Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1064: Governing others with their own way

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Here Lingwei was entangled by six blood-clothed men, and the other six blood-clothed men launched an offensive against the Lingge's Tiange Realm master. Book haha

The Ling family protected Ling Tianhua this time to the Master Tiange Realm who was tried by Van Gogh. There were also a total of twelve people, leaving behind the one who had been killed before, and there are now eleven people left. From the comparison of the number of people, the Ling masters should have the advantage, but the actual situation is that the six blood-clothed people gradually have the upper hand.

Although the Ling family has a large number of people, the quality is not very high. Of the eleven people, only two have peaks, three have intermediate levels, and the remaining six are all at the beginning level. . In the face of the six blood-clothed men at the pinnacle of Tiange Realm, Tiange's first stage is almost negligible.

As soon as he came up, the people of the Ling family fell into a struggle. If it weren't for Ling Gang's occasional time to make a move, I'm afraid that these Lingjia masters will collapse soon.

The movement of the Ling family, Wan Dong and others naturally saw it. Ling Wushuang's heart mentioned his throat at that time, watching the masters of the Ling family in the hard fight, his face turned white for a while.

She knew that although Ling Tianhua was angry with her, in order to protect herself, even at the critical moment, even if she was not willing, she would definitely shoot. Therefore, at the beginning, Ling Wushuang did not look back and did not worry about himself at all.

But now, the master of the Ling family has also turned into a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. There is no way to help others, and Ling Wushuang suddenly becomes nervous.

In front of me, these blood-clothed people with only Xuanchen Peak Realm had Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen, who were overwhelmed by it, and suddenly there were twelve blood-covered people in Tiange Peak Realm, which made everyone desperate for a while.

And this blood-covered man wave after wave, who knows if there is a third wave? If the third wave really appears and is stronger, then they have to wipe their necks all the way.

"Yao Ting, what should I do now?" Lin Feng looked frantically at Wan Dong with a frown on his face, looking depressed.

The twelve blood-clad men are now entangled by the Ling family masters, and have no time to attack them. They have already made the first-order faces of several earth wheels as dead ashes. Under heavy pressure, their shots are obviously less sharp. Right now it's just mechanical resistance.

Wan Dong Shen said, "There is no other way, we must get out as soon as possible!"

"Get away?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly again and again. Under the siege of the blood-clothed man, where was it so easy to get out? And even if they can get away, what should the second line disciples of those two big families do?

Both Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen had high hopes from their respective families. As leaders, they brought these second-line disciples to the eternal wasteland. If the whole army is finally destroyed, I am afraid they will go back without a face. Book haha


Here, Wan Dong is thinking hard about the way. On the other side, one of the Ling family's juniors was inattentive, but was caught by a blood-clothed person, and the two were split in half. That miserable situation made people dare not look straight.

Not to mention Xin, these second-line disciples of the Lin family, even the masters of the Ling family, are constantly changing their faces. Two of them were shaken by their hearts, and their hands were soft, revealing flaws, followed by the offensive, and flew out violently, and they died in a blink of an eye.

Lingjia is a master, already on the verge of collapse, all Ling Wei sees in his eyes. But helplessly, the six blood-clad men beside him were like **** lambs, and he was entangled in him, even if he was repaired by his Shinto realm, it was completely irreversible, only mad jumping feet!

Ling Gang did not dare, although he was willing to shoot. In case he, like Ling Wei, was entangled by the blood-clothed man, Ling Tianhua would be in danger. With Ling Tianhua's cultivation practice of only half a step, he may die in the hands of Xueyi in an instant.

The more violent and stronger the Blood Man's offensive is, the less dare Ling Gang will take action, and the less he dares to take action, the more dangerous the Ling family master's situation will be, which seems to be caught in a vicious circle of the vicious circle, let Ling Steel is both anxious and helpless.

"Yao Ting, it seems that there can't stand it anymore. As soon as the Ling family collapses, we will suffer. Follow a way!" Lin Feng punched a blood-clothed man back three steps and hurriedly said to Chong Wandong. .

Lin Feng is in a hurry, Wan Dong's heart is even more anxious! His mind was not idle for a moment, but how could he think so? Especially these blood-clad people, so difficult to tangle, and fearless to death, is almost ten times more terrible than that fairy beast!

"Lin Feng, did you forget? Boss Xiao told us before we came here. If we are in danger, we can use the teleport stone and hide in the place of trial treasure!"

When Wan Dong was in a hurry, Xin Wuhen said with open mouth.

Wan Dong and Lin Feng's eyes lit up almost at the same time. Lin Feng's thighs were beaten heavily, and his face was annoyed. "My tmd is really a pig brain, how can I forget it!"

Wan Dong's expression also cheered up, and hurriedly asked, "How many teleport stones do you have?"

Lin Feng hurriedly checked in the storage ring and said, "I have eight pieces on my body, no marks, how about you?"

