Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 878: Subordinates want to fight

This reward was extremely generous, and everyone standing on the podium looked excited.

"Also, everyone in the ancient camp will be exempted from handing over spiritual stones for a hundred years." After Han Tianzi said this, he took two steps to the side and gave up his position to the two commanders of the Fierce Blade Camp.

There is a heavy reward first, and the reward of not having to pay the spirit stone seems to be nothing, but it is more of an honorary reward. From now on, the people of Ancient Camping will be head and shoulders above others. This will not only increase the cohesion of Ancient Camping, It is also an incentive to other camps. Of course, the ones who benefit the most from this are the Danjie monks in the ancient camping camp who do not need to participate in this battle. They have got a big advantage.

Sanshanzi, the orthodox commander of the Fierce Knife Camp, just nodded to everyone and said nothing. The deputy commander was called Blood Nightmare. He looked at the crowd with his sinister eyes and said, "This is the reward given by the general camp." This is unprecedented. Where there is reward, there must be punishment. Faced with such a decisive battle, I know that some of you must be timid, and there are many of them. I can understand, but even if you are scared to death, you must still Hold it in for me until the battle is over before you pee. If anyone dares to dodge the arrows and retreat before the battle, even if you can come back alive, I will make you regret it. Cowards are not worthy of Yilingwei's food, especially the food of Fierce Blade Camp! "

After a pause, he calmed down and said, "This time it is indeed difficult for you. Gu Yingying has done a good job before. The battle to defend the dignity of Yilingwei should not be carried out under force, but this time the eastward march will This is a letter of war to you by name, so there is nothing to say. As long as you do not lose the prestige of my Fierce Sword Camp, even if you lose, the Fierce Sword Camp will definitely repay this blood debt for you. You fell. At that moment, the letter of challenge from the Fierce Sword Battalion will fly to the Dongjin Formation, and then I will personally lead the brothers into battle until death!"

Talking about honor has no effect on this group of people, but talking about loyalty is still somewhat useful. Blood Nightmare's words made many people's blood boil, and Xunyi also felt a little emotional after hearing it.

There was no change in the blood nightmare's face. After a brief pause, he continued, "Although the rewards from the main camp are generous enough, the Fierce Blade Camp cannot fail to show its respect to the brothers. Each person who goes into battle will receive one hundred Nascent Soul Stones, plus two During the ten-day holiday, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can leave a suicide note. As long as it is not difficult, the Fierce Knife Camp will try its best to fulfill it for you. "

Jin Yuanzi winked at Wuhun. Since he was not going to fight, Wuhun could only say his thanks.

Wuhun stood there and nodded to the three Yiling Guards officers, and just said, "Thank you very much."

The three Han Tianzi also nodded to him. Although in Nanjingzhou, which did not pay much attention to the etiquette of superiors and subordinates, Wuhun's attitude seemed a bit contemptuous, but he was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, so he had the capital.

Before the three officials left, they all bowed their hands to the group of subordinates who were about to participate in the bloody battle. Sanshanzi, who had been silent until now, said sincerely, "I leave Nanjingzhou's face to you, Dongjin." Hui, the Yuan Yi people want to use this battle to demonstrate to the Yiling Guards and the Tianlu Alliance. They want to show their unyielding will to fight to the death to undermine our military power and shake my fighting spirit. If you back down, you will lose more than just the Western Guards. Not only the faces of the Yiling Guards, but also the faces of the Zhilu Guards and the Tianlu Alliance were also lost. This is related to the momentum of the entire war against the Yuanyi tribe. We will go to the battlefield in person the day after tomorrow, and the Zhilu Guards will also We mobilized elite troops to help out and build up our reputation, so this flag-capture battle is not just a personal feud between Gu Yingying and the Dongjin Society, but a head-on confrontation between Nanjingzhou and the Yuanyi tribe!"

Having said this, a huge, slowly fluttering battle flag of the Fierce Knife Camp appeared above his head. Sanshanzi's fair face took on a majestic look, and he raised his voice and said, "As the orthodox of the Fierce Knife Camp,

Royal, I order you to kill all the seventeen green-skinned beasts on the stage, leaving no one alive! "

"Gu Yingying takes orders." Wuhun also moved the battle flag behind him and bowed slightly. This promise had a solemn meaning.

All the people in the ancient camp raised their battle flags and followed Wuhun to take orders. At this moment, Xunyi felt for the first time the exhilaration brought by military power. This feeling was far beyond what his grass-roots team Qian Shaomeng could create.

At the point of the attack, both jade and stone will be destroyed! Being in the midst of a powerful force can't help but make your blood boil.

When Blood Nightmare left, he left four treasures for Wuhun, asking him to distribute them to those with weaker combat capabilities. Yilingwei had to be cautious when it came to adding more magic weapons. After all, Dongjin would challenge In ancient camping, if too many treasures are deployed, Dongjin will be disdainful, and once defeated, these treasures will become theirs.

