In fact, Jiang Nanhe and the general underestimated the extent of their reputation.

In just one night, when Jiang Nanhe finished breakfast and opened the door to continue the free clinic, he was startled by the people standing in the open space outside. There were at least 200 people standing far away from his room, including men, women, young and old. Some were familiar faces yesterday, and some were completely unfamiliar.

Yesterday, the villagers who were treated by Jiang Nanhe returned home and sent letters to their relatives in other villages, saying that a strange man had come to the village.

Although this strange man was a ten-year-old child, he was really good at medicine, and he saw patients and gave medicine for free.

Regardless of whether the patient is sick or not, he will take a closer look. He even proposed solutions for loss of appetite, such as adding some appetizing wild vegetables when cooking, and some appetizing fruits when making porridge.

When the people around heard this, they didn't care much at first, but when the person who was treated by Jiang Nanhe yesterday told them how Jiang Nanhe used a knife to clean wounds and tumors, and how he saw that there were worms in the human body, and then distributed insecticide.

Even Jiang Nanhe's instructions to wash hands before and after meals, pay attention to hygiene when eating, cook thoroughly and never drink raw water, and so on, were widely publicized. When those people heard this, they were instantly shocked and naturally came to see if they were sick or had any problems.

You have to know that the productivity of this dynasty was not very developed, and it was extremely difficult for ordinary people to see a doctor.

Most people would just get over minor illnesses by themselves, but if they encountered serious illnesses, they could buy some medicine and get some injections, which might bankrupt them.

Even whether to treat a good disease or not is up to fate, so when these people heard about Jiang Nanhe's free clinic, they were immediately amazed and gathered together, waiting for Jiang Nanhe to see them the next day.

So when Jiang Nanhe woke up and had breakfast, he saw the scene outside and felt a little incredible.

But for so many patients and so many cases, Jiang Nanhe was naturally happy to see them.

So he shouted and asked the people present to line up in the order they came, and then cleaned up the environment, put the tables and chairs in place, put the things he needed on them, and started to see the people around him one by one.

Today is different from yesterday, there are more young and strong people today.

Most of these men and women in their prime are healthy, but a small number of them have serious problems.

Jiang Nanhe saw them one by one and explained to them the precautions for the future, but in fact, there were not many patients who could follow his medical advice.

After all, they are all poor people, with families to support. How can you ask them to give up working outside and selling their physical strength for money? Do they need to support the elderly and children at home? Do they need money to eat?

Jiang Nanhe also knew this, but he had to say what he should say.

After that, he took a few more prescriptions. For those with more serious problems, he took more medicine, so that they could take it for a longer period of time. For those with less serious problems, he naturally took less medicine.

There is a type of disease that Jiang Nanhe finds a bit tricky, that is, eye disease.

Jiang Nanhe feels that he has a good relationship with this disease. He has special eyes. He was born with three eyes. Although there are only two left now, the other one may have a chance to grow out in the future. Although it is now closed with only a line left, Jiang Nanhe always feels that the eye can still be opened.

Eye-related problems are quite tricky in Jiang Nanhe's opinion. For example, the woman in front of him often tears up and sees things a little blurry because she has been embroidering for a long time to supplement her family income.

This is caused by long-term overuse of eyes without effective relief. Jiang Nanhe has no good way to solve this kind of problem, which makes him a little scratching his head. He can only prescribe some herbal medicines for improving eyesight and let people take them to see if there is any effect. By the way, try to choose a less dim place when working and try not to use eyes for a long time. After doing these, Jiang Nanhe also taught the eye exercises he remembered.

There are also women who use their eyes for a long time to embroider and mend in the back of the team. Looking at the eye exercises taught by Jiang Nanhe, they also learn them carefully.

After finishing a set, don't say it, it's really useful. I don't know if it's psychological comfort or really useful. Most of them are pressing a few acupuncture points around the eyes to relieve eye fatigue. Pressing more is useful.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Jiang Nanhe gave her a few more needles on her face.


Doctor Mu had learned some knowledge in this area, but he was not sure about how to treat eye diseases. He could only rely on the medical books he read and some treatment methods in the medical records.

After the needles were collected, the woman in front of him felt that her sore eyes were better, and she felt a little cooler and her vision was not so blurry.

Jiang Nanhe listened to her and nodded.

He acupunctured according to several specific cases recorded in the medical records. They were clinically tested, so he was not afraid of making mistakes, but it was definitely unrealistic to cure them.

This disease has always been difficult to treat, no matter which dynasty it was.

Jiang Nanhe could not make eye drops to relieve fatigue, so he could only ask the patient in front of him to pay more attention to it, take more care, and eat more herbal medicine to improve eyesight.

However, this also made Jiang Nanhe see his weaknesses.

He didn't really care about this before, but now he realized that it was still a big problem. Besides, he had to take good care of his eyes. His eyes were special enough, and it was not excessive to take care of them.

When there is a chance in the future, Jiang Nanhe decided to buy more medical books related to eyes and study them well to deal with this problem.

Jiang Nanhe started to diagnose and treat patients again, and there were more and more patients around him.

Jiang Nanhe didn't know yet that some people who saw him and received medicine felt uneasy and went to the clinic to let the people in the clinic take a look.

The doctors in the clinic praised the medicines and prescriptions written by Jiang Nanhe and the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and felt that they were very effective.

This made those who saw the doctor feel more at ease, and then Jiang Nanhe's reputation spread.

It was not only spread among ordinary civilians, but also among some dignitaries.

So Jiang Nanhe's reputation spread more and more, and it spread to the county in just two days.

When it spread to the county, the news naturally spread more and more, and at the same time, it became more and more bizarre.

Some people think it's amazing and will go to join in the fun, while others think it's just a way to attract attention, so they criticize it more. It's hard to distinguish between true and false rumors.

But Jiang Nanhe doesn't care much. Although more and more people come to see him, some people are strange and say some weird things when seeing him, but he comes here for free consultation. When his herbs run out, he can't prescribe medicine. He can only prescribe medicine and let people get medicine. By then, it is estimated that few people will come to see the doctor.

This was Jiang Nanhe's initial idea. Besides, for some diseases, he doesn't have herbs and needs to buy them separately. He doesn't know whether these patients will buy them. Anyway, he is just doing his best to the best of his ability, and it doesn't count as his reputation as a doctor.

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