The sheep staggered out of the temple, shook his half-awake head, looked up at the sky, and found that the sky had turned into daytime without him knowing when.

The night that he had cut through with his own hands seemed to have disappeared.

But everything had changed. The sheep returned to the temple and lay on the straw that looked a little dirty.

He didn't know why he woke up and returned to his home, but he still felt a little sad.

He didn't understand what sadness was, but when he thought of his mother's departure and Jiang Nanhe's disappearance, he couldn't help but feel a wave of throbbing in his heart.

He didn't know when he understood that this was sadness, this was sadness, this was sadness.

The lamb lay in the nest for a while, and then walked around the temple.

He lowered his head and drank the unknown soup in the stone pot. After a few sips, he thought it tasted okay.

He thought of Jiang Nanhe, who would cook green grass soup for him. He wondered where this guy was now and whether he was still alive?

While drinking the soup, the lamb thought about his mother and Jiang Nanhe in his heart.

The figures of the two of them in his mind were very clear, clearer than ever before.

He thought it must be the guy wearing armor and shining who saved him.

In his impression, only that guy could save him.

His mother once told him that the guy was very powerful and asked him to respect him more. If he survived, would Jiang Nanhe be fine?

The only creatures the lamb had seen since he was born, besides his mother, Yang'er, were Jiang Nanhe.

In his eyes, Jiang Nanhe was his family and an inseparable part.

After licking the soup in the stone pot clean, the lamb felt fuller. The soup tasted very special. He had never tasted it before, but it was not unpalatable.

He still liked it a little, and the soup was still a little hot. He guessed that it should be cooked by Jiang Nanhe, right? After all, only Jiang Nanhe could be close to the pot.

After drinking the soup, the lamb stood up and walked towards the direction of the river on the top of the mountain in his memory.

He was dirty for some reason, so he had to wash it.

After all, his hair was stuck together by the black, mud-like thing, and he still felt uncomfortable.

He walked and walked. After eating, his movements were faster than when he just woke up, but he still walked very slowly.

He was still a little weak, but as he was awake for longer and longer, his physical condition seemed to be getting better and better, and the difficulties caused by the serious injury seemed to disappear.

He didn't walk far before he clearly saw Jiang Nanhe sitting by the river.

Jiang Nanhe's small body sat on a stone, so obvious and so clear.

The river reflected layers of light in front of Jiang Nanhe. The cold wind blew the river water and caused some ripples. The clouds in the sky were crushed by the rippling lake water. The light shone there, as if the surrounding scenes became beautiful.

When the lamb saw Jiang Nanhe sitting, his sad mood was swept away and he became excited.

He started running. He ran faster and faster. The horns on his head, which had grown much bigger, seemed to sense his mood and flickered a little.

Jiang Nanhe lay on the stone by the river and basked in the sun. The weather was good today, so he closed his eyes and felt the heat of the sun.

But he seemed to hear something? The sound of running? He turned his head slightly and looked behind him, and found that it was the lamb running.

The lamb was actually well. Jiang Nanhe looked at him with a little excitement. He pulled up the corners of his mouth and chuckled.

But just as he laughed, he realized that something was wrong.

The lamb seemed to be moving very fast, and why was the horn on his head emitting electric light?

Jiang Nanhe's face changed as if he had thought of something, and he looked up and exclaimed.

He wanted to signal the lamb to stop, but the lamb obviously ignored him.

The lamb seemed to hear Jiang Nanhe's voice. It should be that Jiang Nanhe saw him cheering and expressed his joy to him.

So the lamb ran faster, faster and faster, and then the joy on Jiang Nanhe's face faded, and he became a look of no desire.

He and the lamb both fell into the water and floated on the lake. Jiang Nanhe's face was no desire, and the lamb beside him was fluttering happily, circling around Jiang Nanhe, looking so excited that he couldn't move.

Feeling that his body was getting colder and colder, Jiang Nanhe sat up in the lake indignantly,

Then he grabbed the lamb's feet and shook it vigorously.

The lamb was shaken by Jiang Nanhe for a few times, but he was not angry. He stretched out his tongue to lick Jiang Nanhe's cheek.

Jiang Nanhe's anger just now dissipated instantly. He hugged the lamb's body and sighed in his heart that the lamb was alive again, which was really good.

The general came back from hunting and saw the lamb and Jiang Nanhe splashing in the pond. His face behind the mask changed drastically.

Since Jiang Nanhe had a fever last time, he knew that children could easily catch a cold when they came into contact with cold water, so he flew over the pond and looked at the man and the lamb in the pond.

His expression behind the mask was serious. Of course, Jiang Nanhe and the lamb could only see his mask, not his expression.

Seeing him coming, Jiang Nanhe consciously stretched out his hand, and the general stepped forward to take off Jiang Nanhe's coat.

Jiang Nanhe's coat should be washed, and Jiang Nanhe was held naked by the general on the shore. As for the lamb, it was flopping in the lake, trying to wash off the dirt on its body.

The general quickly returned to the temple and took out the soft sheepskin left by the sheep. Then he came to the river bank and used the sheepskin to circle Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe sat by the river, watching the lamb flopping in the river.

Pointing at him, the general came to the river unhappily and lifted the lamb with one hand.

Then he rubbed the lamb's body vigorously with the other hand. Compared with the tall figure of the general, the lamb seemed to be much smaller.

He flopped in the general's hands, but it was useless. In a short while, his body was washed clean by the general, and then he was thrown to the shore by the general.

The lamb shook off the water droplets on his body on the shore and walked to Jiang Nanhe with a cheerful step.

He looked at the sheepskin wrapped around Jiang Nanhe, feeling a little sad. He could smell a familiar smell on it, which should be left by his mother.

He rubbed his body against Jiang Nanhe's, and the sadness in his heart was reduced a lot.

Although his mother had left, he still had Jiang Nanhe and the armored man who would spend all his money to accompany him, and he would continue to protect Jiang Nanhe in the future.

The general washed Jiang Nanhe's dirty coat by the river bank, wrung it out after washing, and hung it on a tree branch, waiting for it to be dried by the wind.

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