The key figure that determines the victory of this battle is Wuhun. There is little point in adding too many treasures to other people. As for the treasures that can be used to support Wuhun, even if Yilingwei can come up with a few, they are mostly souls. Treasures cannot be taken and used. It is too difficult to find a treasure suitable for the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

After seeing off the three senior officials, Wuhun divided the four treasures given by Blood Nightmare. Jin Yuanzi gave each of them three Nascent Soul Stones, and then ordered everyone to go back and prepare for the battle.

Fairy Mu Cai, who was so frightened that she couldn't care less about the quarrel with Xun Yi, ran over and looked at Xun Yi blankly but didn't know what to say.

Xunyi comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, we won't lose. When the time comes, follow Xiuzhi closely."

"Then you...then you won't come with us? I want to follow you. We can be a team."

Xunyi showed a warm smile, "I will be with you."

"That's good." Fairy Mu Cai forced out a smile, then grabbed his arm and said, "I'm really a little scared."

Xunyi blinked at her, and with a joking look on his face, he returned to his mind and said, "Just keep your heart in your stomach. As soon as I come on stage, I will kill the other big monks for you, and then I will fight with my ex." If it happens several times, just wait and kill a few half-dead people and wait for the merit." After passing on this divine thought, he pulled Fairy Mu Cai's hand away, patted her arm, and turned towards the soulless cave. Go.

After entering the house, Xunyi saluted, and without saying a word, he took out the Burning Spirit Bead and pushed it in front of Wuhun.

Wuhun's expression changed as soon as he used his spiritual consciousness. He did not pick it up immediately, but looked at Xunyi with solemn eyes.

Xun Yi Chuan Shen said, "This magic weapon can hurt Monk Hua Yu. Please don't ask me where I got it. I only have this one. If you need it, use it. If you don't, I hope you can return it later." Me." Without waiting for Wuhun to reply, he passed on the instructions for using the Burning Spirit Pearl, and then the image of the person selling the Wind and Thunder Fork, "This person is Yuan Shan from the Wuchuan Branch. I need to ask him something, and I hope you can create an opportunity to help me. "

Wuhun carefully accepted the Burning Spirit Pearl, nodded and said, "I promise you, but this opportunity needs to wait."

"I can wait, thank you very much."

Wuhun looked at him with complicated eyes for a while, and then a smile gradually appeared in his eyes. It was the smile that a person would make when encountering something new and interesting.

A smile also appeared in Xunyi's eyes. It was a smile of relief because he saw the other party correctly. He cupped his hands and said, "I would like to invite you to fight." This reward was extremely generous, and everyone standing on the podium was delighted. His face showed excitement.

"Also, everyone in the ancient camp will be exempted from handing over spiritual stones for a hundred years." After Han Tianzi said this, he took two steps to the side and gave up his position to the two commanders of the Fierce Blade Camp.

There is a heavy reward first, and the reward of not having to pay the spirit stone seems to be nothing, but it is more of an honorary reward. From now on, the people of Ancient Camping will be head and shoulders above others. This will not only increase the cohesion of Ancient Camping, It is also an incentive to other camps. Of course, the ones who benefit the most from this are the Danjie monks in the ancient camping camp who do not need to participate in this battle. They have got a big advantage.

Sanshanzi, the orthodox commander of the Fierce Knife Camp, just nodded to everyone and said nothing. The deputy commander was called Blood Nightmare. He looked at the crowd with his sinister eyes and said, "This is the reward given by the general camp." This is unprecedented. Where there is reward, there must be punishment. Faced with such a decisive battle, I know that some of you must be timid, and there are many of them. I can understand, but even if you are scared to death, you must still Hold it in for me until the battle is over before you pee. If anyone dares to dodge the arrows and retreat before the battle, even if you can come back alive, I will make you regret it. Cowards are not worthy of Yilingwei's food, especially the food of Fierce Blade Camp! "

After a pause, he calmed down and said, "This time it is indeed difficult for you. Gu Yingying has done a good job before. The battle to defend the dignity of Yilingwei should not be carried out under force, but this time the eastward march will This is a letter of war to you by name, so there is nothing to say. As long as you do not lose the prestige of my Fierce Sword Camp, even if you lose, the Fierce Sword Camp will definitely repay this blood debt for you. You fell. At that moment, the letter of challenge from the Fierce Sword Battalion will fly to the Dongjin Formation, and then I will personally lead the brothers into battle until death!"

Talking about honor has no effect on this group of people, but talking about loyalty is still somewhat useful. Blood Nightmare's words made many people's blood boil, and Xunyi also felt a little emotional after hearing it.

There was no change in the blood nightmare's face. After a brief pause, he continued, "Although the reward from the main camp is already generous enough, the Fierce Blade Camp cannot fail to express its gratitude to the brothers. Each person who takes part in the battle will receive one hundred Nascent Soul Stones, plus two During the ten-day holiday, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can leave a suicide note. As long as it is not difficult, the Fierce Knife Camp will try its best to fulfill it for you. "

Jin Yuanzi winked at Wuhun. Since he was not going to fight, Wuhun could only say his thanks.

