Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 879: Get over here

Pianthuang Lake is three hundred miles wide from east to west and nine hundred miles long from north to south. The lake water is dark brown, so it is named because it looks like overcooked pottery soup. The Yuan Yi tribe calls it the Sinking Corpse Lake. Although this lake is not big, it is unfathomable. It is difficult for ordinary water tribes to survive in it. Once a monk falls into it, his spiritual power will be quickly sucked away. Even a great monk in the middle stage of Yuanying It won't last long either.

It happens to be on the border between Nanjingzhou and Yuanyizhou. There is no place more suitable for a decisive battle than it.

As soon as the red sun rose, two groups of elite troops set up defense lines on the east and west sides. The Nanjingzhou side sent elites from the third battalion of Yilingwei stationed on the border, and the Yuanyizhou side sent elites from the border guard army. They are not only familiar with the terrain here, but they are also familiar with each other. They have dealt with each other more or less on the battlefield.

Three poles above the sun, the sun turned blazing, but with the arrival of the armies from the east and west, the hot sunshine suddenly became as cold as the moonlight, and the entire Xiantang Lake was completely immersed in a strong chilling atmosphere.

When two armies confront each other, prestige and momentum are always crucial. Although this time it was not a large-scale fighting, the situation of the two sides facing each other in large numbers had not happened in the western border for thousands of years, so both sides spent a lot of time on how to improve their momentum.

The Heavenly Law Alliance came here with war clouds all over the sky. The red war clouds stretched for hundreds of miles, the wind and thunder shook, the clouds rolled and the fog rolled. The man in charge of the central army was the Yiling Guards David Changsha, the Emperor, and two hundred Yilings. The elite of the General Guard Battalion lined up behind him. The two commanders of the Western Guard, Sanshanzi and Xueyang, led 300 elites of the Fierce Sword Battalion into the front line. A hundred-foot-long Fierce Sword Battalion battle flag fluttered in the sky above them, gray and black. The shiny black "fierce knife" pattern on the battle flag is extremely eye-catching, as if it can burst out of the sky at any time, and the ferocious aura it exudes makes people dare not pay attention. ??

Both teams of 300 law enforcement guards each wore red shirts. The red clad law enforcement guards were the most powerful team in the Sky Law Alliance. The Yiling Guards were forced to risk their lives, but they were willing to fight for the law. Most of them have the same feelings as Xunyi, so they occupy the most important position in the Nanjingzhou Army in any battle. Today, they gave up that position to Yilingwei, and they Willing to serve as two wings.

In addition to the thousands of murderous elites, there are countless spiritual beasts galloping and roaring in the war clouds with the sound of wind and thunder. The even more shocking sound is the earth-shaking rumble of the seven-sided demon-conquering war drum hidden in the red clouds.

The momentum of the Yuanyi clan is not weak at all. They came with a golden light that stretched from heaven to earth. In the dazzling golden light, thousands of Yuanyi clan monks were in good order. Like heavenly soldiers and generals, there are also various spiritual beasts in their formation roaring and rushing to the sound of heart-rending horns.

The armies of both sides lined up a hundred miles away from their own side of the lake shore. The sound of war drums and horns stopped one after another, and the manic spirit beasts were restrained into silence. The battle formation was so quiet that you could hear the drop of a needle, and the tense atmosphere The oppressive feeling is so overwhelming that I can't even breathe.

We have been enemies for many years. There is nothing to say. One person from the Yuan Yi tribe flew out first. He slowly came to the lakeshore on the Nanjingzhou side. He stretched out his hand and pinched his index finger and thumb together, and pulled a piece of rice smaller than a grain of rice. The black flag hangs there.

The Yuan clan camp immediately burst into loud laughter, followed by the sound of horns to cheer them up. The meaning expressed by placing such a small flag for the other party is very clear. If you are afraid that the flag will be taken away, you can hide it on your body.

