Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1199: Hatching Kunpeng eggs!

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"Don't disturb them, the longer they stay in that state, the greater the help they will have in the future. Please add the classics | dian | shuyouxinqun 9494-7767" Lu Youlong's voice suddenly came to the side.

Both Wan Dong and Mu Tong looked at each other with surprise, and saw that Lu Youlong had been able to sit up halfway with Xiao Feifei's help. Although his face was still pale, and his expression was somewhat weak, it can be seen that Lu Youlong's life was already worry-free.

"Senior Lu, how are you!" Mu Tong exulted, leaping to the past.

Lu Youlong nodded at her with a smile, then turned his eyes to Wan Dong, and his face was full of gratitude. "I do n’t hide from you, I ’m ready to die. I never thought that I would be able to live again. The whole person is just like a dream. Yaoting, I can survive, it is you who gave me a second life, I accept your love, if there is any future assignment, I Lu Youlong will never say no! "

"Hahaha ... Senior Lu, what are you talking about? It's easy to see! But the chalcedony is good, but it's hard to make you heal as soon as possible, and the rest is up to you. "

Lu Youlong nodded, "I know this! Rest assured, I must get better as soon as possible for Feifei!"

"Senior Lu said that I was looking forward to drinking the wedding wine of the two of you earlier."

Wan Dong wanted to make a joke and live up the atmosphere. Unexpectedly, the expressions of Lu Youlong and Xiao Feifei became dignified. Can Wan Dongyan not understand? The two want real amphibians and amphibians, and there are many obstacles in front of them.

With a smile, Wan Dong comforted: "There is no trouble in the world, I am afraid that there are people with heart! And the true feelings of Senior Lu and Aunt Xiao can touch the world, can't you touch people?"

Listening to Wan Dong's words, Lu Youlong took the lead in raising his eyebrows, looking at Xiao Feifei, and said again, "I have already died once, what else is terrible? Feifei, let us face it bravely Right! "

Xiao Feifei was waiting for Lu Youlong's remarks. When she heard it, her tears almost didn't flow out.

"Senior Lu, Aunt Xiao, you can rest assured that my brother-in-law and I will help you." Mu Tong comforted as she wiped tears for Xiao Feifei.

"Hahaha ... Then the two of us are more confident." At this time, Lu Youlong was no longer the cold killer in the Lin family who assassinated Mu Tong, looking at Mu Tong's eyes, full of warmth and affection.

"What's so happy?"

Lu Youlong's laughter did not fall, Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wuniang stood up hand in hand. Seeing the two faces glowing with red light and radiating vigour, it must have been a great deal of benefit for them.

Admittedly, this realization not only sown them with the seeds for the achievement of the Holy Soul Realm, but also laid a solid foundation.

Lu Youlong smiled and said, "We are happy anymore, and we are not as happy as the two? It seems that I need to wish the two advancement to the Holy Soul Realm in advance."

Seeing that Xiao Feifei stood side by side with Lu Youlong, it was really a perfect match, and Xiao Zhenwei had nothing to say. No longer was the evil spirit of Lu Youlong before, a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded slightly at him.

"We are happy, but the happiest should be Yao Ting. How about Yao Ting, after entering the realm of heaven, do you feel that everything is different?"

Xiao Zhenwei This is definitely an experience! Among the six realms of Daomen, Tiange Realm is definitely a watershed. Once stepped into the celestial realm, for a monk, it is like a qualitative change!

This qualitative change is even more obvious to Wandong!

At this time, Wan Dong is nominally the first stage of Tiange, but actually has the capital to compete with the powerful Shinto realm. Among peers, it is absolutely beyond imagination.

According to this statement, Wan Dong should indeed be happy. But how did Xiao Zhenwei know that Wan Dong's heart-like sense of urgency still made him feel that his entry was too slow. What Wandong needs is to grow at a faster rate. Although he is beyond happiness, he is certainly happy, but he is not as happy as Xiao Zhenwei.

Just do n’t want to sweep Xiao Zhenwei and others, Wan Dong smiled casually, and then looked at Xiao Zhenwei and said to Wu Ping Niang, “Grandpa Xiao, Senior Ping, while you are here, Yaoting has something to ask for ... "

Before Wan Dong finished speaking, Ping Wu Niang waved her hand and said, "I know what you want from us. You can rest assured that I Ping Wu Niang is not a confidant. Just now Lu Youlong saved my life. His holiday has come to an end. "

Hearing Ping Wu Niang's words, Lu Youlong's face immediately showed a surprise, and Xiao Zhenwei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was really a bit worried. If Wu Ping Wu Niang still wanted to revenge Lu Youlong, then his position must be very embarrassing. Ping Wu Niang can take the initiative to give up hatred, naturally is the best.

"Wu Niang, you're right. In fact, Lu Youlong is just a hired killer, and the employer is the culprit. If you want to avenge, you should also report to the employer. Also, your brother, acting sternly, There are so many evils, do n’t you even want to kill the world? I see ... "

Xiao Zhenwei was talking. Unexpectedly, Ping Wu-niang threw a ruthless look into her face. Xiao Zhenwei shuddered and immediately closed her mouth. Looking at his appearance, one day in the future, Ping Wu Niang passed the door of the Xiao family, and Xiao Zhenwei could not escape.

