to see the most exciting decisive battle.

Langxing entered Tianlu Mountain alone. After being announced, Tianbinzi immediately invited him in.

Arriving at Sheshengyuan where the alliance leader lived, Tian Binzi personally picked him up.

Lang Xing saw that his expression was a little strange, and before asking what was wrong, Tian Binzi held his hands and led him inside, secretly saying, "I was expecting you to come, and only you can do this." solved."

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing

Tian Binzi asked suspiciously, as the leader of the Tianlu Alliance, what he said was a bit strange. Is there anything that needs to be solved by himself?

Tian Binzi shook his head helplessly and continued to use his spiritual thoughts to say, "Gongsun Chong, since the three of them were defeated, he has been staying with me and won't leave. He must let me arrange another opportunity for them to compete. It's a shame to use my identity as the Lord of Wanfu Xiu Domain to suppress me. I really can't do anything with him, but I really have no right to break the rules. How can you arrange another one for them in front of everyone? I'll ask him to leave, what's the point of him staying here all day?"

Lang Xing frowned and said nothing.

Entering the living room, Gongsun Chongzheng was sitting there meditating alone. He didn't open his eyes even though Lang Xing and Tian Binzi had come in. He looked a little embarrassed on his face.

Lang Xing sat next to him and asked with a smile, "What do you want to do?"

Gongsun Chong then opened his eyes and looked at Tian Binzi, who hurriedly backed out.

Gongsun Chong sighed, grabbed Lang Xing's arm, and said with a guilty look on his face, "I'm sorry for you. During the competition, because I didn't want too many people to see the true power of the True Essence, I controlled Yunshui's True Essence. I was tight, thinking that I could win no matter what, which made Jiangxiao a little unable to mobilize Yunshui's true energy. I didn't expect it would have such a big impact. When I faced the enemy in the past, although I had times when I was unwilling, but After the fight started, I let go of Yunshui's true energy and let Jiangxiao mobilize it, so this was the first time I took action on my own, and by the time I realized something was wrong, it was already too late."

Lang Xing nodded, "It's pretty much what I guessed. I can understand your approach. Forget it, since you've lost, don't make it difficult for the alliance leader. He can't help. Fairness and justice are the foundation of the Tianlu Alliance. Although this result is not conducive to the battle between the three formations, it is also

This is the only way. If fairness and justice are violated, it will be more harmful than losing in the third formation. You have to understand this truth. From the standpoint of the Tianlu Alliance and the standpoint of all the Nanjingzhou monks, you would rather be defeated. , nor can they undermine fairness and justice, because this is what they risk their lives to maintain. If they lose it, everything will be meaningless, so they must not start this way. "

Gongsun Chong sighed bitterly, "I understand the truth, but how can I explain it to you? Jiangxiao scolded me for being alienated from them, pointed at his nose and asked me to explain it to you myself, Langxing, I can't explain it to you, I can only come and beg. Tianbinzi, I don’t have the face to see you.”

Seeing that he was emotionally moved, Lang Xing patted his shoulder with a bright smile and said, "What do you think about you? What a big deal. I'll go tell Xiyang and Jiangxiao later that you can't do what you want." I miscalculated. Compared with the victory or defeat in the battle of the Three Formations, and compared with the war on two continents, I think it is more important for you three to keep the secret of the Zhenyuan Rui. I asked you to come over and help. I didn’t say anything at that time. You have to go through a competition and selection. If you say you have to compete in a competition from the beginning, then I won’t let you come.”

"Lang Xing..." Gongsun Chong was so moved that his throat was a little clogged, and he spoke for Lang Xing in turn, "Even if you don't let anyone call us over, Xiyang will definitely drag us into the war after knowing this. He is right Nan Jingzhou is very emotional.”

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, "Okay, go back. You don't want to participate in the three-formation battle. It doesn't matter. I originally planned to put the battle in the last one. In that case, if I can win the first two battles, , you don’t have to play, even if you lose the election, you will save me from always worrying that the secret of Zhenyuan Lu will be leaked. "

"It's a great blessing to be my brother with you." Gongsun Chong sighed sincerely, and then said knowingly, "I know even if you don't tell me, it was not your idea to let me go to fight together."

Langxing smiled and said, "The most important thing is to keep our brothers and relatives.

They came for me. If I caused the trouble and they came for me, then you will help me if you try your best to help me. They came for Nanjingzhou. As Nanjingzhou monks, we, as Nanjingzhou monks, do our best to help. It's enough for us to do our best. There is no reason to push our brothers to take greater risks just to save others from harm. The thousands of monks in Nanjingzhou who have feelings for us are worth fighting for. , there are not many, so there is no need to take these three formations too seriously, and there is no need to take too seriously whether to start a war or not. If it doesn't work, just fight. Everyone has his own life. Some people will die on the battlefield, so that's okay. There is no way, we don't have the ability to reverse the way of heaven. Even if we have that ability, don't use it easily, otherwise we will die under the punishment of heaven.

These words made Gongsun Chong feel relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your realm is indeed far beyond ours. Help me say a few good words to Jiangxiao and Xiyang. Although I am a cold-hearted person, I am really I care about you guys very much. If I lose you, my life will be meaningless." At this point, he became emotional again. Xunyi's departure made him realize this deeply. Those who live alone in Yuhai. He was not happy at all during the year. It was only after the four of them reunited that he found his long-lost smile, so he would rather be laughed at by others than stay shameless with Tian Binzi. Alas, now he is a master of the late Nascent Soul stage. A monk, a lord, how can he not lose some dignity? He knows it is embarrassing, but this time he would rather lose his life than lose his brother. The feeling of loneliness is more terrible than losing his life.

Langxing smiled brightly and said, "Don't take what they said in anger to heart. In fact, your level is higher than theirs. Don't always say that you are weak. You are righteous enough when you should be righteous. Don't argue with them." , just treat them as ignorant children.”

Gongsun Chong smiled. It was a comfortable smile and a warm smile. The wisdom and sincerity of this good brother made his heart warmer. The sincerity that Xun Yi believed in was replaced by the sincerity. It became more natural when he came to Langxing. If you regard it as a kind of skill, then Lang Xing has undoubtedly cultivated it to a higher level.

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