Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1371: Hurry to Mu Family!

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"You ... what did you do to me, what did you do?" Li Wendao was totally unable to accept this reality, and the whole person was crazy and kept running. However, no matter how he works, he can't produce even a trace of Dao Qi in his body. Even his induction of the spirit of the world is blocked. After countless failures, Li Wendao was finally desperate and nearly frantically screamed at Wan Wandong.

"Ghost face, I didn't expect you to be so clever. It really surprised this seat!"

Li Wendao's roar did not receive Wan Dong's response, but Yuhuaping said with a slight surprise.

Having said that, Yu Huaping turned his attention to Li Wendao again, which even showed a little sympathy, and said faintly, "This seat has always thought that in this world, one's cultivation cannot be truly abolished. Because even Breaking the Yuan Mansion, there are ways to reshape the Yuan Mansion, as long as there are enough heaven and earth treasure medicine, it can break through and stand up! But the ghost face technique seems to be an exception, he did not damage your Yuan Mansion, but shielded Your ability to communicate with the spirit of the world, no matter how large your Yuan Mansion is, no matter how clever you are, you ca n’t sense the spirit of the heaven and earth, it will be zero! This is the real bottom draw, hahaha ... "

"Wh ... what?"

Li Wendao couldn't believe his ears, let alone believe that there was such an evil method in this world, and it was also used on him. For a time, Li Wendao only felt that his whole person seemed to have fallen into the Nine Nether Hell, and his body was cold.

Regardless of Li Wendao, Li Xuan and others were so stupid that even Jiao Huang couldn't help but feel cold. The look in Wandong's eyes was clearly full of fear. His relationship with Wandong is not good. If one day, Wandong has the same tricks to deal with him, can he resist it?

"Yugong, this method is really as powerful as you said, is it really unsolvable?"

"Maybe! But this seat can't be solved ... I believe that the ultimate strongman of the Holy Soul Realm can't be solved!"

The first half of Yu Huaping's sentence also relieved Jiao Huang's mind, but in the second half of the following sentence, Jiao Huang involuntarily beat a few chills.

Even the ultimate powerhouse of the Holy Soul Realm cannot be lifted. Doesn't it mean that in the Daomen Great World plane, Wan Dong's method is indeed unsolvable!

Jiao Huang involuntarily stepped back a few steps, pulling away the distance between him and Wan Dong. In my heart, I regretted that I had just made trouble to Wan Dong.

"Uncle Li!" Looking at Li Wendao, who looked pale, Mu Lian couldn't help whispering, his expression was so sad.

"The thieves of the blood skeletons really deserve to be killed! The old man fights with you!"

Thinking of the same situation as Li Wendao, Li Xuan soon fell on himself. Li Xuanxin was determined to be neutral. In spite of that many, Li Xiao slammed and waned to Wandong. At this point in his view, Wan Dong's horror is even worse than Yu Huaping.


Yuhuaping made a cold snort in his nose, which required a shot, but Wandong again grabbed him in front.

"The stubborn old guy, just obey it!"

Wan Dong's figure was misty and ghostly, and he easily avoided Li Xuan's palm strength. At the same time, his fingers, like electro-optical flint, instantly poked Li Xuan's chest.

After a burst of purple mansions flashed, Li Xuansui discovered that the qi in his body had disappeared without a trace.

Although he was mentally prepared, Li Xuan couldn't bear it when everything happened, and his body shook like an electric shock. The despair and sorrow that came out of his face made people feel sore.

"Your beast, you will die someday!"

Li Wendao and Li Xuan were met with poisoned hands one after another, completely destroying the illusion that Green Phoenix had on Wan Dong's only existence. At this time, the pair of Xingmu staring at Wan Dong seemed to be spitting out fire.

Mu Lian also stared at Wan Dong without blinking, his eyes full of blame, and the deep disappointment that made Wan Dong heartbroken.

Wan Dong couldn't really look into the eyes like Mu Lian, and quickly looked away, and said to Yuhua Ping, "Yugong, the rest are all dolls, no matter what you do, it's the same. It ’s a lot of effort, how? ”

Yuhuaping was more important to Wandong at this time, nodded with a smile, and said, "In this Huxiao Mountain, we have delayed too much time. Changgong may have been waiting for it. Let's hurry and hurry!"

When Yu Gong spoke, everyone naturally had no objection. A man waited to **** Mulian and others, walked out of Huxiao Mountain and went to Mu's house.

Mu Lian has a special status and has not walked with Li Wendao and others. Seeing that Li Wendao and Li Xuan were crumbling, they didn't know whether it was because the cultivation base had just been abolished and the body was too tired, or it was because the dreams were all gray.

I was afraid that the two would not be able to think for a while, so I found short-sightedness!

Worried, Mu Lian didn't take care of that many, so she would go to the two and move them to reassure them.