The Yilingwei side was also prepared for this. As soon as the person who set up the flag returned, a tall and thick man appeared from the Yilingwei side, carrying a giant tree three hundred feet high to the west bank of the lake. , he struggled

The giant tree was pressed into the soil, leaving only a three-foot-high treetop, and then a piece of white silk was tied to it. This meaning is also very obvious. Don't be afraid that you can't hold the flag. It's very difficult for us to pull it out.

After the flags were arranged, the battlefield fell silent again. A moment later, the horns from the Yuanyi tribe suddenly sounded shrilly. Seventeen dead soldiers from Dongjinhui rushed out of the camp, flew over a hundred miles of open space, and came to the shore to spread out their lines. Waiting in formation, thirteen early Yuanying monks are in front, three middle Yuanying monks are next, and the late Yuanying monk who is the main general is at the end.

The war drums on Nanjingzhou were beating almost at the same time. Wuhun led the ancient camping camp to rush out of the red clouds and came to the east bank to set up the same formation. They all mobilized their black shirts, with the fierce knife battalion's battle robes flying behind them. The flag is across the lake from the Dongjin Society dead soldiers with the dark green battle flag flying behind them.

After the two sides appeared, it could be seen at a glance that except for the chief general of the Yuanyi clan who had a calm expression, the rest of them were full of enthusiasm and high fighting spirit, and they all looked at the enemy with provocative eyes. With a look of contempt, they have this capital, regardless of victory or defeat, when it comes to having the courage to die, even the red-clad law enforcement guards of the Sky Law Alliance have to bow down in front of them!

Gu Yingying's side was indeed not up to par. Most of the people's faces were pale, and their eyes could not hide the panic in their hearts. Even the eyes of Lingyanzi and the other three great monks in the mid-Nascent Soul stage were flickering.

The drums beat louder and the horn sounds shriller!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The Yuan Yi Clan camp let out a uniform and shocking cry.

The shouts from the Tianlu Alliance were even more inspiring. First, the red-clad law enforcement guards on both wings shouted "Ferocious Knife!" The Yiling Guards in the center immediately responded, "Slay the demons!", with a strong response. The feeling of comradeship makes people feel proud.

Everyone was shouting and looking at the two small teams, which were quite lonely and small among the thousands of troops, nervously waiting for the bloody fight that was about to begin.

At this moment, an unexpected scene appeared on the battlefield. A monk in the early stage of Yuanying in the ancient camp slowly flew to the middle of the lake. After standing in mid-air, he looked arrogantly at the people on the other side. The dead warrior from the Yuan Yi tribe said, "Choose the one who is least afraid of death and come here."

The sound of drums, trumpets, and shouts all fell silent, and everyone stared at the gentle and early Yuanying monk in confusion.

"Don't you understand? I said pick the one of you who is least afraid of death and get over here!" There was a cold light in the man's eyes, and the arrogance on his face added a bit of ferocity.

This is to repay the other person with his own way! Now everyone understood that Dongjinhui had issued a gauntlet and clamored to let Yilingwei see what an iron-blooded spirit was. Yilingwei was retaliating in kind.

"Ferocious knife!" Wuhun let out a low and powerful roar.

The soldiers of the Fierce Knife Battalion reacted and immediately responded with a flood of "Demon Slayer!"

"Then let me send you to your death!" With a shout, a middle-aged monk from the Yuan clan with a rather sinister face turned into a rainbow and shot directly into the center of the lake.

"Kill!" The Yuan clan camp in the distance shouted in support.

When the two warring parties were still more than 300 feet apart, the two rays of light drawn by their respective treasures had already collided. Instead of taking advantage, the thieves' lightsaber actually suffered a slight loss. It was knocked sideways by the opponent's dark wooden sword. Fly out.

