Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1063: The second wave of men in blood!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Ling Tianhua frowned, looked at Ling Wushuang, and said quietly, "No frost, do you still have illusions about Xiao Lang, or are they feelings?"

"I ... I don't have it!" Ling Wushuang wanted to deny it, but unconsciously, his voice weakened.

It is naturally impossible to deceive Ling Tianhua in this way. Ling Tianhua's face immediately showed a look of anger, and his voice sank, saying, "Do you still want to hide me? You are not a fool, do I just? I tell you, Xiao Lang has rejected you once, you How can I still have illusions about him? I tell you, Xiao Lang, and even the Xiao family, are the enemies of our Ling family! "

"Brother! In fact, why are we so extreme? Xiao Lang may be right, he can't be a lover, he can also be a friend! And, because of our relationship, Xiao Lang was dispatched to Ascension Mainland for five years, this ... ... this should be enough! "

Ling Wushuang, who calmed down completely, seemed to figure it out suddenly, and said with a loud voice.

"What's enough? That's because he took it for himself! Do you know how many people think of our Xiao family as a joke since the **** rejected you? How can you swallow it?"

Seeing Ling Tianhua's words became more and more ruthless, Ling Wushuang shook his head, a look of disappointment, silence for a moment, suddenly said, "This is my business, brother you still do not care anymore?"

"What are you talking about?" Ling Tianhua couldn't believe his ears, he asked.

Ling Wushuang didn't want to talk to Ling Tianhua anymore, and he didn't mean to see anyone help. He bit his red lips, pulled up his body, and swept straight towards the blood-clad crowd.

"Ling Wushuang, you come back to me!" In the impression, this is the first time that Ling Wushuang does not listen to his own words. Ling Tianhua is shocked and angry, and he screams loudly.

But Ling Wushuang, apparently iron-hearted, ignored Ling Tianhua's applause.

Ling Wushuang single-handedly rushed into the blood-clothed crowd, her sword was danced tightly, and the water was not splashed. Under the snow-white sword light of the world, the blood-covered crowd backed away and gave Wan Dong and Lin Feng Reduced a lot of pressure.

"Sister Wushuang, we knew that your Ling family would not stand idly by."

Seeing Ling Wushuang, Lin Feng's expression immediately rose, and it seemed that even the injuries on his body were not so painful. Talking to Ling Wushuang, smiling broadly.

Ling Wushuang snorted softly and said, "Don't be too happy, I can only represent myself, not the Ling family."

After all, Ling Wushuang threw a sword and forced a blood-clad man back, then hurriedly forward, and stood together with Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen.

After listening to Ling Wushuang's words, Lin Feng discovered that only Ling Wushuang rushed over, and the other masters of the Ling family still stood still.

Lin Feng's face was suddenly bitter, and said, "Sister Wushuang, we got your heart, but with your own strength, I am afraid that you can't go back to the sky. You still have to quit now, so as not to sacrifice.

"Less nonsense!"

Ling Wushuang's temper is indeed not the ordinary "wild", Lin Feng's words just fell to the ground, she was pushed back by the hard state.

There is no other nonsense, the sword dance is more anxious in hand, and the pressure on Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen will almost be shared. Looking around, except for Wan Dong, there were the most blood-clad people around her.

Wan Dong couldn't help but look at Ling Wushuang a few times, the impression on her in her heart was greatly changed.

Although the girl's temper was a little stubborn and a little bit extreme, she couldn't speak badly. And she did not hesitate to fall down with her family, but also want to be alone and help them with their help. Wandong also felt her deep affection for Xiao Lang.

For more than five years, Xiao Lang was dispatched to Ascension Mainland, although it is equivalent to breaking his future, but for more than five years, Xiao Lang has been very chic, otherwise, it will not create the reputation of Xiao Xiaoxia Moreover, Xiao Lang was sent to the Ascension Continent. The reason why Ling Wushuang only accounted for one and a half, more of which was the jade pendant in his body. But in the past five years, Ling Wushuang not only has to miss Xiao Lang, but also bears the blow of being rejected by Xiao Lang. Her life may be the real torment.

Having been tormented in this way for more than five years, it must be said that there is no hatred in the heart, unless only a saint can do it. With such a thought, what Ling Wushuang did was justified and less abhorrent.

The addition of Ling Wushuang has relieved Wan Dong and others' situation, but it is only a little bit, and they cannot fundamentally lift the crisis they are facing. And as the remaining few ground wheels were wounded at the first stage in succession, more and more blood-clad men broke through their defenses and began to attack Xiao Cunxin and others.

Xiao Cunxin's side, although there are many people, but their fighting power is undoubtedly much worse than Wandong. After a while, the screams of injuries began to sound. The situation is becoming more and more critical!

