The more he studied, the harder it was.

Before he realized how hard it was to study, Jiang Nanhe was still very enthusiastic about studying. But later, he was beaten more often by the general, and his enthusiasm for studying faded a lot, and he began to skip classes.

But every time he skipped classes, the general would hit him, and in the end, he was the one who got hurt, so he could only learn to read with the general in tears.

It was a nice day, with bright sunshine. Jiang Nanhe sat on the top of the mountain, and his wide clothes swayed back and forth in the wind.

He was still very small, and the clothes he wore might be too big. When the cool wind blew, the clothes would sway back and forth, and the cold wind would pour into the clothes and touch his skin, making him feel a little cold.

However, Jiang Nanhe's small body had long been accustomed to this kind of cold weather, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the ground, and the fur of the mountain ghost was spread under him. Now the fur of the mountain ghost was used by Jiang Nanhe as a blanket, which was quite useful.

For example, now when Jiang Nanhe and his friends were studying outside, they could sit on the fur of the mountain ghost instead of sitting directly on the ground.

In front of Jiang Nanhe was a stone mold made by the general for him. The sand in the mold was messy. Jiang Nanhe took a small wooden board to scrape the sand flat, and then took a small wooden stick to write and draw on the sand.

Behind Jiang Nanhe, the lamb was lying down, so that Jiang Nanhe could lean on him at any time. In front of the lamb, there was also a stone mold, but it was smaller than Jiang Nanhe's.

The lamb was biting a wooden stick in his mouth, and was writing and drawing on the sand in the container in front of him with some difficulty. I don't know whether it was written or drawn. The words looked pretty regular, but they were prone to missing arms and legs.

Not far away, the general built a bonfire on the top of the mountain. On the bonfire, he used wood to support a simple rack.

Today, when he went out to patrol the mountain, he caught a pheasant.

At that time, he twisted the pheasant to death with a force. Originally, he wanted Jiang Nanhe to keep it, but now he could only clean it up and take it to the top of the mountain to prepare a roast chicken for Jiang Nanhe.

The general hung the chicken on the rack on the bonfire, lit the bonfire, and paid full attention to the intensity of the burning flames. He turned the bonfire and smoked the processed chicken.

The pheasant was relatively thin. Even though it was spring and food was abundant, this guy still didn't eat too much. Most of his body was bones.

Jiang Nanhe's eyes frequently drifted to the pheasant on the bonfire. He didn't want to eat it, but he saw that the pheasant was smoked by the smoke on the flames in a short time and became black, as if he thought of something.

He suddenly thought that the black smoke from the rising flames seemed to be able to make ink.

He remembered that he had seen some people light a candle and then put a bowl on top of the candle.

When the bowl on the candle was blackened by the black smoke from the burning candle, he used a brush to sweep the ash off the bowl, added water and oil to mix and mix, and a kind of ink was formed.

This simple dyeing ink is easy to make. The general happened to be free now, so Jiang Nanhe had the idea of ​​asking him to make these things.

In his opinion, he lived on the top of the mountain. Although he didn't need ink now, he would need it sooner or later, so it was necessary to prepare some in advance.

Jiang Nanhe patted the sand on his hands, then threw the small wooden stick in his hand on the stone container, stood up and walked towards the general.

His mind and the general's mind were connected again, and the voices in each other's hearts could be heard by each other.

Jiang Nanhe transmitted what he saw, thought, and thought to the general, and wanted to ask if the general could realize his idea?

"General, I suddenly remembered that we can make some simple ink.

And the method is quite simple. Just set up a few more bonfires, and then use special containers to set up on the bonfires, and let the smoke from the bonfires smoke on those containers.

Wait for enough time and then sweep off the black ash on the container, add oil and water, and it will become ink. Do you want to try it?"

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's words and looked at him in surprise. He didn't expect Jiang Nanhe to know how to make ink?

But since Jiang Nanhe proposed his idea, the general would not spoil the fun.

"Of course, you go and write a few words first, and recognize the meaning of those words. I'll go and prepare for a while.

Dig a few pits behind the temple? Throw enough firewood in, and then use stone carving

Carve a few semicircular containers.

Put a support on one side of the stone, and then let the flame burn, and the smoke can be smoked on the stone, right? I understand. I'll do it, you don't have to worry about it. "

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words and scratched his head. In fact, he wanted to take a break.

He was very tired after studying all day.

He started learning at a young age, it was already very hard, okay? So he wanted to work with the general.

But it was obvious that the general would not let him do it.

Although the general did not know how to raise a child, for example, when he was teaching Jiang Nanhe to recognize words now, he would hit Jiang Nanhe's palms and buttocks with a wooden board.

But he undoubtedly loved Jiang Nanhe. He just implemented the experiences and insights in his past memories on Jiang Nanhe.

When he was a child, he was also beaten by his family when he studied, so he thought that teaching children should be the same.

No one told him how to teach children, but his love for Jiang Nanhe would definitely not be less, this is from the heart.

So although he was teaching Jiang Nanhe He was a little strict about recognizing words, but if he was capable in other aspects, he would never let Jiang Nanhe do anything.

For example, now that the weather is good, Jiang Nanhe will think about taking a bath frequently.

In fact, Jiang Nanhe has surpassed the growth rate of ordinary infants and young children. He can now speak ordinary words and express his meaning.

He can also walk, jump, and hop, which is incredible, and he walks quite steadily.

So he can do the job of bathing by himself, but the general doesn't think so. The general thinks he is still young, so he will take care of everything for Jiang Nanhe in an orderly manner.

Before, Jiang Nanhe wanted to plant some things on the top of the mountain by himself, but the general didn't let him plant them. Instead, under Jiang Nanhe's command, he planted those things that he thought were useless one by one.

So he was very strict with Jiang Nanhe. The love of Jiang Nanhe will never be less, but he will not express it correctly. Jiang Nanhe also knows this characteristic and problem of his, so he is quite tolerant of him.

He was beaten and just silently felt wronged in his heart, and then walked out by himself.

The general has never taken care of a child, nor has he raised a child, so it is normal that he does not know how to teach a child.

It is normal that he will bring his childhood experience to Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe feels that he can understand, but he still can't help but give his opinions to the general.

The general occasionally adopts his opinions, occasionally disassembles his opinions, analyzes the shortcomings with him, and then instills some of his own ideas into Jiang Nanhe.

The two of them understand each other, influence each other, and live together with bumps and bumps. Jiang Nanhe feels that it is also That's it.

He was used to being beaten by the general every day. The general would not really beat him too hard. He was very measured. Jiang Nanhe didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the mountain ghost skin, leaning against the lamb, watching the general busy digging a pit, filling it with firewood, and carving thin semicircular containers with stones. He also made a stone shelf for these containers for convenience. These containers stood on the pit.

After doing all this, the general lit the firewood in the dug hole, and the flames rose. After a while, a lot of white smoke came out.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the fire with white smoke and felt that something was wrong. The general also realized the problem. He thought about it and replaced the originally dry firewood with half-wet and half-dry firewood, so that the smoke would be larger.

However, even with the upper container blocking it, the smoke from the burning flames was still blown by the wind on the top of the mountain.

Jiang Nanhe sat for a while, and his eyes became sore from the smoke. He finally understood why candles were used to make this thing in the video he had seen before?

Because candles are easy to control, the small flame and the rising black smoke are also particularly stable, but this one made with a bonfire is simply irritating to the eyes.

In a short while, the entire top of Qinshan Mountain became smoky and smoky, and layers of white smoke rose from the high mountain, which particularly attracted the attention of some beings in the forest, but it was just an attraction, and no creature would rush towards Qinshan.

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