Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1200: Still an egg!

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When Wan Dong heard it, he couldn't control much of it, and there was a groan between his throats. The air in his body seemed to be poured into Kunpeng's egg as hard as he could without money. Dizziness kept coming. The fastest update feels, where is still standing on the solid ground, just like standing on the screaming sea.

Under the almost crazy urge of Wan Dong, the cracks in the Kunpeng egg gradually expanded from inside to outside, becoming larger and larger.

After about half a cup of tea, all of a sudden, a burst of vitality, like a spring erupting, erupted like a spring, and everyone in the room was invigorated.

"Successful!" Feeling this vitality, even a character like Xiao Zhenwei couldn't help exclaiming.

Along with Xiao Zhenwei's exclamation, the cracks in Kunpeng's egg, Huo Ran extended through the entire egg body, and then there were countless thin cracks like treetop branches, extending in a net shape in all directions. After reaching a certain level, I only heard a bang, and the whole Kunpeng egg was completely torn apart. A white shadow, like the lightning, went straight to the sky. At the same time, an unusually loud cry also resounded between heaven and earth.

There was a mumble in Wandong's mouth, and the whole person seemed to be out of force, and fell to the ground with a puff. As he threw his breath, he looked up into the sky.

I saw that in the sky, although it was still a little bit young, there were already eight eagle-sized raptors flying their wings.

In the end it is the overlord of the sky, the king of fairy beasts, even Kunpeng just hatched, already has considerable power.

Seeing this little Kunpeng's freedom to soar in the sky, he didn't mean to return to his side at all, and Wandong couldn't help rising a worry in his heart. In case this little Kunpeng does not recognize him, who should he justify?

"Choo Choo Choo"

When Wan Dong was worried, Xiao Kunpeng suddenly issued an unusually high-pitched cry, especially excited.

Immediately after that, Xiao Kunpeng spread his wings, his figure turned sharply, and even flew straight towards Ying Long's body.

Needless to say, Xiao Kunpeng was going to Yinglong's blood. Wan Dong ’s heart suddenly raised, and Xiao Kunpeng had only one chance to attack the Divine Beast. Once he failed, there would be no possibility of impacting the Divine Beast Realm in the future.

If you want a success, you must strive for perfection, and there must be no flaws. Although Yinglong is also a sub-divine beast, its blood can also help Xiao Kunpeng to attack the divine beast realm, but compared with the blood of Jiuyin Fire Dragon, the quality of Yinglong's blood is still much worse, which naturally means that it may fail Sex is also greater. 77nt.Com Thousands of Novel Network (This chapter is updated by Just Love Reading Book Network 92Ks.Com)

Wan Dong once promised Xiao Kunpeng's mother, and he would never allow himself to lose. Having endured the waves and the strong sense of dizziness, Wan Dong suddenly stood up from the ground, and at the same time made all his strength drink "Come back to me!"

Wan Dong is not sure that Xiao Kunpeng will listen to him, but at this moment, he can stand up very well. It is impossible to stop Xiao Kunpeng by force. In addition, Xiao Kunpeng, who was just born, is still relatively weak. Wan Dong doesn't want to hurt it.

Fortunately, Xiao Kunpeng not only recognized Wan Dong as his master, but also obeyed him. Wan Dong shouted together, and although Xiao Kunpeng's eyes were full of reluctance, he still turned sharply and fluttered his wings back to Wan Dong.

This made Wan Dong breathe a sigh of relief and calmed down a lot.

"Yao Ting, Kunpeng had the best chance to impact the divine beast when he first hatched. Why did you stop it from drinking the blood of Yinglong?" Xiao Zhenwei asked with some doubt.

Wan Dong laughed, "I'm afraid that Yinglong's blood is not enough to help Xiao Kunpeng. I've prepared a better one for it here."

"Better?" Xiao Zhenwei froze for a moment.

Wan Dong nodded and took out the blood of the nine-yin fire dragon prepared earlier from the storage ring.

The blood of most dragon species is red. Only a few are different. Jiuyin Fire Dragon is one of them.

When Wan Dong took out the blood of the nine-yin fire dragon, which was dark and ink-like, exuding the scorching temperature, Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wuniang and Lu Youlong were all stunned.

Although Jiuyin Fire Dragon and Yinglong belong to the sub-beast level, they must not be compared. In fact, even two Yinglongs may not be able to beat a nine-yin fire dragon.

Xiao Zhenwei stunned and asked, "Yao Ting, you ... where did you get the blood of these nine Yin Fire Dragons?"

Wan Dong grinned and said, "Not long ago, I was lucky enough to kill a head. By the way, although the blood of the Nine Yin Fire Dragon contains yin and fire poison, it is also an extremely rare alchemy material. It was given to two people and taken to alchemy. "

Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wuniang glanced at each other, and both were speechless. Fortunately killed a nine-yin fire dragon ... How lucky is that?

