Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 876: If you don’t fight, you will die.

The departure of the chief and deputy in charge of the camp at the same time caused a commotion among everyone, and they gathered together in twos and threes to discuss what would happen.

Fairy Mu Cai, who lived in the back mountain, also came to the front mountain and stood in Hou Yuan's small courtyard to show off her coquettishness. Several people immediately gathered around her. Fairy Mu Cai became even more energetic and did not even look in Xun Yi's direction. .

The chaos in front of him made Xunyi feel a little upset, so he stood up and slowly stomped back to his cave.

More than an hour later, Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun came back. Not long after, Lingyanzi entered Xunyi's cave uneasily.

"Are you taking any action?" Xunyi asked calmly while fiddling with the fish bone accessories Jiangxiao bought for him.

Ling Yanzi sat next to him and muttered, "Our ancient camping stall is in big trouble. The Dongjin Association has issued a challenge to us and wants to have a capture-the-flag match with us."

Xunyi frowned slightly and asked, "What kind of competition is this flag capture competition?"

Ling Yanzi shook his head and said, "Capturing the flag is just a gimmick. The rules are nothing more than that each side holds a flag. The one who takes it away first loses. But this game will not be that simple. The eastward advance in the previous section will be here." Bian suffered heavy losses.”

Having said this, he put his hand on Xun Yi's arm and conveyed his thoughts in a safer way, "Only we know this clearly. Three great monks have died in our hands alone. The jurisdiction had lost so many manpower one after another. The Dongjin Club was anxious and wanted to force Gu Yingying into a head-on fight, so they issued this challenge. Therefore, once they gained the upper hand in the capture-the-flag competition, they would never go. If he seizes our flag, he will definitely kill us all before he gives up."

"Okay!" Xunyi's eyes flashed with excitement, "It's more satisfying to face them head on. It's much better than guarding against their sneak attacks all day long. If we have the advantage, we can kill them all."

A trace of bitterness appeared on Ling Yanzi's face and he said, "Don't you know much about the Dongjin Society? They have as many as five great monks in the late Yuanying stage alone, and there are not fifty and not less than four in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage." Ten, although the number of players on both sides is the same, but others can choose elite soldiers and strong generals, our side can only count one, regardless of strength. "

"You two camp managers also want to come?"

There was a hint of disdain in Lingyanzi's eyes, "Jin Yuanzi probably won't be able to do it, but Wuhun will definitely do it, because he is the one who strongly advocated taking on this challenge."

"Is that everyone fighting together or?" Xunyi looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Melee, so this is a head-to-head killing. It mainly depends on the soulless one. If he can't defeat the opponent's general, then none of us can survive."

"Then do you think he has a good chance of winning?"

Lingyanzi frowned and said, "It's hard to say. Wuhun must be strong enough. He has only been camping in ancient times for more than ten years. Whether it is his ability or his personality, we are convinced. But can he defeat him?" The most powerful monk of the Dongjin Society, no one dares to make a conclusion about this, so..." He did not say the following words, but just looked at Xun Yi with sincere eyes.

Xun Yi understood that he wanted to do his best on the battlefield. If he could help kill a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator of the opponent, the situation would undoubtedly become much more favorable.

"We'll see what happens then. Don't talk too much about me." Xunyi looked at him with cold eyes.

"I know." Lingyanzi nodded with a bitter face, and couldn't help but rambled, "The two of them

The battle may only be won or lost in an instant. I think it is better to grasp the chance of victory as early as possible. If I wait until Wuhun is defeated, it will be too late. "

Xunyi frowned in displeasure and asked, "What day is it set for?"

"Three days later, but this matter has not yet been settled. The Fierce Blade Camp will definitely not be able to take over this position. After all, it is related to the life and death of a branch camp. The main camp will probably have to report it to the Sky Law Alliance for decision."

Xunyi nodded slightly and asked again, "You three, the chances of winning in the middle Nascent Soul stage are not high, right?"

Ling Yanzi said sadly, "With your Scarlet Ying Sword, I am sure that I won't lose in a one-on-one decisive battle. Wu Xin also has some tricks. Even if I can't win, I won't be unable to hold on. I will destroy the flowers." Much weaker, and the other party suggested that we can't use defensive magic weapons, and they don't use their own defensive techniques. In this way, Dehuahua won't be able to hold on for a while. That's what I think. Then let's join forces first Quickly eliminate a big monk on the other side, and then..."

Xunyi interrupted before he could finish, "I have my own plan, I'll talk about it then."

