Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1372: The scheme of the blood skeleton!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"That's it! You're pretending to be prettier, worse than the old guy!" Lv Feng also looked at Yuhuaping secretly and said angrily.

Wan Dong smiled bitterly in his heart, just about to persuade a few words, suddenly felt an inexplicable coolness behind him. This coolness is not obvious. If there is nothing, if it is not Wan Dong who has practiced Xuan Tian Wu God's tactics, it will be hard to find.

Following this coolness, Wandong looked back and saw that Yu Huaping's eyes happened to move away from him. Wan Dong was shocked in his heart. The words of Yu Huaping said beautifully, but in fact, Jiao Huang's words still played a role in him, and he has been watching Wan Dong carefully.

Wan Dong's eyebrows tightened, his expression cold, and Mulian's arm was caught graciously.

Unexpectedly, Wan Dong would come directly, Mulian immediately exclaimed, and unconsciously waved to Wan Dong. Wan Dong snorted, with a block on his right arm, and immediately slammed Mulian's palm forward.

"Old man fights with you!"

Seeing Wandong's shot to Mu Lian, Li Xuansheng was furious and clearly forgot that his cultivation practice had been abolished. With a bang, he smashed his fist at Wandong. It's a pity that this punch, in Wan Dong's eyes, is light and fluffy.

Wan Dong swung Li Xuan to the ground with just one hand, and could not move.

Ignoring Li Xuan's anger at all, let alone Mu Lian's struggles, Wan Dong swiped his finger on Mu Lian's body, helped him stop the blood, and tore off one of the clothes and wrapped her wound Got up.

Until all this was done, Mu Lian still refused to appreciate it. She stubbornly tore off the cloth covering the wound, Wan Dong said coldly, "If you dare to tear it off, I will tear off this old man's arm!"

Wan Dong's voice was cold, and his eyes were cold, and anyone could see that he was no joke!


Mu Lian only felt that in this world, there was nothing more abominable than this man in front of him! A pretty red face with a straight face, Xingmu was staring and could no longer be rounded. To be angry, Mu Lian finally took his hand back.

"I swear! As long as there is a chance, I will break you up!"

Mu Lian was so kind that he was forced to say such cruel words, which shows the extent of the anger in his heart.

Wan Dong quietly sighed, said nothing more, and dared not to look at Mu Lian's eyes, and silently returned to Yuhuaping.

"Brother Ghost, I didn't expect that you really understand Xixiangxiyu!"

Jiao Huang squinted Wan Dong and said with a sneer.

Wandong Jianmei raised his eyebrows and replied unkindly, "What do you stupid people know? This place is not near Mu Family. If that girl bleeds to death, who is it?"


Jiao Huang was choked by Wan Dong, and was about to bear the attack, but Wan Dong had turned his gaze to the side, completely looked like he did not put Jiao Huang in his eyes, and immediately made Jiao Huang's heart angry. Is flooding.

Seeing this, Yu Huaping smiled and persuaded, "Jiao Huang, the ghost face is right. The Mujia girl is concerned with the master's plan, and there is no room for loss!" Nowadays, we are born and died for the Three Realms, or do we need to be together, what do you say? "

Although Yuhuaping's tone is not without warning, it also shows that Wandong's ruthlessness towards Mulian has worked, and to a certain extent dispelled Yuhuaping's suspicion of him, otherwise Yuhuaping's scheming will never This is the attitude.

Wan Dong nodded his head lightly and said, "Yugong said that the ghost face should be kept in mind!"

Although Mu Lian hated Wan Dong at this time, she had to admit that if Wan Dong was not there, they would never be peaceful. Those fierce blood skeleton killers are more honest than ever before. As long as Mulian does nothing, those blood skeleton killers will never provoke or even keep a distance from them.

Just as Wan Dong and his entourage rushed to Mu Family, the first peak of Mu Family was also lively.

The blood skeleton side became more and more impatient. After sweeping around the Mu family, it continued to attack the first peak.

The number of blood skeleton killers who shoot is often not large, but all of them are strong. They come and go like wind and electricity. They are unpredictable. They often retreat after a little bit of trouble, so that the Mu family can do it. What I hate is the itchiness of the tooth root, but I can't help it.

"Dog Day's blood skull is really deceiving too much! The owner, Mo Tai often wants to lead a team of gods and guards, take the initiative to attack, do not cut a few thieves' heads, and never turn back!" Mo Tai Chang's temper was already hot At this time, his face was bluish, hissing his teeth screamed.

"The disciple is willing to fight against the thief with the command of Mo!" Mo Tai's words often fell, and Mu Hao stood up.

The sound is like a bell, his eyes are shining, and his heroic spirit is full! In just a few days, Mu Hao seemed to be a different person than before, as if he had been reborn.

Mo Taichang turned his head and looked at him, both comforted and ashamed, and secretly introspected. He couldn't help but sigh. Some of his past practices did have many inadequacies!

"Li Bin is also willing to go together!"

Mu Yucheng hadn't answered the call yet, and Li Bin stood up again. Standing side by side with Mu Hao, they are all the same young and handsome, but it also made Mo Taichang and everyone's eyes shine.

