Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 880: Meditate before the battle

This is a head-to-head fight without any fancy. What you are fighting for is not only treasures and cultivation, but also the will to fight to the death!

Every time the wooden sword pierced a spiritual shield, Xunyi's Qi Palace suffered a heavy blow. The opponent also chose to use the spiritual shield to fight against the thief's light sword. When the wooden sword pierced Xunyi's body-protecting divine light, the thief's light The sword also pierced the opponent's body-protecting divine light, and the eyes of both people darkened.

The two people who rushed forward collided head-on. Neither of them had time to activate the second treasure. They pointed swords at the same time and stabbed each other. The two swords transformed by spiritual energy collided head-on again. A blush appeared on one person's face, and a green light glowed on another person's face.

The two of them passed each other in the air. The Yuanyi tribe monk wanted to gather his spiritual power and activate the wooden sword. He thought that the other party would definitely do the same, but unexpectedly Xunyi had no intention of using the Thief's Light Sword again, because not only did he He has an advantage in the meridians, and the ability to adjust his breath quickly, which he developed when throwing stones, showed his advantage at this time. He can gather spiritual power faster than his opponent. Although it is only a thin line, it is enough at the time of planting. He had the upper hand, so after passing by the opponent, he suddenly turned around and struck in a back-to-back attack, using a not too strong spiritual power to shoot out the opponent's body-protecting divine light with an emerald green light.

Although the Yuanyi tribe monk had experienced hundreds of battles, he never expected that the other party could gather such strong spiritual power so quickly. He suffered a big loss this time. Not only was his Qi Palace injured, but also Most of the condensed spiritual power was also dispersed.

Once the situation develops to this point, the outcome will be difficult to reverse. Xun Yi's second heavy blow followed. When the third sword light formed by spiritual power flashed, the man's face turned from green in an instant. Bai instinctively used the Yuanyi tribe's unique defensive skills, but before the sword light could hit him, his expression changed again. For the sake of the Yuanyi tribe's dignity, he gave up survival.

Xun Yi's sword light paused for a moment. When he saw that the other party's already dimmed eyes were still flashing with ruthless intent, he did not hesitate to pierce his lower abdomen with that sword light, even his Nascent Soul. And beheaded.

The exhausted Yuanyi tribe monk fell into the brown lake. His wooden sword had long since fallen. Although Xunyi had time to collect the wooden sword at that time, he didn't want to cause any accidents because of the treasure, so he didn't. Go ahead and take care of it.

When Xunyi took back the Thief's Light Sword, the Tianlu Alliance camp a hundred miles away was already cheering. This tit-for-tat was so satisfying. After some spiritual conversations, several senior officials in charge finally figured out that this It is neither the arrangement of the main camp nor the arrangement of the Fierce Knife Camp. It is completely a soulless act of one's own initiative.

Faced with the joy and excitement from Nanjingzhou, Yuanyizhou blew a high-pitched horn. Although they were defeated this time, their final act of dying generously could save some face.

"Send my life, come back soon..." As soon as Fairy Mu Cai's anxious call came out, she was met with a sharp glance from Soulless, which scared her so much that she hurriedly bit her lip.

At this time, everyone noticed that Xunyi, who was still standing in the middle of the lake, did not seem to intend to go back, and the noise in the camps on both sides gradually stopped.

Xunyi, who had calmed down for a while, under the watchful eyes of everyone, once again pointed at the enemy camp on the other side and said in a cold voice, "Is there anyone who is not afraid of death? Come here!"

This time, even the Heavenly Law Alliance did not applaud, because they felt that although this method of slapping the opponent again was very encouraging, it was very unwise, even if this brother had the ability to defeat a monk of the same level. He is capable, but the fight just now was a head-to-head fight, and he must have been seriously injured.

If you lose, you will definitely lose if you fight again.

The faces of Emperor Shake, Blood Nightmare and others also became solemn, but they did not send any spiritual thoughts to Wuhun because this battlefield belonged to Wuhun.

Fairy Mu Cai bit her lips until they turned white, and Fairy Xiuzhi's brows also knitted together. Neither of them could figure out why Xun Yi didn't use the evil-killing knife instead of fighting head-on.

Before Xun Yi could finish his words, a Yuan Yi clan monk with a sharp face left the formation and flew towards him slowly. This man was as close as a brother to the man who had just died. His eyes were already red, although He wanted to tear Xun Yi into pieces immediately, but in this situation, he had to show the magnanimity of the Yuan clan and move slowly to give the other party a little more chance to recover.

Arriving three hundred feet away from Xunyi, he stopped and stared at Xunyi with a vicious look, waiting for him to take action.

Xunyi walked toward him step by step, holding the thief's lightsaber in the air, two hundred feet, one hundred feet, fifty feet... He never released the thief's lightsaber, but the sword had been activated so that it shone brightly. .