Amidst the applause of the Yuan Yi tribe, Xun Yi advanced instead of retreating, rushing towards the opponent. While continuously firing his defensive spiritual shield to block the wooden sword flying towards him, he also urged the thief's lightsaber to stab the opponent. go. Pianthuang Lake is three hundred miles wide from east to west and nine hundred miles long from north to south. The lake water is dark brown, so it is named because it looks like overcooked Pitang soup. The Yuan Yi tribe calls it the Sinking Corpse Lake. Although this lake is not big, it is unfathomable. It is difficult for ordinary water tribes to survive in it. Once a monk falls into it, his spiritual power will be quickly sucked away. Even a great monk in the middle stage of Yuanying It won't last long either.

It happens to be on the border between Nanjingzhou and Yuanyizhou. There is no place more suitable for a decisive battle than it.

As soon as the red sun rose, two groups of elite troops set up defense lines on the east and west sides. The Nanjingzhou side sent elites from the third battalion of Yilingwei stationed on the border, and the Yuanyizhou side sent elites from the border guard army. They are not only familiar with the terrain here, but they are also familiar with each other. They have dealt with each other more or less on the battlefield.

Three poles above the sun, the sun turned blazing, but with the arrival of the armies from the east and west, the hot sunshine suddenly became as cold as the moonlight, and the entire Xiantang Lake was completely immersed in a strong chilling atmosphere.

When two armies confront each other, prestige and momentum are always crucial. Although this time it was not a large-scale fighting, the situation of the two sides facing each other in large numbers had not happened in the western border for thousands of years, so both sides spent a lot of time on how to improve their momentum.

The Heavenly Law Alliance came here with war clouds all over the sky. The red war clouds stretched for hundreds of miles, the wind and thunder shook, the clouds rolled and the fog rolled. The man in charge of the central army was the Yiling Guards David Changsha, the Emperor, and two hundred Yilings. The elite of the General Guard Battalion lined up behind him. The two commanders of the Western Guard, Sanshanzi and Xueyang, led 300 elites of the Fierce Sword Battalion into the front line. A hundred-foot-long Fierce Sword Battalion battle flag fluttered in the sky above them, gray and black. The shiny black "fierce knife" pattern on the battle flag is extremely eye-catching, as if it can burst out of the sky at any time, and the ferocious aura it exudes makes people dare not pay attention.

Both teams of 300 law enforcement guards each wore red shirts. The red clad law enforcement guards were the most powerful team in the Sky Law Alliance. The Yiling Guards were forced to risk their lives, but they were willing to fight for the law. Most of them have the same feelings as Xunyi, so they occupy the most important position in the Nanjingzhou Army in any battle. Today, they gave up that position to Yilingwei, and they Willing to serve as two wings.

In addition to the thousands of murderous elites, there are countless spiritual beasts galloping and roaring in the war clouds with the sound of wind and thunder. The even more shocking sound is the earth-shaking rumble of the seven-sided demon-conquering war drum hidden in the red clouds.

The momentum of the Yuanyi clan is not weak at all. They came with a golden light that stretched from heaven to earth. In the dazzling golden light, thousands of Yuanyi clan monks were in good order. Like heavenly soldiers and generals, there are also various spiritual beasts in their formation roaring and rushing to the sound of heart-rending horns.

The armies of both sides lined up a hundred miles away from their own side of the lake shore. The sound of war drums and horns stopped one after another, and the manic spirit beasts were restrained into silence. The battle formation was so quiet that you could hear the drop of a needle, and the tense atmosphere The oppressive feeling is so overwhelming that I can't even breathe.

We have been enemies for many years. There is nothing to say. One person from the Yuan Yi tribe flew out first. He slowly came to the lakeshore on the Nanjingzhou side. He stretched out his hand and pinched his index finger and thumb together, and pulled a piece of rice smaller than a grain of rice. The black flag hangs there.

The Yuan clan camp immediately burst out into loud laughter, followed by the sound of horns to cheer them up. The meaning expressed by placing such a small flag for the other party is very clear. If you are afraid that the flag will be taken away, you can hide it on your body.

