The general's blessing field is so big that he can't tell the exact size.

How big is the area of ​​the general's blessing field? Even the general himself can't tell.

Not long after he died, his soul suddenly appeared in the blessing field.

The information in the blessing field also gathered in his heart, and he became the master of that strange space from then on.

Not all mountains and rivers can produce blessing fields. Only areas with some opportunities or areas with special environments can produce such a strange existence.

In this mortal kingdom where immortals are not obvious, only some top-notch martial arts masters and a few immortal cultivators appear, the gods are undoubtedly very powerful.

But they are strong and fragile, and these gods rely on the kingdom.

When the country weakens and the kingdom changes, these gods will disappear between heaven and earth, without even the chance to reincarnate.

To say that these gods really have those powerful abilities to change the world, in fact, they do not.

The influence of gods on the real world is very small. If you want to influence the real world, you have to consume incense and faith, but incense and faith are not so easy to obtain.

These are what the general and Jiang Nanhe said, and Jiang Nanhe always felt that it was not the case.

But it is also possible that the area he is in is like this. This area is too desolate and barren, and only some creatures with extraordinary characteristics can exist and survive here.

In Jiang Nanhe's view, when he has the ability to protect himself, when he is older, and when he enters the ranks of cultivation, he will leave here with the general and the lamb, and walk in other directions to take a look.

He does not want to stay on the top of Qinshan Mountain all his life, and live in such a muddleheaded way. The general expressed his support for his idea.

These things were revealed to Jiang Nanhe by the general when Jiang Nanhe asked about the situation of Futian, and it was these information that aroused Jiang Nanhe's desire to travel far.

The reason why he asked this was because Jiang Nanhe wanted to plant something in Futian.

In addition to the food he collected at the foot of the mountain, there was also something similar to taro that he had found on the top of the mountain before, which Jiang Nanhe named taro.

There were also some herbs he found in the mountains, which were life-saving things. In this era of food shortage, eating more means more confidence in survival.

However, the general himself did not know how big Futian was, how wide it was, and how much he could grow.

Jiang Nanhe was very helpless, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Futian was not accessible to everyone. Jiang Nanhe could not enter. Now only the general himself, including his puppy incarnation, could enter Futian.

So all these tasks were put on the general's hands. The general had never seen the area of ​​Futian before and felt it was unnecessary.

But now, since Jiang Nanhe had this need, he carefully checked the Futian and finally gave Jiang Nanhe an accurate size, half a hectare, that is, 50 acres of land.

This is not small, it can even be said to be very large, enough for Jiang Nanhe and others to do many things.

However, most of the land is barren, probably because of the lack of spiritual energy, or because Qinshan is too ordinary.

A lot of land in Futian is harder than stone, and there is much less real soft land that can be planted.

Under the command of Jiang Nanhe, the general reclaimed the land in Futian. Those lands that cannot be used cannot be used at all, and those that can be used are the best land.

In the past, the general only planted some precious herbs, or herbs that he knew.

The only special thing is the peach tree he planted, but now that Jiang Nanhe has other needs, he will definitely plant other things.

If he grows more food, Jiang Nanhe will not starve, will not be afraid of winter, and will be able to grow up well.

Land reclamation is always difficult at first, and the general is the only one working hard, and he doesn't even have any tools.

Although he can touch things in the real world without any scruples with his current body, it is really troublesome to reclaim the land with just the illusory long sword he condensed.

Jiang Nanhe has discovered the magic of the spell "inviting gods" through his own efforts these days.

He began to exert the power of spells from small places, such as sharing vision with the general.

Usually when the general reclaims the land in Futian, he will use this trick to guide the general to reclaim the land.

Vision sharing and sound transmission were discovered by Jiang Nanhe later.

As long as both parties agree, they

They can transmit to each other.

Although Jiang Nanhe had never really done the work of cultivating the land before, he had seen a lot in books and other aspects.

After reading a lot, although he didn't know the true meaning, he could guide the general, and it was not a very serious job.

All you need to do is to plow the land deeply and turn it over several times so that the plants and crops can take root better.

But the general's actions were not very fast. After all, he was the only one who had a long knife to dig the ground for thousands of years.

Jiang Nanhe was also uncomfortable watching it. After all, the knife was very efficient for chopping people, but it was not as good as a shovel for digging the ground.

The general did this for a few days because Jiang Nanhe didn't think of a good way.

It wasn't until Jiang Nanhe found that the general could transform the food he provided to himself into a phantom existence and hold it in his hands to eat that Jiang Nanhe thought of a good way.

The food Jiang Nanhe provided to the general every day was made by the general himself, and it only needed to pass through Jiang Nanhe's hands.

With the incense that Jiang Nanhe made himself, the general could summon the food and taste the flavor.

The food that was absorbed by him would become tasteless. Jiang Nanhe didn't like to eat it, so he threw it to the coyotes.

But Jiang Nanhe discovered this point and found that he could do something about it, so he asked the general to make some simple tools with wood and stone, and then put them on the altar and provided them to the general.

The general was speechless at first because of Jiang Nanhe's action. In fact, he could also use his current body to hold these tools for farming, but it would waste too much energy.

Jiang Nanhe's idea was simply a fantasy in his opinion. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

Jiang Nanhe only needed to hold the offering once, and he could receive those things. This was simply alarmist and unheard of.

But what made the general speechless was that Jiang Nanhe succeeded.

Under the wrapping of the incense that Jiang Nanhe lit, those objects turned into illusory objects and appeared in the general's hands.

However, when the incense burned out, these objects also dissipated with the smoke of the incense.

The general was shocked by Jiang Nanhe's operation. If it weren't for the mask on his face, his image in Jiang Nanhe's mind would definitely collapse.

After all, this thing is so amazing that he didn't expect Jiang Nanhe's "inviting gods" method to be so powerful.

Jiang Nanhe himself was obviously a little surprised, but in addition to being surprised, he was more happy.

He has a new method, how can he not be happy?

Jiang Nanhe experimented again and found that as long as he put the things on the altar with his own hands and lit the incense with his own hands, these things can be wrapped in the fragrance and smoke produced by the burning incense, and turned into illusory objects in the general's hands.

But when the incense disappeared, those objects disappeared, except for the food. For some reason, the food stayed for a long time.

Jiang Nanhe didn't understand the true meaning, but if he didn't understand, he didn't understand. Anyway, this matter was good for both him and the general.

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