The little puppy carried Jiang Nanhe and the others back to the temple.

Jiang Nanhe had woken up, but he was still a little weak.

He looked at the puppy dragging a pile of luggage towards the temple with mixed feelings.

Entering the temple, Jiang Nanhe looked at everything familiar and felt lost.

The sheep left him, and the place returned to coldness and silence.

But there was something different. Although the sheep left, they were still alive, and their days had to go on.

Jiang Nanhe knew that death was not the end.

The sheep has successfully reincarnated. It is not reincarnation, but entering the underworld. I don’t know if there is an underworld in this world. Anyway, the sheep’s soul has drilled into the ground. I hope it can be reborn in a good way in the next life.

Jiang Nanhe thought melancholy in his heart. He fell into the package. There was a mess around him, but he didn’t have the strength to clean it up. He was too weak.

Jiang Nanhe, who couldn’t do anything, could only lie in a pile of debris. The incarnation of the general, the puppy, was busy in the temple.

He had to prepare some food for Jiang Nanhe. It was not that the general didn’t want to appear in his original form, but he couldn’t appear.

Jiang Nanhe’s body was too weak now, and he didn’t have enough strength to support summoning him. This is why he chose an incarnation.

In fact, compared to the puppy, the general wanted a being with two hands, but there was no one in the surrounding mountains and forests.

So he could only choose the incarnation of this puppy reluctantly. Although the puppy was young, it was special enough because he was possessed.

He was neither a living thing nor a dead thing. He was beyond the boundary of life and death. The change of strength also relied on the general's own strength, so if converted, this puppy was quite powerful.

At this time, the puppy held a clean little stick in its mouth and stirred the water in the stone pot. At the bottom of the pot were some wild vegetables, herbs and taro.

The fire under the stone pot was rising. The general's puppy incarnation had just thrown some branches into the fire. He had to prepare some hot food for Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe rested for a while, and the weakness on his body disappeared a lot, and he was able to sit up gradually.

He climbed up from the pile of debris and touched the lamb lying next to him with a weak breath. He was very worried.

Since the lamb ate the demon pill before, it has been in this state, and I don’t know what the situation is.

Although Jiang Nanhe was worried, he really had no means to deal with this extraordinary phenomenon.

He didn't know what was normal and what was abnormal? Although the general knew more than Jiang Nanhe, their information was essentially the same and they knew the same thing.

So the general couldn't explain the situation of the lamb.

Jiang Nanhe watched the lamb and watched his condition, while the general's puppy incarnation prepared food for Jiang Nanhe.

After the meal was ready, the puppy that the general turned into came to Jiang Nanhe.

His incarnation couldn't speak, so the general could only stretch out his two little paws and press against Jiang Nanhe. He used a little strength to wake up Jiang Nanhe who was in a daze and signaled him to eat quickly.

Jiang Nanhe came back to his senses and reached out to hold the general's puppy incarnation in his arms.

The dog's soft fur and chubby little body warmed Jiang Nanhe's slightly cold palms a little.

Jiang Nanhe was stunned for a while, and then walked towards the pot of stew amidst the slight cries of the general's incarnation.

Sitting on the ground, Jiang Nanhe took a pair of simple chopsticks made by himself and ate the food in the pot.

Boiled wild vegetables, herbs, and taro tasted tasteless, except bitter. It was bad to taste bad, and it also exuded an unpleasant smell, but there was not so much food on the mountain, and it was good to have these to eat.

The general originally wanted to find some food from the fields of the village at the foot of the mountain for Jiang Nanhe to bring up, but when the villagers left, they dug out the seeds in the fields.

The general walked around and found nothing.

However, according to the general's guess, there should be some seeds left in those fields. After they germinate and bear seeds, you can go and see.

After all, those things are the capital for Jiang Nanhe's survival. Only these foods suitable for human consumption can make Jiang Nanhe thrive.

Thinking of this, the general felt somewhat guilty. It was because he wasted too much time that Jiang Nanhe was seriously injured and Yang Er died.

It might be

Sensing his low mood, Jiang Nanhe, who was swallowing food with difficulty, reached out and touched the puppy incarnation of the general.

Jiang Nanhe messed up the dog's fur, and the special lines on his forehead were also covered by his hair.

After eating, Jiang Nanhe felt that his body was better and he felt less weak.

He stood up and took care of the environment in the temple. Now he was the only one who did this job.

Sheep used to do this job, but now the sheep has left. Because of his weak body, the general could not show his body and could only rely on the puppy incarnation, and could not do this job.

The space in the temple was actually very small. In addition to the statue of the general and an altar, the remaining corners were occupied by the sheep before.

The sheep spread thick straw where they were. Now Jiang Nanhe held the lamb on the straw and sorted out some worn-out cloth that the general found.

They usually stored sparks in a fire pile in another corner of the temple, and these things filled the temple.

After cleaning the temple, they sorted out the things brought by the general.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the haystack, on which Jiang Nanhe spread a layer of fur left by the mountain ghost.

This thing only served as a blanket. It was burned by the general's flames, so it was very clean and not dirty, and its appearance was quite straight.

Although Jiang Nanhe disliked him in his heart, there were really few things that could keep warm on the mountain, and he was not qualified to throw this thing away.

Lying on the mountain ghost skin, Jiang Nanhe held a sheep horn comb and a sheep horn hairpin in his hands. The sheep horn comb was not big, and the lines on it were smooth, just made of the pair of horns on the sheep's head.

The sheep horn hairpin was called a hairpin, but it was actually more like a curved crescent. These things were left by the sheep, in addition to the sheep's sheepskin.

Jiang Nanhe was reluctant to make the sheepskin into a mat or clothes. He always felt that it was inappropriate to make those things.

He folded the sheepskin that had been burned by the general's flame and forged, and put it in a corner. These things will be useful in the future, so now he will put them there as a way to remember the sheep.

The sheep horn comb and hairpin were also placed on the sheepskin by Jiang Nanhe. After doing these, Jiang Nanhe lay beside the sheep with weak breathing and fell asleep.

Without the blessing of the sheep's wool, tonight seems to be very cold.

Although winter has passed, Jiang Nanhe is still shivering with cold. The puppy incarnation of the general is too small.

He huddled in Jiang Nanhe's arms, bringing him some warmth. The cold wind was howling outside the temple. Jiang Nanhe seemed to have returned to the day when he was abandoned. The cold wind blowing on his body was so cold and freezing.

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