The general felt more annoyed as he felt the changes in his body.

At first, he thought that he would be more relaxed and could take care of Jiang Nanhe more conveniently after becoming Jiang Nanhe's patron saint.

But he didn't expect that he only possessed Jiang Nanhe once and consumed Jiang Nanhe's own blood and strength.

If Jiang Nanhe hadn't just swallowed the mountain ghost's heart, he might have died of blood and qi failure at this time.

The battlefield where the general and his men were was in a mess. The mountain ghost was burned by the general's fire, leaving only some bones and fur on the body. The sheep had also gone to reincarnation peacefully, leaving his body behind.

The reason for this is that the general used his own flame to burn the blood in their bodies and gather it into those items.

Before, when the general used his own power, it was still very stable and no accidents happened.

When he used his own power, the state was actually exactly the same as before. When his own power was exhausted, he had to return to Jiang Nanhe's body to rest.

His original strength was very strong, so he could maintain his combat power and protect Jiang Nanhe by only using his own power.

But if he did other things, he would be subject to many restrictions, such as possessing Jiang Nanhe to save the soul.

This job was originally a big job. He couldn't do it in his heyday, but when he possessed Jiang Nanhe, he had this power and ability, but it consumed Jiang Nanhe's power.

The general now has two states. The normal state is the key to his blessing Jiang Nanhe. In this state, his strength is the strongest. As for how to improve in the future, it is not clear now.

In this state, he can only use some of the previous simple magic, but he still retains most of his force.

Another state is the state of being possessed by Jiang Nanhe. When possessed by Jiang Nanhe, the general can do many things.

But the power consumed is something that Jiang Nanhe himself cannot bear. He may die directly. If Jiang Nanhe dies, the general will also die. Their lives are tied together.

This is also the effect of the general becoming Jiang Nanhe's special patron saint.

Now Jiang Nanhe has experienced the crisis of death and his injuries are quite serious.

Although the general used his own incense to repair his injuries, the general's possession just now still made Jiang Nanhe's physical condition much weaker.

Jiang Nanhe is weak, and the general, who is his patron saint, is naturally illusory.

The general, who was flying in the air with Jiang Nanhe and the lamb, had a headache looking at his gradually illusory body.

He wanted to take Jiang Nanhe and the others back to the temple directly, but his body was really difficult, but it was not a big problem.

The general looked at the surrounding environment, then turned around and flew in a certain direction.

During the flight, his figure became more and more illusory, which also meant that Jiang Nanhe was now very weak.

The general knew that he didn't have much time, and as he accelerated his actions, he quickly reached his goal.

Somewhere on Qinshan Mountain, the general had left his things on the mountain when he came.

At that time, he was in a hurry to protect Jiang Nanhe and others, so he left in a hurry and didn't have time to put away his things.

If the general guessed correctly, the puppy he brought to Jiang Nanhe should have died. The mountain was still very cold at night, and the young life could not survive.

His goal was the body of the puppy. He planned to use the body of the puppy as his own incarnation and the storage of his soul.

The general felt complicated, but he did not regret it.

His soul form can protect Jiang Nanhe's soul, and part of his soul enters the body of the puppy, which can protect Jiang Nanhe's body in the real world.

The general brought Jiang Nanhe and the lamb to the area where he threw away his things.

The things were piled up on the ground in a mess, which was enough to show how hurried their owner was when he left.

The general looked at the packages scattered on the ground, and the puppy was indeed stiff and his soul had returned to heaven.

This was not unexpected. When he brought the puppy up, its condition was already very bad.

Looking at the puppy's body, the general put the lamb and Jiang Nanhe down and put them in the package.

His body burst into a dazzling light, and a faint yellow airflow merged from his body towards the direction of the puppy.


, the puppy's heartbeat sounded again, and its cold and stiff body began to warm up gradually.

The general's figure gradually retreated into Jiang Nanhe's body. The puppy on the ground opened its eyes and shook its stiff body. The puppy was covered with black hair and had a pattern on its forehead, which looked particularly special.

The puppy possessed by the general sorted out the things on the ground.

It seemed very easy for him to sort out the messy things on the ground.

He held the package in his mouth, and Jiang Nanhe and the lamb were rolled up in the package.

The package was much taller than the puppy, but the puppy pulled the buckle of the package, then jumped, and rushed towards the top of the mountain with Jiang Nanhe and the others.

If someone was around the puppy, they would definitely be shocked by his actions, because a dog that looked only slightly bigger than a palm, holding a package and jumping back and forth in the forest, this was incredible, and people who saw it would only think they had seen a ghost.

Let alone other people, Jiang Nanhe, who was wrapped in a package and thrown into the sky, couldn't believe it after waking up.

Behind him, a puppy that looked small and had not been weaned was actually holding him and jumping back and forth on the tree, slowly moving towards the top of the mountain. This was even more ridiculous than being woken up by a branch on the road.

The puppy that was holding Jiang Nanhe and jumping back and forth in the air, that is, the incarnation of the general, had no time to pay attention to Jiang Nanhe's surprise and astonishment.

The puppy's body was really hard to control. Although he possessed this body and brought some changes to this body, in the final analysis, these changes were not extraordinary and reborn.

He was already struggling to jump and move in the air with Jiang Nanhe and a bunch of things.

The general had thought before, whether to find some larger bodies? The corpses or bodies of other species for him to possess.

But after thinking about it carefully, he rejected them all.

None of those bodies were suitable, but the most suitable one should be Jiang Nanhe's body, who made him the only one on this mountain and nearby now?

But the general was Jiang Nanhe's patron saint, so he couldn't possess it.

The general didn't like the bodies of other animals either, and later he thought about it and decided to use the puppy's.

This puppy was not only from Jiang Nanhe's family, but also had some relationship with him, and his bones were relatively strong, although it was still small and nothing could be seen.

But the general saw at a glance that if the puppy's body was well raised, it should grow well.

In the future, he would follow Jiang Nanhe with the body of this puppy. If he chose an ugly incarnation, the general would still be unhappy.

There were no other interesting species on the mountain, so the only one that could be used as his incarnation was this puppy that had died not long ago.

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