In fact, sometimes the more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.

Before going to bed, Jiang Nanhe hoped that he would not catch a cold today, but in fact, after a while, his little body began to heat up.

At first, the sheep that circled him with his body found that he was a little hot, and thought it was normal, but later as Jiang Nanhe's body temperature became hotter and hotter, he found something wrong.

The phantom in the statue also flew out and circled around Jiang Nanhe, and then found that Jiang Nanhe should have caught a cold.

This is actually quite normal. Which child from a good family can go out for a walk naked in the middle of winter? Some children can basically catch a cold after being blown by the cold wind for a while.

The illusory god felt a little regretful. He should have discovered it earlier, but isn't it the same for guys who have never taken care of children?

The illusory god sighed in his heart. Just like what Jiang Nanhe saw, there was no incense in his temple.

He was not a born god. He was just a deceased person whose soul became, or was sealed, a god who could not leave the temple.

Originally, he should have watched Jiang Nanhe die peacefully in the temple, but he still felt a little reluctant.

So the sheep he called came to feed Jiang Nanhe, but he had no experience in taking care of human cubs, and it was too difficult for him and the sheep, who were not very smart, to raise a child well.

Jiang Nanhe, who was hot all over, kicked his calves uncomfortably in his jacket. He felt hot and wanted to kick the quilt away. Although he still had some rationality now, the baby's body was sick, which was simply a disaster.

Jiang Nanhe felt dizzy and could not do anything.

He didn't know if the sheep had saved him, and whether the gods who took him in could think of a way to save him?

The discomfort in his body made him unable to think of anything, but if he died of a fever, it should be a common way for babies in ancient times to die. It was really difficult to become a child.

Jiang Nanhe muttered in a daze, and the illusory gods felt a little uncomfortable listening to Jiang Nanhe's uncomfortable groans.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have such emotions, after all, he was also a decisive killer when he was alive.

But watching a young child struggling and slowly dying in front of him still made him feel a little tormented.

He thought about it and decided to give it a try. He bent down slightly and picked up the child from the ground. The whole process was unobstructed, and he could even touch the swaddling clothes wrapped around the child.

The illusory god was very surprised. The eyes on Jiang Nanhe's forehead in the swaddling clothes opened weakly, staring straight at the shadow of the god who held him up.

The illusory god stretched out a finger and stroked Jiang Nanhe's forehead. The eyes on his forehead closed a little tiredly, and Jiang Nanhe's voice, which was originally a little uncomfortable, became smaller and smaller.

The illusory god knew that there was no way to delay, so he carried Jiang Nanhe out of the temple.

The sunlight shone on him without causing any harm to him, which proved that he was not a ghost, but an orthodox god.

The sheep followed behind him, and his nose moved slightly a few times, as if he was distinguishing some smells in the air.

What did it seem to have discovered? He walked to a corner of Qinshan with the shadow of the illusory god.

Coming under a dead old tree, the sheep stretched out his hoof, slightly dug the soil, and then arched out a piece of plant rhizome from the soil.

Looking at the rhizome, the spirit holding Jiang Nanhe hesitated a little. The rhizome was a specialty of Qinshan Mountain, a rhizome of a plant.

Villagers at the foot of the mountain would occasionally go up the mountain to dig some for food, but could this rhizome cure colds? He didn't know. Many herbs would not appear in winter, and Qinshan Mountain was basically bare.

But the sheep found this herb, which means it should be useful.

This sheep likes to swallow herbs all his life, so he should know some pharmacology. If it doesn't work, he can try to use the peaches on the peach tree he planted?

The spirit's shadow held Jiang Nanhe with a little hesitation. He stretched out his hand and wanted to take the rhizome from the sheep's mouth, but he found that he couldn't touch the rhizome.

He seemed to be the same as before, unable to touch anything, but it seemed different. Since Jiang Nanhe came, he found that he could touch Jiang Nanhe.

The spirit's shadow was a little surprised, and the sheep was a little

It was full, and it threw the herbs it picked on the ground. In the eyes of the sheep, it didn't realize that the gods couldn't touch food at all, after all, it could see the appearance of the gods.

The god saw that the sheep's cry was a little angry, so he spoke to comfort it, and then took the herbs back to the temple.

Under his command, the sheep washed the herbs, put them on the stone outside the temple, and then crushed them with its hooves.

The shadow of the god held Jiang Nanhe and came to the stone, patted Jiang Nanhe's back, and signaled him to stuff the broken herbs into his mouth.

Jiang Nanhe, who woke up in a daze, did it speechlessly. He felt that if this sheep and this god with no common sense were allowed to raise an ordinary child, he might kill him in a few minutes.

But there was no other way. The herbs they found were also his own. He hoped that they could help him get rid of the fever. At this time, catching a cold would cost him his life.

He grabbed a small piece of herb and stuffed it into his mouth. He didn't know what kind of herb it was, anyway, he had never seen it before.

It looked like a taro, but it tasted sweet when he put it in his mouth. However, as soon as he swallowed it, the sweetness turned into an extremely strange spicy taste.

Jiang Nanhe felt the burning sensation in his stomach and hesitated. Should he continue to eat this thing? Is it really edible?

But for the sake of his life, he still ate it. After all, it was found by the sheep, so it should be of some use. Isn't it said that wild animals can treat themselves?

Jiang Nanhe, who was extremely weak due to the fever, thought in a daze, and stretched out his little hand to stuff a few pieces of unknown herb rhizomes into his mouth.

The heat from his body and the spicy stimulation from his stomach made him feel like a double torture.

When he ate half of the unknown herb found by the sheep, he was already sweating a lot.

Seeing this, the spirit shadow and Yang'er who were holding him nodded with satisfaction, thinking that nothing could go wrong.

In the spirit shadow's opinion, being able to sweat so quickly after being infected with the cold meant that the cold would soon be cured. I don't know where he got this medical knowledge from.

As for Yang'er, Jiang Nanhe's breath was no longer so hot, which meant that his body temperature had dropped. Isn't that good?

According to Yang'er's experience of eating so many herbs, or eating so many years of herbs, Jiang Nanhe's body was already healthy. He should eat and drink as needed, and there should be no problem.

Compared with normal babies, Jiang Nanhe's body was still very special. I don't know if it was because of drinking goat milk or because he had some special features. He was quite resistant.

But according to Jiang Nanhe himself, he thought it should be both. After all, the spirit shadow said that Yang'er was about to become a monster. If he drank the monster's milk, his immunity should be improved a lot.

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