The rain outside the ruined temple was getting heavier and heavier, and the surroundings were pitch black, like a beast devouring people.

The rain fell on the ground, forming small pits, which gathered together and made the dirt road muddy.

In this dark night, under this heavy rain, on the muddy dirt road, three carriages were moving.

The first of these three carriages seemed to be carrying goods and was covered tightly by a tarpaulin.

The second carriage had a carriage, and it seemed that there should be a noble person inside.

The third carriage was pulling a huge stone.

The stone was entangled with ropes and chains. Looking carefully, it was found that the stone was divided into two layers, the upper and lower layers were pieced together. I wonder what this is?

Around the three carriages, there were several escorts riding horses with weapons in their hands.

They looked at the rain falling harder and harder in the sky, and their faces were ugly.

Around the carriages, there were several escorts walking with difficulty with the carriages. They pushed the carriages and walked in the muddy land with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The cold wind at night blew on the body, making people shiver. Those people were pale in the rain and looked like they were about to collapse.

Sitting on the horse, a burly man wearing a straw raincoat turned his head and looked around. Seeing that the hands and feet of the people pushing the carriages were trembling, he knew that they couldn't go on like this. They had to find a place to shelter from the rain.

It was unlucky to say that they were originally here to escort the goods. Who would have thought that this time the host was special and wanted to go on the road with them.

This is nothing, they often encountered this kind of situation before, and the owner gave them more money.

But they didn't expect that after just a few days, their caravan would encounter some unexpected things frequently.

For example, when walking in the mountains and forests, it is easy to encounter poisonous insects, beasts, snakes, etc., which was impossible in the past.

They all wore special sachets, which should not happen, but the fact is that they spent a lot of effort and lost several people to pass through the mountains and forests and come to the flat road.

But that's not the end. They also encountered several gangs of robbers on the road. If they were not good enough, they might not survive.

Encountering robbers is not the end. According to their original route, they should not go here, but the road they originally walked was washed away by a sudden mountain torrent.

God knows why there was a sudden mountain torrent just after the winter, when most of the land has not thawed, and the road can be buried.

They had no choice but to change the road and take this little road that they had not walked on.

But walking on this path was not peaceful. They encountered the spring rain before they had walked far.

The rain was a little light at first, so they didn't take it seriously.

But later, the rain got heavier as they walked. They couldn't find a place to camp at night. They had found one, in a cave.

But they didn't expect that the cave collapsed suddenly after they stayed there for a short time, burying not only some of their supplies but also two brothers.

There was no way, so they could only move to another place.

Now they were walking on this muddy road in the heavy rain, and several of them looked ugly. They hadn't eaten for nearly half a day.

After being drenched in rain for a long time, they were likely to suffer from hypothermia or faint suddenly. Those of them who had martial arts skills were better off riding on horses, at least they wouldn't lose strength or faint from the cold, but it was difficult for the ordinary escorts below.

They had to push the carriage. The carriage was not only for the merchant's family, but also for the goods, which could not be abandoned, so the leading escort looked ugly.

There was the sound of horse hooves in the rain. The escort looked up and found that the brother who went to explore the way ahead had returned. He saw that the brother was full of joy and knew that there should be some good news.

The man who came on horseback was also quite strong. His messy hair and beard were wet by the rain, but it still did not block the surprise in his eyes.

"Brother, I found a dilapidated temple two kilometers ahead. Although the dilapidated temple is not big, it is enough for us brothers to rest.

But I saw some lights in the dilapidated temple. There may be someone there, but I don’t know who it is."

The bearded man who explored the way said the news he had found out, and the man he called brother also had some surprise in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, there is always a way out!

Go, tell the brothers to speed up and go to the dilapidated temple where they can hide from the rain.

As for the dilapidated temple

Don't worry about who lives in the house.

The man in the wilderness should be a martial arts expert.

I don't think he will care too much if he takes some money or other things. He is a martial arts man. If you don't agree, we'll see what happens. "

The leading escort said this, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes. The bearded man nodded and shouted to the surroundings.

"Brothers, try harder! There is a place to rest two kilometers ahead.

Two kilometers further north, there is a dilapidated temple with lights inside. It is easy to recognize at night. Hang on, brothers! "

Listening to what the bearded man said, the originally low-spirited team suddenly responded with a few voices.

They pushed the carriage and walked quickly.

In the dilapidated temple that they targeted, the orange-red flame flickered gently.

The divine dog incarnation of the general sitting next to Jiang Nanhe moved his ears, stood up and looked out of the dilapidated temple.

The general who was meditating in the air opened his eyes, a flash of light appeared on his body, and his figure disappeared, rushing into the night.

The body with golden light was particularly obvious in the dark night, but few people could see his figure.

His figure was very fast, and in a few breaths, he came to the top of the convoy.

He looked at the people in the convoy, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the sky eye on his forehead opened, taking in the details of their entire team.

The whole team was not dangerous, just mortals who knew some martial arts. It seemed that they were escorting goods, and the goods were nothing surprising.

The first carriage There were some ordinary cloth on top, and some gold, silver and treasure inside, which were not very attractive. However, the general was a little curious about the things in the stone pulled by the last carriage.

There were several holes under the stone, and the general's sight passed through the stone and saw everything inside.

Inside the stone was a whole piece of beautiful jade, or a whole piece of white jade in the shape of a turtle, and what surprised the general was that the jade seemed to have some spiritual energy, or spirituality.

In layman's terms, the jade was about to become a spirit.

There was a mysterious breath hovering around the jade. What was that breath? The general didn't quite understand, but he saw that the breath gradually weakened, and with that breath, the rain in the sky became heavier.

If the general guessed correctly, the reason why it rained so heavily in this spring was because of the jade?

The breath hovering on the jade could trigger some of the power of heaven and earth. This was very strange and incredible, and the general became more curious about it.

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