Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2937 Are you in a hurry to go to the battlefield and die?

The team of Wanfu Xiuyu is stationed 100,000 miles due east of Tianlu Mountain. The main purpose of being stationed so close is to facilitate everyone to watch this martial arts competition. With such a powerful army stationed in the heart of the heart, Tianlu Alliance is going to Everyone fully demonstrated Nanjingzhou’s friendship and trust in Wanfu Xiuyu.

As soon as he flew into the station, Xiaochun greeted him.

"Senior Sister..." Lang Xing called out with gratitude. Senior Sister has already reached a state of being independent from the world, and she also got involved in order to help him.

Xiaochun smiled at him and nodded, then returned to his residence. Just a smile when they met was enough. This is the simple and casual senior sister. ??

Lang Xing watched the senior sister return to her residence, and then nodded to Jiang Xiao who flew to her side with a dark face.

Jiangxiao glanced at Gongsun Chong, pulled Langxing and flew towards her leader's tent.

Gongsun Chong felt embarrassed, so Su Wan said, "Let Langxing talk to them. Let's go to the Zixiao Palace camp."

Jiangxiao can control Langxing, but it is extremely easy for Langxing to persuade Jiangxiao in turn. The relationship between these two people is so funny.

Mainly because both Xunyi back then and Langxing today were able to convince people with reason. Jiangxiao liked to be unruly but reasonable.

After the conversation, Jiangxiao was not so angry with Gongsun Chong, but still said angrily, "I understand what you said, but in full view of the public, especially under the watchful eyes of all Wanfu League brothers, I, the alliance leader, his lord, and Xiyang the law enforcer all suffered a humiliating defeat, how shameless! He doesn’t care about face, but I don’t!”

Lang Xing laughed and said, "That's it, calm down and don't say harsh words. Gongsun is now a lord, how can he not care about his face? He doesn't want to be like this, and he has sacrificed his face these days to rely on Tianbinzi." The remorse was enough to see. When I walked in and saw him sitting alone in the living room with a shy face, I felt really bad. He was willing to do this just for us." He said.

Show that scene.

"Okay, stop arguing. We have been brothers for a thousand or two thousand years. He has already paid the price for his mistakes. It will be meaningless if we don't forgive him anymore. What do you think?" Langxing looked at Xiyang.

Xiyang smiled and said, "Since you can understand him, then we have nothing to say. Jiangxiao is anxious with him, mainly because he feels that he cannot explain to you, for fear of affecting the victory or defeat of the third formation. You just explained all the truth It’s clear, so be it. Actually, I’m angry because he made me miss the opportunity to do my best for Nanjingzhou. We should fight this battle. I’m not as indifferent to Nanjingzhou as you are. I sincerely hope It will be less devastated by war."

"Hehe." Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "I don't take it that lightly, but I am not willing to fight to the death for it. Don't be sorry. There will be many opportunities to contribute in the future. If this The war is about to begin. Let’s kill a few more culprits who are determined to start the war. With our fighting power, isn’t killing these people the same as chopping melons and vegetables?”

Xiyang laughed, and the excitement in his heart dissipated the depression in his heart. Indeed, in a battle below the level of Huayu, the three of them are enough to sweep thousands of armies. With the addition of Langxing, they will really be like a tiger among sheep. .

After persuading the two of them, Jiangxiao felt in the mood and said to Lang Xing with a smile, "Let's go see Painting Pots, Listening to Incense, and Carrying Clouds."

Xiyang waved his hand to say not to go. Although those people were also defeated, he still felt a little shameless to see others. He couldn't be as heartless as Jiang Xiao and think about making fun of others as soon as he was persuaded.

"Okay! I have to go see them." Lang Xing immediately responded with a smirk on his face.

Jiangxiao glanced at Xiyang dissatisfied, and then

Pulling Lang Xing to talk and laugh, they went to visit the defeated generals.

The two found the camp where Lingxiang and Huahu were, and after reporting in, Huahu came out with his head down. Although Lingxiang still maintained some grace, his smile looked stiff.

"You haven't calmed down yet?" Jiangxiao teased Huahu with a smile.

Hua Hu glanced at her angrily, and breathed out as he was not in the mood to talk.

Lingxiang looked at Langxing and was about to open his mouth when Langxing waved his hand and said, "Don't mention a word about that 'silent' thing. Su Wan is arguing with me, saying that if I had inquired about their methods in advance, I would have won." Without force, I will leave her speechless!"

Lingxiang's smile had a bit of the bad intentions of the past, and she said, "Okay, then you should be more careful. Anyway, I am quite convinced that I lost. I will definitely not be able to beat him if I try again."

"Look at your potential!" Jiang Xiao scolded arrogantly. ??

Lingxiang retorted, "Although we are arrogant, we are somewhat self-aware. We know that we are not enough to run rampant in Nanjingzhou these two times, but the three of you have always been arrogant, always pretending to be able to run rampant in the world, and you have failed no matter what." Woolen cloth?"

Lang Xing pushed him and said, "Say less! I just tried to persuade him. If you want to annoy him again, you have to coax him yourself."

Jiangxiao raised her chin disdainfully and said to Lingxiang, "Our defeat was an accident. Let alone another fight, we can win even if we fight eight times. That's why we won't be like you, like a defeated rooster."

"Blow it!" Hua Hu said with a roll of his eyes, but he also knew that Jiang Xiao was telling the truth, and he had the confidence to do so.

"Hahaha..." Lang Xing laughed and pointed at the two of them, jokingly saying, "They are really like a defeated rooster. It's okay. Just wait for me to avenge you."

Hua Hu warned seriously and sincerely.

"You really have to be more careful, he does have a few tricks up his sleeve."

Lang Xing nodded with a smile and asked, "Where's Hei Si?"

Huahu pointed towards the camp, "He is in seclusion. The war is approaching, but he has been unable to break through and enter the later stage. He is a little anxious."

Lang Xing snorted and said, "Why are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry to go to the battlefield and die? You two keep an eye on him. If it doesn't break through, just pay it forward. If it does, you must keep an eye on him and don't let him." Rush forward, otherwise he will lose his life while taking advantage of the excitement. "

Lingxiang looked at the painted pot and said, "Did you hear that? Langxing is right. If he breaks through, I don't think either of us can necessarily control him."

Huahu understood the idea, glanced in the direction of Hei Si's retreat, and whispered, "How about... let's go and stir things up for him?"

Jiangxiao cursed angrily and funnyly, "Just be bad, you two! Hei Si has been unlucky for eight lifetimes to be friends with you two!"

Lingxiang ignored Jiangxiao's scolding and blinked at the painting pot in agreement.

Hua Hu glanced at Lang Xing again and said to Ling Xiang, "Just say it was Lang Xing who gave us the idea."

Jiang Xiao raised his foot and kicked.

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Okay! It's okay to blame it on me. It's never a good thing to be impatient anyway. You can go ahead and stir things up, but don't let him break the situation during this period."

Jiangxiao could only sympathize with Hei Si now.

Huahu and Lingxiang found something interesting and were no longer dejected. Their eyes were flashing with thief and they could no longer talk to Langxing and Jiangxiao. After waving their hands, they happily headed towards the retreat place of Heisi.

Lang Xing pulled Jiang Xiao and said with a guilty look on his face, "Let's go quickly. Don't wait to be scolded. It's not easy for Hei Si to talk when he's angry. Let them carry it."

Jiangxiao covered her mouth and laughed, pulling Langxing and running away quickly.

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