Lingyanzi sighed helplessly, and seeing that Xunyi had no intention of talking to him anymore, he had to get up and leave.

Not long after he left, Fairy Xiuzhi came in a panic. Xunyi didn't wait for her to speak before he muttered, "Ling Yanzi asked you to come, right? Don't say anything. There are some secrets that I would rather die than If you don’t want to leak it out, if you want me to contribute in this war, just tell me the information I want, and I might reconsider it.”

Fairy Xiuzhi looked at him for a while, and then sent a fierce message: "Wuchuanying, his name is Yuan Shan."

Xunyi smiled and nodded to her with satisfaction.

Fairy Xiuzhi stared at him with a stern look and said, "I haven't told you because I don't want you to get yourself into trouble. You have to take care of yourself. The laws of Yilingwei are not for decoration!"

Xun Yi said very sincerely, "I will act with caution."

"Then we have to survive this capture-the-flag competition first." Fairy Xiuzhi's eyes showed a look of pleading.

"I'll try my best. Don't rush too far forward. Go give Mu Cai some instructions."

Fairy Xiuzhi snorted coldly and said, "She doesn't need to give instructions. It'll be good if she won't be frightened and paralyzed by then."

Xunyi smiled and said, "Then you should protect her."

Fairy Xiuzhi raised her eyebrows and said, "Of course I will fight hard when life and death are at stake. How can I further damage Gu Yingying's combat power because of her?"

Xunyi was a little surprised by her arrogance. He couldn't help but look her over and said, "I really didn't see it before. It turns out you still have such ruthlessness."

Fairy Xiuzhi said angrily, "If you don't fight, you will die. This is a truth that even a fool can see. It's better for you that you have to let us beg you."

Xunyi Feng Qingyun said calmly, "That's because some people don't care about life and death."

Fairy Xiuzhi softened and said, "Okay, please give me your life. I'm begging you. Just treat it as pity for us, okay?"

Xunyi nodded seriously and said, "Since you have told me the news I want, I will definitely do my best."

"Okay! Okay!" Fairy Xiuzhi grabbed his arm happily, and her joy was beyond words.

After Fairy Xiuzhi left, Xunyi sat silently for a while, then got up and flew up to the top of the mountain to arrive in front of the soulless cave. There were already three people waiting to receive her, including Granny Chuhua. The departure of the chief and deputy in charge of the camp at the same time caused a commotion among everyone, and they gathered together in twos and threes to discuss what would happen.

Fairy Mu Cai, who lived in the back mountain, also came to the front mountain and stood in Hou Yuan's small courtyard to show off her coquettishness. Several people immediately gathered around her. Fairy Mu Cai became even more energetic and did not even look in Xun Yi's direction. .

The chaos in front of him made Xunyi feel a little upset, so he stood up and slowly stomped back to his cave.

More than an hour later, Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun came back. Not long after, Lingyanzi entered Xunyi's cave uneasily.

"Are you taking any action?" Xunyi asked calmly while fiddling with the fish bone accessories Jiangxiao bought for him.

Ling Yanzi sat next to him and muttered, "Our ancient camping stall is in big trouble. The Dongjin Association has issued a challenge to us and wants to have a capture-the-flag match with us."

Xunyi frowned slightly and asked, "What kind of competition is this flag capture competition?"

Ling Yanzi shook his head and said, "Capturing the flag is just a gimmick. The rules are nothing more than that each side holds a flag. The one who takes it away first loses. But this game will not be that simple. The eastward advance in the previous section will be here." Bian suffered heavy losses.”

Having said this, he put his hand on Xun Yi's arm and conveyed his thoughts in a safer way, "Only we know this clearly. Three great monks have died in our hands alone. The jurisdiction had lost so many manpower one after another. The Dongjin Club was anxious and wanted to force Gu Yingying into a head-on fight, so they issued this challenge. Therefore, once they gained the upper hand in the capture-the-flag competition, they would never go. If he seizes our flag, he will definitely kill us all before he gives up."

"Okay!" Xunyi's eyes flashed with excitement, "It's more satisfying to face them head on. It's much better than guarding against their sneak attacks all day long. If we have the advantage, we can kill them all."

A trace of bitterness appeared on Ling Yanzi's face and he said, "Don't you know much about the Dongjin Society? They have as many as five great monks in the late Yuanying stage alone, and there are not fifty and not less than four in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage." Ten, although the number of players on both sides is the same, but others can choose elite soldiers and strong generals, our side can only count one, regardless of strength. "

"You two camp managers also want to come?"