Is this a close fight? Dao Tiao Lian also activated the bone gun in his hand to emit a chilling gray light. The opponent was still injured. Of course, he knew that his best strategy at the moment was to fight from a distance, and he would definitely win without any damage. There is a bit more risk of injury in close combat, but Dongjinhui is trying to scare Yilingwei with a desperate spirit this time, so now that the opponent has made a choice, he can no longer choose a tricky style of play. .

People from both camps held their breaths as they watched Xun Yi move forward firmly step by step.

When they were twenty feet apart, Xunyi raised his thief's lightsaber and pointed it at the opponent. Then the swords merged into one and turned into a sharp light and shot towards him. He also rushed forward with a bone gun in his hand and a sword-shaped face.

The scene when the two early Yuanying monks struck with all their weapons with their weapons was quite shocking. In the dazzling brilliance, huge waves were set off on the lake surface dozens of feet away from their feet.

Fairy Mu Cai closed her eyes tightly and did not use her consciousness to check. She was already shaking slightly nervously. It felt like a long time had passed. It was not until the people around her roared with excitement that she released her consciousness to look at it. After sweeping away the battlefield, when she saw Xun Yi Zhengping holding a severed head in his arms and demonstrating to the opponent's camp with a ruthless look on his face, she didn't even bother to open her eyes and followed the people beside her and let out an excited cry. scream!

Xunyi won this battle with the help of some Piaoying body skills, and the slightest increase in speed did not reveal much traces. Therefore, this battle was quite difficult for him, and he suffered several heavy blows from the opponent. Fortunately, this Dao Tiao Lian's bone gun was not as powerful as the first man's wooden sword, but he could still withstand it.

Amid waves of applause, Xunyi let go of his hand and let the head fall into the lake, and then calmly sat cross-legged in the air to adjust his breathing, not guarding against the opponent coming back to attack. Everyone knows that it is impossible for the Yuan Yi clan to carry out a sneak attack, but it also requires courage for him to do so, and if he can calm down and adjust his breath in this situation, then it is more than just courage. This experience is How big is it?

In order not to disturb this brother who had earned so much face for Yilingwei, Nanjingzhou was completely silent, but everyone's face was filled with indescribable excitement, and the Yuanyi tribe was also generous. They no longer made any sound, but the expressions on their faces were in sharp contrast to those in Nanjingzhou. Xunyi's adjustment of breath in the center of the battlefield was even more embarrassing than the previous killing of two people. They were here to teach each other. What is the iron-blooded spirit, and now it is undoubtedly the other party who is teaching them. This is a head-to-head fight without any fancy. What you are fighting for is not only treasures and cultivation, but also the will to fight to the death!

Every time the wooden sword pierced a spiritual shield, Xunyi's Qi Palace suffered a heavy blow. The opponent also chose to use the spiritual shield to fight against the thief's light sword. When the wooden sword pierced Xunyi's body-protecting divine light, the thief's light The sword also pierced the opponent's body-protecting divine light, and the eyes of both people darkened.

The two people who rushed forward collided head-on. Neither of them had time to activate the second treasure. They pointed swords at the same time and stabbed each other. The two swords transformed by spiritual energy collided head-on again. A blush appeared on one person's face, and a green light glowed on another person's face.

The two of them passed each other in the air. The Yuanyi tribe monk wanted to gather his spiritual power and activate the wooden sword. He thought that the other party would definitely do the same, but unexpectedly Xunyi had no intention of using the Thief's Light Sword again, because not only did he He has an advantage in the meridians, and the ability to adjust his breath quickly, which he developed when throwing stones, showed his advantage at this time. He can gather spiritual power faster than his opponent. Although it is only a thin line, it is enough at the time of planting. He had the upper hand, so after passing by the opponent, he suddenly turned around and struck in a back-to-back attack, using a not too strong spiritual power to shoot out the opponent's body-protecting divine light with an emerald green light.

Although the Yuanyi tribe monk had experienced hundreds of battles, he never expected that the other party could gather such strong spiritual power so quickly. He suffered a big loss this time. Not only was his Qi Palace injured, but also Most of the condensed spiritual power was also dispersed.

Once the situation develops to this point, the outcome will be difficult to reverse. Xun Yi's second heavy blow followed. When the third sword light formed by spiritual power flashed, the man's face turned from green in an instant. Bai instinctively used the Yuanyi tribe's unique defensive skills, but before the sword light could reach him, his expression changed again. For the sake of the Yuanyi tribe's dignity, he gave up survival.

Xun Yi's sword light paused for a moment. When he saw that the other party's already dimmed eyes were still flashing with ruthless intent, he did not hesitate to pierce his lower abdomen with that sword light, even his Nascent Soul. And beheaded.

The exhausted Yuanyi tribe monk fell into the brown lake. His wooden sword had long since fallen. Although Xunyi had time to collect the wooden sword at that time, he didn't want to cause any accidents because of the treasure, so he didn't. Go ahead and take care of it.

