The sheep were buried in the river, and the people were busy.

Village Chief Liu went to call people and prepare the tables, chairs and other things that Jiang Nanhe needed, while Jiang Nanhe was tidying up the room, after all, it was where he would live next.

He unloaded the luggage and the small temple on the lamb's back, put the temple in the room, and sorted the luggage into categories.

Although part of the luggage on the lamb's back was concealed, there were a lot of things. Jiang Nanhe wasted some time sorting them out, but fortunately he now knew a new spell.

Jiang Nanhe and Taoist Songhe exchanged the fog-rolling spell, and he could already perform it very skillfully. With this spell, Jiang Nanhe's life became much more convenient.

After all, this spell is really flexible to use. Jiang Nanhe pinched the spell in his hand, and after a while, the room was occupied by white mist.

These mists stuck to various objects in the room, and were controlled by Jiang Nanhe to change their positions according to his wishes. Dust and other things were also swept away by his mist.

In just a moment, the whole room became very tidy, and Jiang Nanhe was naturally very satisfied.

He had already arranged the bed and other things. He took out his medical tools and some herbs and placed them in the room.

These are all needed in the future. Jiang Nanhe has his own medical tool box, which was made for Jiang Nanhe by the general when he was free.

Although Jiang Nanhe's eyes can save a lot of trouble, and even directly see the inner existence of people, some tools are also necessary.

In addition to the tools for medical treatment, there are also oil paper for wrapping medicine, yellow paper for writing prescriptions, some hemp ropes, pens, ink, paper and inkstones. These things are indispensable.

After sorting these out, Jiang Nanhe looked at the sky and found that it was just past noon. Normally, it was still his nap time.

Village Chief Liu did not come to deliver the table. It seemed that it was not so easy to find an empty table.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the bed and drank tea for a while, and read a book for a while. When he heard the sound of moving things outside the yard, he pushed the door and went out.

The lamb was already sleeping soundly outside. This little guy took a nap every noon without fail, and Jiang Nanhe was no longer surprised.

However, the lamb in his sleep still did his duty as a guard. When those people came, he moved his ears and continued to sleep after hearing Jiang Nanhe open the door.

The general's divine dog incarnation followed Jiang Nanhe. Just now, the general's divine dog incarnation walked around the entire village and the places around him, and rushed back after finding no threats.

Jiang Nanhe walked out of the yard and looked at the elderly people who were unloading tables and chairs, and hurried up.

He stepped forward to help them unload the things. As for Jiang Nanhe, who was not old but very strong, those people adapted well.

Jiang Nanhe learned from them that most of the young and strong people in the village had gone to the county town.

It was said that the officials in the county town were distributing food, but I didn't know what the situation was. However, the food was distributed according to the population. The more people went, the more food they received. Therefore, as long as the young and strong people in their village could go to the city, they went there, leaving only a group of children and old people.

Jiang Nanhe frowned when he heard this. He didn't know what the county magistrate in the county town was going to do? But this was not his concern.

He arranged the tables and chairs, put his tools and other things on them, and then looked at the old people in front of him.

"Grandpas, do you want to come over and let me check if you are healthy?

In the next period of time, I plan to provide free medical treatment to everyone in our village. No matter whether you are old, children, or young and strong, you can come."

After Jiang Nanhe finished speaking, the old people in front of him were stunned.

At this time, Village Chief Liu came over, still followed by a group of children. Hearing Jiang Nanhe's words, he smiled at those people and hurriedly urged them to sit down on the chairs so that Jiang Nanhe could check them.

The old people still had a little doubt about Jiang Nanhe. After all, he was too old to be confusing, but it didn't hurt to try.

Thinking of this, the elderly sat down.

Seeing this, Jiang Nanhe smiled and started his free clinic today.

Most of the people in the village are farmers, and some of their diseases are caused by not being able to rest when they were tired when they were young.

However, because they work all year round, their physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people who do nothing. Although they feel a little uncomfortable at ordinary times, they can endure it.

Jiang Nanhe's treatment is based on observation, smell, questioning and palpation. After completing this set of procedures, he will let the general and himself open their eyes together to conduct a detailed examination of the patient.

After a series of examinations, Jiang Nanhe felt that it was comparable to the examinations using high-tech instruments in later generations. After all, his eyes were equivalent to many instruments.

Taking his hand from the wrist of the patient in front of him, Jiang Nanhe gave some instructions to the old man in front of him.

"Are your knees a little painful on weekdays? When you encounter thunderstorms or snowy days, the pain is like piercing your bones, which is very unbearable? And do you always suffer from insomnia and dreaminess on weekdays? Even if you sleep for a few hours on weekdays, you still feel tired when you wake up, and your body is often sore?"

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's questions, the old man in front of him nodded in surprise. After listening, Jiang Nanhe picked up a pen and quickly wrote a prescription on the paper in front of him.

"Uncle's illnesses are all caused by hard work when he was young. There is no good way to cure them, but there are prescriptions to take good care of them.

I will prescribe you a prescription of herbs grown in our fields. You can ask the younger generation in your family to find some herbs, crush them into mud, wrap them together with cloth, and pad them on the places where you usually feel sore.

It should be somewhat relieved. These are the herbs you need. I will prescribe you another prescription. You need to boil some herbs and then take them orally.

Don't worry, they are not precious herbs. You can find them in the mountains and fields. I have some here. You can take them back and try them. If they are effective, you can find some yourself or go to the pharmacy to make a pair. They are not expensive.

The dosage is not too particular. I will mark it for you. Uncle, just remember it."

After Jiang Nanhe finished talking, the old people around him were already very surprised.

After Jiang Nanhe took the herbs and wrapped them into medicine bags in front of them, they realized that the herbs Jiang Nanhe prescribed were really familiar to them and they usually grew in the mountains and fields.

They scratched their heads. In the past, when they had a headache or fever, they would find some herbs or try some folk prescriptions. But they had never tried to use different common herbs together like Jiang Nanhe did.

After all, some herbs conflict with each other. If they are boiled together, they may irritate the body.

Jiang Nanhe handed the written prescription and the packaged medicine package that could be taken for a week to the old man in front of him. He smiled at him and then looked at the next old woman.

Most of the illnesses of the old people were caused by years of hard work. The prescriptions used by each of them were similar, with only some slight differences.

So Jiang Nanhe cured several old people in a short time. While he was treating them, several more old people and children came to the yard. They were all called by the village chief. They were naturally curious about Jiang Nanhe, so they came to join in the fun.

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