The sound of the drums was so strong that the people were very busy.

Jiang Nanhe and the lamb were playing the drums happily, and the drums were full of joy.

As the drums sounded, the drums emitted waves of illusory waves, which swept around and spread throughout the Qinshan Mountain, bringing different changes.

Under the sound of the drums, the plants grew faster, their vitality was awakened, and they began to absorb the surrounding nutrients vigorously to make themselves stronger.

The animals in the mountains also became more enthusiastic. They hunted, stored food, and moved slowly in the mountains.

There were few animals active in the Qinshan Mountain, and there were coyotes originally.

But as time went by, some of the coyotes got older and died of old age, and the rest also died of some other reasons, such as illness or something else, and their number decreased a lot.

The number of coyotes on Qinshan Mountain decreased, and the surviving descendants would naturally not stay in the area around Qinshan Mountain for the continuation of the race. They had to find a new tribe to reproduce.

Jiang Nanhe and his friends also knew this situation, so they prepared some luggage for them, including some herbal food and other things, and sent them on a long journey.

So now there is not even a large predator on Qinshan Mountain. Most of them are some small herbivorous animals, insects and so on. The largest animal is the incarnation of the general's divine dog.

The incarnation of the divine dog is tall and mighty. He is the general's first line of defense to protect Qinshan Mountain. He patrols almost every day on weekdays.

He is very tired from patrolling every day. In order to relieve his fatigue, Jiang Nanhe will comb his hair, bathe him, take a medicinal bath, and prepare delicious food for him every day when he returns.

Every time Jiang Nanhe did this job, the general felt very strange. After all, he had done this job for Jiang Nanhe before, but now Jiang Nanhe actually gave his incarnation to do this job, which made him feel like he was the opposite of Tiangang.

After all, he and the incarnation of the divine dog shared a soul, which was a double-edged sword. But Jiang Nanhe liked it, so he couldn't say anything.

The incarnation of the divine dog ran in the forest, listening to the drum sound coming from the air, and stopped moving. His ears shook and he looked in the direction of the top of Qinshan Mountain where Jiang Nanhe and his friends were.

He obviously didn't expect that Jiang Nanhe's drum sound could be heard so far, and it was almost reaching the back mountain.

The back mountain was the valley where the monkeys that Jiang Nanhe and his friends had subdued lived. Jiang Nanhe and the general habitually called it the back mountain.

Further south of the back mountain was the location of the simple salt mine, and the general and his friends called it the Stone Hill.

Listening to the particularly exciting drumbeats, the incarnation of the divine dog shook his head and continued to patrol the surroundings.

His nose twitched a few times, confirming that there was no smell of large predators around, and then he ran a few times in one direction.

If no wild beasts broke into the territory around Qinshan, he would take some time to hunt. After all, meat is a good source of energy, and no one would complain about too much.

The general cut some wool from the lamb and soaked it in a special potion to soften and disinfect it in the first step.

He looked at the lamb and Jiang Nanhe who were happily beating the drum, and he didn't know what to say. Since he made the drum, the two little brats have been playing the drum every day.

While thinking, the general weaved the wool that had been processed before into thread, and then did simple weaving. There were already skeins and weaving machines on the mountain.

These things were all machine structures that the general learned from various villages at the foot of the mountain. He went up the mountain and made them with wood. Since he had these machines, his efficiency in making clothes for Jiang Nanhe has increased a lot.

Today he was going to make a large cloak and dye it red.

It was almost the end of the year again, and Jiang Nanhe said that it was time to change the cloak on his statue.

The general had changed a lot over the years, and the small temple had changed a lot.

Jiang Nanhe would spend some time to renovate the temple every year. After all, the general was his patron saint, and for the god, someone worshipping him was the best gift.

So Jiang Nanhe would not only clean the general's temple, but also regularly offer him food, fruits, wine, etc., and burn incense every day was also essential.

Jiang Nanhe was now addicted to burning incense every day, but this burning incense only included the general. If he was asked to burn incense for other unknown wild gods, he would not agree.

Mainly a few years ago, Jiang Nanhe accidentally got a book on making incense from the county town. Although the content was thin, which family should it have come from?

It not only contained how to make incense, but also how to make incense.

These ordinary incense, and other things, such as the incense sticks that Jiang Nanhe used to burn incense, inspired him a lot, so he made a lot of them.

Jiang Nanhe can now be said to be a master of incense making. He wants to make everything into incense. For example, some herbs with special smells, he will grind them into powder, add them to tree powder, and then make incense. After burning, the fragrance is very good, and the general likes it very much.

How do you describe the feeling of the gods absorbing incense? It is still a bit intoxicating. This misty fog, entering the general's body, can make him warm.

Over the years, with Jiang Nanhe's daily efforts, the general's temple is completely filled with the smell of incense.