"The two elders, to get rid of the Xiao family, there are opportunities, and we don't have to be at this time, we still have to go out, otherwise I'm afraid she will be in danger without frost."

Ling Tian Hua Qi returned to Qi, but he loved Ling Wushuang after all, and said to Ling Wei Ling Steel with frustration.

Ling Wei didn't want to watch Ling Wushuang's accident, he was about to nod his promise, but at this moment, his face suddenly changed dramatically, a deep fear, and storms flooded his face, The whole person seemed to be electrocuted, and suddenly turned to look behind him.

Ling Gang and Ling Wei are worthy compatriot brothers, as if feeling, almost turning their heads behind them at the same time, the expression on their faces is exactly the same.

Ling Wei and Ling Gang's expressions immediately lifted Ling Tianhua's heart, and followed them subconsciously as they moved.

I saw another piece of 'blood cloud', rising from there, but this time, the speed of 'blood cloud' seems to move faster and faster!

"Another wave? What the **** is this, and why is it endless?"

Ling Tianhua frowned slightly, and her eyes were full of disgust. I just think these blood-skinned people are not very good at cultivation, but this wave of waves is endless, and it is really annoying enough.

"No! There is something wrong with this wave of blood-clothed people, everyone must be careful!"

The perceptive power of the powerful Shinto realm is far from that of the celestial realm. Only the Lingtianhua of the half-step celestial realm is even beyond reach.

Ling Tianhua's voice just fell, and Ling Wei's voice over there hurriedly and solemnly.

There are not many people in this wave of bloodcoats, and there are only twelve in total. But the momentum gathered by these twelve blood-clad men was even more terrifying than the hundreds of blood-clad men before. And their speed is undoubtedly faster, Ling Tianhua is the blink of an eye, these twelve blood-clad men have reached them.

"You guys don't have ghosts or ghosts, let me die!"

Ling Wei hadn't had time to make the arrangement yet, and an anxious master of Tiange Realm rushed out with a roar.

A burst of air, like lightning falling from Jiuxiao, went straight to the heart of one of the blood-clad men.

These twelve blood-clad men did not have a blood-colored giant sword in their hands, but only a pair of empty palms. However, the rapid attack on the master of that day was a breeze and a calm expression. They seemed calm and did not seem to take it at all. general.

The eleven other blood-clad men, whose offensive did not change, the blood-clad man who was chosen as the target of attack, had a slight physique, covering the whole body of the **** cloak, and suddenly raised it like a shield, which sealed the grid of the day The palms offered by the strong.

Taking advantage of the stunned time of the powerful person in that situation, the blood-clad man suddenly broke out, the figure was fast, and only a red light remained. The Lingge master of the Ling family didn't even have a chance to react, and a blood arrow suddenly exploded on his neck, which was actually cut on the spot.

When the master of Tiange Realm fell down slowly, all the masters of the Ling family were stunned, even Ling Wei and Ling Gang were shocked, their eyes widened to the extreme.

The killing master of the Ling family, although only the first stage of Tiange, but if you want to kill the first stage of Tiange, at least it must be the cultivation of the peak state of Tiange to be able to do it. Do these twelve blood-clad men's combat power have reached the peak of the heavenly grid?

Ling Weido could not be tolerated, and the twelve blood-clad men had already been bullied and attacked, or said nothing, only killing!

"The second child, you protect Tianhua, I will deal with this wave of **** clothes!"

Leaving this sentence, Ling Wei did not wait for Ling Gang to react, so he stood up and waved to the twelve blood-clad men.

Only this time, not to mention killing three people in a palm, or even wounding a blood-clothed person, never did it.

The twelve blood-clad men seemed to know that Ling Wei was powerful. Ling Wei's body had just burst out, and the twelve blood-clad men had already avoided them. When Ling Wei's palms were scattered, twelve The blood-clothed people have long been scattered.

"Good animal, I see when you can hide!"

Ling Wei snorted and was about to brew a second wave of offensive. Unexpectedly, there were six sharp and **** offensives beside him, and he aimed at the six vital points around him.

An unusually strong warning suddenly surged from his heart. This warning sign made him understand that without twelve, only six blood-clad men would cause him a fatal threat.

Ling Wei did not dare to be indifferent. He hurriedly evaded while waving his palms, and kept laying a body of protection around the body, weakening the offensive of the disintegration of these six blood-clad men.

After a thunderous bang, Ling Wei only felt that his chest was as if he had been hammered by five or six punches in a row, and he felt bored. Although it does not hurt him, this feeling has shown that all of the twelve blood-clad men have a combat capability that is not inferior to the peak of Tiange. Although it has not yet entered the Shinto realm, it is probably not far away.

What are these powerful blood-clad men, where did they come from, and who instructed them? In addition to shock in Ling Wei's heart, there are many unsolvable doubts. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14447755->

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