After the general gave the lamb the demon pill of the mountain ghost, he moved the lamb to a safe place.

He has now become Jiang Nanhe's patron saint. It is no problem for him to touch living things around Jiang Nanhe.

What the lamb needs now is a quiet rest, and then refine the demon pill of the mountain ghost.

If it can be refined successfully, it will be reborn, shed the mortal world in one step, and become a monster.

If it fails, it may be swallowed by the power of the demon pill and finally explode and die.

After placing the lamb, Jiang Nanhe looked at the frightened body of the mountain ghost in front of him, which was broken into two pieces, and felt a little irritated.

He hated the mountain ghost, not only because of its ugly appearance, but also because this monster took Yang'er's life.

Jiang Nanhe had a special feeling for Yang'er, a special sheep. Yang'er raised him for the whole winter, allowing him to survive and have hope of life.

But now he watched Yang'er die at the hands of the mountain ghost, but he was powerless. You can imagine how upset he was.

He was not an ignorant child, but a person with a clear self-awareness, self-discrimination ability and wisdom.

So you can imagine how uncomfortable he felt. After the general settled the lamb, he came back and saw Jiang Nanhe staring at the corpse of the mountain ghost fiercely.

Seeing this, the general could only sigh. He also felt a little sorry for Yang'er's departure, but people cannot be resurrected after death, and sheep cannot be resurrected after death.

The general walked silently behind Jiang Nanhe and raised one hand to cover Jiang Nanhe's eyes.

Jiang Nanhe didn't know what the general was going to do? But he suddenly realized that the general's other hand was scorching hot.

The golden flame was the embodiment of the general's divine power. The flame rolled and burned the mountain ghost's body.

However, the flame only burned the unusable part of the mountain ghost's body. The general deliberately left some special parts.

The environment on the mountain was difficult, and the general had to consider Jiang Nanhe's future. Although he didn't like this mountain ghost in his heart, this mountain ghost was quite powerful.

There were also some parts on the body that were good materials for refining magic tools. Although he didn't understand the method of refining tools, he could achieve some special effects by using these materials roughly.

For example, the general planned to keep the fur of the mountain ghost, and then cut and sew it to make a cushion for Jiang Nanhe, or make a little more work to make a drum for Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe ate the heart of the mountain ghost, and there was a certain probability that he could obtain the ability of the mountain ghost. There were always some special existences among the mountain spirits and monsters in this world.

Eating the parts of their bodies that were naturally nurtured by nature is a great opportunity for ordinary people, and the heart of the mountain ghost is such an existence.

As for whether Jiang Nanhe can fully utilize the function of the heart, the general does not know.

As the flames burned, the body of the mountain ghost completely disappeared, leaving only a few bones and fur.

The general moved his palm away from Jiang Nanhe's eyes, and Jiang Nanhe regained light in front of him.

He looked at the body of the mountain ghost that had disappeared in front of him, sighed, and the boredom and resentment in his heart also dissipated with the wind.

The soul of the mountain ghost was cut in half by the general at that time, and it was impossible to reincarnate. Now the body was burned clean by the general's flames, leaving only some bones and fur. What's the point of him still resentful?

After dealing with the body of the mountain ghost, Jiang Nanhe and the general walked towards the direction of the broken body of the sheep.

Jiang Nanhe looked at Yang'er's current appearance, his eyes flashing with water. He wiped his tears and looked up at the general. The general rubbed Jiang Nanhe's head, then thought for a while, and then spoke.

"Don't be sad. Yang'er was killed by the mountain ghost not long ago. Logically, the soul should still be in the body.

You can try the spell you told me before.

That spell should be able to summon Yang'er's soul. Now summon Yang's soul, so that it can be reincarnated in time."

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words, his eyes lit up, and then he nodded heavily as if he thought of something.

The spell he had obtained before, which was to invite the gods, not only had an introduction to the spell, but also some specific contents of how to perform the ritual.

Jiang Nanhe took a deep breath, then closed his eyes slightly, and his body slowly emitted a mysterious wave.

Seeing this, the general frowned, thinking that things were not simple, and then he noticed a strange attraction coming from Jiang Nanhe's body.

His body

He entered into Jiang Nanhe's body, and then Jiang Nanhe opened his tightly closed eyes.

The general looked at himself possessed by Jiang Nanhe, and he didn't know what to say.

Jiang Nanhe also blinked his eyes. How should I put it? The feeling of the general possessing his body was very strange, as if he was wearing an invisible and intangible coat on his body, but the control of his body now belonged to the general.

The general who possessed Jiang Nanhe sighed. It seems that the methods of this little brat Jiang Nanhe should not be trusted too much.

This is normal. After all, Jiang Nanhe is too young. The main reason is that his previous performance made the general trust him too much. He didn't expect Jiang Nanhe to make a mistake in magic at this time, or Jiang Nanhe only knew this magic, which was not even a magic.

The general had a headache, but when he possessed Jiang Nanhe, the angle of viewing the world also changed in some strange ways.

After thinking for a while, he stepped forward and put his hand on the body of the sheep, which had lost its temperature. Then he gently pulled the weak and dim soul of the sheep out.

The sheep, who suddenly appeared, seemed to have not reacted yet. He looked at Jiang Nanhe and the general who was glowing around Jiang Nanhe, with some disbelief in his eyes.

In his eyes, Jiang Nanhe was now wrapped by the general, and the two people's auras merged into one. He didn't know what happened.

But now he had no time to wonder. The soul of a newly dead creature appeared in the world, which would attract the law of reincarnation of heaven and earth and send him to the underworld for reincarnation.

He couldn't stay for too long. The sheep walked to Jiang Nanhe with some regret, rubbed him, and then disappeared.

After he left, the power and blood in his body were quickly consumed. The general seemed to understand the sheep's thoughts and raised his hand to release some flames again.

Yang'er's body was burned by the flames, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the sheep's fur and some round beads burned from the sheep's bones.

Yang'er's horns were also burned by the flames into a comb and a simple hairpin.

These things were the last things Yang'er left for Jiang Nanhe, the general, and the little sheep.

Seeing this, the general felt particularly emotional, but before he had time to savor the taste in his heart, he suddenly separated from Jiang Nanhe's body.

Jiang Nanhe, who was separated from the general, fell to the ground, his face was pale, and there was no trace of blood on his lips.

Just now, the general possessed his body, and it seemed that he consumed the energy in his body, but he had not entered the path of cultivation, so where did the energy come from in his body, so what was wasted was his blood and other things.

At this time, the general also reacted to how much burden he had caused to Jiang Nanhe by using Jiang Nanhe's body to use power.

This made him even more annoyed. Looking at the drowsy and pale Jiang Nanhe, he flipped his hand and picked up the things left by the sheep on the ground and the things of the mountain ghost, and then took Jiang Nanhe and the lamb towards the direction of the temple.

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