Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 875: An indelible shame

Xun Yi was very unwilling and stood there refusing to move.

Fairy Xiuzhi was a little scared, so she had to compromise and said, "I'll help you check. I'll help you check which battalion he is from. Don't make random decisions. Don't think about asking around here. That's very dangerous." If you violate taboos, you will definitely be questioned by the law enforcement guards."

Xunyi was half pulled and half dragged towards the teleportation array by her. After taking a few steps, he sent the image of the woman in black to her with his spiritual thoughts, and at the same time asked, "Do you know this woman?"

Fairy Xiuzhi's face suddenly darkened and she asked, "How did you get to know her?" .??.

"I was drunk yesterday and she sent me to my residence. We didn't say a few words."

Fairy Xiuzhi said with an unkind expression, "She is my enemy. Don't talk to her anymore, let alone ask her for any information now. It's better to ask the law enforcement guard here directly."

"Oh, let's go then." Seeing that she seemed to have quite a grudge against the woman, Xunyi couldn't ask any more questions.

It is rare for people to return early when visiting Xianle City, but Fairy Xiuzhi is an exception. She often comes back right after completing transactions. Since Xunyi followed her, no one will suspect her if she returns early.

Fairy Mu Cai had a quarrel with Xun Yi because of this. She was very dissatisfied with Xun Yi's way of leaving her and going to Xianle City with Fairy Xiuzhi. Unfortunately, the only way she could take revenge was to deliberately show indifference to Xun Yi. Although the trick was very useful against Hou Yuan and the others, it had no effect on Xun Yi, who didn't take her seriously at all.

After Xunyi came back, he went to Lingyanzi to inquire about the person who sold the Wind and Thunder Fork, but Lingyanzi didn't know that person either. Now he could only place his hopes on Fairy Xiuzhi, but he didn't What he knew was that Fairy Xiuzhi went to find Lingyanzi before him, and the purpose was naturally to prevent Lingyanzi from helping Xunyi.

Of course Lingyanzi didn't want to see Xunyi get into any trouble, so he hit it off with Fairy Xiuzhi.

In the following days, Xunyi urged Fairy Xiuzhi several times, and then stopped mentioning the matter, because he could already confirm that Fairy Xiuzhi just wanted to perfuse him and would not really help him inquire about it.

Peaceful days were a gift from heaven to other Yiling guards, but to Xun Yi, they were a torment. Coupled with the inability to trace Gongsun Chong's clues, this made him increasingly upset. , after enduring it for two months, he went to find Jin Yuanzi.

Jin Yuanzi responded to his request with great enthusiasm. After pouring him a cup of tea, he asked him what he wanted with a smile.

Xun Yi said bluntly, "I joined the Yiling Guards because I wanted to do my best, but now this ordinary life is too boring. I would like to be transferred to the border camp. I hope you can report it on my behalf."

The smile on Jin Yuanzi's face froze, and then he said even more kindly, "My fate, I have seen that you are indeed different from them, and I believe that you really want to contribute to the Tianlu Alliance, but the more you The more we need to take good care of people like this, right? Yilingwei especially needs kind talents like you to take on important responsibilities. What you have to do is to practice diligently and strive to reach the mid-term cultivation level as soon as possible, not just Rush to fight now, if you can reach the mid-term

Cultivation level, I strongly recommend you to be the deputy camp manager. You have to take a longer view. If your cultivation level is improved and you become the deputy camp manager, wouldn't you be able to contribute much more to the Heavenly Law Alliance than you are now? ? Do you think this is true? "

Xunyi knew very well that he would not agree to his request. It was just a preamble, just to draw out some words of praise. After hearing what Jin Yuanzi said, he was silent for a while, and then said with a look of shame, " I didn’t expect you to have such high expectations for your subordinates, which makes them... feel ashamed, actually..."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Jin Yuanzi asked with a smile, "What? Just say whatever you have to say."

Xunyi showed a person's figure, and when he saw Jin Yuanzi's eyes suddenly light up, he felt confident and hesitantly said, "Actually, in a mission not long after I came here, I made the big mistake of not reporting what I knew. Wrong, that time I followed Ling Yanzi to hunt down the fugitive in Gray Marsh. I was greedy for success and lacked understanding of the horror of Gray Marsh, so I rushed into the depths rashly, and then I encountered this person. "

"You actually escaped from him?" Jin Yuanzi looked at him in disbelief.

