The sun was high in the sky, emitting a faint cold white glow in the not-so-clear sky. The sky was cloudless, and it might be due to the sunlight that it showed a strange pale white color.

Everything on the ground withered, and everything entered winter. The cold wind blew on the dry branches, disturbing the birds perched on the branches.

Winter is a season of food scarcity. Logically, there should be no birds staying on the treetops near the village, but today, for some reason, there were birds staying on the treetops around Wangjia Village.

These birds are of different species, big and small, but the appearance of these birds did not attract the attention of the villagers of Wangjia Village.

The weather was too cold, so most villagers stayed at home to spend the winter.

Besides, in winter, these farmers had nothing to do, they just had to hope for a good harvest next year.

The seeds in the farmland were sown, and the villagers were looking forward to a heavy snow, but they were a little entangled in their hearts.

They wanted to spend the winter smoothly, because winter was too hard to endure. If it snowed heavily, some people might not survive, but if there was no snow, the crops in the farmland might also end up with a poor harvest.

If they couldn't pay the taxes, they would have to let their families go out to work as laborers for the court.

Now was a time of trouble, and everyone, even the uneducated farmers, knew that once they were called up by the court, they might not be able to return alive.

So in order not to rely on the weather for food, basically every household in the winter was looking for other means at home, trying to do more to make a living, hoping to offset part of the taxes when collecting taxes the following year.

The birds standing on the treetops began to sing, but the weather was too cold, so most of the birds just stood quietly on the treetops. Only some black crows were flying and calling leisurely in the sky.

These crows landed on the wall of a courtyard. They groomed their feathers, tilted their heads, and looked curiously at the closed door in the courtyard.

Outside the door, a burly middle-aged man was walking back and forth, and his expression looked very anxious.

The middle-aged man was tall and wore a coat made of animal fur. He put his hands together and paced back and forth in front of the door. It seemed that he had no intention of stopping in the short term.

Beside him, a little girl who was only as tall as his calf was curiously watching her father's movements.

In the eyes of the child, her father was a little strange today, but a woman's wailing suddenly sounded in the house, which scared the little girl and she squatted on the ground.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man picked up the child from the ground in a hurry. The little girl was wearing a newly made rabbit fur coat.

And the clothes on the child were very thick, and it seemed that they were filled with cotton, which was very warm.

At this time, the little girl was held in her father's arms, and she pointed to the door in a panic.

"Daddy, daddy, was that mother's cry just now? Was mother beaten by her aunt? Daddy, go in and rescue mother!"

The middle-aged man was a hunter in the village. He listened to his eldest daughter in his arms, touched her head, and his expression was a little anxious.

"Bao'er, your aunt won't beat your mother. Your mother is giving birth to a younger brother for you. Wait a while, your younger brother will be born, and you can see your mother."

The little girl called Bao'er by the middle-aged man nodded in understanding. She didn't understand what the younger brother in her father's mouth was? She was still too young. She huddled in her father's arms, absorbing his warmth.

In the room, the woman's screams were intermittent, from the beginning to the end.

The heart of the middle-aged man was also beating with his wife's screams.

He listened to his wife's weak screams, and his heart was throbbing with pain.

The middle-aged man was a hunter in the village. He had some tricks in his hands and loved his wife and children very much.

If his wife hadn't insisted on giving birth to a child for their family to carry on the family line, he would never let his wife give birth.

In his opinion, it was good enough for him to have an eldest daughter, but his wife didn't think so.

Although the middle-aged man was a hunter in the village and had a good living condition, he was the only one in the family. He had no father or mother, and there were not many people in his wife's family.

In his wife's opinion, if she didn't give her husband a son to carry on the incense, she would not only be ashamed of her ancestors, but also their eldest daughter.

In this world, only having one child is not a good thing.

Daughter, when they leave, she might be bullied by her husband's family.

The middle-aged man's wife knew how miserable life was without her parents. She was lucky to meet her husband. She had never suffered much, so she didn't want her child to suffer. So under her persuasion, the middle-aged man agreed to have another child.

But the middle-aged man didn't expect that his wife would have such a hard time giving birth to this child. Not only was it winter, but it had been two hours and she hadn't given birth yet. How could the middle-aged man not be anxious?

The crows standing on the courtyard wall didn't make any sounds. They stood in the yard one by one.

In the surrounding sky, some small birds were flying leisurely. They circled around the yard for a few times, and then found a high place to stop.

The middle-aged man heard the sound of the birds flapping their wings, turned his head and looked around, his face changed instantly. Their house was surrounded by countless birds without knowing when.

These birds were flying around their house.

Especially the crows standing on the wall of the house, which seemed to indicate bad luck.

His heart trembled, but after all, he was a hunter, and he had hunted wild animals before, and he had some real skills in his hands, so although he was a little nervous, he did not drive away these birds.

However, the middle-aged man was still a little lucky in his heart. It was winter and it was getting dark.

Basically no one in the village wanted to go out at this time. If other people saw the scene in their yard, his wife and child would probably not be saved.

The middle-aged man knew that he could not drive these birds away directly at this time. Once he drove them away, these birds would make noises, which might attract other people.

Now they were flying around honestly, and he could think of some excuses when the child was born.

But this weird scene still made the man a little scared. He was afraid that his wife was not pregnant peacefully.

The little girl held in the arms of the middle-aged man raised her hand and touched the palm of her father's hand.

The father's large palm was a little cold, and the little girl stretched out her two hands and held her father's fingers, trying to dispel some of the coldness for him.

The middle-aged man felt the slight warmth from his daughter's palm, and his tense mind relaxed. He patted his daughter's head and hugged her tighter.

After a while, the sun in the sky slowly set, and the night covered the surroundings. The middle-aged man did not light the lantern, for he was afraid that the fire would scare the birds.

Just as the middle-aged man was thinking about something, the door that had been closed for several hours creaked and was pushed open from the inside.

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