Xin Wuhen's face suddenly plummeted, and his voice was bitter, "I only have five pieces on my body! If I listened to Boss Xiao's words, just bring a few more pieces! Now we have so many people here, only these transmission stones, only I'm afraid it's not enough. "

"It's okay! Wuzhen, you go to the Treasure Land first, ask Boss Xiao to send them more stones, and then come back!"

Wan Dong nodded hurriedly, and now there is only one way.

Xin Wuhen knew the urgency of the situation and did not dare to delay. He said a good word and immediately smashed a transmission stone. A white light flashed, and Xin Wuhen disappeared immediately.

Ling Wushuang was caught off guard and was shocked. He was surprised and asked, "Xin Wuhen ... where did he go?"

Wan Dong frowned, saying, "Miss Ling, we have some way to get rid of these blood-clad men and escape from here. What are you going to do with us, or with your Ling family?"

"You ... do you have a way to leave here? Is ... is it the teleportation stone you just said?" Ling Wushuang rounded a pair of Xing eyes curiously and asked repeatedly.

Wan Dong nodded gently.

Ling Wushuang's expression suddenly became excited, and his voice trembled. "Then ... can you bring me and my elder brother together?"

The situation of the Ling family is getting worse and worse. If you continue to do so, it will probably be wiped out by the whole army. Of course, Ling Wushuang does not want to see this scene.

"Sister Wushuang, you come with us, we welcome with both hands. But your elder brother, let's forget it!" Before Wan Dong could speak, Lin Feng said decisively.

"Lin Feng, how can you see death and not save it?" Seeing Lin Feng refused so firmly, Ling Wushuang immediately raised her eyebrows.

"Sister Wushuang, they are the first to see if they can't be saved. We are just treating them with their own way."

As soon as Lin Feng said this, Ling Wushuang was speechless and his pretty face dimmed.

At the same time, Xiao Lang is leading a group of elites such as Luo Xiao and Wang Yangde in the trial treasure area, using the explosive flame to refine the martial arts, and the transmission suddenly rises a red light. Xiao Lang frowned, looked up, and saw that Xin Wuhen was covered in blood and stumbled out of the teleportation array.

Xin Wuhen's **** appearance was not ordinary scary, and Xiao Lang's heart immediately raised. With a long figure, he swept past at the fastest speed. Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others also realized that the situation was not good, and followed them one after another.

"Boss, you are still here, it's so nice!"

Seeing Xiao Lang flying, Xin Wuhen laughed. Although he smiled a bit miserably, he was really relieved. If it happened that Xiao Lang had left the treasure of trial, then Xin Wuhen would have to cry without tears.

"Wuhen, how did you make it look like this? What the **** happened?" When he came to Xin Wujian, he saw the staggered sword wounds on Xin Wujian's body, and even Xiao Lang couldn't help but yanked. A few breaths.

Luo Xiao's mind was trembling even more, and he was only now realizing that the ancient wilderness was a hundred times more dangerous than he had imagined. Even Xin Wuhen was hurt so badly, if they were replaced by them, they would lose all their lives if they were afraid of a hundred lives.

"We are in the ancient wilderness ... we met a group of very strange but fierce blood-clothed men. We couldn't resist it, we could only come here to take refuge, but there were not enough transport stones on our body ..."

"Teleporting Stone? I have it!" Before Xin Wuhen finished his speech, Xiao Lang took out more than ten teleportation stones on his body.

"I also have it!" Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others also took out the teleportation stones on their bodies and piled them up in front of Xin Wuhen.

"Is this enough?" Xiao Lang asked.

Xin Wuhen nodded and collected all the teleport stones in the storage ring.

"Lin Feng? How is he doing now?" Seeing that Xin Wuhen was so serious, Xiao Lang naturally thought of Lin Feng and was quite worried.

Xin Wuhen smiled bitterly and said, "He is no better than me. He is now fighting with the third brother and the blood-clothed people."

"What !? Yao Ting !? You ... you said you saw Yao Ting in the ancient wasteland?"

As soon as Xin Wuhen's words came out, Xiao Lang seemed to be electrocuted, and he jumped straight up, the excitement and ecstasy that could not be said on his face!

Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others on the side were all the same, trembling with excitement. The worries over the past few days can finally be let go. The unprecedented pleasure and ease, and the gratitude to God, are hard to understand if you don't experience it yourself.

Xin Wuhen smiled and nodded, "Yeah, if it wasn't for Sange's arrival in time, we don't know what will happen."

"Stinky boy, you ... you tmd finally appeared!"

Xiao Lang clenched his fists tightly, the tiger's body shivered slightly, his face was smiling, but his eyes were full of tears.

"Boss Xiao, those blood-clothed people are too powerful. I'm afraid that Lin Feng and the third brother will not be able to resist it for a long time. I have to go back immediately!"

"Then ... what are you still doing? Hurry! Hurry back! We are waiting here!"

When Xiao Lang heard it, he was more anxious than Xin Wuhen, and he kept urging. It seems that if Xin Wuhen was not seriously injured, he must have thrown Xin Wuhen into the teleportation array ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14447756->

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