The Yilingwei side was also prepared for this. As soon as the person who set up the flag returned, a tall and thick man appeared from the Yilingwei side, carrying a giant tree three hundred feet high to the west bank of the lake. , he struggled

The giant tree was pressed into the soil, leaving only a three-foot-high treetop, and then a piece of white silk was tied to it. This meaning is also very obvious. Don't be afraid that you can't hold the flag. It will be difficult for us to pull it out.

After the flags were arranged, the battlefield fell silent again. A moment later, the horns from the Yuanyi tribe suddenly sounded shrilly. Seventeen dead soldiers from Dongjinhui rushed out of the camp, flew over a hundred miles of open space, and came to the shore to spread out their lines. Waiting in formation, thirteen early Yuanying monks are in front, three middle Yuanying monks are next, and the late Yuanying monk who is the main general is at the end.

The war drums on Nanjingzhou were beating almost at the same time. Wuhun led the ancient camping camp to rush out of the red clouds and came to the east bank to set up the same formation. They all mobilized their black shirts, with the fierce knife battalion's battle robes flying behind them. The flag is across the lake from the dead soldiers of the Dongjin Society with the dark green battle flag flying behind them.

After the two sides appeared, it could be seen at a glance that except for the chief general of the Yuanyi clan who had a calm expression, the rest of them were full of enthusiasm and high fighting spirit, and they all looked at the enemy with provocative eyes. With a look of contempt, they have this capital, regardless of victory or defeat, when it comes to having the courage to die, even the red-clad law enforcement guards of the Sky Law Alliance have to bow down in front of them!

Gu Yingying's side was indeed not up to par. Most of the people's faces were pale, and their eyes could not hide the panic in their hearts. Even the eyes of Ling Yanzi and the other three mid-Nascent Soul monks were twinkling.

The drums are beating louder and the trumpets are sounding shriller!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The Yuan Yi Clan camp let out a uniform and shocking cry.

The shouts from the Tianlu Alliance were even more inspiring. First, the red-clad law enforcement guards from both wings shouted "Ferocious Knife!" The Yiling Guards in the center immediately responded, "Slay the demons!", with a strong response. The feeling of comradeship makes people feel proud.

Everyone was shouting and looking at the two small teams, which were quite lonely and small among the thousands of troops, nervously waiting for the bloody fight that was about to begin.

At this moment, an unexpected scene appeared on the battlefield. A monk in the early stage of Yuanying in the ancient camp slowly flew to the middle of the lake. After standing in mid-air, he looked arrogantly at the people on the other side. The deceased member of the Yuanyi clan said, "Choose the one who is least afraid of death and come here."

The sound of drums, horns, and shouts all fell silent, and everyone stared at the gentle and early Yuanying monk in confusion.

"Don't you understand? I said pick the one of you who is least afraid of death and get over here!" There was a cold light in the man's eyes, and the arrogance on his face added a bit of ferocity.

This is to repay the other person with his own way! Now everyone understood that Dongjinhui had issued a gauntlet and clamored to let Yilingwei see what an iron-blooded spirit was. Yilingwei was retaliating in kind.

"Ferocious knife!" Wuhun let out a low and powerful roar.

The soldiers of the Fierce Knife Battalion reacted and immediately responded with a flood of "Demon Slayer!"

"Then let me send you to your death!" With a shout, a middle-aged monk from the Yuan clan with a rather sinister face turned into a rainbow and shot directly into the center of the lake.

"Kill!" The Yuan clan camp in the distance shouted in support.

When the two warring parties were still more than 300 feet apart, the two rays of light drawn by their respective treasures had already collided. Instead of taking advantage, the thieves' lightsaber actually suffered a slight loss. It was knocked sideways by the opponent's dark wooden sword. Fly out.

Amidst the applause of the Yuan Yi tribe, Xun Yi advanced instead of retreating, rushing towards the opponent. While continuously firing his defensive spiritual shield to block the wooden sword flying towards him, he also urged the thief's lightsaber to stab the opponent. go.

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