The weather was very cold, but the weather was very cold.

Because of the snow, Jiang Nanhe and his friends usually stayed in the temple and didn't go out. Besides, even if he wanted to go out, the cold and freezing environment outside made his young body difficult to adapt to.

The sheep adapted well, sitting on the haystack chewing hay every day, waiting for the lamb in her belly to be born.

During this period, the sheep became much lazier. According to Jiang Nanhe's observation and guess, it was probably because the sheep was about to give birth.

What Jiang Nanhe could find, the owner of this temple, the general of the gods, must have also found.

So there were some changes in the sheep's meals these days.

Some green leaves were added to Yang'er's food. These leaves were picked by General Shenling from the peach trees planted in his blessed land.

There were not many leaves, and Yang'er could only eat four or five pieces per meal, but this made Yang'er very happy.

Jiang Nanhe couldn't speak yet, and the only sound he could make was babbling.

When he was with Yang'er and General Shenling, he had heard the general talk about the specialness of the peach leaves.

General Shenling should be the mountain god of this mountain. Jiang Nanhe was not quite sure, but according to what he said, becoming the land of a place, or the mountain god or river god, can control the blessed land of this area.

The so-called blessed land is the place where this mountain, this river, and this land breed the spirit and beauty.

Often only by becoming the god of this mountain can you enter the blessed land.

The blessed land is also somewhat special. It is the most essential part of a mountain. Compared with the outside, the spiritual energy inside is much richer.

According to the general, the blessed land is a special area for cultivating plants and herbs, accelerating one's own cultivation, and is also an important way for some gods to exchange resources.

Although the general is the mountain god of this mountain, he does not seem to have much intersection with other gods. He has been guarding this mountain and has never gone out.

Therefore, in his blessed land, basically only some common herbs are planted, and even many places are empty. Only the peach tree is special enough.

After these days of getting along, the general occasionally tells Jiang Nanhe some stories about his past.

According to his description, this peach tree was planted on his grave by others after his death.

When he was alive, their dynasty had the tradition of planting some willow trees, peach trees and other branches next to the grave after people died, which meant to block the sunlight and moonlight for the souls of the creatures who had just left.

The general's peach tree also came from this, but after he became a god, he planted the peach tree in the blessed land.

In recent years, the tree has grown vigorously in the blessed land. Although it bears few fruits, it still has some spiritual energy.

So the sheep likes to eat it very much, whether it is fruit or leaves.

During the day, the general likes to show up and hold Jiang Nanhe around, probably because Jiang Nanhe is the only existence he can touch for so many years.

Under the premise that the general did not use incense, he had not actually touched something for a long, long time.

But the arrival of Jiang Nanhe surprised the general to find that he could touch Jiang Nanhe's body and some of the things he had touched.

The general guessed that it might be because Jiang Nanhe had some special talents, which was normal.

Although he was not a cultivator before, he had read books about cultivation, which talked about some people with special physiques, different from ordinary people.

They either have some strange things in their bodies, or it is much easier than ordinary people on the road of cultivation.

Jiang Nanhe, this child, can be seen at a glance as the kind of person who is different from ordinary people. After all, which serious child can grow an eye on his forehead?

The swaddling clothes wrapped around Jiang Nanhe were held in the general's arms. The general's illusory body floated in the air and swayed back and forth. Jiang Nanhe looked up at the sky in the swaddling clothes with a speechless face.

If he was an ordinary child, he might be scared and cry, or laugh happily, but the problem is that he is not in the shell.

The general shook a few times, and seeing that Jiang Nanhe didn't move, he looked at him in confusion.

"Is this child stupid? Or is he hungry? How come he can't even cry out?

Yang'er, do you think he caught a cold and became stupid? If he is really stupid, it would be a pity."

The general's words were full of irony in Jiang Nanhe's ears. He kicked his calves in dissatisfaction, and then stretched out his two little arms and shook them, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

Seeing that he had a reaction, the general was full of

He nodded in agreement, and then picked up a peach leaf from the sheep.

The general also discovered these days that when he was holding Jiang Nanhe, he could still hold some light and small things in his hands.

But now one peach leaf is the limit. When he moved the peaches before, he used the incense he had saved before.

He didn't save much incense, but he thought it was enough.

But now holding Jiang Nanhe can save some incense, and the more you can save, the better.

In the general's opinion, when he raises Jiang Nanhe, or when he raises him to the age where he can talk and walk, he should be able to get some incense, right?

After all, Jiang Nanhe was brought up by him, and this guy should have some respect for him in his heart. It would be nice to burn incense for himself to add some incense and let himself exist longer.

Although he thought that how long he could exist was just that, after all, this weak spirit body was really not to his liking.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the general who was wiping his cheek with a peach leaf, and felt helpless.

He opened his mouth slightly, bit a notch in the peach leaf, chewed it back and forth for a few times, and the bitter taste in the peach leaf made Jiang Nanhe's face wrinkle.

Seeing him eat half of the peach leaf in his hand, the general rubbed Jiang Nanhe's head.

There is some spiritual energy in his peach leaf. Although the spiritual energy is weak, eating it can also resist hunger, or provide some strength for the body.

It is really not suitable to go out in this cold weather outside.

If Jiang Nanhe eats goat's milk normally, he may run out frequently because of the body's needs.

The general was worried that he would catch a cold again, so he asked him to reduce the number of times he drank goat's milk and fed him some peach leaves instead.

Jiang Nanhe was willing to reduce the number of times he went out, so he never refused.

It was just that the peach leaf was too bitter and too unpalatable. Although his body was warm after eating it and he was not hungry for most of the day, he still didn't want to eat it if he could, after all, he was not a sheep.

Yang'er walked forward, got close to the general's illusory body, looked at Jiang Nanhe, who looked unhappy, lowered his head and rubbed it, then stretched out his tongue and licked Jiang Nanhe's cheek, as if to comfort him.

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