The cold weather was not too bad.

Under the rough child-rearing methods of the sheep and the illusory gods, Jiang Nanhe survived the cold and survived.

He was drowsy and feverish for a day and a night, and when the sun rose the next day, he was completely awake.

Jiang Nanhe, who had woken up, felt that he was still lucky.

He didn't freeze to death, didn't starve to death, and didn't die of fever from the cold. He just stood up for three days.

In this desolate mountain and ridge, with the cold wind howling, he could survive for three days, which he thought was a miracle.

After waking up, Jiang Nanhe consciously jumped into the sheep's arms and went to drink milk.

He was very hungry now, and he didn't know if it was because of the fever he had yesterday, anyway, he didn't eat the whole day yesterday.

The sheep, who was awakened by Jiang Nanhe's movement, moved her body to make it easier for Jiang Nanhe, and then fell asleep again.

The sheep was pregnant and was very sleepy.

Although its physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary sheep, it was not easy to find food in this cold weather, so it was necessary to move less to reduce energy consumption, after all, it would have to raise two sheep in a while.

Jiang Nanhe, who had eaten and drunk enough, lay in the dry swaddling clothes that he had changed at some point.

His three eyes were staring at the roof of the temple in a daze, but after a while, he felt his stomach growling, and then his face changed.

In the sheep's arms, he babbled and waved his two little hands.

The sheep, who was awakened again by Jiang Nanhe's movement, looked at him in confusion, wondering what he was going to do?

But at this time, the statue emitted a bright light, and the illusory god walked out of the statue.

"It should be time to go to the toilet. The child can't control himself, and he hasn't gone to the toilet these days. I'll carry him out."

The illusory god picked up Jiang Nanhe, then floated out of the temple and came to an open space behind the temple.

The sheep that followed saw this and dug a hole in the ground with its hind legs, and then slowly returned to the temple to catch up on sleep.

The god's shadow pulled Jiang Nanhe's swaddling clothes and floated over the hole. Jiang Nanhe, who was held by the god's two hands, felt very ashamed, but people's physiological needs also need to be solved.

Besides, he was just a child and couldn't control himself. When he was done, a gust of wind blew, and the pit kicked out by the sheep was buried by the original soil again.

But then, the god's shadow was a little worried.

"What should I use to wipe it for you? This is really a headache. How about using a leaf to solve it first?"

Jiang Nanhe listened to the words of the spirit shadow, babbling and shaking his head, expressing his resistance. The spirit shadow looked around, and then set his sights on his statue.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll give you the armor on my statue. You have to repay me well in the future, do you hear me?"

After the spirit shadow finished speaking, he called the sheep over and asked it to tear off the cloth draped on his statue.

The sheep reluctantly stood up again, pulled off the cloth, and then tore the cloth into small pieces at the signal of the spirit shadow.

Seeing this, Jiang Nanhe couldn't suppress the shame and anger in his heart. At the same time, he was also very embarrassed. After his own needs were completely solved, he was hugged back by the spirit shadow.

The shadow of the god stuffed him into the swaddling clothes and returned to the statue.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the majestic and tall statue, thinking in his heart how to call this god who was willing to raise him in the future.

He didn't know this guy's name, nor did he know his last name or his first name. This guy didn't tell him.

After all, this is quite normal. In the eyes of others, he is just a little baby who can't talk. Who has nothing to say to him about these things?

However, Jiang Nanhe felt that he should give this guy a title in his heart.

He decided to call this guy "General" in the future. After all, this temple is a general temple, which means that this guy should have been a general before, right?

And from his voice, this guy should not be too old, not that kind of old general. He became a general at a young age, which means that he is still very powerful, so it should not be wrong to call him a general directly?

Jiang Nanhe thought so and fell asleep again. Now he doesn't have to worry about starving to death or freezing to death.

The sheep and the general should be able to feed him through the winter, so he returned to his baby-like eating and sleeping mode.


This mode is quite pleasant, he likes it very much. No matter how long he sleeps, as long as there is no change in his body, Yang'er and the general will not wake him up.

Based on his interactions with them in the past few days, Jiang Nanhe found that their personalities are quite easy to figure out.

Yang'er's personality is the kind of person who is too lazy to move except for eating. Of course, it may be because he has to feed him goat milk, or it may be because he is about to give birth.

Besides, food may be difficult to find in winter, and Yang'er's rations are mostly some hay, which he is not very happy to eat.

As for the general? The owner of this temple, the god of this place, has a better personality.

Besides, that guy basically stays in the statue every day unless he encounters something related to Jiang Nanhe and others. I don't know what he does every day?

Jiang Nanhe doesn't think he is sleeping, after all, the general will come out immediately when he has something or something.

After thinking about it, Jiang Nanhe feels that the general should be practicing in it.

After all, he should be a god, right? He should be able to practice, right? The kind of thing described in novels, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, gathering the essence of all things, and improving oneself should also be possible, right?

Jiang Nanhe thought so in his heart while he was sleeping. He felt that when he could speak, he should pester the general to teach him how to practice. He also wanted to become an immortal through his own practice like in the novel.

However, this was all Jiang Nanhe's imagination. He was still just a child, and his daily life was also in the state of a child.

He basically ate and slept every day, and the time for eating and sleeping was not fixed. Yang'er was used to it. After all, children were like this.

Time came to the seventh day of Jiang Nanhe's birth. He had lived in the temple for seven days.

Seven days made his body bigger, but not obviously.

He opened his eyes and looked at the white scenery outside the window. Last night, snow began to fall in the sky.

The white snow, crackling and falling, looked particularly holy and cold.

Today, the sheep did not go out to look for food. When it was not snowing yesterday, it went outside to find some dry leaves and dead grass, which should be its food for the next few days.

In the past, or in the previous life, Jiang Nanhe liked snow very much, but now that he has become a child, without the careful care of his family, he found that snowy days are so difficult to endure.

The falling snow, mixed with the cold, made him shiver with cold.

Perhaps seeing his coldness, the sheep blocked the cold wind on itself, allowing Jiang Nanhe to absorb some warmth in the loose wool on its body.

Outside the temple, the entire Qinshan Mountain has turned into a white snow mountain.

This snow is particularly heavy, and many small trees are submerged, but the village at the foot of the mountain is working hard to clear the snow.

If the snow is not cleared, it will easily crush their houses and bury them under the snow and the remains of the house.

In ancient times when productivity was not high, snowy days were deadly weather.

Jiang Nanhe, who was left unattended, was not the only one who hated snowy days. Ordinary villagers also hated snowy days, but they could not live without it.

After all, if crops were not nourished by snow water, there would be no harvest the next year.

Heavy taxes were life-threatening, even though this cruel weather was also life-threatening.

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