The general said that the oil was boiled from the fat of a rabbit that the general had slaughtered before.

The rabbit was very thin, and the boiled oil was not much, only a little bit. However, Jiang Nanhe did not like this oil and had never used it. Now it is used to mix ink, which is somewhat useful.

After mixing, the color of the ink is relatively light.

The general used the wool of the lamb and made a simple brush with Jiang Nanhe. He dipped it in ink and drew a few pictures on a clean stone.

He found that this thing could indeed be used as ink and was not easy to fade. The general was very satisfied with it and praised Jiang Nanhe for his intelligence.

However, after burning the bonfire for a day, they did not make much ink, and the black ash they collected was also very little. Most of the smoke was blown away by the wind.

This experiment made Jiang Nanhe not know what to say. Seeing that he didn't speak, the general comforted Jiang Nanhe not to be discouraged. After all, this was their first time and they were not experienced enough. They could find a place to continue doing it next time.

Jiang Nanhe was amused by the general's comforting action. The general could accept his mature thoughts, but no matter how he behaved, in the general's eyes, he would always be a child.

The general would keep all his care and patience for children, so he was always kind when he was with Jiang Nanhe.

At first, Jiang Nanhe was a little uncomfortable. After all, no one had ever treated him like this before, even his parents, for some reason, never did this.

But now, in his mind, only occasional fragments show his past memories. He can't even remember his own name and the names of people he used to know. It's not very useful to say that he misses the past.

The general's kindness to him was enough to make him grateful. The days passed smoothly. Jiang Nanhe's daily routine now is to practice calligraphy, learn to read, and wander around the mountains.

He found some wild chestnut trees on the mountain. He recognized this kind of tree, so he was quite surprised when he saw it.

The general said that this kind of tree will grow small thorny fruits. The fruits are not big, and he doesn't know if they can be eaten.

However, there are occasionally some squirrels in the mountains that collect the seeds of these so-called wild chestnut trees in Jiang Nanhe's mouth. This makes Jiang Nanhe know that the wild chestnut trees in this world should also be edible. After all, squirrels can eat them.

The general moved all the edible and inedible plants that Jiang Nanhe found, whether they were wild fruits or other plants, to his space field, and planted and maintained them well. Jiang Nanhe was also looking for medicinal herbs in the mountains, and he was also looking for them happily.

Time passed day by day, and when Jiang Nanhe completely learned the "Hundred Characters" that the general brought, it was summer.

It took Jiang Nanhe several months to learn the commonly used characters and their meanings in this dynasty. The general was very satisfied with his learning progress.

Jiang Nanhe was also very satisfied. He finally didn't have to be punished by the general anymore. Although he didn't know what the general looked like, the general's armor looked particularly cold, solemn and serious.

So when the general's illusory figure stood up straight and looked at him quietly, it looked very oppressive, which made Jiang Nanhe very stressed.

This was also one of his motivations for learning. Now that he finally learned the "Hundred Characters", he could finally be liberated, but in fact, he was too happy too early.

The general's original words were that there was a "Thousand Characters" above the "Hundred Characters", and then there was a "Comprehensive Explanation of Words".

Jiang Nanhe didn't know why there were these books, but he was desperate. Fortunately, the general didn't have the originals of these books, so he could only rely on his memory to give them to Jiang Nanhe, which also caused their learning progress to decline a little.

Jiang Nanhe took advantage of every opportunity and took some time every day to let the general teach him martial arts to exercise his body.

It's not that Jiang Nanhe didn't want to practice the immortal cultivation method. The general had two immortal cultivation methods. Since he learned the "Hundred Characters", he could also understand the general meaning of them.

But their content was too profound and he didn't quite understand it.

The general knew a lot, and he could also explain it to Jiang Nanhe, but the general's original words were that he was too young and it was not the time to practice the immortal cultivation method.

If he really wanted to practice, he would have to wait until he was stronger and older.

Jiang Nanhe asked him when he could practice, but the general couldn't tell him. He only knew that when he practiced before, some people told him that practicing was not the earlier the better, but it had to be appropriate.

But he was only a teenager at the time, and the guy who told him the practice method also said that he was too old and couldn't practice it, so he really didn't know when to practice and what age was the most suitable.

Because when he was still alive, the talent for practice detected was not very good, and he couldn't practice anything, so he naturally didn't care too much about it.

Moreover, in his opinion, no matter whether it was a practitioner or a demon, it couldn't resist the knife and sword in his hand, so although he had some understanding of practice, he didn't know much.

However, the general was very experienced in laying a foundation for Jiang Nanhe's body to practice martial arts. He himself was a martial arts master, and he knew every step of martial arts practice by heart. This was something engraved in the depths of his soul and would not disappear with his death.

Besides, the weather is no longer cold now. In summer, the hot weather is a good time to lay a good foundation for Jiang Nanhe.

So the general began to teach Jiang Nanhe various methods to lay a good foundation for his body before practicing martial arts.

However, these methods must be combined with other things to play a complete effect, such as medicinal baths, drinking medicine, and other massages.

But fortunately, the general knows a lot about these things, and he can help Jiang Nanhe do them.

The herbs for medicinal baths are easy to find at the beginning. There are some on Qinshan Mountain and in the general's blessed fields.

As for the prescriptions for internal use, the general also knows, but these herbs are relatively rare. He can only find a few simple ones and make a relatively simple one for Jiang Nanhe. He can also help Jiang Nanhe with massages.

So on the top of Qinshan Mountain, Jiang Nanhe began to get up early to exercise.

Every day before dawn, when the moon was still hanging in the sky, he was called by the general, and then he wore a bellyband and stood on the top of the mountain to do horse stance.

Jiang Nanhe's small body was shivering in the cold wind on the top of the mountain, and his arms and legs were shaking.

It's not that he didn't want to wear thick clothes, but there wasn't much cloth on the mountain. The simple bib he wore, which looked like a bellyband, was also modified by the general for Jiang Nanhe.

This thing can cover the front of the body when tied on, but it can't cover the back.

However, Jiang Nanhe is a mature person after all, so he tied a bellyband in front and back.

The general didn't understand his behavior. In his opinion, it was normal for a child to run around on the ground wearing a bellyband. Besides, there wasn't so much cloth on the mountain, and Jiang Nanhe had to wear it in front and back, but Jiang Nanhe loved face, and the general magically accepted it.

He looked at Jiang Nanhe who was doing horse stance on the top of the mountain. The small wooden stick in his hand shook a few times. Jiang Nanhe's movements were not standard and he would be beaten. There is no such thing as practicing martial arts without getting beaten. After all, if you want to become a master, you have to learn to get beaten first. This is a process that no one can escape.

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