When Xunyi took back the Thief's Light Sword, the Tianlu Alliance camp a hundred miles away was already cheering. This tit-for-tat was so satisfying. After some spiritual conversations, several senior officials in charge finally figured out that this It is neither the arrangement of the main camp nor the arrangement of the Fierce Knife Camp, it is completely a soulless act of one's own initiative.

Faced with the joy and excitement from Nanjingzhou, Yuanyizhou blew a high-pitched horn. Although they were defeated this time, their final act of dying generously could save some face.

"Send my life, come back soon..." As soon as Fairy Mu Cai's anxious call came out, she was met with a sharp glance from Soulless, which scared her so much that she hurriedly bit her lip.

At this time, everyone noticed that Xunyi, who was still standing in the middle of the lake, did not seem to intend to go back, and the noise in the camps on both sides gradually stopped.

Xunyi, who had calmed down for a while, under the gaze of everyone, once again pointed at the enemy camp on the other side and said in a cold voice, "Is there anyone who is not afraid of death? Come here!"

This time, even the Heavenly Law Alliance did not applaud, because they felt that although this method of slapping the opponent again was very encouraging, it was very unwise, even if this brother had the ability to defeat a monk of the same level. He is capable, but the fight just now was a head-to-head fight, and he must have been seriously injured.

If you lose, you will definitely lose if you fight again.

The faces of Emperor Shake, Blood Nightmare and others also became solemn, but they did not send any spiritual thoughts to Wuhun because this battlefield belonged to Wuhun.

Fairy Mu Cai bit her lips until they turned white, and Fairy Xiuzhi's brows also knitted together. Neither of them could figure out why Xun Yi didn't use the evil-killing knife instead of fighting head-on.

Before Xun Yi could finish his words, a Yuan Yi clan monk with a sharp face left the formation and flew towards him slowly. This man was as close as a brother to the man who had just died. His eyes were already red, although He wanted to tear Xun Yi into pieces immediately, but in this situation, he had to show the magnanimity of the Yuan clan and move slowly to give the other party a little more chance to recover.

Arriving three hundred feet away from Xunyi, he stopped and stared at Xunyi with a vicious look, waiting for him to take action.

Xunyi walked toward him step by step, holding the thief's lightsaber in the air, two hundred feet, one hundred feet, fifty feet... He never released the thief's lightsaber, but the sword had been activated so that it shone brightly. .

Is this a close fight? Dao Tiao Lian also activated the bone gun in his hand to emit a chilling gray light. The opponent was still injured. Of course, he knew that his best strategy at the moment was to fight from a distance, and he would definitely win without any damage. There is a bit more risk of injury in close combat, but Dongjinhui is trying to scare Yilingwei with a desperate spirit this time, so now that the opponent has made a choice, he can no longer choose a tricky style of play. .

People from both camps held their breaths as they watched Xun Yi move forward firmly step by step.

When they were twenty feet apart, Xunyi raised his thief's lightsaber and pointed it at the opponent. Then the swords merged into one and turned into a sharp light and shot towards him. He also rushed forward with a bone gun in his hand and a sword-shaped face.

The scene when the two early Yuanying monks struck with all their weapons with their weapons was quite shocking. In the dazzling brilliance, huge waves were set off on the lake surface dozens of feet away from their feet.

Fairy Mu Cai closed her eyes tightly and did not use her consciousness to check. She was already shaking slightly nervously. It felt like a long time had passed. It was not until the people around her roared with excitement that she released her consciousness to look at it. After sweeping away the battlefield, when she saw Xun Yi Zhengping holding a severed head in his arms and demonstrating to the opponent's camp with a ruthless look on his face, she didn't even bother to open her eyes and followed the people beside her and let out an excited cry. scream!

Xunyi won this battle with the help of some Piaoying body skills, and the slightest increase in speed did not reveal much traces. Therefore, this battle was quite difficult for him, and he suffered several heavy blows from the opponent. Fortunately, this Dao Tiao Lian's bone gun was not as powerful as the first man's wooden sword, but he could still withstand it.

Amid waves of applause, Xunyi let go of his hand and let the head fall into the lake, and then calmly sat cross-legged in the air to adjust his breathing, not guarding against the opponent coming back to attack. Everyone knows that it is impossible for the Yuan Yi clan to carry out a sneak attack, but it also requires courage for him to do so, and if he can calm down and adjust his breath in this situation, then it is more than just courage. This experience is How big is it?

In order not to disturb this brother who had earned so much face for Yilingwei, Nanjingzhou was completely silent, but everyone's face was filled with indescribable excitement, and the Yuanyi tribe was also generous. They no longer made any sound, but the expressions on their faces were in sharp contrast to those in Nanjingzhou. Xunyi's adjustment of breath in the center of the battlefield was even more embarrassing than the previous killing of two people. They were here to teach each other. What is the iron-blooded spirit, and now it is undoubtedly the other party who is teaching them.

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