"No matter how bad my elder brother is, that's my elder brother too. It's not your turn to say anything!"

"Yes, yes, I have a lot of talk, can't I talk?" Where did Xiao Zhenwei dare to talk back? It's just a scornful smile.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "Senior Ping can give up hatred and choose forgiveness. This is indeed a gratifying thing, but I asked the two, but it is not the case."

"Huh? Then what do you ask us to do?" Xiao Zhenwei and Wuliang looked at each other for a moment.

Wan Dong did not rush to answer. Shen Nian glanced over the storage ring, and the light flashed. In front of several people, there was an extra bright and clean jade with a giant egg.

A few people present, if it was their turn to see, Wan Dong, even Mu Tong, was afraid that it would be worse. As soon as Wan Dong took out Kunpeng's egg, he immediately caused a burst of exclamation, even characters such as Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wuniang, and Lu Youlong were no exception.

"This ... is this Kunpeng's egg !?" Xiao Zhenwei reached out and caressed the giant egg, and immediately felt that an immense aura of energy, through his palm, only penetrated into his body. The vitality contained therein is beyond his imagination.

"Yes! This must be Kunpeng's egg!" Lu Youlong said first before Wan Dong answered.

"Kunpeng's fairy beast is not only powerful, but also very proud of being on the top of the fairy beast. He never willingly succumbs to people. It is so easy to kill Kunpeng, but it is difficult to tame him. Kunpeng is harder on himself. In this way, it is even more precious to his descendants. It is said that the last thing before Kunpeng's death is to destroy the eggs he laid. Therefore, this Kunpeng egg will be incomparably precious, if not a great creation. Is hard to come by. "

Ping Wu Niang sighed around Kun Peng's eggs in a circle.

"If this Kunpeng egg wants to hatch, the incubator must reach the cultivation level above Tiange Realm and infuse it with the qi of the whole body to be able to hatch. Yaoting, you are now Tiange Realm and want to kill this Kunpeng Egg Incubation, isn't it? "Lu Youlong thought for a while and then understood Wan Dong's meaning and asked with a smile.

"Good! Now is the best time to hatch Kunpeng eggs, and there is Yinglong blood next to it. If it is fed with Yinglong blood, maybe Kunpeng hatched by this Kunpeng egg may have a considerable chance of impacting the Divine Beast. , That's amazing. "

Thinking of this, even Xiao Zhenwei was a little excited, his voice trembling slightly.

Talking to such predecessors who are both experienced and clever is effort-saving, so there is no need to talk much.

Wan Dong rushed to Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wu Niang clenched her fists, "Please two of you to protect me!"

"Ha ha ha ... as long as you want, why should you say something?"

At this time, all the conditions for hatching Kunpeng are already in place, and there is no reason not to hatch them. And Xiao Zhenwei and Wuliangni these two strong men protect the law for themselves, Wan Dong is even more at ease.

Taking a long breath, he settled his mind, and Wan Dong slowly put his hand on Kunpeng's egg. The thought moved slightly, and the qi in his body was divided, carefully, and poured into Kunpeng eggs tentatively.

And when he burst into the Kunpeng egg, the Kunpeng egg lit up like a pearl of night, shining brightly, and it was very eye-catching.

Wan Dong had n’t taken care of his appreciation, an unparalleled suction suddenly burst out from Kunpeng ’s egg, and before he even responded, Wan ’s qi was already out of control, almost crazy. Rushed into Kunpeng's egg.

And Wan Dong's hand seems to have taken root on Kunpeng's egg, but it cannot be recovered. Wan Dong had already understood all this before losing money, otherwise she must panic.

The incubation of Kunpeng eggs cannot be suspended once it has begun. If it fails, Kunpeng's eggs will die, not even the incubators.

Wan Dong was able to see the greed of Kun Peng's eggs. The speed of his body's qi, and the rate of loss, far exceeded that of any brutal battle Wan Wan had experienced before.

Although Wan Dong is nominally a celestial realm, his cultivation at this time is already comparable to the first stage of Shinto. Even so, it seems that he cannot satisfy Kun Peng's greed. The forced Wandong had to run Xuan Tian Wu Shen Ju to the extreme, and make up for the loss of Dao Qi as quickly as possible.

Although Xiao Zhenwei and Heping Wuniang saw Wan Dong's hard work, they could not help it. This hatched Kunpeng egg can only be completed by one person, cannot be suspended, cannot be replaced, or even reach out to help.

Fortunately, Wandong didn't worry them for too long. Just about an hour later, when Wandong's face became pale like paper, he only heard a click. The huge Kunpeng egg suddenly cracked a gap. .

"It's about to hatch! Yaoting, work harder!" Xiao Zhenwei shook his heart and couldn't help shouting. -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16438157->

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