After the lamb woke up, Jiang Nanhe and his friends seemed to have some changes in their lives, but also seemed not to have.

The lamb was missing from their lives, but a new member was added.

With the arrival of spring, everything revived, and the forest was rarely bustling.

The puppy incarnation of the general had grown a little bigger these days, and looked more and more handsome.

The guy walked around the forest and subdued a group of younger brothers.

He subdued the group of coyotes in the forest, and Jiang Nanhe didn't know what the point of subduing them was?

However, the general's puppy incarnation followed the group of coyotes out for a run every day, and then brought back a rabbit for Jiang Nanhe. Jiang Nanhe reluctantly accepted this group of little brothers.

Later, the lamb also ran with them, which was the general's request.

The general felt that monsters like lambs should practice more. It is very good to run and jump when they are free to improve their physical fitness.

Since the lamb became a monster, its physical fitness has improved linearly, and it can also understand Jiang Nanhe's meaning more clearly.

This made Jiang Nanhe a little envious. He also wanted to practice, but now he spoke intermittently and couldn't express his opinions.

Besides, he had told the general before, and the general told him not to be too anxious.

According to the general's idea, he planned to let Jiang Nanhe exercise his body when he was older.

Start with martial arts, and then rely on your own experience to practice immortal cultivation techniques.

The general has some things, and Jiang Nanhe doesn't know where they came from.

One morning, the general disappeared for a night and reappeared with a few more books in his hands.

The books contained a lot of content, including ordinary books on learning to recognize characters, two books on cultivation techniques, and several books on martial arts.

Jiang Nanhe has been obsessed with reading them recently, but he doesn't recognize some of the characters.

The characters of this era are very different from those of Jiang Nanhe's era. He can recognize some simple characters with little changes, but the meanings may be different. Most of the others are still difficult to recognize.

The general occasionally takes time to teach Jiang Nanhe to recognize some characters. Jiang Nanhe is quite smart in this regard. After all, he is a soul with normal thoughts in his shell.

However, the general is also very busy, so he doesn't have much time to spare every day.

Every day, the general leads the wolves and lambs to hunt. It's called hunting, but it's actually patrolling the mountains.

Since the general came back late last time, Jiang Nanhe was seriously injured by the mountain ghost and the lamb died, he understood that the mountains must be patrolled.

So he subdued the most aggressive force on Qinshan Mountain, the coyote family. There were not many coyotes, only six in total. The general would take them to familiarize themselves with the environment of Qinshan Mountain.

The general thought that they would not kill the danger in the cradle, but only send a signal to Jiang Nanhe on the top of the mountain to stop the danger when they encountered danger.

In addition to patrolling the mountain, the general also had to cultivate land for Jiang Nanhe on the flat land on the top of the mountain.

This was Jiang Nanhe's request. He had to plant some food. He planned to plant some of the taro he found in the winter.

In addition, there were some other things, such as ordinary herbs. As long as they could be planted, Jiang Nanhe wanted to plant them.

However, the land was still planted with more taro. There were only these foods on the mountain. Jiang Nanhe didn't want to starve in winter.

In addition to cultivating the land, the general had to build a temple. The original temple was relatively small and not enough to live in.

Later, the general thought about it and built another small house to make room for the temple.

This job was actually quite simple. The general originally wanted to build a stone one, but Jiang Nanhe refused, so he finally built a wooden one.

A few large wooden boards were put together and a stable support was added, and the house came out.

Because it was on the top of the mountain, the foundation was buried deep, and the house was relatively stable.

The house was much larger than the temple, and it was still a bit empty for Jiang Nanhe to live alone.

The lamb also moved in. They all left the temple, and the temple suddenly became much emptier. Jiang Nanhe also leveled the potholes in the temple, cleaned up the straw, and thoroughly cleaned the temple.

This temple is the general's temple, Jiang Nanhe will not tear it down or care about anything, and the general is now his patron saint. Jiang Nanhe feels that he has the task of worshiping the general.

The general's temple has changed a lot recently, because spring has arrived, everything has revived, and food is much easier to find, so Jiang Nanhe asked the general to carve a

An incense burner.

At first, the general didn't understand. Jiang Nanhe didn't even have an incense. What's the use of an incense burner?

But later he found that Jiang Nanhe was very smart.

He asked the general to find a tree that can emit a special fragrance, and then grind the tree branches into very fine powder. The general did all this work.

After grinding into powder, Jiang Nanhe used some very thin branches to dip in water, wrapped the powder layer by layer, and then dried it in the shade, and the simple incense stick was made.

When Jiang Nanhe inserted the incense he made into the incense burner and lit it, the general was stunned.

He received the incense smell and Jiang Nanhe's faith clearly, which made his body change slightly.

The general didn't understand at all at that time. He just thought Jiang Nanhe was making trouble at first. After all, he did all the steps himself. Jiang Nanhe just rubbed the incense at the end and lit the incense.

But he received the incense and faith from Jiang Nanhe, which made him feel incredible.

Although the faith and incense were not much, they could indeed increase his strength, and the general was still very satisfied.

Moreover, Jiang Nanhe would also place some tributes on the altar in front of his statue, such as the braised rabbit head and braised rabbit made by Jiang Nanhe using the rabbits they caught themselves.

It was the first time he tasted the taste of food again after many years.

The general missed it very much. He couldn't enjoy the things he made himself, but he could taste the essence of what Jiang Nanhe put on the altar and offered to him sincerely.

The general sighed a lot in his heart, of course, it might be because of his special relationship with Jiang Nanhe.

But he didn't want to delve into the connection. In short, since the arrival of spring, not only Jiang Nanhe's life has improved a lot, but even the general's life has improved.

Moreover, because Jiang Nanhe had eaten well recently, his body had grown very fast. He had grown a little taller and had some flesh on his face. The general thought this was a good sign.

Jiang Nanhe was going to explore the surroundings during this period to see if there were any edible plants or fruit trees around.

If there were, he planned to move them to the top of the mountain. Even if he couldn't move, he was going to remember their location. This was all for the foundation of his future life.

Of course, all these jobs must be done by the general, and Jiang Nanhe just had to speak and give orders.

However, the general was working very hard. Not only was Qinshan well managed by him, but even his blessed land was under the command of Jiang Nanhe, and he was going to reclaim it and plant some food.

Jiang Nanhe had heard from the general that the village at the foot of the mountain had been moved away, leaving only some ruins and dilapidated houses there.

But he believed that there should be some food in the fields, so he took the time to go and see with the general. Sure enough, in the somewhat desolate land, he found some beans, wheat, and some vegetable seedlings.

There weren't many things, and there were few seedlings either. Jiang Nanhe thought about it and decided to let the general plant them in the blessed field.

The blessed field can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Although it's not much, it's better than outside.

These things planted in it should be able to grow well. When they grow and bear seeds, they will be the guarantee of Jiang Nanhe's future life.

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