After seeing all the people who were still in Liujia Village, Jiang Nanhe felt satisfied.

Most people didn't have any serious problems, and all the minor problems were solved by him.

It was late after seeing the patients, and it was already dark. The people around thanked Jiang Nanhe repeatedly. They warmly invited Jiang Nanhe to have dinner together, but Jiang Nanhe refused.

After everyone left, Jiang Nanhe packed up his things. First, the knife he used needed to be steamed and disinfected again before it could be used again.

In addition, there were some cloths used to help them wipe the wounds when seeing patients, or cotton used to clean their wounds, which needed to be destroyed. These were all medical waste.

But it was just a fire. The general closed the imaginary book in his hand that he had been recording all afternoon, looked at the records on it, and nodded with satisfaction.

Their Nanhe will be an excellent doctor in the future. Today, he treated 28 elderly people and 16 children in the afternoon. He also popularized the importance of safe eating to the people around him and improved their awareness of hygiene.

The general felt swollen in his heart. How to describe this feeling? He was happier than when he won a battle before.

Although he had fought a battle in the past and provided security for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in their country, the sense of accomplishment was not as great as Jiang Nanhe seeing patients today.

Maybe this is his own credit, and he has a different feeling from others' credit.

In the eyes of the general, he should fight, and in his eyes, Jiang Nanhe is a great act and action to treat diseases and save lives.

But in the eyes of others, the general is also great, but he doesn't think so.

After taking care of everything, Jiang Nanhe returned to the room, and the lamb worked part-time as a night watch outside the door, and guarded safety by the way.

He called to Jiang Nanhe a few times, signaling him to go to sleep quickly. The lamb had slept for most of the afternoon today, and now he felt energetic. He would get up and walk around a few times when he had nothing to do at night.

The general's divine dog incarnation followed Jiang Nanhe into the house, and he was guarding the room.

Jiang Nanhe was tired all afternoon and had no interest in eating. Anyway, he was not very hungry, so he just washed himself, wiped himself clean, lay on the bed, read a medical book, and fell asleep.

The general's illusory figure stood in front of Jiang Nanhe's bed, covered him with a quilt, tucked in the corners of the quilt, and raised his hand to rub Jiang Nanhe's soft hair.

Sometimes he was really proud of Jiang Nanhe. The young man who cured diseases and saved lives was full of vigor in the general's eyes, just like him commanding generals on the battlefield.

After Jiang Nanhe fell asleep, the general had other things to do.

He had to sort out Jiang Nanhe's medical records for today's treatment. After sorting them out, he had to simply process and pack the herbs that Jiang Nanhe needed tomorrow.

After dealing with these, the general had to enter Futian and continue to cultivate the land in Futian.

It is spring now, and everything is reviving and growing vigorously. It will be time to harvest in a few months.

The climate in Futian is better than outside, so the harvest time is also very fast. Crops that have just grown a little taller outside are about to bear ears in Futian.

So the general is very busy taking care of the entire Futian. In addition to normal weeding and catching insects, the general has to carefully plant those herbs. Some herbs are very delicate, and some herbs have very harsh growing conditions, so it is more troublesome to maintain them.

After dealing with these herbs, the general has to distinguish one by one whether they can absorb spiritual energy in their bodies. Jiang Nanhe will cast spells every day, and then the general will appear in Futian. These spells nourish these plants and make them produce a subtle change.

This change makes them slowly absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, but some plants change too little, and they have to be carefully excavated to discover their changes. This is a very tedious and troublesome thing.

The general had to look at each plant one by one, and look at each plant in depth. He had to use his eyes to carefully observe every change in the plants, so that he could find the plants that had changed, and then carefully maintain them.

In addition to these, the general had to do his own training and research.

Just like the general usually required Jiang Nanhe to train intensively on a daily basis, the general himself could not fall behind in training. Although he was now an illusory figure, he would practice swordsmanship for a while every day.

After training, the general had to learn or learn more in-depth methods of refining equipment. Jiang Nanhe was not very talented in this area, and the general had never thought of letting Jiang Nanhe go.

He still has to do the ironwork.

In the future, Jiang Nanhe's magic tools will definitely need to be refined by themselves, so the general is very concerned. Although he can refine the Qiankun bag, he has no clue about the magic tools that are more advanced than the Qiankun bag, so he can only spend more time on those small magic tools.

The general's method of practicing magic tools is ironwork. In the process of ironwork, under the collision of the hammer, flame and ore, and under the pouring of spiritual energy, a special embryo is born. This is the most basic training for refining magic tools.

After completing these trainings, the general has to go to Futian for a walk and take care of the creatures in Futian.

For example, the horses raised by the general in Futian were originally war horses. The general is very good at their maintenance. Besides, he likes these horses very much. He usually rides them for a while when he has nothing to do.

In addition to these horses, there are some monkeys, rabbits, chickens, and some other vegetarian animals in Futian.

Most of them are free-range, and the generals don't care much about them, but a small part of them also needs to be controlled, such as the rabbits. If they are not taken care of, they will reproduce indefinitely, and Futian will be in danger.

So the general has to count the number of rabbits on a daily basis. Once the number is too large, the general will slaughter a batch of rabbits and make them into bacon.

Although rabbits are cute, they reproduce really fast. In order to make them reproduce slower, Jiang Nanhe even secretly told the general to sterilize them. Jiang Nanhe's words made the general call it evil, and naturally nothing happened in the end.

In short, the general's work in Futian cannot be stopped for a moment, and he is the only one busy in Futian. If he didn't have the help of extraordinary power, he didn't know how to finish all these things.

However, after finishing most of the work, it is time for the general to rest.

It was still dark at this time. The general was lying on the soft couch with a bronze wine glass in his hand.

In the wine glass, there was a special wine brewed by the monkey group and passed Jiang Nanhe's high-intensity requirements.

There is a lot of alcohol in Futian. Jiang Nanhe used it as alcohol when treating patients. It was also brewed by the monkeys. After the alcohol was brewed, it was distilled by Jiang Nanhe, and then the first batch of high-strength alcohol was added to make simple alcohol.

There are many large jars in Futian, which contain alcohol brewed from various materials.

Some are brewed from fruits, and some are brewed from grains. These are the general's favorites.

The general lying on the soft couch took the wine glass and drank it all. The stimulating wine went into his stomach. The general seemed to be back to the time when he was still alive. The spicy and stimulating wine slid through his throat and flowed into his lungs, warming his whole body. How to describe this feeling? He liked it very much, but it was a pity that everything was illusory. These were all Jiang Nanhe's offerings.

After working for a long time, even the general, who was a god who would not get tired, was still a little depressed, but after a glass of wine, he felt that he was back to the time when he was alive.

The general did not drink too much. He knew that drinking would delay things.

He stretched himself, and lay on the couch for a while. After a rest, he had to go make breakfast, and then he had to send it to Jiang Nanhe outside. It was another busy day.

However, the general was looking forward to today. When the divine dog incarnation went out for a stroll last night, he saw that many people had returned to the village. Today should be more lively than yesterday.

Jiang Nanhe would also be busier than yesterday. Thinking of this, the general got up to help Jiang Nanhe prepare breakfast.

Jiang Nanhe was busy, and he couldn't stop. He finished his work early and greeted the preparations and challenges of the new day early. This was a life he had never experienced before. How should I put it? He didn't hate it.

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