The more people around him, the more they will be.

Jiang Nanhe is actually quite happy about the increasing number of people around him. These people are all his patients and specific cases in his medical records.

Although most people have repeated diseases, they still need to be recorded.

The general is doing this job. His figure is floating in the air, holding an illusory book in his hand.

The book is what Jiang Nanhe gave to the general today. After the general fills it up, the general will use Jiang Nanhe's own beliefs to print the contents on the physical book.

This is a method of virtual-real conversion that the general and Jiang Nanhe have experimented with, mainly because ordinary people cannot see the general.

If the general takes a blank book to record, it will be a book floating in the air in the eyes of others, which is a bit weird.

Jiang Nanhe's free clinic was in full swing. Because the village was full of elderly people, Jiang Nanhe used mild medicines for them, which were basically common herbs. However, some people's illnesses were indeed difficult to treat.

For example, now, Jiang Nanhe was treating an old man's foot injury.

The more he looked at him, the more he frowned. He listened to the old man's oral account. He didn't know what he stepped on when he went to the mountain to collect herbs. When he returned home, he felt unbearable pain in his feet, but he didn't see the wound, so he didn't care much.

But later, his feet became more and more painful. Until now, it hurts so much that he can't even walk, but he didn't go to see a doctor. After all, they are all farmers, and it is really difficult.

Jiang Nanhe frowned as he listened.

A light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes opened. The general's illusory figure was connected to Jiang Nanhe, but not all of it.

The general also took the time to record the medical records for Jiang Nanhe. If his entire body was attached to Jiang Nanhe, it would be inconvenient.

Parts of their bodies were connected, which actually looked rather strange, but the general's body was illusory, so Jiang Nanhe and the others didn't care much.

The world in Jiang Nanhe's eyes changed, and Jiang Nanhe also saw the condition of the old man's injured foot clearly.

There was a wooden thorn stuck in the flesh of the old man's sole. It was estimated that it had been stuck for a long time, causing inflammation around it.

But because it was stuck a little deep, it did not affect the surface of the sole of the foot, so nothing could be seen from the outside.

After telling the old man about this situation, Jiang Nanhe told him the treatment method.

First, use a small knife to cut a wound and clean the inflamed part inside. You need to use pure water and alcohol made by Jiang Nanhe himself.

Pure water is distilled water. It will be very clean to clean the wound with it, and alcohol can inhibit bacteria and prevent inflammation and infection.

In fact, Jiang Nanhe was already very surprised. According to what the old man said, his sole had been hurting for a long time, but it was not infected, which was really surprising.

The old man listened to Jiang Nanhe's words and naturally nodded and agreed to the treatment. Otherwise, what else could he do? He couldn't keep feeling pain.

Seeing him nod, Jiang Nanhe thought about it and asked the people around him to help him set up a stove, then boiled hot water and threw some herbs into it. He asked the old man to wait aside while he treated the next patient.

After the hot water was boiled, Jiang Nanhe asked the old man to soak his feet for a while, then washed them clean, and let the old man lie on the table. Jiang Nanhe began this simple little operation.

In fact, it was really simple. It was just to make a small incision on the foot and clean it up. The main concern was that the old man would feel pain, but Jiang Nanhe knew another special or magical skill, acupuncture.

This was what he learned when he was studying medicine. Gently squeezing and colliding different acupuncture points on the human body would have different effects.

Jiang Nanhe felt that it was more like a means of compressing the nerves, making the nerves react, and thus causing changes in the body.

This technique is not what Jiang Nanhe thought before, that is, just tapping a person twice and it's done, but it requires silver needles to be equipped and pierced several times on special acupuncture points.

If someone doesn't want to use acupuncture, Jiang Nanhe also has anesthetics, which is Ma Fei San made by himself.

The main cause of Ma Fei San is actually poison, which is extracted from Datura flowers.

If it is used in excess, it can kill people, and it is not easy to control if used in small quantities, so Jiang Nanhe rarely uses this thing on patients, mainly relying on acupuncture to make the patient lose consciousness in the injured part.

Jiang Nanhe had just asked the patient to clean his feet and calves. At this time, he took the silver needle and pierced several acupuncture points on the calves, and the patient's feet became numb and could not move.

The people around were amazed.

They were amazed, and then saw Jiang Nanhe open a small box, which contained knives of various sizes.

People who saw this thing were panicked, and children were so scared that they turned their backs and covered their eyes, but they still couldn't resist their curiosity. Some children still covered their eyes and turned their heads, squinting their eyes to look.

Ignoring the people around him, Jiang Nanhe chose a suitable knife and gently cut the patient's sole to make a small incision.

With this opening, the liquid originally produced by inflammation in the patient's palm flowed out.

Jiang Nanhe's palm was attached with a layer of spiritual energy to avoid direct contact with these things. He held a small tweezers in his hand and dipped it in cotton soaked with alcohol. He gently squeezed the wound to squeeze out the inflamed liquid inside.

After it was almost clean, he took out distilled water to rinse the wound, and then wiped it with alcohol for a few times until the edge of the wound turned slightly white, and Jiang Nanhe stopped.

The wound was very small, and after a simple bandage, it could even be slightly closed in a day, but the foot could not be used for a period of time.

Jiang Nanhe pulled out the silver needle from the patient, and the man realized belatedly that something was wrong with the sole of his foot.

He showed him some medicine to prevent inflammation and infection, and gave him detailed instructions after prescribing it, telling him not to use force on the wound during this period, and to take good care of it, and it would heal after a while.

The people around him were amazed at how quickly Jiang Nanhe cured the man.

Jiang Nanhe's movements were smooth and it looked like it was really the case, which really changed the impression of the people around him.

After thanking Jiang Nanhe, the patient sat down with the help of others.

There were still many people around who had not seen the doctor. Jiang Nanhe cleaned up the surrounding area, cleaned up the garbage created by the doctor just now, and then went to see other people.

After all, the disease that the old man encountered just now is still a minority. It is normal for most people to have a minor disease that does not hurt or itch.

After Jiang Nanhe gave some dietary and lifestyle suggestions to healthy people who might get sick, he stopped packing medicine for them.

For those who have already gotten sick and are feeling uncomfortable, he would pack a week's worth of medicine for them to take and see if it can relieve the symptoms.

Some people's illnesses are actually very serious, and it is actually not easy to cure them with just the medicines Jiang Nanhe prescribed. For those who have serious symptoms, Jiang Nanhe would also inform them tactfully.

However, in fact, most people have a certain understanding of their physical conditions, and they also know the meaning of Jiang Nanhe's words very clearly, but it is a pity.

For those with serious symptoms, Jiang Nanhe would also pack some medicine for them to relieve the symptoms. It cannot be cured, but it can make their lives better for a period of time. Jiang Nanhe also left the prescriptions. If they think that taking these medicines is effective, they can go to the pharmacy to get a few courses of medicine.

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