After finishing their daily music training, Jiang Nanhe and the lamb went out to play in high spirits.

The general looked at the two men and the lamb, who were so proud and valiant, and told them to come back early.

The two made a gesture to the general, and then disappeared without a trace on the mountain road.

The lamb jumped back and forth on the mountain road of Qinshan Mountain. Every time it jumped, it could basically walk a few meters.

Jiang Nanhe sat on him, holding his wool, and seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

The weather is still a bit cold now, and winter has not passed yet. Jiang Nanhe went out this time to catch the tail of the year and go to the place where the monkeys live in the back mountain to ask them for some wine and water to offer to the general.

Jiang Nanhe and his friends ran very fast, and the general did not follow them. The general also had his own things to do, which was about Futian. Although he did not follow Jiang Nanhe and his friends, Jiang Nanhe could summon him at any time.

The general has been very busy recently. He needs to do some things in Futian to slightly transform Futian and make it more convenient and faster.

So recently, in addition to guiding Jiang Nanhe's homework every day, there are daily training and cooking. He rarely comes out at other times and stays in Futian all the time.

Jiang Nanhe and his friends ran very fast. The lamb is now too fast. Over the years, his body shape has not grown in vain, and his meals have not been eaten in vain.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the lamb's back, which was particularly stable.

Sitting on the lamb's back, he had a very high perspective. Jiang Nanhe liked to sit on the lamb's back and let the lamb take him around.

Of course, he rarely did this in the forest. The lamb was too tall, and it was easy for some shorter trees to whip it when it sat on its back.

Jiang Nanhe was accidentally knocked down by a branch when he was playing with the lamb before, and then he realized that it was also very dangerous to ride a lamb in the forest.

Since then, he rarely rode the lamb to wander around in the forest. He often walked to pick herbs or watch the growth of some rare crops.

It took only a while for Jiang Nanhe and his friends to arrive at the back mountain, which was particularly quiet at this time.

The living environment in the mountains is difficult and complex. Even if the monkeys have the protection of the generals, the members of the tribe have not developed too much in recent years.

After all, food is limited, and these wild animals also know some ways to survive.

The monkeys sleeping in the cave woke up when they heard the movement of the lamb coming.

A young and strong monkey slowly walked out. This was the new monkey king. The monkey king that Jiang Nanhe was familiar with before was now old and had abdicated, or was defeated by the new monkey king, who looked particularly young.

Jiang Nanhe was not very familiar with the new monkey king. When the monkey saw Jiang Nanhe and the lamb coming over, he threw the prepared jar in front of Jiang Nanhe and the others.

Jiang Nanhe frowned as he watched the monkey's movements, but he didn't say anything. He stepped forward and opened the mud seal on the jar, looked inside, and then sighed.

This newly appointed monkey king had a lot of opinions about Jiang Nanhe and the others.

When the general came with Jiang Nanhe before, it was okay. He basically didn't dare to say anything and didn't do anything to cheat, but now that Jiang Nanhe came by himself, the wine the monkey gave him was very ordinary.

"You monkey, how can you fool me with this inferior wine?"

Hearing Jiang Nanhe's question, the monkey chirped a few times and then left, obviously not wanting to pay attention to Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe was surprised to see this. He looked at the other monkeys, who subconsciously avoided his sight, obviously agreeing with the actions of their monkey king.

Jiang Nanhe was so angry that he laughed at them. He said that things that look like monkeys are not good things, and they are still so annoying.

"What? Do you still want to rebel?"

Jiang Nanhe said, and as soon as he finished speaking, the new monkey king roared at Jiang Nanhe several times.

Jiang Nanhe, who was roared, put one hand on his waist, and he gently shook the other hand, and the copper ring on his wrist came into his hand.

He threw the copper ring in his hand towards the monkey king. The monkey king did not retreat when he heard the wind, but rushed directly towards Jiang Nanhe. However, the copper ring turned a corner and continued to chase it. The monkey realized that it was afraid at this time.

It was startled when it saw the copper ring flying towards it. It wanted to dodge, but found that it could not dodge, and then the copper ring hit it on the head.

The copper ring that hit its head went back.

After retreating, it flew back to Jiang Nanhe's hands. The newly appointed monkey king fell to the ground in a daze, apparently knocked unconscious by the blow.

The other monkeys around were trembling and motionless. Jiang Nanhe glanced at them.

He always felt that these monkeys were slacking off before, but the general liked the wine they brewed, so he didn't care about it. But now that the monkeys were so obviously perfunctory to him, he felt that there was no need to protect them anymore.

Jiang Nanhe walked to the cave where the monkeys stored things and took away the utensils he gave them for distilling wine and some other things he had given them before.

He was very angry now. He came here to ask for wine not because he couldn't brew it himself, but because these monkeys brewed wine with various fruits, plant seeds and flowers, which the general liked very much, so he came here to ask for a pot.

Usually, the general drank wine brewed by Jiang Nanhe. The grain wine he brewed tasted clearer and brighter, so these monkeys basically didn't offer wine to Jiang Nanhe and his men, only a few jars at the end of each year.

And Jiang Nanhe didn't ask for it for nothing. Jiang Nanhe would send them a lot of food every winter. After all, he had a lot of food, and these food could help them survive the cold winter.

Occasionally, Jiang Nanhe would also send them some simple meals such as steamed buns and steamed buns that he had processed himself, so that these monkeys didn't have to hunt in winter. After all, winter was cold and there were fewer plants growing. Most of these monkeys used to starve in winter.

Jiang Nanhe took away all the things he gave them, and didn't even look at the wine they brewed.

In Jiang Nanhe's opinion, the monkey wine brewed by these monkeys was not as good as his own craftsmanship. The general liked it just for the special taste.

Now he broke up with this group of monkeys and was too lazy to take their wine. At worst, he would go back and study how to brew it.

The group of monkeys saw Jiang Nanhe taking away all the things he brought, and they didn't stop him. Although they were smarter than ordinary beasts, they didn't think they would not be able to survive without these things. On the contrary, they thought it was good to be separated from Jiang Nanhe and others under the leadership of the new monkey king.

After packing up, Jiang Nanhe turned over and sat on the lamb's back. The monkey king who was knocked unconscious by his bracelet also woke up, but he didn't dare to lose his temper with Jiang Nanhe, so the monkey grabbed a little monkey from his tribe and threw it to the ground a few times.

Jiang Nanhe took a look and didn't care. Just as he was about to leave, the old monkey king came out from behind the mountain.

It didn't know when it was driven away from the tribe. It looked at Jiang Nanhe who was about to leave with things, and it was obvious that it knew what happened, which made the old monkey king very flustered.

It ran to the side of the current monkey king and called loudly at it, but the new monkey king obviously ignored it. The new monkey king came from another place and had no blood relationship with the old monkey king. The little monkey it threw was also the blood of the old monkey king.

The old monkey king sighed when he saw this, and rescued the monkey that was beaten by the new monkey king, put it on his back, and called a few more times to the monkey group, and a few young monkeys and a few older ones ran out. They followed the old monkey king and walked towards Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the lamb, and the lamb walked out of the valley. The monkey king blocked Jiang Nanhe's way, knelt on the ground, and bowed to Jiang Nanhe again and again.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the monkey and sighed.

"I have decided to give up your monkey tribe, don't block my way."

The monkey heard Jiang Nanhe say this, hunched over, but did not say to leave, and followed Jiang Nanhe silently. Jiang Nanhe glanced at them and didn't care anymore. He was going to complain to the general. Today, this group of monkeys really ruined his good mood.

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