No wonder people's faces correspond to dragons, and they are not afraid. They can luckily kill a nine-yin fire dragon. It is not difficult for them to luckily kill a dragon. Suddenly, Xiao Zhenwei felt that his age was almost in vain.

Smelling the blood of the nine-yin fire dragon, Xiao Kunpeng's unprecedented excitement, bursts of howling in his mouth, a pair of wings with not very rich wings, and continuous flapping, actually rolled up for a while Gale.

"Honestly, otherwise I will pour the dragon's blood and I won't drink it for you!" Xiao Kunpeng rolled up the sand and dust, and kept Wan Dongnong's tears flowing, stunned.

Xiao Kunpeng clearly understood Wan Dong's meaning, and immediately came down honestly. Squatting half there, staring at Wan Dong with black and white eyes, with a little bit of pity, straightened Mu Tong's side, and his heart turned to look.

Xiao Zhenwei was right, when Xiao Kunpeng was born, he had not been polluted by this secular world. Once this prime time is missed, the promotion of Xiao Kunpeng will be doubled in difficulty. This is why Xiao Lang had asked Qian Dingwan to ask him to incubate Xiaokunpeng after he found the blood of the sub-beast.

Not daring to delay, Wan Dong hurriedly put Dragon Blood in front of Xiao Kunpeng. This is Xiao Kunpeng's first meal in this world, and it is undoubtedly a very extravagant meal. The blood of the sub-divine beast, that is not to say that there can be.

Seeing Xiao Kunpeng having a big mouth, Wandong's heart was soft and warm, as if this little Kunpeng was really his son. That feeling is very wonderful, very warm and very attachment.

Wan Dong was addicted to this feeling, and when he couldn't extricate himself, suddenly, a golden light burst out of Xiao Kunpeng's body. First one, then another, followed by more and more golden light, bursting out one by one, a breath of mysterious law, followed by diffuse.

"Success ... succeeded?" Xiao Zhenwei was even more excited than Wan Dong. He kept an old face and said that his blush was so bright that he didn't even talk.

Wan Dong was also unprecedentedly excited at this time, staring at Xiao Kunpeng without blinking his eyes, fearing that something might go wrong.

There was more and more golden light. At first, it went straight to the sky, and then gradually bent, like a strip of golden silk thread, which wrapped Xiao Kunpeng into a huge golden cocoon, which was dazzling.

Wan Dong wanted to see what was happening in the insect cocoon, but when his mind came into contact with the insect cocoon, he would always be forced back by the golden light. Wandong got anxious in his heart, but there was absolutely no way.

After about the time of Mozhancha, the dazzling golden light suddenly converged, but what appeared in Wandong's eyes was not Xiao Kunpeng's mighty figure, but a red gold dome. Except that the color is different from the Kunpeng egg that was not hatched before, there is almost no difference.

Wan Dong couldn't help crying and laughing, why did it hatch for a long time, or was it an egg when it arrived?

"Grandpa Xiao, this ... what's going on?" Xiao Lang never mentioned it to Xiao Kunpeng after drinking dragon blood, and Wan Dong was anxious.

Xiao Zhenwei, however, had a full-fledged look and smiled with his beard twisted. "Yao Ting, you can rest assured! This egg is completely different from the previous one. This is a real beast egg! You touch it and you will know. "

Under the guidance of Xiao Zhenwei, Wandong put his hand on the golden egg with suspicion, and set a time, a strong aura that could not be described by words, and let Wandong's heart swell. Although Xiao Kunpeng was full of aura on the egg before it hatched, it was definitely not as rich as this. What is more different is that on this golden egg, Wan Dong felt a sacred and inviolable atmosphere. .

Xiao Zhenwei nodded and said, "The next time Kunpeng hatches from the egg, it will no longer be a fairy beast, but a real beast!"

"I'm going to hatch again?" Xiao Zhenwei said, and couldn't help but stunned.

This incubation requires the cultivation of Heavenly Realm, and the next incubation must not require the cultivation of Shinto Realm. Then, when can we wait?

Xiao Zhenwei knew Wan Dong's mind clearly, and he smiled, saying, "Don't worry, the next hatch, you don't need to work harder, just need a little chance."

"Opportunity?" Wandong couldn't help but look miserable. This kind of opportunity, unpredictable, is the most ethereal. Does the ghost know when it will come across? It would be better for him to give him a little effort, although it is a bit hard, but everything is under his control.

Xiao Zhenwei patted him on the shoulder and said, "You don't have to worry too much! You got Kunpeng's egg, and you got the blood of Nine Yin Fire Dragon. This is all due to chance. I don't think it will take long. The god-beast-level Kunpeng will Being able to hatch out, and then relying on the **** beast Kunpeng, is enough to let you occupy a place in the Daomen! "

Ping Wuniang and Lu Youlong nodded one after another. In the expression, they clearly showed some envy.

Anyway, it has been waiting for so long, Wan Dong doesn't care to wait any longer, beckoned, and included Jin Dan in the storage ring. Since there is only a chance left in the second hatch, he can worry about it ... -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16438158->

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