The general saw that Jiang Nanhe had cleaned up a clean place, so he took out all the sleeping and camping equipment from Futian.

There were simple wooden beds, camping tools and various things, and of course cooking pots and pans.

The lamb lay in that clean place roasting the bonfire, and the orange flames shone on him, making him squint his eyes comfortably.

In front of him, Jiang Nanhe placed a large basin with some fresh herbs and green grass. Jiang Nanhe also asked the general to add some delicious fruits to it. These were the lamb's dinner.

The general was busy cleaning the surroundings and repairing the roof of the dilapidated temple.

Speaking of which, the general was also very tired. When he was away from home, he had to take care of Jiang Nanhe's daily life and worry about him all the time.

But the general was used to it, and he didn't feel tired. This broken temple was really broken, and the bricks and tiles on it were very broken.

In order to prevent Jiang Nanhe and his friends from getting wet in the rain at night, the general moved bricks and tiles from other places to cover the area above Jiang Nanhe and his friends' heads.

Not much was moved. The roof of the area chosen by Jiang Nanhe was relatively well preserved, and the bricks and tiles on it were not damaged too much.

After sorting these out, the general cleaned up the sanitation briefly, and then began to help Jiang Nanhe cook.

Jiang Nanhe took a small torch and walked back and forth in this broken temple to see if there was anything new to discover?

The spring rain outside the window was dripping on the dry land. The earthy smell emitted when the rain and the land collided was very special.

Jiang Nanhe listened to the sound of rain in his ears and smelled the smell in his nose. He felt that his body and mind were floating in nature and relieved.

He liked to listen to the rain. The fine raindrops fell on the earth and moistened everything.

This is the language of life and the echo of nature.

Jiang Nanhe liked it very much. If possible, he would like to sit in the pavilion, drink tea, eat the cakes made by the general, and enjoy the rain with the lamb and the general.

Listen to the sound of rain falling on bamboo leaves, watch the scene of raindrops rolling on lotus leaves, lotus flowers were knocked down by rain and floated on the pond, and the light blue pond was blown by the wind, raising layers of waves, sending the lotus leaves falling on it to the shore. Jiang Nanhe thought that the scene was particularly beautiful and peaceful.

But unfortunately, such a day is too difficult to achieve.

He, the general and the lamb are now at home everywhere, but Jiang Nanhe does not feel regretful.

Now in this broken temple, although there is no mood and mood of listening to the rain, Jiang Nanhe still feels calm.

He held a torch and walked around the temple, and looked at the smashed statue again.

I don’t know what was originally worshipped here? However, Jiang Nanhe guessed that it should be a Buddhist Bodhisattva or Arhat.

He saw something similar to a lotus platform under the smashed statue, and the pattern of the clothes on his hand was also quite smooth.

So, this broken temple used to be a temple?

Jiang Nanhe thought uncertainly, the statue was too badly damaged, and many places were broken and could not be missing anymore. Only some patterns carved in the stone could be vaguely seen.

He put his hand on the stone statue and blew on it to blow away the dust on it. He wanted to observe the patterns on it, but in the end he found that he really couldn’t recognize what it was.

He walked around the temple for several times and didn’t find anything useful, but he found a wooden fish under a collapsed table.

He shook the wooden fish, which looked very worn out. There was nothing in it, and the small hammer for hitting the wooden fish was gone.

Holding the wooden fish in his hand, Jiang Nanhe walked quickly towards the general. The general had already prepared the meal and was calling him to come over to eat. He picked up the wooden fish and shook it towards the general.

The general put the wooden fish in Jiang Nanhe's hand next to the lamb without caring, and then asked Jiang Nanhe to go out and wash his hands.

Jiang Nanhe always had this habit. He would take anything he saw directly without paying attention to hygiene. How long had the wooden fish stayed in this broken temple, and how dirty was it? Jiang Nanhe didn't pay attention.

The general thought helplessly. Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's instructions, coughed embarrassedly, then went out to collect some rain water to wash his hands, and then washed the wooden fish and placed it next to the lamb.

The lamb curiously held a small wooden stick in his mouth and knocked the wooden fish. After knocking for a while, he found it quite interesting.

The sound of the wooden fish was still quite good, although

I don't know how long that thing has been there, but the sound it makes is quite impressive.

While eating dinner, Jiang Nanhe smiled and explained to Xiaoyang the function and origin of the wooden fish.

Time passed quietly. After dinner, Jiang Nanhe wrapped himself in a heavy blanket, listened to the sound of wind and rain, leaned on Xiaoyang, and fell asleep.

The sky outside was gray, and the originally fine spring rain became particularly dense at this time.

The general took things to catch the leaks in the broken temple to prevent the ground from being soaked and affecting Jiang Nanhe and his friends' sleep.

The rain was getting heavier and darker outside.

Originally, the sky was very dark because of the rain. Now it was midnight, and the surroundings seemed to be in that kind of pure darkness.

It seemed that there was no light around, which was particularly scary. Fortunately, Jiang Nanhe and his friends lit a bonfire in the broken temple. Although the orange flame was swaying in the spring breeze, it still persisted.

The flame brought light and heat, as well as warmth, dispelling darkness and taking away fear.

Jiang Nanhe leaned on the lamb and slept soundly.

The heavy rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, like a lullaby played for him. He went to bed very early today. He would have read some medical records and medical books at this time, but today he just wanted to have a good sleep.

The lamb looked at Jiang Nanhe who was leaning on him and sleeping soundly, turned his head and licked Jiang Nanhe's cheek, then lay down and fell asleep.

The general sat cross-legged in the air, his armor emitting a faint golden light, dispelling the darkness around him. His divine dog incarnation sat beside Jiang Nanhe, apparently keeping watch for Jiang Nanhe.

The half-broken door panel on the broken temple door creaked in the wind. The general stepped forward to hold the door panel with something, and found another door panel nearby, and put them together to block some of the cold wind.

It has just been spring for a short time now, and it is still a bit cold when it rains.

Jiang Nanhe doesn't like cold weather, so in order to reduce the cold wind for him, the general can only take some effort to patch up the doors and holes of the dilapidated temple.

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