The man was very happy, but the woman was still very happy.

As the door opened, a woman with a not-so-good complexion and a slightly plump figure came out. She looked at the man waiting outside the door with an unpleasant expression.

"Tiezhu, your wife is not pregnant well this time. Send your baby back to the house and let her sleep first. Come in with me. I have something to tell you."

The man's nickname is Tiezhu. In their village, only a few old people in the village can call him by this name.

He listened to the words of the old man in front of him, and his heart was lifted. He knew that women who were giving birth would most avoid having their family members enter the delivery room before the child was born. Now that he was allowed to go in, it could be seen that his wife was in a bad state.

"Aunt, is there something wrong with Bao'er's mother? If it's because of the child, can you ask Bao'er's mother not to force the birth?"

Tiezhu's real name is Wang, and his full name is Wang Tie. The one he calls Aunt is the one with the highest seniority in their village.

However, this Aunt never married in her life, and everyone usually calls her Aunt. As for her real name, few people know it.

Wang Tie said that he would not let his wife have another child, but Aunt Wang actually has a special skill.

In the years that Aunt Wang has been delivering babies, she has also encountered children who are too large or whose mothers cannot give birth due to developmental problems. Some wives who love their wives will be cruel enough to let Aunt Wang use special tools to crush the child directly in the stomach.

Then use something similar to a pair of tongs to take out the child. In this way, although the child is lost, the woman has a certain chance of survival.

However, in the years that Aunt Wang has been delivering babies, there are not many people who need her to use this skill. After all, in the eyes of most people, children are more precious than women.

"Don't think too much. It's not Bao'er's mother's problem. Put Bao'er in the room and come in with me and you'll know. Hurry up. There's no time to waste."

Auntie Wang's face was not very good. She looked up and was frightened by the various birds circling outside the yard.

When she thought about the situation of her delivery just now, her face was not good at all, so she said something anxious.

Wang Tie listened to Auntie Wang's words, held Bao'er in his arms, and then put her in the room. He locked the door to prevent Bao'er from having any accidents, and then hurriedly walked towards the house they used as the delivery room.

The delivery room was the best house in their yard. There was a kang in the house. There were not many people in the whole village who had a kang. This was the only room in their yard with a kang.

So as soon as Wang Tie entered the room, he could feel a little heat, and along with this heat, a lot of bloody smell hit him.

He was familiar with the bloody smell. As a hunter, he had been dealing with animals and wild beasts for many years, so he was naturally not afraid of the bloody smell, but he was quite afraid that his wife was not in a good state.

When Wang Po saw Wang Tie coming in, she gave him a look, signaling him to close the door, and then pointed to Baoer's mother who was already asleep on the bed.

"Your wife has fallen asleep. The delivery was relatively smooth. Although it took some time, it was not a big problem in general. She is fine, but your child is a big problem."

Aunt Wang's face was very ugly. Seeing this, Wang Tie hurried to the bed and took a look at his wife. He found that she was sleeping peacefully, but there was fatigue between her eyebrows, and he was relieved.

Standing up and looking at Aunt Wang's hand, he found two swaddling clothes on the small bed he had built.

Aunt Wang saw Wang Tie's eyes looking at the child, and continued to speak with an ugly face.

"Your wife is pregnant with twins, which should have been a happy event. Although the birth of the two children was troublesome, they were born safely, but one of them."

Grandma Wang said this, gritted her teeth, picked up a child from the crib, and handed it to Wang Tie with an unbearable look on her face.

Wang Tie took it with trembling hands, opened the swaddling clothes, and then his eyes suddenly widened. He looked at the child in the swaddling clothes with some disbelief, and slowly uttered a few words without saying a complete sentence.

Grandma Wang saw Wang Tie was shocked, and hurriedly continued to speak, with an expression that was a little unbearable, but more serious.

"I have seen it, the other child is healthy, there is no problem, both are boys, but you, the youngest born later, have an extra eye on your forehead, born with three eyes.

He is a deformed fetus. In this world, this child cannot be kept.

You decide how to deal with it. Do you put him in the abandoned baby tower behind our village, or what else?"


Tie looked at his little son in his arms, his fingers trembling slightly, and his rough palms stroked the child's somewhat tender cheeks.

This child is different from ordinary newborns with wrinkles. When he was born, his skin was very smooth and tender. When Wang Tie exerted a little force, the skin on his cheeks gave off some light pink.

The child's face was very cute, but what Wang Tie couldn't ignore was that in addition to the pair of eyes that normal people have, there was an open vertical pupil in the middle of the child's forehead.

That eye was exactly the same as the eyes of ordinary people, but it grew on the forehead. Under Wang Tie's gaze, the pupil shook and then slowly closed.

Wang Tie certainly knew what Aunt Wang meant. They couldn't keep this child, but if they sent him to the abandoned baby tower at the back of the village, how could Wang Tie bear it?

The abandoned baby tower was a small tower built by the villagers. Because children couldn't be buried in the ancestral tomb after death, the villagers built the abandoned baby tower in order to give the children a place to go.

They would throw the bodies of children who died in vain into it. Later, some families gave birth to girls, or they could not raise children for other reasons, so they threw their children into it.

If they were lucky enough, someone could not have children, and they happened to hear the crying of children near the abandoned baby tower, they would take the children away. If they were unlucky, the children would be frozen to death or starved to death in it.

Seeing Wang Tie's expression of pity, Aunt Wang hardened her heart and continued to speak.

"Being born with a strange appearance is originally a symbol of bad luck, Tiezhu, it's not that the eldest aunt is cruel.

This is the way the world is. If other people know that your wife gave birth to this freak, then maybe your other son will die, and even your Baoer and your wife will be implicated.

They can't survive. Aunt Wang knows that you like children, but this time, I beg you to be cruel and throw him away. I have watched you grow up and will not harm you. If you can't bear it, I will do it for you!"

Aunt Wang's eyes were a little red as she spoke. She didn't expect to encounter this today.

Wang Tie grew up under her watch. He was originally a child with a bad fate, but now she finally waited for a son, but encountered this incident. If they don't deal with their youngest son today, his family may not be able to survive.

Aunt Wang knew that even if Wang Tie was soft-hearted and kept him, the people in the village would definitely tell the court about the child.

In this chaotic era, the officials in their government are obsessed with cultivating immortals. After knowing this child, Wang Tie's family may not be able to escape death.

As far as Aunt Wang knows, there are also children born with strange bodies in other villages.

The adults in the county took the child away, then cut out his heart alive and made it into elixir. Later, the child's family disappeared. It is unknown whether they are dead or alive. Aunt Wang dare not gamble, and cannot gamble, not only for her life, but also for the lives of Wang Tie's family.

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