"That's because I was lucky. When he was about to attack me, a group of mist spirits suddenly appeared behind him. He was so frightened that he ran away in panic. Fortunately, the group of mist spirits chased him, so I was able to save my life. Life, it was only then that I realized how dangerous the gray marsh was. Jin Yuanzi and I were not familiar with each other at that time, and I was afraid that if I told him about this, he would let me hunt down the great monk as a pathfinder. "

At this point, Xunyi lowered his head and said with great shame, "I was lucky enough to save my life. I was really frightened at that time, so... so I hid this matter. Since you value your subordinates so much, , then I have to tell you, I hope... I hope you can cover up for me, and at the same time, I implore you to give me a chance to make meritorious service and go into the gray swamp to hunt for this person!"

"I see." After Jin Yuanzi pondered for a while, he stood up and walked to him, patted his shoulder affectionately and said, "There are excusable feelings, there are excusable feelings! It is inevitable for everyone to be timid for a while. Come on. The performance since here has been very good, don’t worry, I will only report the news that this person is still in the gray swamp, and will not involve too many details. "

"Thank you, Guanying. This person must be a wanted fugitive, right? If you want to arrest him, please be sure to let your subordinates join in. Otherwise, this will be an indelible shame in the hearts of your subordinates."

Before Jin Yuanzi could reply, a spiritual message came in. He hurriedly waved his hand to Xun Yi and said, "We have urgent business. You go first. We will talk about this later."

When Xunyi walked out, a law enforcement guard had already entered the room. After returning to his small courtyard, Xunyi began to stretch his neck and wait for news, hoping that the law enforcement guard would bring a mission to fight.

It was really a helpless move for him to go to Jin Yuanzi. Although he knew that the news he bought for a hundred Nascent Soul Stones was probably false, but with no other clues to follow, he could only try He went to Gray Swamp to try his luck. This was also to find something to do for himself. What he feared most now was to be idle.

Xunyi watched Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun follow the law enforcement guard with his own eyes. It seemed that they had no mission to fight. This disappointed him greatly, but he still refused to give up and still sat in the yard waiting. I hope the two managers will come back with good news. Xun Yi was very unwilling and stood there refusing to move.

Fairy Xiuzhi was a little scared, so she had to compromise and said, "I'll help you check. I'll help you check which battalion he is from. Don't make random decisions. Don't think about asking around here. That's very dangerous." If you violate taboos, you will definitely be questioned by the law enforcement guards."

Xunyi was half pulled and half dragged towards the teleportation array by her. After taking a few steps, he sent the image of the woman in black to her with his spiritual thoughts, and at the same time asked, "Do you know this woman?"

Fairy Xiuzhi's face suddenly darkened and she asked, "How did you get to know her?"

"I was drunk yesterday and she sent me to my residence. We didn't say a few words."

Fairy Xiuzhi said with an unkind expression, "She is my enemy. Don't talk to her anymore, let alone ask her for any information now. It's better to ask the law enforcement guard here directly."

"Oh, let's go then." Seeing that she seemed to have quite a grudge against the woman, Xunyi couldn't ask any more questions.

It is rare for people to return early when visiting Xianle City, but Fairy Xiuzhi is an exception. She often comes back right after completing transactions. Since Xunyi followed her, no one will suspect her if she returns early.

Fairy Mu Cai had a quarrel with Xun Yi because of this. She was very dissatisfied with Xun Yi's way of leaving her and going to Xianle City with Fairy Xiuzhi. Unfortunately, the only way she could take revenge was to deliberately show indifference to Xun Yi. Although the trick was very useful against Hou Yuan and the others, it had no effect on Xun Yi, who didn't take her seriously at all.

After Xunyi came back, he went to Lingyanzi to inquire about the person who sold the Wind and Thunder Fork, but Lingyanzi didn't know that person either. Now he could only place his hopes on Fairy Xiuzhi, but he didn't What he knew was that Fairy Xiuzhi went to find Lingyanzi before him, and the purpose was naturally to stop Lingyanzi from helping Xunyi.

Of course Lingyanzi didn't want to see Xunyi get into any trouble, so he hit it off with Fairy Xiuzhi.

In the following days, Xunyi urged Fairy Xiuzhi several times, and then stopped mentioning the matter, because he could already confirm that Fairy Xiuzhi just wanted to deal with him and would not really help him inquire.