Wuhun stood there and nodded to the three Yiling Guards officers, and just said, "Thank you very much."

The three Han Tianzi also nodded to him. Although in Nanjingzhou, which did not pay much attention to the etiquette of superiors and subordinates, Wuhun's attitude seemed a bit contemptuous, but he was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, so he had the capital. .??.

Before the three officials left, they all bowed their hands to the group of subordinates who were about to participate in the bloody battle. Sanshanzi, who had been silent for a long time, said sincerely, "I leave Nanjingzhou's face to you, Dongjin." Hui, the Yuan Yi people want to use this battle to demonstrate to the Yiling Guards and the Tianlu Alliance. They want to show their unyielding will to fight to the death to undermine our military power and shake my fighting spirit. If you back down, you will lose more than just the Western Guards. Not only the faces of the Yiling Guards, but also the faces of the Zhilu Guards and the Tianlu Alliance have been lost. This is related to the momentum of the entire war against the Yuanyi tribe. We will go to the battlefield in person the day after tomorrow, and the Zhilu Guards will also We mobilized elite troops to help out and build up our reputation, so this flag-capture battle is not just a personal feud between Gu Yingying and the Dongjin Society, but a head-on confrontation between Nanjingzhou and the Yuanyi tribe!"

Having said this, a huge, slowly fluttering battle flag of the Fierce Knife Camp appeared above his head. Sanshanzi's fair face took on a majestic look, and he raised his voice and said, "As the orthodox of the Fierce Knife Camp,

Royal, I order you to kill all the seventeen green-skinned beasts on the stage, leaving no one alive! "

"Gu Yingying takes orders." Wuhun also moved the battle flag behind him and bowed slightly. This promise had a solemn meaning.

All the people in the ancient camp raised their battle flags and followed Wuhun to take orders. At this moment, Xunyi felt for the first time the exhilaration brought by military power. This feeling was far beyond what his grass-roots team Qian Shaomeng could create.

At the point of the attack, both jade and stone will be destroyed! Being in the midst of a powerful force can't help but make your blood boil.

When Blood Nightmare left, he left four treasures for Wuhun, asking him to distribute them to those with weaker combat capabilities. Yilingwei had to be cautious when it came to adding more magic weapons. After all, Dongjin would challenge In ancient camping, if too many treasures are deployed, Dongjin will be disdainful, and once defeated, these treasures will become theirs.

The key figure that determines the victory of this battle is Wuhun. There is little point in adding too many treasures to other people. As for the treasures that can be used to support Wuhun, even if Yilingwei can come up with a few, they are mostly souls. Treasures cannot be taken and used. It is too difficult to find a treasure suitable for the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

After seeing off the three senior officials, Wuhun divided the four treasures given by Blood Nightmare. Jin Yuanzi gave each of them three Nascent Soul Stones, and then ordered everyone to go back and prepare for the battle.

Fairy Mu Cai, who was so frightened that she couldn't care less about the quarrel with Xun Yi, ran over and looked at Xun Yi blankly but didn't know what to say.

Xunyi comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, we won't lose. When the time comes, follow Xiuzhi closely."

"Then you...then you won't come with us? I want to follow you. We can be a team."

Xunyi showed a warm smile, "I will be with you."

"That's good." Fairy Mu Cai forced out a smile, then grabbed his arm and said, "I'm really a little scared."

Xunyi blinked at her, and with a joking look on his face, he returned to his mind and said, "Just keep your heart in your stomach. As soon as I come on stage, I will kill the other big monks for you, and then I will fight with my ex." If it happens several times, just wait and kill a few half-dead people and wait for the merit." After passing on this divine thought, he pulled Fairy Mu Cai's hand away, patted her arm, and turned towards the soulless cave. Go.

After entering the house, Xunyi saluted, and without saying a word, he took out the Burning Spirit Bead and pushed it in front of Wuhun.

Wuhun's expression changed as soon as he used his spiritual consciousness. He did not pick it up immediately, but looked at Xunyi with solemn eyes.

Xun Yi Chuan Shen said, "This magic weapon can hurt Monk Hua Yu. Please don't ask me where I got it. I only have this one. If you need it, use it. If you don't, I hope you can return it later." Me." Without waiting for Wuhun to reply, he passed on the instructions for using the Burning Spirit Pearl, and then the image of the person selling the Wind and Thunder Fork, "This person is Yuan Shan from the Wuchuan Branch. I need to ask him something, and I hope you can create an opportunity to help me. "

Wuhun carefully accepted the Burning Spirit Pearl, nodded and said, "I promise you, but this opportunity needs to wait."

"I can wait, thank you very much."

Wuhun looked at him with complicated eyes for a while, and then a smile gradually appeared in his eyes. It was the smile that a person would make when encountering something new and interesting.

A smile also appeared in Xunyi's eyes. It was a smile of relief because he saw the other party correctly. He held up his hands and said, "I want to challenge you."

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