Mu Yucheng has only two women under her knees and no male heirs. Mu Hao and Li Bin represent the future of the Mu family to a certain extent. If the two can abandon their previous complaints and work together, it will be a blessing to Mu Family!

"Blood Skull's thief is sly and vicious, not easy to deal with. I think it's safest for Jin Wei to get out!"

Mo Tai often looked at Mu Yucheng, who nodded slightly, and did not want Mu Hao, Li Bin and others to be injured.

Mu Hao and Li Bin refused, but were about to invite again, and suddenly there was a lot of noise outside. Everyone's expression immediately condensed, and before Mu Yucheng asked questions, a disciple of the Mu family rushed in.

"Head of Qijun, the blood skeleton's thief came to the mountain again!"

"Why does that make sense! Is it true that my Mu family is empty?" Mo Tai often snorted and rushed out first.

Mu Hao and Li Bin are close behind!

Mu Yucheng raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Mu Ao, and said, "Blood skeletons are always like this, so what are they doing?"

Mu Ao groaned slightly, saying, "The old man also feels weird. The practice of the blood skeleton is too boring. If they want to get rid of our Mu family, it should be a quick decision. Once the other two big first-class families react, they will If you lose the best fighter, you will even be surrounded by three families. "

"Elder Mu said yes! In fact, I have always felt that the blood skeleton's invasion of the army this time seems not to eradicate my Mu family, but to have other plans."

"What the **** is the blood skeleton planning?"

Mu Yucheng shook his head slightly and said with a bit of frustration, "This is the place where I have been unable to see the details. Forget it, the soldiers came to cover up the water, even if the blood skeleton was intrigued and tricky, it was ultimately evil! Let's go See, what trick the blood skull is playing this time. "

Before Mu Yucheng and Mu Ao walked out of the room, they heard the loud noise outside. When they came out of the room, the two's expressions rose suddenly, and it was really lively!

The world in front of us is divided into three major battles.

Mo Taichang is fighting a purple sword killer alone, the battle is very fierce! Mo Taichang's eyes were red, every move was murderous, and he just wanted to make that blood skeleton killer alive.

Not too far from Mo Taichang, Li Bin and Mu Hao led the two teams of Shenji Yinwei, and entangled another purple sword killer.

If you change before, saying that Li Bin and Mu Haoneng can fight side by side, Mu Yucheng will never believe it. But for the moment, the two not only fought side by side, but also cooperated with each other. Even with their respective team members, they also abandoned their previous suspicions and joined forces to fight the enemy.

The encircled Purple Sword killer, although high-strength and hard-working, was stunned like a tiger trapped in a cage. Despite struggling, he could not escape the slaying of the two teams. Decadent, the look is uglier than the moment.

But what made Mu Yucheng shine the most was the third biggest battle.

Luo Xiao led Qunying and also shot. The opponent is also a purple sword-level killer with a blood skeleton.

If you talk about the average combat power, then one or two teams of the silver machine Silver Guard should be a bit higher. The team members of Li Bin and Mu Hao are all in the same position, but Luo Xiao and others are somewhat uneven.

The high one, such as Wang Yangde, has been promoted to the first level of the Shinto realm, and the low one, such as Wuyang, has just entered the realm of heaven. Such a huge gap makes it difficult to form a common sense. However, under the command and dispatch of Luo Xiao and the tacit understanding between the group heroes, Wang Yangde and Wuyang Leng coexisted harmoniously in a team.

Faintly, among the three major battles, Dingshan Weiqun Ying is the safest!

"Homeowner, have you seen it? If you can leave Luo Xiao and others in my Mu's house, I will have no worries in the next millennium!"

Mu Ao looked more excited than Mu Yucheng, twisting his beard, sighing slightly flushed.

Mu Yucheng's eyes circulated between Li Bin, Mu Hao and Dingshan Weiqunying. In his mind, he seemed to have seen the near future, with Muhao as the head, Li Bin as the claw, and Dingshan Weiqun as the two-winged. Mu Family Tigers, flying up into the sky, rushing into the magnificent scenery of the sky!

At that time, Mu Family will achieve unprecedented brilliance and create Taoist history! Thinking of this, Mu Yucheng's blood rolled up as if boiling.

"The thief wants to escape? Leave me!"

Just when Mu Yucheng wanted to join forces, the battle dominated by Dingshan Weiqun was finally divided. The Purple Sword-level killer had almost no rules at this time, and he was scrambling around like a headless fly, hoping to get out of the encirclement.

Where can Luo Xiao give him this opportunity?

In the past few days, the killer of the blood skeleton wanted to come and go as he wanted. Not only did he admire his family, but Dingshanwei Qunying was no exception. At this time, it is difficult to surround one, and say everything under your palm!

With Luo Xiao screaming at the outlet, Dingshan Weiqun suddenly changed his position, and one after another, the palms of the sword were rushing towards the purple sword killer like a storm, especially Wang Yangde's Chi Xiao, which was turned into a night. A fiery dragon, can't swallow the other party in one bite ...

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