There was a hint of disdain in Lingyanzi's eyes, "Jin Yuanzi probably won't be able to do it, but Wuhun will definitely do it, because he is the one who strongly advocated taking on this challenge."

"Is that everyone fighting together or?" Xunyi looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Melee, so this is a head-to-head killing. It mainly depends on the soulless one. If he can't defeat the opponent's general, then none of us can survive."

"Then do you think he has a good chance of winning?"

Lingyanzi frowned and said, "It's hard to say. Wuhun must be strong enough. He has only been camping in ancient times for more than ten years. Whether it is his ability or his personality, we are convinced. But can he defeat him?" The most powerful monk of the Dongjin Society, no one dares to make a conclusion about this, so..." He did not say the following words, but just looked at Xun Yi with sincere eyes.

Xun Yi understood that he wanted to do his best on the battlefield. If he could help kill a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator of the opponent, the situation would undoubtedly become much more favorable.

"We'll see what happens then. Don't talk too much about me." Xunyi looked at him with cold eyes.

"I know." Lingyanzi nodded with a bitter face, and couldn't help but rambled, "The two of them

The battle may only be won or lost in an instant. I think it is better to grasp the chance of victory as early as possible. If I wait until Wuhun is defeated, it will be too late. "

Xunyi frowned in displeasure and asked, "What day is it set for?"

"Three days later, but this matter has not yet been settled. The Fierce Blade Camp will definitely not be able to take over this position. After all, it is related to the life and death of a branch camp. The main camp will probably have to report it to the Sky Law Alliance for decision."

Xunyi nodded slightly and asked again, "You three, the chances of winning in the middle stage of Nascent Soul are not high, right?"

Ling Yanzi said sadly, "With your Scarlet Ying Sword, I am sure that I won't lose in a one-on-one decisive battle. Wu Xin also has some tricks. Even if I can't win, I won't be unable to hold on. I will destroy the flowers." Much weaker, and the other party suggested that we can't use defensive magic weapons, and they don't use their own defensive techniques. In this way, Dehuahua won't be able to hold on for a while. That's what I think. Then let's join forces first Quickly eliminate a big monk on the other side, and then..."

Xunyi interrupted before he could finish, "I have my own plan, I'll talk about it then."

Lingyanzi sighed helplessly, seeing that Xunyi had no intention of talking to him anymore, so he had to get up and leave.

Not long after he left, Fairy Xiuzhi came in a panic. Xunyi didn't wait for her to speak before he muttered, "Ling Yanzi asked you to come, right? Don't say anything. There are some secrets that I would rather die than If you don’t want to leak it out, if you want me to contribute in this war, just tell me the information I want, and I might reconsider it.”

Fairy Xiuzhi looked at him for a while, and then sent a fierce message: "Wuchuanying, his name is Yuan Shan."

Xunyi smiled and nodded to her with satisfaction.

Fairy Xiuzhi stared at him with a stern look and said, "I haven't told you because I don't want you to get yourself into trouble. You have to take care of yourself. The laws of Yilingwei are not for decoration!"

Xun Yi said very sincerely, "I will act with caution."

"Then we have to survive this capture-the-flag competition first." Fairy Xiuzhi's eyes showed a look of pleading.

"I'll try my best. Don't rush too far forward. Go give Mu Cai some instructions."

Fairy Xiuzhi snorted coldly and said, "She doesn't need to give instructions. It'll be good if she won't be frightened and paralyzed by then."

Xunyi smiled and said, "Then you should protect her."

Fairy Xiuzhi raised her eyebrows and said, "Of course I will fight hard when life and death are at stake. How can I further damage Gu Yingying's combat power because of her?"

Xunyi was a little surprised by her arrogance. He couldn't help but look her over and said, "I really didn't see it before. It turns out you still have such ruthlessness."

Fairy Xiuzhi said angrily, "If you don't fight, you will die. This is a truth that even a fool can see. It's better for you that you have to let us beg you."

Xunyi Feng Qingyun said calmly, "That's because some people don't care about life and death."

Fairy Xiuzhi softened and said, "Okay, please give me your life. I'm begging you. Just treat it as pity for us, okay?"

Xunyi nodded seriously and said, "Since you have told me the news I want, I will definitely do my best."

"Okay! Okay!" Fairy Xiuzhi grabbed his arm happily, and her joy was beyond words.

After Fairy Xiuzhi left, Xunyi sat silently for a while, then got up and flew up to the top of the mountain to arrive in front of the soulless cave. There were already three people waiting to receive her, including Granny Chuhua.

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