Peaceful days were a gift from heaven to other Yiling guards, but to Xun Yi, they were a torment. Coupled with the inability to trace Gongsun Chong's clues, this made him increasingly upset. , after enduring it for two months, he went to find Jin Yuanzi.

Jin Yuanzi responded to his request with great enthusiasm. After pouring him a cup of tea, he asked him what he wanted with a smile.

Xun Yi said bluntly, "I joined the Yiling Guards because I wanted to do my best, but now this ordinary life is too boring. I would like to be transferred to the border camp. I hope you can report it on my behalf."

The smile on Jin Yuanzi's face froze, and then he said even more kindly, "My fate, I have seen that you are indeed different from them, and I believe that you really want to contribute to the Tianlu Alliance, but the more you The more we need to take good care of people like this, right? Yilingwei especially needs kind talents like you to take on important responsibilities. What you have to do is to practice diligently and strive to reach the mid-term cultivation level as soon as possible, not just Rush to fight now, if you can reach the mid-term

Cultivation level, I strongly recommend you to be the deputy camp manager. You have to take a longer view. If your cultivation level is improved and you become the deputy camp manager, wouldn't you be able to contribute much more to the Heavenly Law Alliance than you are now? ? Do you think this is true? "

Xunyi knew very well that he would not agree to his request. It was just a preamble, just to draw out some words of praise. After hearing what Jin Yuanzi said, he was silent for a while, and then said with a look of shame, " I didn’t expect you to have such high expectations for your subordinates, which makes them... feel ashamed, actually..."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Jin Yuanzi asked with a smile, "What? Just say whatever you have to say."

Xunyi showed a person's figure, and when he saw Jin Yuanzi's eyes suddenly light up, he felt confident and hesitantly said, "Actually, in a mission not long after I came here, I made the big mistake of not reporting what I knew. Wrong, that time I followed Ling Yanzi to hunt down the fugitive in Gray Marsh. I was greedy for success and lacked understanding of the horror of Gray Marsh, so I rushed into the depths rashly, and then I met this person. "

"You actually escaped from him?" Jin Yuanzi looked at him in disbelief.

"That's because I was lucky. When he was about to attack me, a group of mist spirits suddenly appeared behind him. He was so frightened that he ran away in panic. Fortunately, the group of mist spirits chased him, so I was able to save my life. Life, it was only then that I realized how dangerous the gray marsh was. Jin Yuanzi and I were not familiar with each other at that time, and I was afraid that if I told him about this, he would let me hunt down the great monk as a pathfinder. "

At this point, Xunyi lowered his head and said with great shame, "I was lucky enough to save my life. I was really frightened at that time, so... so I hid this matter. Since you value your subordinates so much, , then I have to tell you, I hope... I hope you can cover up for me, and at the same time, I implore you to give me a chance to make meritorious service and go into the gray swamp to hunt for this person!"

"I see." After Jin Yuanzi pondered for a while, he stood up and walked to him, patted his shoulder affectionately and said, "There are excusable feelings, there are excusable feelings! It is inevitable for everyone to be timid for a while. Come on. The performance since here has been very good, don’t worry, I will only report the news that this person is still in the gray swamp, and will not involve too many details. "

"Thank you, Guanying. This person must be a wanted fugitive, right? If you want to arrest him, please be sure to let your subordinates join in. Otherwise, this will be an indelible shame in the hearts of your subordinates."

Before Jin Yuanzi could reply, a spiritual message came in. He hurriedly waved his hand to Xun Yi and said, "We have urgent business. You go first. We will talk about this later."

When Xunyi walked out, a law enforcement guard had already entered the door. After returning to his small courtyard, Xunyi began to stretch his neck and wait for news, hoping that the law enforcement guard would bring a mission to fight.

It was really a helpless move for him to go to Jin Yuanzi. Although he knew that the news he bought for a hundred Nascent Soul Stones was probably false, but with no other clues to follow, he could only try He went to Gray Swamp to try his luck. This was also to find something to do for himself. What he feared most now was to be idle.

Xunyi watched Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun follow the law enforcement guard with his own eyes. It seemed that they had no mission to fight. This disappointed him greatly, but he still refused to give up and still sat in the yard waiting. I hope the two managers will come back with good news.

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