The smell of incense that has been smoked by various fragrances for many years, the smell of which lasts for a long time, is not unpleasant, but is very much liked by Jiang Nanhe.

Even the general's statue was slightly shiny due to the incense, and the temple was carefully maintained by Jiang Nanhe, without a speck of dust on it. He did not give this job to the general, after all, it was still unbelievable to let the general clean his own statue.

Besides, Jiang Nanhe felt that this job was quite easy. The statue was rubbed by him every day to make it sparkle, and the incense would penetrate into the statue every day.

The change of the statue was relatively small, and the change of the bracket below it was considered large.

Originally, the general's statue was placed directly on the ground, more than one meter high, but later Jiang Nanhe felt that it was not good to place it directly on the ground, so he pestered the general to add a base for his statue.

The general was pestered by him and there happened to be a big stone taken from a mountain beast that he had killed before. It was useless to put it on the mountain. The general thought about it and simply carved the stone to turn it into a base.

Because the stone was too high to allow the statue to stand on it, Jiang Nanhe suggested that a hole be made on one side of the stone, with the statue standing in the middle, and various landscapes could be carved on the sides and the back. The general thought about it and thought it was a good idea.

He couldn't stop at this moment. After all, sometimes inspiration comes, which is more important than anything else for a craftsman like the general.

Although Jiang Nanhe was still directing and influencing the general to carve all 108 little ghosts, the general's craftsmanship was impeccable. It only took him a week to finish the work.

The various landscapes on the new base of his statue were vivid. First of all, there were large pieces of rocks, which were the main foundation of this landscape. The general's statue stood in front of the rocks, surrounded by trees, and behind him was a high mountain. A waterfall on the mountain flowed some streams through the entire rock statue, connecting the statue.

Various animals were playing by the stream, and at the bottom of the statue, 108 children were doing various actions, some were playing, some were eating, and some were flying kites.

On the left hand side of the general was the main gathering place of the group of children, and on the right hand side was a huge sheep carved in a large open space.

The sheep stepped on the rocks and stood upright on the right hand side of the general. It looked very vivid and very impressive. This was carved by the general according to the memory of the sheep in his mind.

Jiang Nanhe also asked the general to add a mountain ghost struck by lightning. He asked the general to carve the mountain ghost very small. The goat carved by the stone was stepped on by the foot. It seemed that there was lightning flashing around and struck the mountain ghost. The frightened expression of the mountain ghost made Jiang Nanhe feel very comfortable.

There was a very small sheep next to the goat, and the lightning that struck the mountain ghost was emitted from the head of the sheep.

Next to the lamb was a huge peach tree that was so tall that it blocked out the sun. The peaches on the peach tree looked particularly large, and there were some bees flying around.

The stone sculptures had many scenes, including the various crops that Jiang Nanhe had requested. Jiang Nanhe liked them very much. The general's design was also very reasonable. Not only was there no dizziness because of the many scenes, but one thing led to another.

Jiang Nanhe chose an auspicious day, washed the stone, and then placed it in the general's temple.

Placing the general's statue in the middle, he looked left and right, and was very satisfied.

The general's statue, which was emitting a faint glow, was covered with his special red cloth. The cloth was made of lamb wool, and the red color was the dye Jiang Nanhe made himself, taken from the beets.

After the statue was made, the little ghosts that Jiang Nanhe had originally placed on the willow board ran into the statue.

Seeing that they could live there, Jiang Nanhe and the general let them in.

Every day when Jiang Nanhe burns incense, the general can also share some incense with them to dispel the ghosts in their bodies and make them feel full every day. It is precisely because of this action of Jiang Nanhe and others that these little ghosts did not become evil ghosts.

After all, sometimes people can't eat

If they are full, they will go crazy. If they are not full, ghosts will also fall.

The food Jiang Nanhe fed them before was not enough for them to eat, but now they can share a little bit of incense, which is enough for them to survive completely.

The aura on their bodies is becoming purer and purer, and there is no risk of falling.

The general was very surprised by their change. In the past, when Jiang Nanhe offered sacrifices to him, he also wanted to share some incense with these little ghosts, but he couldn't do it.

But now they live on the newly carved base. When Jiang Nanhe offers sacrifices again, he can share some with them. This special change, the general thinks, should be due to Jiang Nanhe's magic to invite gods.

But no matter what the reason, as long as everything develops in a good direction, it's fine.

The general and Jiang Nanhe thought so, and they lived a plain life every day, which was pretty good in Jiang Nanhe's eyes.

But the efforts should not be relaxed, after all, it is better to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Besides, everything cannot develop in the expected direction, and the lives of Jiang Nanhe and his friends are no exception. The peace will be broken one day, but now Jiang Nanhe and his friends have the confidence to deal with anything.

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