But Mu Lian took three steps just now, and was stopped by two blood skeleton killers without any politeness.

Mu Lian was anxious to negotiate with the two, but the two always looked cold and unsympathetic, and refused to have the slightest accommodating, only Mu Lianji's tears rushed out.

"What are you doing?"

Wan Dong couldn't bear to see Mu Lian's eyes, he deliberately avoided all the way, but if Mu Lian continued to make trouble, it might irritate Yu Huaping and cause unimaginable consequences. Wan Dong had to come over with a scalp.

Mu Lian suddenly raised her head and stared at Wan Dong. There was nothing but cold in her eyes. Wan Dong knew the reason, but he still had pain in his heart and turned his head to the side.

"I am naive to think that you are a good person!"

Wandong shook his head bitterly, without speaking.

Mu Lian snorted heavily and said, "Uncle Li and Five Elders have been abolished by you. I'm afraid they will have an accident. Do you let me go?"

"Go! Comfort them more, don't let them do stupid things!"

Wan Dong's fierce shots against Li Wendao and Li Xuan made Mu Lian think that Wan Dong must be a man with a heart like a scorpion. He basically had no hope, and he would promise his request. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong agreed, and still urged Mulian to be so surprised.

Turning his head to look at Wan Dong, he wanted to see what kind of person Wan Dong was, but Wan Dong turned his head aside and never looked at her.

Although Mu Lian is young, she can live in the Mu Family of the Yipin family. She prides herself on seeing a lot of people, but it is unpredictable like Wan Dong, but it is unique.

With Li Wendao and Li Xuan hanging in his mind, Mu Lian didn't think about it any more, and hurried towards them.

Coming to the two, Mu Lian immediately realized that Li Wendao and Li Xuan's injuries were not light at this time, but they were insignificant compared to their psychological trauma. Mu Lian even felt that the two had almost given up the idea of ​​living, just like walking dead!

"Uncle Li, five elders, don't be discouraged! I think my father, my Mu family will definitely have a way to help you resume your cultivation!"

Mu Lian was anxious and said quickly.

Li Wendao and Li Xuan glanced at each other, but did not speak, but the look of despair in the eyes of the two had never diminished.

At the beginning, the two also had the same idea as Mu Lian, but slowly, the two felt more and more that Yuhuaping was right!

"Lian'er, you don't want to comfort us, this time, we might be really planted! It was nothing, but once you died, you were in a desperate situation. Even if my old man was dead, I was afraid that he would be closed No more eyes. "

"No! Five elders, don't say that. Actually, all these mistakes are on me. If it is not to protect me, you will not fall into this field, nor will you ... these are all My fault!"

Mu Lian was supposed to comfort Li Wendao and Li Xuan, but he said that there was an inexplicable guilt in his heart, and he whimpered softly out of control.

So many Li family members died for her, and Li Wendao and Li Xuan were abolished to practice. This will surely be turned into an extremely heavy burden, which will be pressed on her heart. For a time, Mu Lian couldn't help but feel dead, and even felt that if he could die earlier, the Li family would not suffer such a big loss.

Although Mu Lian's cry made Li Wendao and Li Xuan sad, it fell into Wan Dong's ears, and turned into a sharp blade, tingling his atrium.

"It's a bit early to cry now! Let's keep some more tears, and wait until Mu's family flows!"

Jiao Huang sneered and said sarcastically.

"Dog thief! Even if Li Wendao becomes a ghost, I will never let you go!"

"court death!"

Jiao Huang drank angrily and patted Li Wendao with his back. Li Wendaoxiu is exhausted. In Jiao Huang's eyes, it is like the fish meat on the knife, let it be slaughtered!


But before waiting for Jiao Huang's palm to hit Li Wendao, he leaned into the palm of a diagonal stab and bluntly fell towards Jiao Huang's wrist.

The palm is like a knife. If this palm is sturdy, even if Jiao Huang is made of steel, a broken palm will be left.

Jiao Huang subconsciously exclaimed, and withdrew his palms back in a hurry. Looking back, Wandong shot again, almost breathless.

He was about to open his mouth to blame, but Wan Dong preempted himself. "Jiao Huang, your courage is getting bigger and bigger. Do you dare to violate Yu Gong's meaning?"

"I ..." Jiao Huang glanced back at the rain flower screen walking in front of him, glared, and finally turned away without saying anything.

"Why, you are here in false compassion again?" This time, instead of accepting Wandong's affection, Green Phoenix pouted and sneered.

Wan Dong was about to say something. His eyes turned, and suddenly he saw Mu Lian ’s injured arm pouring blood out, presumably because she was too excited, not paying attention, pulling the wound, a pain in her heart, and asked quickly. "Your injury ..."

"You don't need to control it!" Mu Lian's attitude is also blunt, directly rejecting Wan Dong from a thousand miles away ...

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